| { |
| "description": "Matter SDK ZCL data with some extensions", |
| "category": "matter", |
| "version": 1, |
| "xmlRoot": [ |
| ".", |
| "./data-model/chip/", |
| "./data-model/draft/", |
| "./data-model/silabs/", |
| "./data-model/test" |
| ], |
| "_comment": "Ensure access-control-definitions.xml is first in xmlFile array", |
| "xmlFile": [ |
| "access-control-definitions.xml", |
| "chip-types.xml", |
| "access-control-cluster.xml", |
| "account-login-cluster.xml", |
| "administrator-commissioning-cluster.xml", |
| "air-quality-cluster.xml", |
| "application-basic-cluster.xml", |
| "application-launcher-cluster.xml", |
| "audio-output-cluster.xml", |
| "ballast-configuration-cluster.xml", |
| "barrier-control-cluster.xml", |
| "basic-information-cluster.xml", |
| "binding-cluster.xml", |
| "boolean-state-cluster.xml", |
| "actions-cluster.xml", |
| "bridged-device-basic-information.xml", |
| "chip-ota.xml", |
| "channel-cluster.xml", |
| "clusters-extensions.xml", |
| "color-control-cluster.xml", |
| "concentration-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "content-launch-cluster.xml", |
| "descriptor-cluster.xml", |
| "diagnostic-logs-cluster.xml", |
| "dishwasher-alarm-cluster.xml", |
| "dishwasher-mode-cluster.xml", |
| "door-lock-cluster.xml", |
| "electrical-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "ethernet-network-diagnostics-cluster.xml", |
| "fan-control-cluster.xml", |
| "fault-injection-cluster.xml", |
| "fixed-label-cluster.xml", |
| "flow-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "general-commissioning-cluster.xml", |
| "general-diagnostics-cluster.xml", |
| "global-attributes.xml", |
| "groups-cluster.xml", |
| "group-key-mgmt-cluster.xml", |
| "icd-management-cluster.xml", |
| "identify-cluster.xml", |
| "illuminance-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "input-output-value-clusters.xml", |
| "keypad-input-cluster.xml", |
| "laundry-washer-mode-cluster.xml", |
| "level-control-cluster.xml", |
| "localization-configuration-cluster.xml", |
| "low-power-cluster.xml", |
| "media-input-cluster.xml", |
| "media-playback-cluster.xml", |
| "mode-base-cluster.xml", |
| "mode-select-cluster.xml", |
| "mode-select-extensions.xml", |
| "network-commissioning-cluster.xml", |
| "occupancy-sensing-cluster.xml", |
| "onoff-cluster.xml", |
| "onoff-switch-configuration-cluster.xml", |
| "operational-credentials-cluster.xml", |
| "operational-state-cluster.xml", |
| "operational-state-rvc-cluster.xml", |
| "pressure-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "power-source-cluster.xml", |
| "power-source-configuration-cluster.xml", |
| "proxy-configuration-cluster.xml", |
| "proxy-discovery-cluster.xml", |
| "proxy-valid-cluster.xml", |
| "pump-configuration-and-control-cluster.xml", |
| "pwm-cluster.xml", |
| "refrigerator-and-temperature-controlled-cabinet-mode-cluster.xml", |
| "refrigerator-alarm.xml", |
| "relative-humidity-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "replacable-monitoring-cluster.xml", |
| "rvc-clean-mode-cluster.xml ", |
| "rvc-run-mode-cluster.xml", |
| "resource-monitoring-cluster.xml", |
| "scene.xml", |
| "smoke-co-alarm-cluster.xml", |
| "software-diagnostics-cluster.xml", |
| "switch-cluster.xml", |
| "target-navigator-cluster.xml", |
| "temperature-control-cluster.xml", |
| "temperature-measurement-cluster.xml", |
| "test-cluster.xml", |
| "thermostat-cluster.xml", |
| "thermostat-user-interface-configuration-cluster.xml", |
| "thread-network-diagnostics-cluster.xml", |
| "time-format-localization-cluster.xml", |
| "time-synchronization-cluster.xml", |
| "user-label-cluster.xml", |
| "unit-localization-cluster.xml", |
| "wake-on-lan-cluster.xml", |
| "washer-controls-cluster.xml", |
| "wifi-network-diagnostics-cluster.xml", |
| "window-covering.xml", |
| "matter-devices.xml", |
| "types/color-control.xml", |
| "types/door-lock.xml", |
| "types/occupancy-sensing.xml", |
| "types/thermostat-user-interface-configuration.xml" |
| ], |
| "manufacturersXml": "../../../../src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/manufacturers.xml", |
| "options": { |
| "text": { |
| "defaultResponsePolicy": ["Always", "Conditional", "Never"] |
| }, |
| "bool": ["commandDiscovery"] |
| }, |
| "defaults": { |
| "text": { |
| "manufacturerCodes": "0x1002", |
| "defaultResponsePolicy": "always" |
| }, |
| "bool": { |
| "commandDiscovery": true |
| } |
| }, |
| "listsUseAttributeAccessInterface": true, |
| "attributeAccessInterfaceAttributes": { |
| "Access Control": [ |
| "ClusterRevision", |
| "SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry", |
| "TargetsPerAccessControlEntry", |
| "AccessControlEntriesPerFabric" |
| ], |
| "Administrator Commissioning": [ |
| "WindowStatus", |
| "AdminFabricIndex", |
| "AdminVendorId" |
| ], |
| "Basic Information": [ |
| "DataModelRevision", |
| "VendorName", |
| "VendorID", |
| "ProductName", |
| "ProductID", |
| "Location", |
| "HardwareVersion", |
| "HardwareVersionString", |
| "SoftwareVersion", |
| "SoftwareVersionString", |
| "ManufacturingDate", |
| "PartNumber", |
| "ProductURL", |
| "ProductLabel", |
| "SerialNumber", |
| "UniqueID", |
| "CapabilityMinima", |
| "ProductAppearance" |
| ], |
| "Bridged Device Basic Information": ["ProductAppearance"], |
| "Descriptor": ["ClusterRevision"], |
| "Ethernet Network Diagnostics": [ |
| "PHYRate", |
| "FullDuplex", |
| "CarrierDetect", |
| "TimeSinceReset", |
| "PacketRxCount", |
| "PacketTxCount", |
| "TxErrCount", |
| "CollisionCount", |
| "OverrunCount" |
| ], |
| "General Commissioning": [ |
| "RegulatoryConfig", |
| "LocationCapability", |
| "BasicCommissioningInfo", |
| "SupportsConcurrentConnection" |
| ], |
| "General Diagnostics": [ |
| "NetworkInterfaces", |
| "ActiveHardwareFaults", |
| "ActiveRadioFaults", |
| "ActiveNetworkFaults", |
| "RebootCount", |
| "UpTime", |
| "TotalOperationalHours", |
| "BootReason" |
| ], |
| "Group Key Management": [ |
| "ClusterRevision", |
| "MaxGroupsPerFabric", |
| "MaxGroupKeysPerFabric", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "ICD Management": [ |
| "IdleModeInterval", |
| "ActiveModeInterval", |
| "ActiveModeThreshold", |
| "RegisteredClients", |
| "ICDCounter", |
| "ClientsSupportedPerFabric" |
| ], |
| "Operational Credentials": [ |
| "SupportedFabrics", |
| "CommissionedFabrics", |
| "CurrentFabricIndex" |
| ], |
| "Software Diagnostics": [ |
| "CurrentHeapFree", |
| "CurrentHeapHighWatermark", |
| "CurrentHeapUsed", |
| "FeatureMap", |
| "ThreadMetrics" |
| ], |
| "Scenes": ["SceneCount", "RemainingCapacity"], |
| "Unit Testing": [ |
| "struct_attr", |
| "nullable_struct", |
| "general_error_boolean", |
| "cluster_error_boolean" |
| ], |
| "Thread Network Diagnostics": [ |
| "Channel", |
| "RoutingRole", |
| "NetworkName", |
| "PanId", |
| "ExtendedPanId", |
| "MeshLocalPrefix", |
| "OverrunCount", |
| "PartitionId", |
| "Weighting", |
| "DataVersion", |
| "StableDataVersion", |
| "LeaderRouterId", |
| "DetachedRoleCount", |
| "ChildRoleCount", |
| "RouterRoleCount", |
| "LeaderRoleCount", |
| "AttachAttemptCount", |
| "PartitionIdChangeCount", |
| "BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount", |
| "ParentChangeCount", |
| "TxTotalCount", |
| "TxUnicastCount", |
| "TxBroadcastCount", |
| "TxAckRequestedCount", |
| "TxAckedCount", |
| "TxNoAckRequestedCount", |
| "TxDataCount", |
| "TxDataPollCount", |
| "TxBeaconCount", |
| "TxBeaconRequestCount", |
| "TxOtherCount", |
| "TxRetryCount", |
| "TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount", |
| "TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount", |
| "TxErrCcaCount", |
| "TxErrAbortCount", |
| "TxErrBusyChannelCount", |
| "RxTotalCount", |
| "RxUnicastCount", |
| "RxBroadcastCount", |
| "RxDataCount", |
| "RxDataPollCount", |
| "RxBeaconCount", |
| "RxBeaconRequestCount", |
| "RxOtherCount", |
| "RxAddressFilteredCount", |
| "RxDestAddrFilteredCount", |
| "RxDuplicatedCount", |
| "RxErrNoFrameCount", |
| "RxErrUnknownNeighborCount", |
| "RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount", |
| "RxErrSecCount", |
| "RxErrFcsCount", |
| "RxErrOtherCount", |
| "ActiveTimestamp", |
| "PendingTimestamp", |
| "Delay", |
| "SecurityPolicy", |
| "ChannelPage0Mask", |
| "OperationalDatasetComponents" |
| ], |
| "WiFi Network Diagnostics": [ |
| "BSSID", |
| "SecurityType", |
| "WiFiVersion", |
| "ChannelNumber", |
| "RSSI", |
| "BeaconLostCount", |
| "BeaconRxCount", |
| "PacketMulticastRxCount", |
| "PacketMulticastTxCount", |
| "PacketUnicastRxCount", |
| "PacketUnicastTxCount", |
| "CurrentMaxRate", |
| "OverrunCount" |
| ], |
| "Channel": ["Lineup", "CurrentChannel"], |
| "Media Playback": ["SampledPosition"], |
| "Application Launcher": ["CurrentApp"], |
| "Application Basic": ["Application"], |
| "Time Synchronization": [ |
| "TrustedTimeSource", |
| "DefaultNTP", |
| "TimeZone", |
| "DSTOffset", |
| "UTCTime", |
| "LocalTime", |
| "Granularity", |
| "TimeZoneListMaxSize", |
| "DSTOffsetListMaxSize" |
| ], |
| "Temperature Control": ["SupportedTemperatureLevels"], |
| "Dishwasher Mode": [ |
| "SupportedModes", |
| "CurrentMode", |
| "StartUpMode", |
| "OnMode", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "Laundry Washer Mode": [ |
| "SupportedModes", |
| "CurrentMode", |
| "StartUpMode", |
| "OnMode", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "Refrigerator And Temperature Controlled Cabinet Mode": [ |
| "SupportedModes", |
| "CurrentMode", |
| "StartUpMode", |
| "OnMode", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "RVC Clean Mode": [ |
| "SupportedModes", |
| "CurrentMode", |
| "StartUpMode", |
| "OnMode", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "RVC Run Mode": [ |
| "SupportedModes", |
| "CurrentMode", |
| "StartUpMode", |
| "OnMode", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "Operational State": [ |
| "OperationalState", |
| "OperationalError", |
| "CurrentPhase", |
| "CountdownTime" |
| ], |
| "RVC Operational State": [ |
| "OperationalState", |
| "OperationalError", |
| "CurrentPhase", |
| "CountdownTime" |
| ], |
| "Activated Carbon Filter Monitoring": [ |
| "Condition", |
| "DegradationDirection", |
| "ChangeIndication", |
| "InPlaceIndicator", |
| "LastChangedTime", |
| "ReplacementProductList", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ], |
| "HEPA Filter Monitoring": [ |
| "Condition", |
| "DegradationDirection", |
| "ChangeIndication", |
| "InPlaceIndicator", |
| "LastChangedTime", |
| "ReplacementProductList", |
| "FeatureMap" |
| ] |
| }, |
| "defaultReportingPolicy": "mandatory", |
| "ZCLDataTypes": ["ARRAY", "BITMAP", "ENUM", "NUMBER", "STRING", "STRUCT"], |
| "fabricHandling": { |
| "automaticallyCreateFields": true, |
| "indexFieldId": 254, |
| "indexFieldName": "FabricIndex", |
| "indexType": "fabric_idx" |
| } |
| } |