blob: bad01edcb4961bead2e40fa9ea8c26d7e549d2da [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Silicon Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief The master include file for the Ember
*ApplicationFramework API.
* @addtogroup af Zigbee Application Framework API Reference
* This documentation describes the application programming interface (API)
* for the Zigbee Application Framework.
* The file af.h is the master include file for the Zigbee Application
* Framework modules.
* @{
#pragma once
#define CONFIGURATION_HEADER <app/util/config.h>
#ifdef EZSP_HOST
// Includes needed for ember related functions for the EZSP host
#include "app/util/ezsp/ezsp-protocol.h"
#include "app/util/ezsp/ezsp-utils.h"
#include "app/util/ezsp/ezsp.h"
#include "app/util/ezsp/serial-interface.h"
#include "stack/include/ember-random-api.h"
#include "stack/include/ember-types.h"
#include "stack/include/error.h"
#endif // EZSP_HOST
#include <app/util/af-types.h>
#include <app/util/client-api.h>
#include <app/util/debug-printing.h>
#include <app/util/ember-print.h>
#include <lib/support/SafeInt.h>
/** @name Attribute Storage */
// @{
* @brief locate attribute metadata
* Function returns pointer to the attribute metadata structure,
* or NULL if attribute was not found.
* @param endpoint Zigbee endpoint number.
* @param clusterId Cluster ID of the sought cluster.
* @param attributeId Attribute ID of the sought attribute.
* @return Returns pointer to the attribute metadata location.
EmberAfAttributeMetadata * emberAfLocateAttributeMetadata(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
chip::AttributeId attributeId, uint8_t mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
/** @brief Returns true if the attribute exists. */
bool emberAfContainsAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, chip::AttributeId attributeId, uint8_t mask,
uint16_t manufacturerCode);
#define emberAfContainsAttribute(endpoint, clusterId, attributeId, mask, manufacturerCode) \
(emberAfLocateAttributeMetadata(endpoint, clusterId, attributeId, mask, manufacturerCode) != NULL)
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains a cluster, checking for mfg code.
* This function returns true regardless of whether
* the endpoint contains server, client or both.
* For standard libraries (when ClusterId < FC00),
* the manufacturerCode is ignored.
bool emberAfContainsClusterWithMfgCode(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains the ZCL cluster with specified id.
* This function returns true regardless of whether
* the endpoint contains server, client or both in the Zigbee cluster Library.
* This wraps emberAfContainsClusterWithMfgCode with
* If this function is used with a manufacturer specific clusterId
* then this will return the first cluster that it finds in the Cluster table.
* and will not return any other clusters that share that id.
bool emberAfContainsCluster(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint has cluster server, checking for mfg code.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint contains server of a given cluster.
* For standard librarys (when ClusterId < FC00), the manufacturerCode is ignored.
bool emberAfContainsServerWithMfgCode(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains the ZCL server with specified id.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint contains server of a given cluster.
* This wraps emberAfContainsServer with
* If this function is used with a manufacturer specific clusterId
* then this will return the first cluster that it finds in the Cluster table.
* and will not return any other clusters that share that id.
bool emberAfContainsServer(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains cluster client.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint contains client of a given cluster.
* For standard library clusters (when ClusterId < FC00),
* the manufacturerCode is ignored.
bool emberAfContainsClientWithMfgCode(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains the ZCL client with specified id.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint contains client of a given cluster.
* This wraps emberAfContainsClient with
* If this function is used with a manufacturer specific clusterId
* then this will return the first cluster that it finds in the Cluster table.
* and will not return any other clusters that share that id.
bool emberAfContainsClient(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief write an attribute, performing all the checks.
* This function will attempt to write the attribute value from
* the provided pointer. This function will only check that the
* attribute exists. If it does it will write the value into
* the attribute table for the given attribute.
* This function will not check to see if the attribute is
* writable since the read only / writable characteristic
* of an attribute only pertains to external devices writing
* over the air. Because this function is being called locally
* it assumes that the device knows what it is doing and has permission
* to perform the given operation.
* @see emberAfWriteClientAttribute, emberAfWriteServerAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfWriteAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID, uint8_t mask,
uint8_t * dataPtr, EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief write a cluster server attribute.
* This function is the same as emberAfWriteAttribute
* except that it saves having to pass the cluster mask.
* This is useful for code savings since write attribute
* is used frequently throughout the framework
* @see emberAfWriteClientAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfWriteServerAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID,
uint8_t * dataPtr, EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief write a cluster client attribute.
* This function is the same as emberAfWriteAttribute
* except that it saves having to pass the cluster mask.
* This is useful for code savings since write attribute
* is used frequently throughout the framework
* @see emberAfWriteServerAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfWriteClientAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID,
uint8_t * dataPtr, EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief write a manufacturer specific server attribute.
* This function is the same as emberAfWriteAttribute
* except that it saves having to pass the cluster mask
* and allows passing of a manufacturer code.
* This is useful for code savings since write attribute
* is used frequently throughout the framework
* @see emberAfWriteClientAttribute, emberAfWriteServerAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
chip::AttributeId attributeID, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * dataPtr, EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief write a manufacturer specific client attribute.
* This function is the same as emberAfWriteAttribute
* except that it saves having to pass the cluster mask.
* and allows passing of a manufacturer code.
* This is useful for code savings since write attribute
* is used frequently throughout the framework
* @see emberAfWriteClientAttribute, emberAfWriteServerAttribute,
* emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfWriteManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
chip::AttributeId attributeID, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * dataPtr, EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief Function that test the success of attribute write.
* This function returns success if attribute write would be successful.
* It does not actually write anything, just validates for read-only and
* data-type.
* @param endpoint Zigbee endpoint number
* @param cluster Cluster ID of the sought cluster.
* @param attributeID Attribute ID of the sought attribute.
* @param dataPtr Location where attribute will be written from.
* @param dataType ZCL attribute type.
EmberAfStatus emberAfVerifyAttributeWrite(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID,
uint8_t mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode, uint8_t * dataPtr,
EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief Read the attribute value, performing all the checks.
* This function will attempt to read the attribute and store
* it into the pointer. It will also read the data type.
* Both dataPtr and dataType may be NULL, signifying that either
* value or type is not desired.
* @see emberAfReadClientAttribute, emberAfReadServerAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfReadAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID, uint8_t mask,
uint8_t * dataPtr, uint16_t readLength, EmberAfAttributeType * dataType);
* @brief Read the server attribute value, performing all the checks.
* This function will attempt to read the attribute and store
* it into the pointer. It will also read the data type.
* Both dataPtr and dataType may be NULL, signifying that either
* value or type is not desired.
* @see emberAfReadClientAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfReadServerAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID,
uint8_t * dataPtr, uint16_t readLength);
* @brief Read the client attribute value, performing all the checks.
* This function will attempt to read the attribute and store
* it into the pointer. It will also read the data type.
* Both dataPtr and dataType may be NULL, signifying that either
* value or type is not desired.
* @see emberAfReadServerAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfReadClientAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::AttributeId attributeID,
uint8_t * dataPtr, uint16_t readLength);
* @brief Read the manufacturer-specific server attribute value, performing all checks.
* This function will attempt to read the attribute and store
* it into the pointer. It will also read the data type.
* Both dataPtr and dataType may be NULL, signifying that either
* value or type is not desired.
* @see emberAfReadClientAttribute, emberAfReadServerAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
chip::AttributeId attributeID, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * dataPtr, uint16_t readLength);
* @brief Read the manufacturer-specific client attribute value, performing all checks.
* This function will attempt to read the attribute and store
* it into the pointer. It will also read the data type.
* Both dataPtr and dataType may be NULL, signifying that either
* value or type is not desired.
* @see emberAfReadClientAttribute, emberAfReadServerAttribute,
* emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificServerAttribute
EmberAfStatus emberAfReadManufacturerSpecificClientAttribute(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
chip::AttributeId attributeID, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * dataPtr, uint16_t readLength);
* @brief this function returns the size of the ZCL data in bytes.
* @param dataType Zcl data type
* @return size in bytes or 0 if invalid data type
uint8_t emberAfGetDataSize(uint8_t dataType);
* @brief macro that returns true if the cluster is in the manufacturer specific range
* @param cluster EmberAfCluster* to consider
#define emberAfClusterIsManufacturerSpecific(cluster) ((cluster)->clusterId >= 0xFC00)
* @brief macro that returns true if attribute is read only.
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeIsReadOnly(metadata) (((metadata)->mask & ATTRIBUTE_MASK_WRITABLE) == 0)
* @brief macro that returns true if client attribute, and false if server.
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeIsClient(metadata) (((metadata)->mask & ATTRIBUTE_MASK_CLIENT) != 0)
* @brief macro that returns true if attribute is saved to token.
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeIsTokenized(metadata) (((metadata)->mask & ATTRIBUTE_MASK_TOKENIZE) != 0)
* @brief macro that returns true if attribute is saved in external storage.
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeIsExternal(metadata) (((metadata)->mask & ATTRIBUTE_MASK_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != 0)
* @brief macro that returns true if attribute is a singleton
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeIsSingleton(metadata) (((metadata)->mask & ATTRIBUTE_MASK_SINGLETON) != 0)
* @brief macro that returns true if attribute is manufacturer specific
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeIsManufacturerSpecific(metadata) (((metadata)->mask & ATTRIBUTE_MASK_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC) != 0)
* @brief macro that returns size of attribute in bytes.
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeSize(metadata) ((metadata)->size)
// master array of all defined endpoints
extern EmberAfDefinedEndpoint emAfEndpoints[];
* @brief Macro that takes index of endpoint, and returns Zigbee endpoint
chip::EndpointId emberAfEndpointFromIndex(uint16_t index);
* Returns the index of a given endpoint
uint16_t emberAfIndexFromEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* Returns the index of a given endpoint; Does not ignore disabled endpoints
uint16_t emberAfIndexFromEndpointIncludingDisabledEndpoints(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* Returns the endpoint index within a given cluster (Client-side),
* looking only for standard clusters.
uint16_t emberAfFindClusterClientEndpointIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* Returns the endpoint index within a given cluster (Server-side),
* looking only for standard clusters.
uint16_t emberAfFindClusterServerEndpointIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief Macro that takes index of endpoint, and returns device Id for it
#define emberAfDeviceIdFromIndex(index) (emAfEndpoints[(index)].deviceId)
* @brief Macro that takes index of endpoint, and returns device version for it
#define emberAfDeviceVersionFromIndex(index) (emAfEndpoints[(index)].deviceVersion)
* @brief Macro that takes index of endpoint, and returns network index for it
#define emberAfNetworkIndexFromEndpointIndex(index) (emAfEndpoints[(index)].networkIndex)
* @brief Macro that returns the primary endpoint.
#define emberAfPrimaryEndpoint() (emAfEndpoints[0].endpoint)
* @brief Returns the total number of endpoints (dynamic and pre-compiled).
uint16_t emberAfEndpointCount(void);
* @brief Returns the number of pre-compiled endpoints.
uint16_t emberAfFixedEndpointCount(void);
* Data types are either analog or discrete. This makes a difference for
* some of the ZCL global commands
* @brief Returns the type of the attribute, either ANALOG, DISCRETE or NONE
uint8_t emberAfGetAttributeAnalogOrDiscreteType(uint8_t dataType);
*@brief Returns true if type is signed, false otherwise.
bool emberAfIsTypeSigned(EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief Function that extracts a 64-bit integer from the message buffer
uint64_t emberAfGetInt64u(const uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen);
#define emberAfGetInt64s(message, currentIndex, msgLen) chip::CastToSigned(emberAfGetInt64u(message, currentIndex, msgLen))
* @brief Function that extracts a 32-bit integer from the message buffer
uint32_t emberAfGetInt32u(const uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen);
#define emberAfGetInt32s(message, currentIndex, msgLen) chip::CastToSigned(emberAfGetInt32u(message, currentIndex, msgLen))
* @brief Function that extracts a 24-bit integer from the message buffer
uint32_t emberAfGetInt24u(const uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen);
#define emberAfGetInt24s(message, currentIndex, msgLen) chip::CastToSigned(emberAfGetInt24u(message, currentIndex, msgLen))
* @brief Function that extracts a 16-bit integer from the message buffer
uint16_t emberAfGetInt16u(const uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen);
#define emberAfGetInt16s(message, currentIndex, msgLen) chip::CastToSigned(emberAfGetInt16u(message, currentIndex, msgLen))
* @brief Function that extracts a ZCL string from the message buffer
uint8_t * emberAfGetString(uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen);
* @brief Function that extracts a ZCL long string from the message buffer
uint8_t * emberAfGetLongString(uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen);
* @brief Function that extracts a ZCL Date from the message buffer and returns it
* in the given destination. Returns the number of bytes copied.
uint8_t emberAfGetDate(uint8_t * message, uint16_t currentIndex, uint16_t msgLen, EmberAfDate * destination);
* @brief Macro for consistency, that extracts single byte out of the message
#define emberAfGetInt8u(message, currentIndex, msgLen) message[currentIndex]
#define emberAfGetInt8s(message, currentIndex, msgLen) chip::CastToSigned(emberAfGetInt8u(message, currentIndex, msgLen))
* @brief Macro for consistency that copies a uint8_t from variable into buffer.
#define emberAfCopyInt8u(data, index, x) (data[index] = (x))
* @brief function that copies a uint16_t value into a buffer
void emberAfCopyInt16u(uint8_t * data, uint16_t index, uint16_t x);
* @brief function that copies a uint24_t value into a buffer
void emberAfCopyInt24u(uint8_t * data, uint16_t index, uint32_t x);
* @brief function that copies a uint32_t value into a buffer
void emberAfCopyInt32u(uint8_t * data, uint16_t index, uint32_t x);
* @brief Function that copies a ZCL string type into a buffer. The size
* parameter should indicate the maximum number of characters to copy to the
* destination buffer not including the length byte.
void emberAfCopyString(uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, uint8_t size);
* @brief Function that copies a ZCL long string into a buffer. The size
* parameter should indicate the maximum number of characters to copy to the
* destination buffer not including the length bytes.
void emberAfCopyLongString(uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, uint16_t size);
* @brief Function that determines the length of a zigbee Cluster Library string
* (where the first byte is assumed to be the length).
uint8_t emberAfStringLength(const uint8_t * buffer);
* @brief Function that determines the length of a zigbee Cluster Library long string.
* (where the first two bytes are assumed to be the length).
uint16_t emberAfLongStringLength(const uint8_t * buffer);
* @brief Function that copies (part of) a ZCL typed list into a buffer. The index parameter
* may indicate a specific member of the list, or the list length, or the whole list if it
* is equal to -1.
* Individual elements may be accessed by an index of type 16-bit unsigned integer.
* Elements are numbered from 1 upwards. The element with index 0 is always of type
* uint16, and holds the number of elements contained in the list, which may be zero.
* If the zeroth element contains 0xffff, the list is a non value and is considered
* undefined.
* When writing, dest points to the list to write to, src points to the value to write, and index is the index to write at.
* When reading (i.e write is false), dest is the location to read into, src points to the list, and index is the index to read
* from.
* When reading or writing if the index leads to read or write outside of the
* allocated size for the list, this function will return 0.
* @return The number of bytes copied
uint16_t emberAfCopyList(chip::ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfAttributeMetadata * am, bool write, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t * src,
int32_t index);
* @brief Function that determines the size of a zigbee Cluster Library
* attribute value (where the attribute could be non-string, string, or long
* string). For strings, the size includes the length of the string plus the
* number of the string's length prefix byte(s).
uint16_t emberAfAttributeValueSize(chip::ClusterId clusterId, chip::AttributeId attributeId, EmberAfAttributeType dataType,
const uint8_t * buffer);
* @brief Function that determines the size of a zigbee Cluster Library
* attribute List[T] where T could be of any type.
* The size is expressed in bytes, and includes the used length consumed
* by list entries plus the 2 bytes used to represent the number of actual
* entries in the list.
uint16_t emberAfAttributeValueListSize(chip::ClusterId clusterId, chip::AttributeId attributeId, const uint8_t * buffer);
/** @} END Attribute Storage */
/** @name Device Control */
// @{
* @brief Function that checks if endpoint is enabled.
* This function returns true if device at a given endpoint is
* enabled. At startup all endpoints are enabled.
* @param endpoint Zigbee endpoint number
bool emberAfIsDeviceEnabled(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Function that checks if endpoint is identifying
* This function returns true if device at a given endpoint is
* identifying.
* @param endpoint Zigbee endpoint number
bool emberAfIsDeviceIdentifying(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Function that enables or disables an endpoint.
* By calling this function, you turn off all processing of incoming traffic
* for a given endpoint.
* @param endpoint Zigbee endpoint number
void emberAfSetDeviceEnabled(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool enabled);
/** @} END Device Control */
/** @name Miscellaneous */
// @{
* @brief Enable/disable endpoints
bool emberAfEndpointEnableDisable(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool enable);
* @brief Determine if an endpoint at the specified index is enabled or disabled
bool emberAfEndpointIndexIsEnabled(uint16_t index);
* @brief Returns true if a given ZCL data type is a string type.
* You should use this function if you need to perform a different
* memory operation on a certain attribute because it is a string type.
* Since ZCL strings carry length as the first byte(s), it is often required
* to treat them differently than regular data types.
* @return true if data type is a string.
bool emberAfIsThisDataTypeAStringType(EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
/** @brief Returns true if the given attribute type is a string. */
bool emberAfIsStringAttributeType(EmberAfAttributeType attributeType);
/** @brief Returns true if the given attribute type is a long string. */
bool emberAfIsLongStringAttributeType(EmberAfAttributeType attributeType);
/** @brief Returns true if a given ZCL data type is a list type. */
bool emberAfIsThisDataTypeAListType(EmberAfAttributeType dataType);
* @brief The mask applied by ::emberAfNextSequence when generating ZCL
* sequence numbers.
* @brief The mask applied to generated message tags used by the framework when sending messages via EZSP.
* Customers who call ezspSend functions directly must use message tags outside this mask
* @brief Increments the ZCL sequence number and returns the value.
* ZCL messages have sequence numbers so that they can be matched up with other
* messages in the transaction. To avoid conflicts with sequence numbers
* generated independently by the application, this API returns sequence
* numbers with the high bit clear. If the application generates its own
* sequence numbers, it should use numbers with the high bit set.
* @return The next ZCL sequence number.
uint8_t emberAfNextSequence(void);
* @brief Retrieves the last sequence number that was used.
uint8_t emberAfGetLastSequenceNumber(void);
* @brief Simple integer comparison function.
* Compares two values of a known length as integers.
* Signed integer comparison are supported for numbers with length of
* 4 (bytes) or less.
* The integers are in native endianness.
* @return -1, if val1 is smaller
* 0, if they are the same or if two negative numbers with length
* greater than 4 is being compared
* 1, if val2 is smaller.
int8_t emberAfCompareValues(uint8_t * val1, uint8_t * val2, uint16_t len, bool signedNumber);
* @brief populates the passed EUI64 with the local EUI64 MAC address.
void emberAfGetEui64(EmberEUI64 returnEui64);
#if (BIGENDIAN_CPU) || defined(EZSP_HOST)
// Normally this is provided by the stack code, but on the host
// it is provided by the application code.
void emberReverseMemCopy(uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, uint16_t length);
* @brief Returns the node ID of the local node.
EmberNodeId emberAfGetNodeId(void);
#if defined(DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS) || defined(EZSP_HOST)
* @brief Generates a random key (link, network, or master).
EmberStatus emberAfGenerateRandomKey(EmberKeyData * result);
#define emberAfGenerateRandomKey(result) emberGenerateRandomKey(result)
* @brief Returns the PAN ID of the local node.
EmberPanId emberAfGetPanId(void);
* @brief Returns the radioChannel of the current network
uint8_t emberAfGetRadioChannel(void);
* @brief Returns a binding index that matches the current incoming message, if
* known.
uint8_t emberAfGetBindingIndex(void);
* @brief Returns an address index that matches the current incoming message,
* if known.
uint8_t emberAfGetAddressIndex(void);
* @brief Returns the current network state. This call caches the results
* on the host to prevent frequent EZSP transactions.
EmberNetworkStatus emberAfNetworkState(void);
* @brief Get this node's radio channel for the current network.
uint8_t emberAfGetRadioChannel(void);
* @brief Returns the current network parameters.
EmberStatus emberAfGetNetworkParameters(EmberNodeType * nodeType, EmberNetworkParameters * parameters);
* @brief Returns the current node type.
EmberStatus emberAfGetNodeType(EmberNodeType * nodeType);
* @brief Enables local permit join and optionally broadcasts the ZDO
* Mgmt_Permit_Join_req message. This API can be called from any device
* type and still return EMBER_SUCCESS. If the API is called from an
* end device, the permit association bit will just be left off.
* @param duration the duration that the permit join bit will remain on
* and other devices will be able to join the current network.
* @param broadcastMgmtPermitJoin whether or not to broadcast the ZDO
* Mgmt_Permit_Join_req message.
* @returns status of whether or not permit join was enabled.
EmberStatus emberAfPermitJoin(uint8_t duration, bool broadcastMgmtPermitJoin);
* @brief Enables local permit join and broadcasts the ZDO
* Mgmt_Permit_Join_req message. This API can be called from any device
* type and still return EMBER_SUCCESS. If the API is called from an
* end device, the permit association bit will just be left off.
* @param duration the duration that the permit join bit will remain on
* and other devices will be able to join the current network.
* @returns status of whether or not permit join was enabled.
EmberStatus emberAfBroadcastPermitJoin(uint8_t duration);
#define emberAfBroadcastPermitJoin(duration) emberAfPermitJoin((duration), true)
/** @} END Miscellaneous */
/** @name Sleep Control */
* @brief A function used to add a task to the task register.
#define emberAfAddToCurrentAppTasks(x) emberAfAddToCurrentAppTasksCallback(x)
* @brief A function used to remove a task from the task register.
#define emberAfRemoveFromCurrentAppTasks(x) emberAfRemoveFromCurrentAppTasksCallback(x)
* @brief A macro used to retrieve the bitmask of all application
* frameowrk tasks currently in progress. This can be useful for debugging if
* some task is holding the device out of hibernation.
#define emberAfCurrentAppTasks() emberAfGetCurrentAppTasksCallback()
* @brief a function used to run the application framework's
* event mechanism. This function passes the application
* framework's event tables to the ember stack's event
* processing code.
void emberAfRunEvents(void);
* @brief Friendly define for use in the scheduling or canceling client events
* with emberAfScheduleClusterTick() and emberAfDeactivateClusterTick().
* @brief Friendly define for use in the scheduling or canceling server events
* with emberAfScheduleClusterTick() and emberAfDeactivateClusterTick().
* @brief This function is used to schedule a cluster-related event inside the
* application framework's event mechanism. This function provides a wrapper
* for the Ember stack event mechanism which allows the cluster code to access
* its events by their endpoint, cluster id, and client/server identity. The
* passed poll and sleep controls allow the cluster to indicate whether it
* needs to long or short poll and whether it needs to stay awake or if it can
* sleep.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be scheduled.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be scheduled.
* @param isClient ::EMBER_AF_CLIENT_CLUSTER_TICK if the event to be scheduled
* is associated with a client cluster or ::EMBER_AF_SERVER_CLUSTER_TICK
* otherwise.
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the event should be called.
* @param pollControl ::EMBER_AF_SHORT_POLL if the cluster needs to short poll
* or ::EMBER_AF_LONG_POLL otherwise.
* @param sleepControl ::EMBER_AF_STAY_AWAKE if the cluster needs to stay awake
* or EMBER_AF_OK_TO_SLEEP otherwise.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was scheduled or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfScheduleTickExtended(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, bool isClient, uint32_t delayMs,
EmberAfEventPollControl pollControl, EmberAfEventSleepControl sleepControl);
* @brief This function is used to schedule a cluster-related event inside the
* This function is a wrapper for ::emberAfScheduleTickExtended. The cluster
* on the given endpoint will be set to long poll if sleepControl is set to
* ::EMBER_AF_OK_TO_HIBERNATE or will be set to short poll otherwise. It will
* stay awake if sleepControl is ::EMBER_AF_STAY_AWAKE and will sleep
* otherwise.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be scheduled.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be scheduled.
* @param isClient ::EMBER_AF_CLIENT_CLUSTER_TICK if the event to be scheduled
* is associated with a client cluster or ::EMBER_AF_SERVER_CLUSTER_TICK
* otherwise.
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the event should be called.
* @param sleepControl the priority of the event, what the processor should
* be allowed to do in terms of sleeping while the event is active.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was scheduled or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfScheduleClusterTick(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, bool isClient, uint32_t delayMs,
EmberAfEventSleepControl sleepControl);
* @brief A function used to schedule a cluster client event. This function
* is a wrapper for ::emberAfScheduleTickExtended.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be scheduled
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be scheduled
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the event should be called.
* @param pollControl ::EMBER_AF_SHORT_POLL if the cluster needs to short poll
* or ::EMBER_AF_LONG_POLL otherwise.
* @param sleepControl ::EMBER_AF_STAY_AWAKE if the cluster needs to stay awake
* or EMBER_AF_OK_TO_SLEEP otherwise.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was scheduled or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfScheduleClientTickExtended(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint32_t delayMs,
EmberAfEventPollControl pollControl, EmberAfEventSleepControl sleepControl);
* @brief A function used to schedule a cluster client event. This function
* is a wrapper for ::emberAfScheduleClientTickExtended. It indicates that
* the cluster client on the given endpoint can long poll and can sleep.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be scheduled.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be scheduled.
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the event should be called.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was scheduled or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfScheduleClientTick(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint32_t delayMs);
* @brief A function used to schedule a cluster server event. This function
* is a wrapper for ::emberAfScheduleTickExtended.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be scheduled.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be scheduled.
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the event should be called.
* @param pollControl ::EMBER_AF_SHORT_POLL if the cluster needs to short poll
* or ::EMBER_AF_LONG_POLL otherwise.
* @param sleepControl ::EMBER_AF_STAY_AWAKE if the cluster needs to stay awake
* or EMBER_AF_OK_TO_SLEEP otherwise.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was scheduled or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfScheduleServerTickExtended(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint32_t delayMs,
EmberAfEventPollControl pollControl, EmberAfEventSleepControl sleepControl);
* @brief A function used to schedule a cluster server event. This function
* is a wrapper for ::emberAfScheduleServerTickExtended. It indicates that
* the cluster server on the given endpoint can long poll and can sleep.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be scheduled
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be scheduled.
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the event should be called.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was scheduled or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfScheduleServerTick(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint32_t delayMs);
* @brief A function used to deactivate a cluster-related event. This function
* provides a wrapper for the Ember stack's event mechanism which allows an
* event to be accessed by its endpoint, cluster id, and client/server
* identity.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be deactivated.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be deactivated.
* @param isClient ::EMBER_AF_CLIENT_CLUSTER_TICK if the event to be
* deactivated is a client cluster ::EMBER_AF_SERVER_CLUSTER_TICK
* otherwise.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was deactivated or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfDeactivateClusterTick(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, bool isClient);
* @brief A function used to deactivate a cluster client event. This function
* is a wrapper for ::emberAfDeactivateClusterTick.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be deactivated.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be deactivated.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was deactivated or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfDeactivateClientTick(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief A function used to deactivate a cluster server event. This function
* is a wrapper for ::emberAfDeactivateClusterTick.
* @param endpoint the endpoint of the event to be deactivated.
* @param clusterId the cluster id of the event to be deactivated.
* @return EMBER_SUCCESS if the event was deactivated or an error otherwise.
EmberStatus emberAfDeactivateServerTick(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl to run "delayMs" milliseconds in the
* future. This function first verifies that the delay is within the
* acceptable range before scheduling the event.
* @param control a pointer to the event control.
* @param delayMs the number of milliseconds until the next event.
* @return If delayMs is less than or equal to
::EMBER_MAX_EVENT_CONTROL_DELAY_MS, this function will schedule the
event and return ::EMBER_SUCCESS. Otherwise it will return
EmberStatus emberEventControlSetDelayMS(EmberEventControl * control, uint32_t delayMs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl to run "delayQs" quarter seconds in the
* future. The 'quarter seconds' are actually 256 milliseconds long. This
* function first verifies that the delay is within the acceptable range before
* scheduling the event.
* @param control a pointer to the event control.
* @param delayQs the number of quarter seconds until the next event.
* @return If delayQs is less than or equal to
::EMBER_MAX_EVENT_CONTROL_DELAY_QS, this function will schedule the
event and return ::EMBER_SUCCESS. Otherwise it will return
EmberStatus emberAfEventControlSetDelayQS(EmberEventControl * control, uint32_t delayQs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl to run "delayM" minutes in the future.
* The 'minutes' are actually 65536 (0x10000) milliseconds long. This function
* first verifies that the delay is within the acceptable range before
* scheduling the event.
* @param control a pointer to the event control.
* @param delayM the number of minutes until the next event.
* @return If delayM is less than or equal to
::EMBER_MAX_EVENT_CONTROL_DELAY_MINUTES, this function will schedule
the event and return ::EMBER_SUCCESS. Otherwise it will return
EmberStatus emberAfEventControlSetDelayMinutes(EmberEventControl * control, uint16_t delayM);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the current network, and only
* the current network, as inactive. See ::emberEventControlSetInactive.
void emberAfNetworkEventControlSetInactive(EmberEventControl * controls);
* @brief Returns true if the event for the current network, and only the
* current network, is active. See ::emberEventControlGetActive.
bool emberAfNetworkEventControlGetActive(EmberEventControl * controls);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the current network, and only
* current network, to run at the next available opportunity. See
* ::emberEventControlSetActive.
void emberAfNetworkEventControlSetActive(EmberEventControl * controls);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the current network, and only the
* current network, to run "delayMs" milliseconds in the future. See
* ::emberEventControlSetDelayMS.
EmberStatus emberAfNetworkEventControlSetDelayMS(EmberEventControl * controls, uint32_t delayMs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the current network, and only the
* current network, to run "delayMs" milliseconds in the future. See
* ::emberEventControlSetDelayMS.
EmberStatus emberAfNetworkEventControlSetDelay(EmberEventControl * controls, uint32_t delayMs);
#define emberAfNetworkEventControlSetDelay(controls, delayMs) emberAfNetworkEventControlSetDelayMS(controls, delayMs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the current network, and only the
* current network, to run "delayQs" quarter seconds in the future. See
* ::emberAfEventControlSetDelayQS.
EmberStatus emberAfNetworkEventControlSetDelayQS(EmberEventControl * controls, uint32_t delayQs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the current network, and only the
* current network, to run "delayM" minutes in the future. See
* ::emberAfEventControlSetDelayMinutes.
EmberStatus emberAfNetworkEventControlSetDelayMinutes(EmberEventControl * controls, uint16_t delayM);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the specified endpoint as inactive.
* See ::emberEventControlSetInactive.
EmberStatus emberAfEndpointEventControlSetInactive(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Returns true if the event for the current number is active. See
* ::emberEventControlGetActive.
bool emberAfEndpointEventControlGetActive(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the specified endpoint to run at the
* next available opportunity. See ::emberEventControlSetActive.
EmberStatus emberAfEndpointEventControlSetActive(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the specified endpoint to run
* "delayMs" milliseconds in the future. See ::emberEventControlSetDelayMS.
EmberStatus emberAfEndpointEventControlSetDelayMS(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint32_t delayMs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the specified endpoint to run
* "delayMs" milliseconds in the future. See ::emberEventControlSetDelayMS.
EmberStatus emberAfEndpointEventControlSetDelay(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint32_t delayMs);
#define emberAfEndpointEventControlSetDelay(controls, endpoint, delayMs) \
emberAfEndpointEventControlSetDelayMS(controls, endpoint, delayMs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the specified endpoint to run
* "delayQs" quarter seconds in the future. See
* ::emberAfEventControlSetDelayQS.
EmberStatus emberAfEndpointEventControlSetDelayQS(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint32_t delayQs);
* @brief Sets the ::EmberEventControl for the specified endpoint to run
* "delayM" minutes in the future. See ::emberAfEventControlSetDelayMinutes.
EmberStatus emberAfEndpointEventControlSetDelayMinutes(EmberEventControl * controls, chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint16_t delayM);
* @brief A function used to retrieve the number of milliseconds until
* the next event scheduled in the application framework's event
* mechanism.
* @param maxMs the maximum number of milliseconds until the next
* event.
* @return The number of milliseconds until the next event or
* maxMs if no event is scheduled before then.
uint32_t emberAfMsToNextEvent(uint32_t maxMs);
/** @brief This is the same as the function emberAfMsToNextEvent() with the
* following addition. If returnIndex is non-NULL it returns the index
* of the event that is ready to fire next.
uint32_t emberAfMsToNextEventExtended(uint32_t maxMs, uint8_t * returnIndex);
* @brief A function used to retrieve the number of quarter seconds until
* the next event scheduled in the application framework's event
* mechanism. This function will round down and will return 0 if the
* next event must fire within a quarter second.
* @param maxQS, the maximum number of quarter seconds until the next
* event.
* @return The number of quarter seconds until the next event or
* maxQS if no event is scheduled before then.
#define emberAfQSToNextEvent(maxQS) \
* @brief A function for retrieving the most restrictive sleep
* control value for all scheduled events. This function is
* used by emberAfOkToNap and emberAfOkToHibernate to makes sure
* that there are no events scheduled which will keep the device
* from hibernating or napping.
* @return The most restrictive sleep control value for all
* scheduled events or the value returned by
* emberAfGetDefaultSleepControl()
* if no events are currently scheduled. The default
* sleep control value is initialized to
* EMBER_AF_OK_TO_HIBERNATE but can be changed at any
* time using the emberAfSetDefaultSleepControl() function.
#define emberAfGetCurrentSleepControl() emberAfGetCurrentSleepControlCallback()
* @brief A function for setting the default sleep control
* value against which all scheduled event sleep control
* values will be evaluated. This can be used to keep
* a device awake for an extended period of time by setting
* the default to EMBER_AF_STAY_AWAKE and then resetting
* the value to EMBER_AF_OK_TO_HIBERNATE once the wake
* period is complete.
#define emberAfSetDefaultSleepControl(x) emberAfSetDefaultSleepControlCallback(x)
* @brief A function used to retrieve the default sleep control against
* which all event sleep control values are evaluated. The
* default sleep control value is initialized to
* EMBER_AF_OK_TO_HIBERNATE but can be changed by the application
* at any time using the emberAfSetDefaultSleepControl() function.
* @return The current default sleep control value.
#define emberAfGetDefaultSleepControl() emberAfGetDefaultSleepControlCallback()
/** @} END Sleep Control */
/** @name Messaging */
// @{
* @brief This function sends a ZCL response, based on the information
* that is currently in the outgoing buffer. It is expected that a complete
* ZCL message is present, including header. The application may use
* this method directly from within the message handling function
* and associated callbacks. However this will result in the
* response being sent before the APS Ack is sent which is not
* ideal.
* NOTE: This will overwrite the ZCL sequence number of the message
* to use the LAST received sequence number.
EmberStatus emberAfSendResponse(void);
* @brief Send ZCL response with attached message sent callback
EmberStatus emberAfSendResponseWithCallback(EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends multicast.
EmberStatus emberAfSendMulticast(chip::GroupId multicastId, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message);
* @brief Multicasts the message to the group in the binding table that
* matches the cluster and source endpoint in the APS frame. Note: if the
* binding table contains many matching entries, calling this API cause a
* significant amount of network traffic. Care should be taken when considering
* the effects of broadcasts in a network.
EmberStatus emberAfSendMulticastToBindings(EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message);
* @brief Sends Multicast with alias with attached message sent callback
EmberStatus emberAfSendMulticastWithAliasWithCallback(chip::GroupId multicastId, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength,
uint8_t * message, EmberNodeId alias, uint8_t sequence,
EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends multicast with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendMulticastWithCallback(chip::GroupId multicastId, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength,
uint8_t * message, EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends broadcast.
// EmberStatus emberAfSendBroadcast(EmberNodeId destination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message);
* @brief Sends broadcast with attached message sent callback.
// EmberStatus emberAfSendBroadcastWithCallback(EmberNodeId destination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength,
// uint8_t * message, EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends broadcast with alias with attached message sent callback.
// EmberStatus emberAfSendBroadcastWithAliasWithCallback(EmberNodeId destination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength,
// uint8_t * message, EmberNodeId alias, uint8_t sequence,
// EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends unicast.
EmberStatus emberAfSendUnicast(const chip::MessageSendDestination & destination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength,
uint8_t * message);
* @brief Sends unicast with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendUnicastWithCallback(const chip::MessageSendDestination & destination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame,
uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message, EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Unicasts the message to each remote node in the binding table that
* matches the cluster and source endpoint in the APS frame. Note: if the
* binding table contains many matching entries, calling this API cause a
* significant amount of network traffic.
EmberStatus emberAfSendUnicastToBindings(EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message);
* @brief emberAfSendUnicastToBindings with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendUnicastToBindingsWithCallback(EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message,
EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends interpan message.
EmberStatus emberAfSendInterPan(EmberPanId panId, const EmberEUI64 destinationLongId, EmberNodeId destinationShortId,
chip::GroupId multicastId, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint16_t messageLength,
uint8_t * messageBytes);
* @brief Sends end device binding request.
EmberStatus emberAfSendEndDeviceBind(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API. It
* will be sent as unicast to each remote node in the binding table that
* matches the cluster and source endpoint in the APS frame. Note: if the
* binding table contains many matching entries, calling this API cause a
* significant amount of network traffic.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandUnicastToBindings(void);
* @brief emberAfSendCommandUnicastToBindings with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandUnicastToBindingsWithCallback(EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API. It
* will be sent as multicast.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandMulticast(chip::GroupId multicastId);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API. It
* will be sent as multicast.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandMulticastWithAlias(chip::GroupId multicastId, EmberNodeId alias, uint8_t sequence);
* @brief emberAfSendCommandMulticast with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandMulticastWithCallback(chip::GroupId multicastId, EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API. It
* will be sent as multicast to the group specified in the binding table that
* matches the cluster and source endpoint in the APS frame. Note: if the
* binding table contains many matching entries, calling this API cause a
* significant amount of network traffic.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandMulticastToBindings(void);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API.
* It will be sent as unicast.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandUnicast(const chip::MessageSendDestination & destination);
* @brief emberAfSendCommandUnicast with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandUnicastWithCallback(const chip::MessageSendDestination & destination,
EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandBroadcast(EmberNodeId destination);
* @brief emberAfSendCommandBroadcast with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandBroadcastWithCallback(EmberNodeId destination, EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief emberAfSendCommandBroadcast from alias with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandBroadcastWithAliasWithCallback(EmberNodeId destination, EmberNodeId alias, uint8_t sequence,
EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandBroadcastWithAlias(EmberNodeId destination, EmberNodeId alias, uint8_t sequence);
* @brief Sends the command prepared with emberAfFill.... macro.
* This function is used to send a command that was previously prepared
* using the emberAfFill... macros from the client command API.
* It will be sent via inter-PAN. If destinationLongId is not NULL, the message
* will be sent to that long address using long addressing mode; otherwise, the
* message will be sent to destinationShortId using short address mode. IF
* multicastId is not zero, the message will be sent using multicast mode.
EmberStatus emberAfSendCommandInterPan(EmberPanId panId, const EmberEUI64 destinationLongId, EmberNodeId destinationShortId,
chip::GroupId multicastId);
* @brief Sends a default response to a cluster command.
* This function is used to prepare and send a default response to a cluster
* command.
* @param cmd The cluster command to which to respond.
* @param status Status code for the default response command.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates the success or failure of
* sending the response.
EmberStatus emberAfSendDefaultResponse(const EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd, EmberAfStatus status);
* @brief emberAfSendDefaultResponse with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendDefaultResponseWithCallback(const EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd, EmberAfStatus status,
EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Sends a default response to a cluster command using the
* current command.
* This function is used to prepare and send a default response to a cluster
* command.
* @param status Status code for the default response command.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates the success or failure of
* sending the response.
EmberStatus emberAfSendImmediateDefaultResponse(EmberAfStatus status);
* @brief emberAfSendImmediateDefaultResponse with attached message sent callback.
EmberStatus emberAfSendImmediateDefaultResponseWithCallback(EmberAfStatus status, EmberAfMessageSentFunction callback);
* @brief Access to client API APS frame.
EmberApsFrame * emberAfGetCommandApsFrame(void);
* @brief Set the source and destination endpoints in the client API APS frame.
void emberAfSetCommandEndpoints(chip::EndpointId sourceEndpoint, chip::EndpointId destinationEndpoint);
* @brief Friendly define for use in discovering client clusters with
* ::emberAfFindDevicesByCluster().
* @brief Friendly define for use in discovering server clusters with
* ::emberAfFindDevicesByCluster().
* @brief Use this function to find devices in the network with endpoints
* matching a given cluster ID in their descriptors.
* Target may either be a specific device, or the broadcast
* With this function a service discovery is initiated and received
* responses are returned by executing the callback function passed in.
* For unicast discoveries, the callback will be executed only once.
* Either the target will return a result or a timeout will occur.
* For broadcast discoveries, the callback may be called multiple times
* and after a period of time the discovery will be finished with a final
* call to the callback.
* @param target The destination node ID for the discovery; either a specific
* @param clusterId The cluster being discovered.
* @param serverCluster EMBER_AF_SERVER_CLUSTER_DISCOVERY (true) if discovering
* servers for the target cluster; EMBER_AF_CLIENT_CLUSTER_DISCOVERY (false)
* if discovering clients for that cluster.
* @param callback Function pointer for the callback function triggered when
* a match is discovered. (For broadcast discoveries, this is called once per
* matching node, even if a node has multiple matching endpoints.)
EmberStatus emberAfFindDevicesByCluster(EmberNodeId target, chip::ClusterId clusterId, bool serverCluster,
EmberAfServiceDiscoveryCallback * callback);
* @brief Use this function to find all of the given in and out clusters
* implemented on a devices given endpoint. Target should only be the
* short address of a specific device.
* With this function a single service discovery is initiated and the response
* is passed back to the passed callback.
* @param target The destination node ID for the discovery. This should be a
* specific node's ID and should not be a broadcast address.
* @param targetEndpoint The endpoint to target with the discovery process.
* @param callback Function pointer for the callback function triggered when
* the discovery is returned.
EmberStatus emberAfFindClustersByDeviceAndEndpoint(EmberNodeId target, uint8_t targetEndpoint,
EmberAfServiceDiscoveryCallback * callback);
* @brief Use this function to initiate a discovery for the IEEE address
* of the specified node id. This will send a unicast sent to the target
* node ID.
EmberStatus emberAfFindIeeeAddress(EmberNodeId shortAddress, EmberAfServiceDiscoveryCallback * callback);
* @brief Use this function to initiate a discovery for the short ID of the
* specified long address. This will send a broadcast to all
* rx-on-when-idle devices (non-sleepies).
EmberStatus emberAfFindNodeId(EmberEUI64 longAddress, EmberAfServiceDiscoveryCallback * callback);
* @brief Initiate an Active Endpoint request ZDO message to the target node ID.
EmberStatus emberAfFindActiveEndpoints(EmberNodeId target, EmberAfServiceDiscoveryCallback * callback);
* @brief Use this function to add an entry for a remote device to the address
* table.
* If the EUI64 already exists in the address table, the index of the existing
* entry will be returned. Otherwise, a new entry will be created and the new
* new index will be returned. The framework will remember how many times the
* returned index has been referenced. When the address table entry is no
* longer needed, the application should remove its reference by calling
* ::emberAfRemoveAddressTableEntry.
* @param longId The EUI64 of the remote device.
* @param shortId The node id of the remote device or ::EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID
* if the node id is currently unknown.
* @return The index of the address table entry for this remove device or
* ::EMBER_NULL_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX if an error occurred (e.g., the address
* table is full).
uint8_t emberAfAddAddressTableEntry(EmberEUI64 longId, EmberNodeId shortId);
* @brief Use this function to add an entry for a remote device to the address
* table at a specific location.
* The framework will remember how many times an address table index has been
* referenced through ::emberAfAddAddressTableEntry. If the reference count
* for the index passed to this function is not zero, the entry will be not
* changed. When the address table entry is no longer needed, the application
* should remove its reference by calling ::emberAfRemoveAddressTableEntry.
* @param index The index of the address table entry.
* @param longId The EUI64 of the remote device.
* @param shortId The node id of the remote device or ::EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID
* if the node id is currently unknown.
* @return ::EMBER_SUCCESS if the address table entry was successfully set,
* ::EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY_IS_ACTIVE if any messages are being sent using
* the existing entry at that index or the entry is still referenced in the
* framework, or ::EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index is out
* of range.
EmberStatus emberAfSetAddressTableEntry(uint8_t index, EmberEUI64 longId, EmberNodeId shortId);
* @brief Use this function to remove a specific entry from the address table.
* The framework will remember how many times an address table index has been
* referenced through ::emberAfAddAddressTableEntry and
* ::emberAfSetAddressTableEntry. The address table entry at this index will
* not actually be removed until its reference count reaches zero.
* @param index The index of the address table entry.
* @return ::EMBER_SUCCESS if the address table entry was successfully removed
* or ::EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index is out of range.
EmberStatus emberAfRemoveAddressTableEntry(uint8_t index);
* @brief Use this macro to retrieve the current command. This
* macro may only be used within the command parsing context. For instance
* Any of the command handling callbacks may use this macro. If this macro
* is used outside the command context, the returned EmberAfClusterCommand pointer
* will be null.
#define emberAfCurrentCommand() (emAfCurrentCommand)
extern EmberAfClusterCommand * emAfCurrentCommand;
* @brief returns the current endpoint that is being served.
* The purpose of this macro is mostly to access endpoint that
* is being served in the command callbacks.
#define emberAfCurrentEndpoint() (emberAfCurrentCommand()->apsFrame->destinationEndpoint)
/** @brief Use this function to initiate key establishment with a remote node.
* ::emberAfKeyEstablishmentCallback will be called as events occur and when
* key establishment completes.
* @param nodeId The node id of the remote device.
* @param endpoint The endpoint on the remote device.
* @return ::EMBER_SUCCESS if key establishment was initiated successfully
EmberStatus emberAfInitiateKeyEstablishment(EmberNodeId nodeId, chip::EndpointId endpoint);
/** @brief Use this function to initiate key establishment with a remote node on
* a different PAN. ::emberAfInterPanKeyEstablishmentCallback will be called
* as events occur and when key establishment completes.
* @param panId The PAN id of the remote device.
* @param eui64 The EUI64 of the remote device.
* @return ::EMBER_SUCCESS if key establishment was initiated successfully
EmberStatus emberAfInitiateInterPanKeyEstablishment(EmberPanId panId, const EmberEUI64 eui64);
/** @brief Use this function to tell if the device is in the process of
* performing key establishment.
* @return ::true if key establishment is in progress.
bool emberAfPerformingKeyEstablishment(void);
/** @brief Use this function to initiate partner link key exchange with a
* remote node.
* @param target The node id of the remote device.
* @param endpoint The key establishment endpoint of the remote device.
* @param callback The callback that should be called when the partner link
* key exchange completes.
* @return ::EMBER_SUCCESS if the partner link key exchange was initiated
* successfully.
EmberStatus emberAfInitiatePartnerLinkKeyExchange(EmberNodeId target, chip::EndpointId endpoint,
EmberAfPartnerLinkKeyExchangeCallback * callback);
#define emberAfInitiateKeyEstablishment(nodeId, endpoint) emberAfInitiateKeyEstablishmentCallback(nodeId, endpoint)
#define emberAfInitiateInterPanKeyEstablishment(panId, eui64) emberAfInitiateInterPanKeyEstablishmentCallback(panId, eui64)
#define emberAfPerformingKeyEstablishment() emberAfPerformingKeyEstablishmentCallback()
#define emberAfInitiatePartnerLinkKeyExchange(target, endpoint, callback) \
emberAfInitiatePartnerLinkKeyExchangeCallback(target, endpoint, callback)
/** @} END Messaging */
/** @name ZCL macros */
// @{
// Frame control fields (8 bits total)
// Bits 0 and 1 are Frame Type Sub-field
// Bit 2 is Manufacturer Specific Sub-field
// Bit 3 is Direction Sub-field
// Bit 4 is Disable Default Response Sub-field
// Bits 5 to 7 are reserved
// Packet must be at least 3 bytes for ZCL overhead.
// Frame Control (1-byte)
// Sequence Number (1-byte)
// Command Id (1-byte)
// Permitted values for emberAfSetFormAndJoinMode
/** @} END ZCL macros */
/** @name Network utility functions */
// ${
/** @brief Use this function to form a new network using the specified network
* parameters.
* @param parameters Specification of the new network.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates either the successful formation
* of the new network or the reason that the network formation failed.
EmberStatus emberAfFormNetwork(EmberNetworkParameters * parameters);
/** @brief Use this function to associate with the network using the specified
* network parameters.
* @param parameters Specification of the network with which the node should
* associate.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates either that the association
* process began successfully or the reason for failure.
EmberStatus emberAfJoinNetwork(EmberNetworkParameters * parameters);
/** @brief Use this function to find an unused PAN id and form a new network.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates either the process begin
* successfully or the reason for failure.
EmberStatus emberAfFindUnusedPanIdAndForm(void);
/** @brief Use this function to find a joinable network and join it.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates either the process begin
* successfully or the reason for failure.
EmberStatus emberAfStartSearchForJoinableNetwork(void);
#define emberAfFindUnusedPanIdAndForm() emberAfFindUnusedPanIdAndFormCallback()
#define emberAfStartSearchForJoinableNetwork() emberAfStartSearchForJoinableNetworkCallback()
/** @brief Sets the current network to that of the given index and adds it to
* the stack of networks maintained by the framework. Every call to this API
* must be paired with a subsequent call to ::emberAfPopNetworkIndex.
EmberStatus emberAfPushNetworkIndex(uint8_t networkIndex);
/** @brief Sets the current network to the callback network and adds it to
* the stack of networks maintained by the framework. Every call to this API
* must be paired with a subsequent call to ::emberAfPopNetworkIndex.
EmberStatus emberAfPushCallbackNetworkIndex(void);
/** @brief Sets the current network to that of the given endpoint and adds it
* to the stack of networks maintained by the framework. Every call to this
* API must be paired with a subsequent call to ::emberAfPopNetworkIndex.
EmberStatus emberAfPushEndpointNetworkIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
/** @brief Removes the topmost network from the stack of networks maintained by
* the framework and sets the current network to the new topmost network.
* Every call to this API must be paired with a prior call to
* ::emberAfPushNetworkIndex, ::emberAfPushCallbackNetworkIndex, or
* ::emberAfPushEndpointNetworkIndex.
EmberStatus emberAfPopNetworkIndex(void);
/** @brief Returns the primary endpoint of the given network index or 0xFF if
* no endpoints belong to the network.
uint8_t emberAfPrimaryEndpointForNetworkIndex(uint8_t networkIndex);
/** @brief Returns the primary endpoint of the current network index or 0xFF if
* no endpoints belong to the current network.
uint8_t emberAfPrimaryEndpointForCurrentNetworkIndex(void);
/** @brief Initializes the stack of networks maintained by the framework,
* including setting the default network.
* @return An ::EmberStatus value that indicates either that the network stack
* has been successfully initialized or the reason for failure.
EmberStatus emAfInitializeNetworkIndexStack(void);
void emAfAssertNetworkIndexStackIsEmpty(void);
/** @brief Basic initialization API to be invoked before ::emberAfMain.
void emberAfMainInit(void);
/** @brief This function effectively serves as the application main.
/** @} End network utility functions */
/** @} END addtogroup */
#if defined(EMBER_TEST)
#define EMBER_TEST_ASSERT(x) assert(x)
/** @brief The maximum power level that can be used by the chip.
// Note: This is a #define for now but could be a real function call in the future.
#define emberAfMaxPowerLevel() (3)
* @brief API for parsing a cluster-specific message. Implemented by
* generated code.
EmberAfStatus emberAfClusterSpecificCommandParse(EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd);