blob: ca0e2362071821fcd07e3804355a38406469ab8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <dns_sd.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/platform/Dnssd.h>
#include "DnssdHostNameRegistrar.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace chip {
namespace Dnssd {
enum class ContextType
struct GenericContext
ContextType type;
void * context;
DNSServiceRef serviceRef;
virtual ~GenericContext() {}
CHIP_ERROR Finalize(DNSServiceErrorType err = kDNSServiceErr_NoError);
virtual void DispatchFailure(DNSServiceErrorType err) = 0;
virtual void DispatchSuccess() = 0;
struct RegisterContext;
struct ResolveContext;
class MdnsContexts
MdnsContexts(const MdnsContexts &) = delete;
MdnsContexts & operator=(const MdnsContexts &) = delete;
static MdnsContexts & GetInstance() { return sInstance; }
CHIP_ERROR Add(GenericContext * context, DNSServiceRef sdRef);
CHIP_ERROR Remove(GenericContext * context);
CHIP_ERROR RemoveAllOfType(ContextType type);
CHIP_ERROR Has(GenericContext * context);
* @brief
* Returns a pointer to a RegisterContext that has previously been registered
* with a given type.
* @param[in] type A service type. Service type are composed of
* of the service name, the service protocol, and the PTR records.
* Example:
* _matterc._udp,_V65521,_S15,_L3840,_CM
* _matter._tcp,_I4CEEAD044CC35B63
* @param[out] context A reference to the context previously registered
* @return On success, the context parameter will point to the previously
* registered context.
CHIP_ERROR GetRegisterContextOfType(const char * type, RegisterContext ** context);
* Return a pointer to an existing ResolveContext for the given
* instanceName, if any. Returns nullptr if there are none.
ResolveContext * GetExistingResolveForInstanceName(const char * instanceName);
* Remove context from the list, if it's present in the list. Return
* whether it was present.
bool RemoveWithoutDeleting(GenericContext * context);
void Delete(GenericContext * context);
static MdnsContexts sInstance;
std::vector<GenericContext *> mContexts;
struct RegisterContext : public GenericContext
DnssdPublishCallback callback;
std::string mType;
std::string mInstanceName;
HostNameRegistrar mHostNameRegistrar;
RegisterContext(const char * sType, const char * instanceName, DnssdPublishCallback cb, void * cbContext);
virtual ~RegisterContext() { mHostNameRegistrar.Unregister(); }
void DispatchFailure(DNSServiceErrorType err) override;
void DispatchSuccess() override;
bool matches(const char * sType) { return == 0; }
struct BrowseContext : public GenericContext
DnssdBrowseCallback callback;
std::vector<DnssdService> services;
DnssdServiceProtocol protocol;
BrowseContext(void * cbContext, DnssdBrowseCallback cb, DnssdServiceProtocol cbContextProtocol);
virtual ~BrowseContext() {}
void DispatchFailure(DNSServiceErrorType err) override;
void DispatchSuccess() override;
// Dispatch what we have found so far, but don't stop browsing.
void DispatchPartialSuccess();
struct InterfaceInfo
InterfaceInfo(InterfaceInfo && other);
// Copying is not safe, because DnssdService bits need to be
// copied/deallocated properly.
InterfaceInfo(const InterfaceInfo & other) = delete;
DnssdService service;
std::vector<Inet::IPAddress> addresses;
std::string fullyQualifiedDomainName;
struct ResolveContext : public GenericContext
DnssdResolveCallback callback;
std::map<uint32_t, InterfaceInfo> interfaces;
DNSServiceProtocol protocol;
std::string instanceName;
std::shared_ptr<uint32_t> consumerCounter;
ResolveContext(void * cbContext, DnssdResolveCallback cb, chip::Inet::IPAddressType cbAddressType,
const char * instanceNameToResolve, std::shared_ptr<uint32_t> && consumerCounterToUse);
virtual ~ResolveContext();
void DispatchFailure(DNSServiceErrorType err) override;
void DispatchSuccess() override;
CHIP_ERROR OnNewAddress(uint32_t interfaceId, const struct sockaddr * address);
CHIP_ERROR OnNewLocalOnlyAddress();
bool HasAddress();
void OnNewInterface(uint32_t interfaceId, const char * fullname, const char * hostname, uint16_t port, uint16_t txtLen,
const unsigned char * txtRecord);
bool HasInterface();
bool Matches(const char * otherInstanceName) const { return instanceName == otherInstanceName; }
} // namespace Dnssd
} // namespace chip