blob: def7493ea0754552240608efa39e6df7a4b73b6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains declarations of the following classes and
* templates:
* - class chip::System::Object
* - template<typename ALIGN, size_t SIZE> union chip::System::ObjectArena
* - template<class T, unsigned int N> class chip::System::ObjectPool
// Include configuration headers
#include <system/SystemConfig.h>
// Include dependent headers
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <system/SystemError.h>
#include <system/SystemStats.h>
namespace chip {
namespace System {
// Forward class and class template declarations
class Layer;
template <class T, unsigned int N>
class ObjectPool;
* @class Object
* @brief
* This represents a reference-counted object allocated from space contained in an ObjectPool<T, N> object.
* @note
* Instance of this class may only be constructed using the related ObjectPool class template. The copy constructor and the
* assignment operator are deleted. A reference counting system is used to track retentions of instances of this class.
* When an object is initially retained, its reference count is one. Additional retentions may increment the reference count.
* When the object is released, the reference count is decremented. When the reference count is zero, the object is recycled
* back to the pool for reallocation. There is no destructor available. Subclasses must be designed to ensure that all
* encapsulated resources are released when the final retention is released and the object is recycled.
* While this class is defined as concrete, it should be regarded as abstract.
class DLL_EXPORT Object
template <class T, unsigned int N>
friend class ObjectPool;
/** Test whether this object is retained by \c aLayer. Concurrency safe. */
bool IsRetained(const Layer & aLayer) const;
void Retain(void);
void Release(void);
Layer & SystemLayer(void) const;
/**< What to do when DeferredRelease fails to post a kEvent_ReleaseObj. */
enum ReleaseDeferralErrorTactic
kReleaseDeferralErrorTactic_Ignore, /**< No action. */
kReleaseDeferralErrorTactic_Release, /**< Release immediately. */
kReleaseDeferralErrorTactic_Die, /**< Die with message. */
void DeferredRelease(ReleaseDeferralErrorTactic aTactic);
Object(const Object &) /* = delete */;
Object & operator=(const Object &) /* = delete */;
Layer * volatile mSystemLayer; /**< Pointer to the layer object that owns this object. */
unsigned int mRefCount; /**< Count of remaining calls to Release before object is dead. */
/** If not already retained, attempt initial retention of this object for \c aLayer and zero up to \c aOctets. */
bool TryCreate(Layer & aLayer, size_t aOctets);
void * AppState; /**< Generic pointer to app-specific data associated with the object. */
* @brief
* Tests whether this object is retained by \c aLayer.
* @note
* No memory barrier is applied. If this returns \c false in one thread context, then it does not imply that another thread
* cannot have previously retained the object for \c aLayer. If it returns \c true, then the logic using \c aLayer is
* responsible for ensuring concurrency safety for this object.
inline bool Object::IsRetained(const Layer & aLayer) const
return this->mSystemLayer == &aLayer;
* @brief
* Increments the reference count for the CHIP System Layer object. The object is assumed to be live.
inline void Object::Retain(void)
__sync_fetch_and_add(&this->mRefCount, 1);
* @brief
* Returns a reference to the CHIP System Layer object provided when the object was initially retained from its corresponding
* object pool instance. The object is assumed to be live.
inline Layer & Object::SystemLayer(void) const
return *this->mSystemLayer;
/** Deleted. */
inline Object::Object(void) {}
/** Deleted. */
inline Object::~Object(void) {}
* @brief
* A union template used for representing a well-aligned block of memory.
* @tparam ALIGN a typename with the alignment properties for the block.
* @tparam SIZE a constant size of the block in bytes.
template <typename ALIGN, size_t SIZE>
union ObjectArena
uint8_t uMemory[SIZE];
ALIGN uAlign;
* @brief
* A class template used for allocating Object subclass objects from an ObjectArena<> template union.
* @tparam T a subclass of Object to be allocated from the arena.
* @tparam N a positive integer number of objects of class T to allocate from the arena.
template <class T, unsigned int N>
class ObjectPool
static size_t Size(void);
T * Get(const Layer & aLayer, size_t aIndex);
T * TryCreate(Layer & aLayer);
void GetStatistics(chip::System::Stats::count_t & aNumInUse, chip::System::Stats::count_t & aHighWatermark);
friend class TestObject;
ObjectArena<void *, N * sizeof(T)> mArena;
void GetNumObjectsInUse(unsigned int aStartIndex, unsigned int & aNumInUse);
void UpdateHighWatermark(const unsigned int & aCandidate);
volatile unsigned int mHighWatermark;
* @brief
* Returns the number of objects that can be simultaneously retained from a pool.
template <class T, unsigned int N>
inline size_t ObjectPool<T, N>::Size(void)
return N;
* @brief
* Returns a pointer the object at \c aIndex or \c NULL if the object is not retained by \c aLayer.
template <class T, unsigned int N>
inline T * ObjectPool<T, N>::Get(const Layer & aLayer, size_t aIndex)
T * lReturn = NULL;
if (aIndex < N)
lReturn = &reinterpret_cast<T *>(mArena.uMemory)[aIndex];
(void) static_cast<Object *>(lReturn); /* In C++-11, this would be a static_assert that T inherits Object. */
return (lReturn != NULL) && lReturn->IsRetained(aLayer) ? lReturn : NULL;
* @brief
* Tries to initially retain the first object in the pool that is not retained by any layer.
template <class T, unsigned int N>
inline T * ObjectPool<T, N>::TryCreate(Layer & aLayer)
T * lReturn = NULL;
unsigned int lIndex;
unsigned int lNumInUse = 0;
for (lIndex = 0; lIndex < N; ++lIndex)
T & lObject = reinterpret_cast<T *>(mArena.uMemory)[lIndex];
if (lObject.TryCreate(aLayer, sizeof(T)))
lReturn = &lObject;
if (lReturn != NULL)
lNumInUse = lIndex;
GetNumObjectsInUse(lIndex, lNumInUse);
lNumInUse = N;
return lReturn;
template <class T, unsigned int N>
inline void ObjectPool<T, N>::UpdateHighWatermark(const unsigned int & aCandidate)
unsigned int lTmp;
while (aCandidate > (lTmp = mHighWatermark))
(void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&mHighWatermark, lTmp, aCandidate);
* Return the number of objects in use starting at a given index
* @param[in] aStartIndex The index to start counting from; pass 0 to count over
* the whole pool.
* @param[in/out] aNumInUse The number of objects in use. If aStartIndex is not 0,
* the function adds to the counter without resetting it first.
template <class T, unsigned int N>
inline void ObjectPool<T, N>::GetNumObjectsInUse(unsigned int aStartIndex, unsigned int & aNumInUse)
unsigned int count = 0;
for (unsigned int lIndex = aStartIndex; lIndex < N; ++lIndex)
T & lObject = reinterpret_cast<T *>(mArena.uMemory)[lIndex];
if (lObject.mSystemLayer != NULL)
if (aStartIndex == 0)
aNumInUse = 0;
aNumInUse += count;
template <class T, unsigned int N>
inline void ObjectPool<T, N>::GetStatistics(chip::System::Stats::count_t & aNumInUse, chip::System::Stats::count_t & aHighWatermark)
unsigned int lNumInUse;
unsigned int lHighWatermark;
GetNumObjectsInUse(0, lNumInUse);
lHighWatermark = mHighWatermark;
if (lHighWatermark > CHIP_SYS_STATS_COUNT_MAX)
aNumInUse = static_cast<chip::System::Stats::count_t>(lNumInUse);
aHighWatermark = static_cast<chip::System::Stats::count_t>(lHighWatermark);
} // namespace System
} // namespace chip
#endif // defined(SYSTEMOBJECT_H)