| {{> header}} |
| |
| #include "chip-zcl-zpro-codec.h" |
| |
| #include <support/BufBound.h> |
| #include <support/SafeInt.h> |
| #include <support/logging/CHIPLogging.h> |
| |
| #include <app/util/basic-types.h> |
| |
| using namespace chip; |
| using namespace chip::System; |
| |
| static uint16_t doEncodeApsFrame(BufBound & buf, ClusterId clusterId, EndpointId sourceEndpoint, |
| EndpointId destinationEndpoint, EmberApsOption options, GroupId groupId, uint8_t sequence, |
| uint8_t radius, bool isMeasuring) |
| { |
| |
| uint8_t control_byte = 0; |
| buf.Put(control_byte) // Put in a control byte |
| .Put16(clusterId) |
| .Put8(sourceEndpoint) |
| .Put8(destinationEndpoint) |
| .Put(options, sizeof(EmberApsOption)) |
| .Put16(groupId) |
| .Put8(sequence) |
| .Put8(radius); |
| |
| size_t result = buf.Needed(); |
| if (isMeasuring) |
| { |
| ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Measured APS frame size %d", result); |
| } |
| else if (buf.Fit()) |
| { |
| ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Successfully encoded %d bytes", result); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Zcl, "Error encoding APS Frame: Buffer too small"); |
| result = 0; |
| } |
| |
| if (!CanCastTo<uint16_t>(result)) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Zcl, "Can't fit our measured size in uint16_t"); |
| result = 0; |
| } |
| |
| return static_cast<uint16_t>(result); |
| } |
| |
| uint16_t encodeApsFrame(uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t buf_length, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame) |
| { |
| BufBound buf = BufBound(buffer, buf_length); |
| return doEncodeApsFrame(buf, apsFrame->clusterId, apsFrame->sourceEndpoint, apsFrame->destinationEndpoint, |
| apsFrame->options, apsFrame->groupId, apsFrame->sequence, apsFrame->radius, !buffer); |
| } |
| |
| #define COMMAND_HEADER(name, clusterId) \ |
| const char * kName = name; \ |
| \ |
| PacketBufBound buf(kMaxBufferSize); \ |
| if (buf.IsNull()) \ |
| { \ |
| ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not allocate packet buffer while trying to encode %s command", kName); \ |
| return PacketBufferHandle(); \ |
| } \ |
| \ |
| if (doEncodeApsFrame(buf, clusterId, kSourceEndpoint, destinationEndpoint, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)) \ |
| { |
| |
| #define COMMAND_FOOTER() \ |
| } \ |
| if (!buf.Fit()) \ |
| { \ |
| ChipLogError(Zcl, "Command %s can't fit in the allocated buffer", kName); \ |
| } \ |
| return buf.Finalize(); |
| |
| |
| {{> clusters_header}} |
| |
| |
| {{#zcl_global_commands}} |
| #define ZCL_{{asDelimitedMacro label}}_COMMAND_ID ({{asHex code 2}}) |
| {{/zcl_global_commands}} |
| |
| {{#chip_server_clusters}} |
| #define {{define}}_ID {{asHex code 4}} |
| {{#chip_server_cluster_commands}} |
| #define ZCL_{{asDelimitedMacro name}}_COMMAND_ID ({{asHex code 2}}) |
| {{/chip_server_cluster_commands}} |
| |
| {{/chip_server_clusters}} |
| |
| // TODO: Find a way to calculate maximum message length for clusters |
| // https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/issues/965 |
| constexpr uint16_t kMaxBufferSize = 1024; |
| |
| // This is a cluster-specific command so low two bits are 0b01. The command |
| // is standard, so does not need a manufacturer code, and we're sending |
| // client to server, so all the remaining bits are 0. |
| constexpr uint8_t kFrameControlClusterSpecificCommand = 0x01; |
| |
| // This is a global command, so the low bits are 0b00. The command is |
| // standard, so does not need a manufacturer code, and we're sending client |
| // to server, so all the remaining bits are 0. |
| constexpr uint8_t kFrameControlGlobalCommand = 0x00; |
| |
| // Pick source endpoint as 1 for now |
| constexpr EndpointId kSourceEndpoint = 1; |
| |
| // Transaction sequence number. Just pick something for now. |
| constexpr uint8_t kSeqNum = 1; |
| |
| {{#chip_server_clusters}} |
| {{> cluster_header}} |
| |
| {{#chip_server_cluster_commands}} |
| /* |
| * Command {{asCamelCased name false}} |
| */ |
| PacketBufferHandle encode{{asCamelCased clusterName false}}Cluster{{asType name}}Command(EndpointId destinationEndpoint{{#chip_server_cluster_command_arguments}}, {{chipType}} {{asCamelCased label}}{{/chip_server_cluster_command_arguments}}) |
| { |
| COMMAND_HEADER("{{asType name}}", {{parent.define}}_ID); |
| {{#chip_server_cluster_command_arguments}} |
| {{#if (isString type)}} |
| size_t {{asCamelCased label}}StrLen = strlen({{asCamelCased label}}); |
| if (!CanCastTo<uint8_t>({{asCamelCased label}}StrLen)) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Zcl, "Error encoding %s command. String too long: %d", kName, {{asCamelCased label}}StrLen); |
| return PacketBufferHandle(); |
| } |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/chip_server_cluster_command_arguments}} |
| buf |
| {{#if (isManufacturerSpecificCommand)}} |
| .Put8(kFrameControlClusterSpecificCommand | (1u << 2)) |
| .Put16({{asHex mfgCode 4}}) |
| {{else}} |
| .Put8(kFrameControlClusterSpecificCommand) |
| {{/if}} |
| .Put8(kSeqNum) |
| .Put8(ZCL_{{asDelimitedMacro name}}_COMMAND_ID) |
| {{#chip_server_cluster_command_arguments}} |
| {{#if (isString type)}} |
| .Put(static_cast<uint8_t>({{asCamelCased label}}StrLen)) |
| .Put({{asCamelCased label}}) |
| {{else if (isSignedType)}} |
| .Put{{chipTypePutLength}}(static_cast<{{chipTypePutCastType}}>({{asCamelCased label}})) |
| {{else}} |
| .Put{{chipTypePutLength}}({{asCamelCased label}}) |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/chip_server_cluster_command_arguments}} |
| ; |
| } |
| |
| {{/chip_server_cluster_commands}} |
| PacketBufferHandle encode{{asCamelCased name false}}ClusterDiscoverAttributes(EndpointId destinationEndpoint) |
| { |
| COMMAND_HEADER("Discover{{asCamelCased name false}}Attributes", {{define}}_ID); |
| buf.Put8(kFrameControlGlobalCommand) |
| .Put8(kSeqNum) |
| .Put16(0x0000) |
| .Put8(0xFF); |
| } |
| |
| {{#chip_server_cluster_attributes}} |
| /* |
| * Attribute {{asCamelCased name false}} |
| */ |
| PacketBufferHandle encode{{asCamelCased parent.name false}}ClusterRead{{asCamelCased name false}}Attribute(EndpointId destinationEndpoint) |
| { |
| COMMAND_HEADER("Read{{asCamelCased parent.name false}}{{asCamelCased name false}}", {{parent.define}}_ID); |
| buf.Put8(kFrameControlGlobalCommand) |
| .Put8(kSeqNum) |
| .Put16({{asHex attributeCode 4}}); |
| } |
| |
| {{#if (isWritableAttribute)}} |
| PacketBufferHandle encode{{asCamelCased parent.name false}}ClusterWrite{{asCamelCased name false}}Attribute(EndpointId destinationEndpoint, {{asUnderlyingZclType type}} {{asCamelCased name}}) |
| { |
| COMMAND_HEADER("Write{{asCamelCased parent.name false}}{{asCamelCased name false}}", {{parent.define}}_ID); |
| buf.Put8(kFrameControlGlobalCommand) |
| .Put8(kSeqNum) |
| .Put16({{asHex attributeCode 4}}) |
| .Put8({{atomicTypeId}}) |
| .Put{{chipTypePutLength}}(static_cast<{{chipTypePutCastType}}>({{asCamelCased name}})); |
| } |
| |
| {{/if}} |
| {{#if (isReportableAttribute)}} |
| PacketBufferHandle encode{{asCamelCased parent.name false}}ClusterReport{{asCamelCased name false}}Attribute(EndpointId destinationEndpoint, uint16_t minInterval, uint16_t maxInterval{{#unless (isDiscreteType)}}, {{chipType}} change{{/unless}}) |
| { |
| COMMAND_HEADER("Report{{asCamelCased parent.name false}}{{asCamelCased name false}}", {{parent.define}}_ID); |
| buf.Put8(kFrameControlGlobalCommand) |
| .Put8(kSeqNum) |
| .Put16({{asHex attributeCode 4}}) |
| .Put8({{atomicTypeId}}) |
| .Put16(minInterval) |
| .Put16(maxInterval); |
| {{#unless (isDiscreteType)}} |
| buf.Put{{chipTypePutLength}}(static_cast<{{chipTypePutCastType}}>(change)); |
| {{/unless}} |
| } |
| |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/chip_server_cluster_attributes}} |
| {{/chip_server_clusters}} |