blob: 2c4e1cca4c5789af882f8100d639aa005b1c15e4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import binascii
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import coloredlogs
import firmware_utils
import toml
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# Additional options that can be use to configure an `Flasher`
# object (as dictionary keys) and/or passed as command line options.
def any_base_int(s): return int(s, 0)
# Configuration options define properties used in flashing operations.
'configuration': {
'chipname': {
'help': "Bouffalolab chip name",
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'CHIP_NAME',
'pt': {
'help': 'Partition table for board for bl iot sdk',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'type': pathlib.Path
'dts': {
'help': 'Device tree file for bl iot sdk',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'DEVICE_TREE_FILE',
'type': pathlib.Path
'xtal': {
'help': 'XTAL configuration for bl iot sdk',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'XTAL',
'port': {
'help': 'UART port to flash device',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'PORT',
'baudrate': {
'help': 'UART baudrate to flash device',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'BAUDRATE',
'sk': {
'help': 'private key to sign firmware to flash or sign ota image.',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'path',
'type': pathlib.Path
'mfd': {
'help': 'matter factory data',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'path',
'type': pathlib.Path
'mfd-str': {
'help': 'matter factory data string, only available for using bl iot sdk',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'mfd_str',
'key': {
'help': 'data key in security engine for matter factory data decryption',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'key',
'boot2': {
'help': 'boot2 image',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'path',
'config': {
'help': 'firmware programming configuration for bouffalo sdk',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'path',
'build-ota': {
'help': 'build ota image',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'action': 'store_true'
'vendor-id': {
'help': 'vendor id passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'vendor_id',
"type": any_base_int
'product-id': {
'help': 'product id passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'product_id',
"type": any_base_int
'version': {
'help': 'software version (numeric) passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'version',
"type": any_base_int
'version-str': {
'help': 'software version string passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'version_str',
'digest-algorithm': {
'help': 'digest algorithm passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'digest_algorithm',
"min-version": {
'help': 'minimum software version passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'min_version',
"type": any_base_int
"max-version": {
'help': 'maximum software version passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'max_version',
"type": any_base_int
"release-notes": {
'help': 'release note passes to ota image if --build-ota present',
'default': None,
'argparse': {
'metavar': 'release_notes',
MATTER_ROOT = os.getcwd()
class DictObject:
def __init__(self, data_dict):
for key, value in data_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
self.__dict__[key] = DictObject(value)
self.__dict__[key] = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.__dict__.get(name, None)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Flasher(firmware_utils.Flasher):
args = {}
work_dir = None
def __init__(self, **options):
super().__init__(platform=None, module=__name__, **options)
def find_file(self, path_dir, name_partten):
ret_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_dir, topdown=False):
for name in files:
if re.match(name_partten, name):
ret_files.append(os.path.join(root, name))
return ret_files
def parse_mfd(self):
def decrypt_data(data_bytearray, key_bytearray, iv_bytearray):
data_bytearray += bytes([0] * (16 - (len(data_bytearray) % 16)))
cryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_bytearray)
plaintext = cryptor.decrypt(data_bytearray)
return plaintext
self.args["iv"] = None
if not self.args["mfd"] and not self.args["mfd_str"]:
return None
if self.args['mfd_str']:
iv = self.args['mfd_str'].split(":")[1].split(',')[0]
except Exception:
raise Exception("Invalid mfd-str format.")
self.args["iv"] = iv
return self.args['mfd_str']
with open(self.args["mfd"], 'rb') as f:
bytes_obj =
sec_len = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj[0:4], byteorder='little')
if sec_len:
crc_val_calc = binascii.crc32(bytes_obj[4: 4 + sec_len])
crc_val = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj[4 + sec_len: 4 + sec_len + 4], byteorder='little')
if crc_val_calc != crc_val:
raise Exception("MFD partition file has invalid format in secured data.")
bytes_sec = bytes_obj[4: 4 + sec_len]
if not self.args["key"]:
raise Exception("MFD has secured data, but no key input.")
bytes_sec = []
raw_start = 4 + sec_len + 4
raw_len = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj[raw_start: raw_start + 4], byteorder='little')
if raw_len:
crc_val_calc = binascii.crc32(bytes_obj[raw_start + 4: raw_start + 4 + raw_len])
crc_val = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj[raw_start + 4 + raw_len: raw_start + 4 + raw_len + 4], byteorder='little')
if crc_val_calc != crc_val:
raise Exception("MFD partition file has invalid format in raw data.")
bytes_raw = bytes_obj[raw_start + 4: raw_start + 4 + raw_len]
bytes_raw = []
offset = 0
dict_raw = {}
while offset < raw_len:
type_id = int.from_bytes(bytes_raw[offset: offset + 2], byteorder='little')
type_len = int.from_bytes(bytes_raw[offset + 2: offset + 4], byteorder='little')
if 0x8001 == type_id:
self.args["iv"] = bytes_raw[offset + 4: offset + 4 + type_len]
if offset + 4 + type_len <= raw_len:
dict_raw[type_id] = bytes(bytes_raw[offset + 4: offset + 4 + type_len]).hex()
offset += (4 + type_len)
if sec_len > 0 and self.args["key"] and not self.args["iv"]:
raise Exception("No IV found in secured mfd data.")
offset = 0
dict_sec = {}
if bytes_sec and self.args["iv"] and self.args["key"]:
bytes_sec = decrypt_data(bytes_sec, bytearray.fromhex(self.args["key"]), self.args["iv"])
while offset < raw_len:
type_id = int.from_bytes(bytes_sec[offset: offset + 2], byteorder='little')
type_len = int.from_bytes(bytes_sec[offset + 2:offset + 4], byteorder='little')
if offset + 4 + type_len <= sec_len:
dict_sec[type_id] = bytes(bytes_sec[offset + 4: offset + 4 + type_len]).hex()
offset += (4 + type_len)
self.args["iv"] = self.args["iv"].hex()
mfd_str = ""
if dict_sec.keys():
for idx in range(1, 1 + max(dict_sec.keys())):
if idx in dict_sec.keys():
mfd_str += dict_sec[idx] + ","
mfd_str += ","
mfd_str = mfd_str + ":"
for idx in range(0x8001, 1 + max(dict_raw.keys())):
if idx in dict_raw.keys():
mfd_str += dict_raw[idx] + ","
mfd_str += ","
self.args["mfd_str"] = mfd_str
return self.args['mfd_str']
def iot_sdk_prog(self):
def get_tools():
flashtool_path = os.environ.get('BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT') + "/flashtool/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.9.0"
bflb_tools_dict = {
"linux": {"flash_tool": "bflb_iot_tool-ubuntu"},
"win32": {"flash_tool": "bflb_iot_tool.exe"},
"darwin": {"flash_tool": "bflb_iot_tool-macos"},
flashtool_exe = flashtool_path + "/" + bflb_tools_dict[sys.platform]["flash_tool"]
except Exception:
raise Exception("Do NOT support {} operating system to program firmware.".format(sys.platform))
if not os.path.exists(flashtool_exe):
logging.fatal('*' * 80)
logging.error('Flashtool is not installed, or environment variable BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT is not exported.')
logging.fatal('\tPlease make sure Bouffalo Lab SDK installs as below:')
logging.fatal('\tPlease make sure BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT exports before building as below:')
logging.fatal('\t\texport BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT="your install path"')
logging.fatal('*' * 80)
raise Exception("Flash tool is not installed.")
return flashtool_path, flashtool_exe
def get_dts_file(flashtool_path, dts):
if dts:
return dts
return os.path.join(flashtool_path, "chips", self.args["chipname"],
"device_tree", "bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_{}.dts".format(self.args["xtal"]))
def get_boot_image(flashtool_path, boot2_image):
if boot2_image:
return boot2_image
if self.args["chipname"] in ["bl702l"]:
return None
builtin_imgs_path = os.path.join(flashtool_path, "chips", self.args["chipname"], "builtin_imgs")
boot2_images = self.find_file(builtin_imgs_path, r'boot2_isp_release.bin')
if len(boot2_images) > 1:
raise Exception("More than one boot2 image found.")
if len(boot2_images) == 0:
raise Exception("No boot2 image found.")
return boot2_images[0]
def get_mfd_addr():
with open(self.args["pt"], 'r') as file:
partition_config = toml.load(file)
mfd_addr = None
for v in partition_config["pt_entry"]:
if v["name"] == "MFD" or v["name"] == "mfd":
mfd_addr = v["address0"]
return mfd_addr
def exe_gen_ota_image_cmd(flashtool_exe):
os.system("rm -rf {}/FW_OTA.bin*".format(self.work_dir))
os.system("rm -rf {}/ota_images".format(self.work_dir))
if not self.args["build_ota"]:
gen_ota_img_cmd = [
"--chipname", self.args["chipname"],
"--dts", self.args["dts"],
"--firmware", self.args["firmware"],
"--pt", self.args["pt"],
"--ota", self.work_dir
if self.args["sk"]:
gen_ota_img_cmd += ["--sk", self.args["sk"]]"ota image generating: {}".format(" ".join(gen_ota_img_cmd)))
process = subprocess.Popen(gen_ota_img_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while process.poll() is None:
line = process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').rstrip()
if line:
fw_ota_images = self.find_file(self.work_dir, r'^FW_OTA.+\.hash$')
if not fw_ota_images or 0 == len(fw_ota_images):
raise Exception("Failed to generate Bouffalo Lab OTA image.")
os.system("mkdir -p {}/ota_images".format(self.work_dir))
fw_name = os.path.basename(self.args["firmware"])[:-len(".bin")]
for img in fw_ota_images:
ota_img_name = os.path.basename(img)
new_name = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "ota_images", fw_name + ota_img_name[len("FW_OTA"):])
os.system("mv {} {}".format(img, new_name))
def exe_prog_cmd(flashtool_exe, mfd_addr):
if not self.args["port"]:
if self.args["mfd"] and not mfd_addr:
raise Exception("No MFD partition found in partition table.")
prog_cmd = [
"--port", self.args["port"],
"--baudrate", self.args["baudrate"],
"--chipname", self.args["chipname"],
"--firmware", self.args["firmware"],
"--dts", self.args["dts"],
"--pt", self.args["pt"],
if self.args["boot2"]:
prog_cmd += ["--boot2", self.args["boot2"]]
if self.args["sk"]:
prog_cmd += ["--sk", self.args["sk"]]
if mfd_addr and self.args["mfd_str"]:
if self.args["key"] and not self.args["iv"]:
logging.warning("mfd file has no iv, do NOT program mfd key.")
prog_cmd += ["--dac_key", self.args["key"]]
prog_cmd += ["--dac_iv", self.args["iv"]]
prog_cmd += ["--dac_addr", hex(mfd_addr)]
prog_cmd += ["--dac_value", self.args["mfd_str"]]
if self.option.erase:
prog_cmd += ["--erase"]"firmware programming: {}".format(" ".join(prog_cmd)))
process = subprocess.Popen(prog_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while process.poll() is None:
line = process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').rstrip()
if line:
flashtool_path, flashtool_exe = get_tools()
self.args["pt"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(self.args["pt"]))
mfd_addr = get_mfd_addr()
self.args["dts"] = get_dts_file(flashtool_path, self.args["dts"])
self.args["boot2"] = get_boot_image(flashtool_path, self.args["boot2"])
exe_prog_cmd(flashtool_exe, mfd_addr)
def gen_ota_image(self):
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(MATTER_ROOT, 'src', 'app'))
import ota_image_tool
bflb_ota_images = self.find_file(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "ota_images"), r".+\.(ota|hash)$")
if len(bflb_ota_images) == 0:
raise Exception("No bouffalo lab OTA image found.")
ota_image_cfg_list = [
ota_image_cfg = {}
for k in ota_image_cfg_list:
if self.args[k] is not None:
ota_image_cfg[k] = self.args[k]
ota_image_cfg = DictObject(ota_image_cfg)
for img in bflb_ota_images:
ota_image_cfg.input_files = [img]
ota_image_cfg.output_file = img + ".matter"
if re.match(r".+\.(xz.ota|xz.hash)$", img):
self.log(0, 'Matter OTA compressed image generated: {}'.format(ota_image_cfg.output_file))
self.log(0, 'Matter OTA image generated: {}'.format(ota_image_cfg.output_file))
def verify(self):
"""Not supported"""
self.log(0, "Verification is done after image flashed.")
def reset(self):
"""Not supported"""
self.log(0, "Reset is triggered automatically after image flashed.")
def actions(self):
"""Perform actions on the device according to self.option."""
self.log(3, 'Options:', self.option)
if platform.machine() not in ["x86_64"]:
raise Exception("Only support x86_64 CPU machine to program firmware.")
if self.option.reset:
if self.option.verify_application:
self.args = dict(vars(self.option))
self.args["application"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(self.args["application"]))
self.work_dir = os.path.dirname(self.args["application"])
if self.args["sk"]:
self.args["sk"] = str(self.args["sk"])
if self.args["mfd"]:
self.args["mfd"] = os.path.join(MATTER_ROOT, str(self.args["mfd"]))
self.args["application"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(self.args["application"]))
self.args["firmware"] = str(pathlib.Path(self.args["application"]).with_suffix(".bin"))
if self.args["application"] != self.args["firmware"]:
shutil.copy2(self.args["application"], self.args["firmware"])
if self.args["build_ota"]:
if self.args["port"]:
raise Exception("Do not generate OTA image with firmware programming.")
if self.args["mfd"] and self.args["mfd_str"]:
raise Exception("Cannot use option mfd and mfd-str together.")
if self.args["build_ota"]:
return self
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])