| # VS Code Configs |
| .vscode/* |
| !.vscode/tasks.json |
| !.vscode/launch.json |
| !.vscode/settings.json |
| !.vscode/extensions.json |
| |
| # Platforms |
| .DS_Store |
| |
| # Build System |
| out/ |
| /src/test_driver/nrfconnect/build/ |
| /src/darwin/Framework/build/ |
| |
| # Environment directory |
| .environment/ |
| |
| # Temporary Directories |
| .tmp/ |
| |
| # Xcode, other development environment stuff |
| *.pbxuser |
| *.mode1v3 |
| *.mode2v3 |
| *.perspectivev3 |
| *.xcuserstate |
| project.xcworkspace/ |
| xcuserdata/ |
| *.xcodeproj/* |
| *.xcworkspace/* |
| TAGS |
| |
| # Text editors |
| .*.sw[a-z] |
| |
| # Patch files |
| *.rej |
| *.orig |
| |
| # C-Lion / IDEA files |
| .idea/** |
| |
| # Python bytecodes |
| __pycache__ |
| *.pyc |
| *.egg-info |
| |
| # Doxygen outputs |
| docs/html |
| |
| # VSCode java extensions |
| .project |
| |
| # clangd index files |
| .cache |
| |
| # compilation database for VSCode and other Ides |
| compile_commands.json |
| |
| # backup files, usually created by the ZAP tool |
| *~ |