| {{> header}} |
| package chip.devicecontroller; |
| |
| import javax.annotation.Nullable; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.Arrays; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Optional; |
| |
| public class ChipClusters { |
| |
| public interface DefaultClusterCallback { |
| void onSuccess(); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| } |
| |
| public interface CharStringAttributeCallback { |
| /** Indicates a successful read for a CHAR_STRING attribute. */ |
| void onSuccess(String value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| {{! TODO: use SubscriptionEstablishedCallback instead, here and below. }} |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public interface OctetStringAttributeCallback { |
| /** Indicates a successful read for an OCTET_STRING attribute. */ |
| void onSuccess(byte[] value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public interface IntegerAttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess(int value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public interface LongAttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess(long value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public interface BooleanAttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess(boolean value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public interface FloatAttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess(float value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public interface DoubleAttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess(double value); |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| |
| public static abstract class BaseChipCluster { |
| protected long chipClusterPtr; |
| |
| public BaseChipCluster(long devicePtr, int endpointId) { |
| chipClusterPtr = initWithDevice(devicePtr, endpointId); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, after which commands sent through this cluster will fail |
| * with a timeout (regardless of whether or not a response has been received). If set to an |
| * empty optional, the default timeout will be used. |
| */ |
| public void setCommandTimeout(Optional<Long> timeoutMillis) { |
| setCommandTimeout(chipClusterPtr, timeoutMillis); |
| } |
| |
| private native void setCommandTimeout(long clusterPtr, Optional<Long> timeoutMillis); |
| |
| /** Returns the current timeout (in milliseconds) for commands sent through this cluster. */ |
| public Optional<Long> getCommandTimeout() { |
| Optional<Long> timeout = getCommandTimeout(chipClusterPtr); |
| return timeout == null ? Optional.empty() : timeout; |
| } |
| |
| private native Optional<Long> getCommandTimeout(long clusterPtr); |
| |
| public abstract long initWithDevice(long devicePtr, int endpointId); |
| |
| public native void deleteCluster(long chipClusterPtr); |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") |
| protected void finalize() throws Throwable { |
| super.finalize(); |
| |
| if (chipClusterPtr != 0) { |
| deleteCluster(chipClusterPtr); |
| chipClusterPtr = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| {{#zcl_clusters}} |
| public static class {{asUpperCamelCase name}}Cluster extends BaseChipCluster { |
| public static final long CLUSTER_ID = {{code}}L; |
| |
| public {{asUpperCamelCase name}}Cluster(long devicePtr, int endpointId) { |
| super(devicePtr, endpointId); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public native long initWithDevice(long devicePtr, int endpointId); |
| {{#zcl_commands}} |
| {{#if (is_str_equal source 'client')}} |
| |
| {{#unless mustUseTimedInvoke}} |
| public void {{asLowerCamelCase name}}({{#if hasSpecificResponse}}{{asUpperCamelCase responseName}}Callback{{else}}DefaultClusterCallback{{/if}} callback |
| {{#zcl_command_arguments}}, {{asJavaType type chipType parent.parent.name includeAnnotations=true clusterId=parent.parent.id}} {{asLowerCamelCase label}}{{/zcl_command_arguments}}) { |
| {{asLowerCamelCase name}}(chipClusterPtr, callback{{#zcl_command_arguments}}, {{asLowerCamelCase label}}{{/zcl_command_arguments}}, null); |
| } |
| {{/unless}} |
| |
| public void {{asLowerCamelCase name}}({{#if hasSpecificResponse}}{{asUpperCamelCase responseName}}Callback{{else}}DefaultClusterCallback{{/if}} callback |
| {{#zcl_command_arguments}}, {{asJavaType type chipType parent.parent.name includeAnnotations=true clusterId=parent.parent.id}} {{asLowerCamelCase label}}{{/zcl_command_arguments}} |
| , int timedInvokeTimeoutMs) { |
| {{asLowerCamelCase name}}(chipClusterPtr, callback{{#zcl_command_arguments}}, {{asLowerCamelCase label}}{{/zcl_command_arguments}}, timedInvokeTimeoutMs); |
| } |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/zcl_commands}} |
| {{#zcl_commands}} |
| {{#if (is_str_equal source 'client')}} |
| private native void {{asLowerCamelCase name}}(long chipClusterPtr, {{#if hasSpecificResponse}}{{asUpperCamelCase responseName}}Callback{{else}}DefaultClusterCallback{{/if}} Callback |
| {{#zcl_command_arguments}}, {{asJavaType type chipType parent.parent.name includeAnnotations=true clusterId=parent.parent.id}} {{asLowerCamelCase label}}{{/zcl_command_arguments}} |
| , @Nullable Integer timedInvokeTimeoutMs); |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/zcl_commands}} |
| {{#zcl_commands}} |
| {{#if (is_str_equal source 'server')}} |
| public interface {{asUpperCamelCase name}}Callback { |
| void onSuccess({{#zcl_command_arguments}}{{#not_first}}, {{/not_first}}{{asJavaType type chipType parent.parent.name includeAnnotations=true clusterId=parent.parent.id}} {{asLowerCamelCase label}}{{/zcl_command_arguments}}); |
| |
| void onError(Exception error); |
| } |
| |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/zcl_commands}} |
| |
| {{#zcl_attributes_server removeKeys='isOptional'}} |
| {{#if_unsupported_attribute_callback type isArray ../id}} |
| {{else}} |
| {{#if_basic_attribute type ../id}} |
| {{else}} |
| {{! NOTE: asJavaType ends up sniffing for isArray on the context. Since we want the type of our _entry_, force isArray to |
| false. }} |
| {{~#*inline "asJavaTypeForEntry"}}{{asJavaType type null parent.name forceNotList=true}}{{/inline~}} |
| {{#if isArray}} |
| public interface {{asUpperCamelCase name}}AttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess({{#if isNullable}}@Nullable{{/if}} List<{{>asJavaTypeForEntry isArray=false}}> valueList); |
| void onError(Exception ex); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| {{else}} |
| public interface {{asUpperCamelCase name}}AttributeCallback { |
| void onSuccess({{#if isNullable}}@Nullable{{/if}} {{>asJavaTypeForEntry isArray=false}} value); |
| void onError(Exception ex); |
| default void onSubscriptionEstablished(long subscriptionId) {} |
| } |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/if_basic_attribute}} |
| {{/if_unsupported_attribute_callback}} |
| {{/zcl_attributes_server}} |
| {{#zcl_attributes_server removeKeys='isOptional'}} |
| {{! TODO: Add support for struct-typed attributes }} |
| {{#if_unsupported_attribute_callback type isArray ../id}} |
| {{else}} |
| |
| public void read{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute( |
| {{#if_basic_attribute type ../id}} |
| {{as_underlying_java_zcl_type type ../id boolean="Boolean"}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{else}} |
| {{asUpperCamelCase name}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{/if_basic_attribute}} |
| ) { |
| read{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(chipClusterPtr, callback); |
| } |
| {{#if isWritableAttribute}} |
| {{#unless mustUseTimedWrite}} |
| public void write{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(DefaultClusterCallback callback, {{asJavaType type chipType parent.name}} value) { |
| write{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(chipClusterPtr, callback, value, null); |
| } |
| {{/unless}} |
| |
| public void write{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(DefaultClusterCallback callback, {{asJavaType type chipType parent.name}} value, int timedWriteTimeoutMs) { |
| write{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(chipClusterPtr, callback, value, timedWriteTimeoutMs); |
| } |
| {{/if}} |
| {{#if isReportableAttribute}} |
| public void subscribe{{asCamelCased name false}}Attribute( |
| {{#if_basic_attribute type ../id}} |
| {{as_underlying_java_zcl_type type ../id boolean="Boolean"}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{else}} |
| {{asUpperCamelCase name}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{/if_basic_attribute}}, |
| int minInterval, int maxInterval) { |
| subscribe{{asCamelCased name false}}Attribute(chipClusterPtr, callback, minInterval, maxInterval); |
| } |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/if_unsupported_attribute_callback}} |
| {{/zcl_attributes_server}} |
| {{#zcl_attributes_server removeKeys='isOptional'}} |
| {{! TODO: Add support for struct-typed attributes }} |
| {{#if_unsupported_attribute_callback type isArray ../id }} |
| {{else}} |
| |
| private native void read{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(long chipClusterPtr, |
| {{#if_basic_attribute type ../id}} |
| {{as_underlying_java_zcl_type type ../id boolean="Boolean"}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{else}} |
| {{asUpperCamelCase name}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{/if_basic_attribute}} |
| ); |
| {{#if isWritableAttribute}} |
| |
| private native void write{{asUpperCamelCase name}}Attribute(long chipClusterPtr, DefaultClusterCallback callback, {{asJavaType type chipType parent.name}} value, @Nullable Integer timedWriteTimeoutMs); |
| {{/if}} |
| {{#if isReportableAttribute}} |
| private native void subscribe{{asCamelCased name false}}Attribute(long chipClusterPtr, |
| {{#if_basic_attribute type ../id}} |
| {{as_underlying_java_zcl_type type ../id boolean="Boolean"}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{else}} |
| {{asUpperCamelCase name}}AttributeCallback callback |
| {{/if_basic_attribute}}, int minInterval, int maxInterval); |
| {{/if}} |
| {{/if_unsupported_attribute_callback}} |
| {{/zcl_attributes_server}} |
| } |
| {{#not_last}} |
| |
| {{/not_last}} |
| {{/zcl_clusters}} |
| } |
| |