blob: 08bf23d91c30d457f402720657f07b3b8a89c92b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# See
# for details about the block below.
# test-runner-runs: run1
# test-runner-run/run1/app: ${ALL_CLUSTERS_APP}
# test-runner-run/run1/factoryreset: True
# test-runner-run/run1/quiet: True
# test-runner-run/run1/app-args: --discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1 --trace-to json:${TRACE_APP}.json
# test-runner-run/run1/script-args: --storage-path admin_storage.json --commissioning-method on-network --discriminator 1234 --passcode 20202021 --trace-to json:${TRACE_TEST_JSON}.json --trace-to perfetto:${TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO}.perfetto --PICS src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values
import json
import logging
import queue
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any
import chip.clusters as Clusters
import test_plan_support
from chip.clusters import ClusterObjects as ClusterObjects
from chip.clusters.Attribute import EventReadResult, TypedAttributePath
from chip.tlv import uint
from matter_testing_support import (AttributeValue, ClusterAttributeChangeAccumulator, EventChangeCallback, MatterBaseTest,
TestStep, default_matter_test_main, has_feature, per_endpoint_test)
from mobly import asserts
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def bump_substep(step: str) -> str:
"""Given a string like "5a", bump it to "5b", or "6c" to "6d" """
if len(step) == 0:
raise ValueError("Can't bump empty steps!")
end_char = step[-1]
if not end_char.isalpha():
return step + "a"
step_prefix = step[:-1]
next_end_char = chr(ord(end_char) + 1)
if ord(next_end_char) > ord('z'):
raise ValueError(f"Reached max substep for step '{step}'")
next_step = step_prefix + next_end_char
return next_step
class TC_SwitchTests(MatterBaseTest):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._default_pressed_position = self.user_params.get("default_pressed_position", 1)
def _send_named_pipe_command(self, command_dict: dict[str, Any]):
app_pid = self.matter_test_config.app_pid
if app_pid == 0:"The --app-pid flag must be set when usage of button simulation named pipe is required (e.g. CI)")
app_pipe = f"/tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo_{app_pid}"
command = json.dumps(command_dict)
# Sends an out-of-band command to the sample app
with open(app_pipe, "w") as outfile:"Sending named pipe command to {app_pipe}: '{command}'")
outfile.write(command + "\n")
# Delay for pipe command to be processed (otherwise tests may be flaky).
def _use_button_simulator(self) -> bool:
return self.check_pics("PICS_SDK_CI_ONLY") or self.user_params.get("use_button_simulator", False)
def _send_multi_press_named_pipe_command(self, endpoint_id: int, number_of_presses: int, pressed_position: int, feature_map: uint, multi_press_max: uint):
command_dict = {"Name": 'SimulateMultiPress', "EndpointId": endpoint_id,
"ButtonId": pressed_position, "MultiPressPressedTimeMillis": 500, "MultiPressReleasedTimeMillis": 500,
"MultiPressNumPresses": number_of_presses, "FeatureMap": feature_map, "MultiPressMax": multi_press_max}
def _send_long_press_named_pipe_command(self, endpoint_id: int, pressed_position: int, feature_map: int):
command_dict = {"Name": "SimulateLongPress", "EndpointId": endpoint_id,
"ButtonId": pressed_position, "LongPressDelayMillis": 5000, "LongPressDurationMillis": 5500, "FeatureMap": feature_map}
def _send_latching_switch_named_pipe_command(self, endpoint_id: int, new_position: int):
command_dict = {"Name": "SimulateLatchPosition", "EndpointId": endpoint_id, "PositionId": new_position}
def _ask_for_switch_idle(self):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
self.wait_for_user_input(prompt_msg="Ensure switch is idle")
def _ask_for_switch_position(self, endpoint_id: int, new_position: int):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
self.wait_for_user_input(prompt_msg=f"Move latched switch to position {new_position}, if it is not already there.")
self._send_latching_switch_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, new_position)
def _ask_for_multi_press_short_long(self, endpoint_id: int, pressed_position: int, feature_map: uint, multi_press_max: uint):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
msg = f"""
Actuate the switch in the following sequence:
1. Operate switch (press briefly) associated with position {pressed_position} on the DUT then release switch from DUT
2. Operate switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT immediately after the previous step
3. Release switch from the DUT
# This is just a simulator, ignore the long press instruction for now, it doesn't matter for the CI. It does for cert.
endpoint_id, number_of_presses=2, pressed_position=pressed_position, feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
def _ask_for_multi_press_long_short(self, endpoint_id, pressed_position, feature_map: int):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
msg = f"""
Actuate the switch in the following sequence:
1. Operate switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT
2. Releases switch from the DUT
3. Immediately after the previous step completes, operate switch (press briefly) associated with position {pressed_position} on the DUT then release switch from DUT
# This is just the start of the sequence
# we'll need to send the short press after getting the LongRelease event because the simulator doesn't queue requests.
self._send_long_press_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, pressed_position, feature_map)
def _ask_for_multi_press(self, endpoint_id: int, number_of_presses: int, pressed_position: int, feature_map: uint, multi_press_max: uint):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
f'Operate the switch (press briefly) associated with position {pressed_position} then release {number_of_presses} times')
self._send_multi_press_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, number_of_presses,
pressed_position, feature_map, multi_press_max)
def _ask_for_long_press(self, endpoint_id: int, pressed_position: int, feature_map):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
prompt_msg=f"Press switch position {pressed_position} for a long time (around 5 seconds) on the DUT, then release it.")
self._send_long_press_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, pressed_position, feature_map)
def _ask_for_keep_pressed(self, endpoint_id: int, pressed_position: int, feature_map: int):
if not self._use_button_simulator():
prompt_msg=f"Press switch position {pressed_position} for a long time (around 5 seconds) on the DUT, then release it.")
self._send_long_press_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, pressed_position, feature_map)
def _ask_for_release(self):
# Since we used a long press for this, "ask for release" on the button simulator just means waiting out the delay
if not self._use_button_simulator():
prompt_msg="Release the button."
def _await_sequence_of_reports(self, report_queue: queue.Queue, endpoint_id: int, attribute: TypedAttributePath, sequence: list[Any], timeout_sec: float):
start_time = time.time()
elapsed = 0.0
time_remaining = timeout_sec
sequence_idx = 0
actual_values = []
while time_remaining > 0:
expected_value = sequence[sequence_idx]"Expecting value {expected_value} for attribute {attribute} on endpoint {endpoint_id}")
item: AttributeValue = report_queue.get(block=True, timeout=time_remaining)
# Track arrival of all values for the given attribute.
if item.endpoint_id == endpoint_id and item.attribute == attribute:
if item.value == expected_value:"Got expected attribute change {sequence_idx+1}/{len(sequence)} for attribute {attribute}")
sequence_idx += 1
asserts.assert_equal(item.value, expected_value,
msg="Did not get expected attribute value in correct sequence.")
# We are done waiting when we have accumulated all results.
if sequence_idx == len(sequence):"Got all attribute changes, done waiting.")
except queue.Empty:
# No error, we update timeouts and keep going
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
time_remaining = timeout_sec - elapsed"Did not get full sequence {sequence} in {timeout_sec:.1f} seconds. Got {actual_values} before time-out.")
def _await_sequence_of_events(self, event_queue: queue.Queue, endpoint_id: int, sequence: list[ClusterObjects.ClusterEvent], timeout_sec: float):
start_time = time.time()
elapsed = 0.0
time_remaining = timeout_sec
sequence_idx = 0
actual_events = []
while time_remaining > 0:"Expecting event {sequence[sequence_idx]} on endpoint {endpoint_id}")
item: EventReadResult = event_queue.get(block=True, timeout=time_remaining)
expected_event = sequence[sequence_idx]
event_data = item.Data
if item.Header.EndpointId == endpoint_id and item.Header.ClusterId == event_data.cluster_id:
if event_data == expected_event:"Got expected Event {sequence_idx+1}/{len(sequence)}: {event_data}")
sequence_idx += 1
asserts.assert_equal(event_data, expected_event, msg="Did not get expected event in correct sequence.")
# We are done waiting when we have accumulated all results.
if sequence_idx == len(sequence):"Got all expected events, done waiting.")
except queue.Empty:
# No error, we update timeouts and keep going
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
time_remaining = timeout_sec - elapsed"Did not get full sequence {sequence} in {timeout_sec:.1f} seconds. Got {actual_events} before time-out.")
def _expect_no_events_for_cluster(self, event_queue: queue.Queue, endpoint_id: int, expected_cluster: ClusterObjects.Cluster, timeout_sec: float):
start_time = time.time()
elapsed = 0.0
time_remaining = timeout_sec"Waiting {timeout_sec:.1f} seconds for no more events for cluster {expected_cluster} on endpoint {endpoint_id}")
while time_remaining > 0:
item: EventReadResult = event_queue.get(block=True, timeout=time_remaining)
event_data = item.Data
if item.Header.EndpointId == endpoint_id and item.Header.ClusterId == event_data.cluster_id and item.Header.ClusterId =="Got Event {event_data} when we expected no further events for {expected_cluster}")
except queue.Empty:
# No error, we update timeouts and keep going
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
time_remaining = timeout_sec - elapsed"Successfully waited for no further events on {expected_cluster} for {elapsed:.1f} seconds")
def _received_event(self, event_listener: EventChangeCallback, target_event: ClusterObjects.ClusterEvent, timeout_s: int) -> bool:
Returns true if this event was received, false otherwise
remaining = timedelta(seconds=timeout_s)
end_time = + remaining
while (remaining.seconds > 0):
event = event_listener.event_queue.get(timeout=remaining.seconds)
except queue.Empty:
return False
if event.Header.EventId == target_event.event_id:
return True
remaining = end_time -
return False
def steps_TC_SWTCH_2_2(self):
return [TestStep(1, test_plan_support.commission_if_required(), "", is_commissioning=True),
TestStep(2, "Set up subscription to all events of Switch cluster on the endpoint"),
TestStep(3, "Operator sets switch to first position on the DUT"),
TestStep(4, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 0"),
TestStep(5, "Operator sets switch to second position (one) on the DUT",
"Verify that the TH receives SwitchLatched event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT"),
TestStep(6, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 1"),
TestStep(7, "If there are more than 2 positions, test subsequent positions of the DUT"),
TestStep(8, "Operator sets switch to first position on the DUT."),
TestStep(9, "Wait 10 seconds for event reports stable." "Verify that last SwitchLatched event received is for NewPosition 0."),
TestStep(10, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 0"),
@per_endpoint_test(has_feature(Clusters.Switch, Clusters.Switch.Bitmaps.Feature.kLatchingSwitch))
async def test_TC_SWTCH_2_2(self):
post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds = 10.0
# Step 1: Commissioning - already done
cluster = Clusters.Switch
endpoint_id = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
# Step 2: Set up subscription to all events of Switch cluster on the endpoint.
event_listener = EventChangeCallback(cluster)
await event_listener.start(self.default_controller, self.dut_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id)
# Step 3: Operator sets switch to first position on the DUT.
self._ask_for_switch_position(endpoint_id, new_position=0)
# Step 4: TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT.
# Verify that the value is 0.
button_val = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(button_val, 0, "Switch position value is not 0")
# Step 5: Operator sets switch to second position (one) on the DUT",
# Verify that the TH receives SwitchLatched event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
expected_switch_position = 1
self._ask_for_switch_position(endpoint_id, expected_switch_position)
data = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.SwitchLatched, timeout_sec=post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds)"-> SwitchLatched event last received: {data}")
asserts.assert_equal(data, cluster.Events.SwitchLatched(
newPosition=expected_switch_position), "Did not get expected switch position")
# Step 6: TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 1
button_val = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(button_val, expected_switch_position, f"Switch position is not {expected_switch_position}")
# Step 7: If there are more than 2 positions, test subsequent positions of the DUT
# # TODO(#34656): Implement loop for > 2 total positions
# Step 8: Operator sets switch to first position on the DUT.
self._ask_for_switch_position(endpoint_id, new_position=0)
# Step 9: Wait 10 seconds for event reports stable.
# Verify that last SwitchLatched event received is for NewPosition 0.
expected_switch_position = 0
last_event = event_listener.get_last_event()
asserts.assert_is_not_none(last_event, "Did not get SwitchLatched events since last operator action.")
last_event_data = last_event.Data"-> SwitchLatched event last received: {last_event_data}")
asserts.assert_equal(last_event_data, cluster.Events.SwitchLatched(
newPosition=expected_switch_position), "Did not get expected switch position")
# Step 10: TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT.
# Verify that the value is 0
button_val = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(button_val, 0, "Button value is not 0")
def steps_TC_SWTCH_2_3(self):
return [TestStep(1, test_plan_support.commission_if_required(), "", is_commissioning=True),
TestStep(2, "Set up subscription to all events of Switch cluster on the endpoint"),
TestStep(3, "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT"),
TestStep(4, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 0"),
TestStep(5, "Operator operates switch (keep it pressed)",
"Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 on the DUT"),
TestStep(6, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 1"),
TestStep(7, "Operator releases switch on the DUT"),
TestStep("8a", "If the DUT implements the MSR feature and does not implement the MSL feature, verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with NewPosition set to 0 on the DUT", "Event received"),
TestStep("8b", "If the DUT implements the MSR feature and the MSL feature, verify that the TH receives LongRelease event with NewPosition set to 0 on the DUT", "Event received"),
"8c", "If the DUT implements the AS feature, verify that the TH does not receive ShortRelease event on the DUT", "No event received"),
TestStep(9, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 0"),
@per_endpoint_test(has_feature(Clusters.Switch, Clusters.Switch.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitch))
async def test_TC_SWTCH_2_3(self):
# Commissioning - already done
cluster = Clusters.Switch
feature_map = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.FeatureMap)
has_msr_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchRelease) != 0
has_msl_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchLongPress) != 0
has_as_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kActionSwitch) != 0
endpoint_id = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
event_listener = EventChangeCallback(cluster)
await event_listener.start(self.default_controller, self.dut_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id)
button_val = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(button_val, 0, "Button value is not 0")
# We're using a long press here with a very long duration (in computer-land). This will let us check the intermediate values.
# This is 1s larger than the subscription ceiling
self.keep_pressed_delay = 6000
self.pressed_position = 1
self._ask_for_keep_pressed(endpoint_id, self.pressed_position, feature_map)
button_val = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(button_val, self.pressed_position, f"Button value is not {self.pressed_position}")
if has_msr_feature and not has_msl_feature:
asserts.assert_true(self._received_event(event_listener, cluster.Events.ShortRelease, 10),
"Did not receive short release")
if has_msr_feature and has_msl_feature:
asserts.assert_true(self._received_event(event_listener, cluster.Events.LongRelease, 10),
"Did not receive long release")
if has_as_feature:
asserts.assert_false(self._received_event(event_listener, cluster.Events.ShortRelease, 10), "Received short release")
button_val = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(button_val, 0, "Button value is not 0")
def desc_TC_SWTCH_2_4(self) -> str:
return "[TC-SWTCH-2.4] Momentary Switch Long Press Verification"
def steps_TC_SWTCH_2_4(self):
return [TestStep(1, test_plan_support.commission_if_required(), "", is_commissioning=True),
TestStep(2, "Set up subscription to all events of Switch cluster on the endpoint"),
TestStep(3, "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT"),
TestStep(4, "TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT", "Verify that the value is 0"),
TestStep(5, "Operator operates switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT, the release it",
* TH expects receiving a subscription report of CurrentPosition 1, followed by a report of Current Position 0.
* TH expects receiving at InitialPress event with NewPosition = 1.
* if MSL or AS feature is supported, TH expect receiving LongPress/LongRelease in that order.
* if MS & (!MSL & !AS & !MSR) features present, TH expects receiving no further events for 10 seconds after release.
* if (MSR & !MSL) features present, TH expects receiving ShortRelease event.
@per_endpoint_test(has_feature(Clusters.Switch, Clusters.Switch.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitch))
async def test_TC_SWTCH_2_4(self):
switch_pressed_position = self._default_pressed_position
post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds = 10.0
endpoint_id = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
cluster = Clusters.Objects.Switch
# Step 1: Commission DUT - already done
# Read feature map to set bool markers
feature_map = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.FeatureMap)
has_ms_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitch) != 0
has_msr_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchRelease) != 0
has_msl_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchLongPress) != 0
has_as_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kActionSwitch) != 0
if not has_ms_feature:"Skipping rest of test: SWTCH.S.F01(MS) feature not present")
# Step 2: Set up subscription to all events of Switch cluster on the endpoint
event_listener = EventChangeCallback(cluster)
attrib_listener = ClusterAttributeChangeAccumulator(cluster)
await event_listener.start(self.default_controller, self.dut_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id)
await attrib_listener.start(self.default_controller, self.dut_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id)
# Step 3: Operator does not operate switch on the DUT
# Step 4: TH reads the CurrentPosition attribute from the DUT
# Verify that the value is 0
current_position = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition)
asserts.assert_equal(current_position, 0)
# Step 5: Operator operates switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT, the release it
self._ask_for_long_press(endpoint_id, switch_pressed_position, feature_map)
# - TH expects report of CurrentPosition 1, followed by a report of Current Position 0.
f"Starting to wait for {post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds:.1f} seconds for CurrentPosition to go {switch_pressed_position}, then 0.")
self._await_sequence_of_reports(report_queue=attrib_listener.attribute_queue, endpoint_id=endpoint_id, attribute=cluster.Attributes.CurrentPosition, sequence=[
switch_pressed_position, 0], timeout_sec=post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds)
# - TH expects at least InitialPress with NewPosition = 1"Starting to wait for {post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds:.1f} seconds for InitialPress event.")
expected_events = [cluster.Events.InitialPress(newPosition=switch_pressed_position)]
self._await_sequence_of_events(event_queue=event_listener.event_queue, endpoint_id=endpoint_id,
sequence=expected_events, timeout_sec=post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds)
# - if MSL or AS feature is supported, expect to see LongPress/LongRelease in that order.
if not has_msl_feature and not has_as_feature:"Since MSL and AS features both unsupported, skipping check for LongPress/LongRelease")
# - TH expects report of LongPress, LongRelease in that order."Starting to wait for {post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds:.1f} seconds for LongPress then LongRelease.")
expected_events = []
self._await_sequence_of_events(event_queue=event_listener.event_queue, endpoint_id=endpoint_id,
sequence=expected_events, timeout_sec=post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds)
# - if MS & (!MSL & !AS & !MSR) features present, expect no further events for 10 seconds after release.
if not has_msl_feature and not has_as_feature and not has_msr_feature:
endpoint_id=endpoint_id, expected_cluster=cluster, timeout_sec=10.0)
# - if (MSR & !MSL) features present, expect to see ShortRelease event.
if not has_msl_feature and has_msr_feature:
expected_events = [cluster.Events.ShortRelease(previousPosition=switch_pressed_position)]
self._await_sequence_of_events(event_queue=event_listener.event_queue, endpoint_id=endpoint_id,
sequence=expected_events, timeout_sec=post_prompt_settle_delay_seconds)
def steps_TC_SWTCH_2_5(self):
return [TestStep(1, test_plan_support.commission_if_required(), "", is_commissioning=True),
TestStep(2, "Set up a subscription to all Switch cluster events"),
TestStep(3, "Operate does not operate the switch on the DUT"),
TestStep("4a", "Operator operates switch (press briefly) associated with position 1 on the DUT then release switch from DUT",
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
TestStep("4b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 1 from the DUT"),
TestStep("5a", "Operator repeat step 4a 2 times quickly",
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives MultiPressOngoing event with NewPosition set to 1 and CurrentNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT +
The events sequence SHALL follow the same sequence as above
TestStep("5b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"Verify that the TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT"),
TestStep("6a", "If MultiPressMax == 2 (see 2c of TC-SWTCH-2.1), skip steps 6b .. 6c"),
TestStep("6b", "Operator repeat step 4a 3 times quickly",
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives MultiPressOngoing event with NewPosition set to 1 and CurrentNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives MultiPressOngoing event with NewPosition set to 1 and CurrentNumberOfPressesCounted set to 3 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT +
The events sequence from the subscription SHALL follow the same sequence as expressed above, in the exact order of events specified.
TestStep("6c", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT for 5 seconds",
"Verify that the TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 3 from the DUT"),
TestStep(7, "Set up subscription to all Switch cluster events"),
Operator operates switch in below sequence:
1. Operator operates switch (press briefly) associated with position 1 on the DUT then release switch from DUT
2. Operator operates switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT immediately after the previous step
3. Operator releases switch from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives MultiPressOngoing event with NewPosition set to 1 and CurrentNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive LongPress event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive LongRelease event from the DUT
The events sequence from the subscription SHALL follow the same sequence as expressed above, in the exact order of events specified.
TestStep("8b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT"),
Operator operates switch in below sequence:
1. Operator operates switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT
2. Operator releases switch from the DUT
3. Immediately after the previous step completes, Operator operates switch (press briefly) associated with position 1 on the DUT then release switch from DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives (one, not more than one) LongPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives LongRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives ShortRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive MultiPressOngoing event from the DUT
The events sequence from the subscription SHALL follow the same sequence as expressed above, in the exact order of events specified.
TestStep("9b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT")
def should_run_SWTCH_2_5(wildcard, endpoint):
msm = has_feature(Clusters.Switch, Clusters.Switch.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchMultiPress)
asf = has_feature(Clusters.Switch, 0x20)
return msm(wildcard, endpoint) and not asf(wildcard, endpoint)
async def test_TC_SWTCH_2_5(self):
# Commissioning - already done
cluster = Clusters.Switch
feature_map = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.FeatureMap)
has_msl_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchLongPress)
multi_press_max = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.MultiPressMax)
endpoint_id = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
pressed_position = self._default_pressed_position
event_listener = EventChangeCallback(cluster)
await event_listener.start(self.default_controller, self.dut_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id)
def test_multi_press_sequence(starting_step: str, count: int, short_long: bool = False):
step = starting_step
if short_long:
self._ask_for_multi_press_short_long(endpoint_id, pressed_position,
feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
self._ask_for_multi_press(endpoint_id, number_of_presses=count, pressed_position=pressed_position,
feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
for pos_idx in range(count):
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.InitialPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on InitialEvent")
if pos_idx > 0:
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.MultiPressOngoing)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on MultiPressOngoing")
asserts.assert_equal(event.currentNumberOfPressesCounted, pos_idx + 1,
"Unexpected CurrentNumberOfPressesCounted on MultiPressOngoing")
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.ShortRelease)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on ShortRelease")
step = bump_substep(step)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.MultiPressComplete)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on MultiPressComplete")
asserts.assert_equal(event.totalNumberOfPressesCounted, count, "Unexpected count on MultiPressComplete")
test_multi_press_sequence("4a", count=1)
test_multi_press_sequence("5a", count=2)
multi_press_max = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster=cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.MultiPressMax)
if multi_press_max == 2:
test_multi_press_sequence("6b", count=3)
if not has_msl_feature:
# subscription is already set up
test_multi_press_sequence("8a", count=2, short_long=True)
self._ask_for_multi_press_long_short(endpoint_id, pressed_position, feature_map)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.InitialPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on InitialEvent")
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.LongPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on LongPress")
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.LongRelease)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on LongRelease")
if self._use_button_simulator:
# simulator can't sequence so we need to help it along here
self._send_multi_press_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, number_of_presses=1,
pressed_position=1, feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.InitialPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on InitialEvent")
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.ShortRelease)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on ShortRelease")
# Because this is a queue, we verify that no multipress ongoing is received by verifying that the next event is the multipress complete
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.MultiPressComplete)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on MultiPressComplete")
asserts.assert_equal(event.totalNumberOfPressesCounted, 1, "Unexpected count on MultiPressComplete")
def steps_TC_SWTCH_2_6(self):
return [TestStep(1, test_plan_support.commission_if_required(), is_commissioning=True),
TestStep(2, "Set up subscription to all Switch cluster events"),
TestStep(3, "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT"),
TestStep("4a", "Operator operates switch (press briefly) associated with position 1 on the DUT then release switch from DUT",
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive ShortRelease event from the DUT
TestStep("4b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 1 from the DUT"),
TestStep("5a", "Operator repeat step 4a 2 times quickly",
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress(one, not more than one) event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive ShortRelease event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive MultiPressOngoing event from the DUT
TestStep("5b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"Verify that the TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT"),
TestStep("6a", "Operator repeat step 4a MultiPressMax + 1(see 2c of TC-SWTCH-2.1) times quickly",
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress(one, not more than one) event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive ShortRelease event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive MultiPressOngoing event from the DUT
TestStep("6b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"Verify that the TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 0 from the DUT"),
TestStep("7a", "If the switch cluster does not implement the MomentarySwitchLongPress (MSL) feature, skip the remaining steps"),
TestStep("7b", "Set up subscription to all Switch cluster events"),
Operator operates switch in below sequence:
1. Operator operates switch (press briefly) associated with position 1 on the DUT then release switch from DUT
2. Operator operates switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT immediately after the previous step
3. Operator releases switch from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress(one, not more than one) event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive ShortRelease event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive MultiPressOngoing event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive LongPress event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive LongRelease event from the DUT
TestStep("8b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT",
"TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 2 from the DUT"),
Operator operates switch in below sequence:
1. Operator operates switch (keep pressed for long time, e.g. 5 seconds) on the DUT
2. Operator releases switch from the DUT
3. Immediately after the previous step complete, Operator operates switch (press briefly) associated with position 1 on the DUT then release switch from DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives (one, not more than one) LongPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives LongRelease event with PreviousPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH receives InitialPress event with NewPosition set to 1 from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive MultiPressOngoing event from the DUT
* Verify that the TH does not receive ShortRelease event from the DUT
The events sequence from the subscription SHALL follow the same sequence as expressed above, in the exact order of events specified.
TestStep("9b", "Operator does not operate switch on the DUT"
"Verify that the TH receives MultiPressComplete event with PreviousPosition set to 1 and TotalNumberOfPressesCounted set to 1 from the DUT"),
def should_run_SWTCH_2_6(wildcard, endpoint):
msm = has_feature(Clusters.Switch, Clusters.Switch.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchMultiPress)
asf = has_feature(Clusters.Switch, 0x20)
return msm(wildcard, endpoint) and asf(wildcard, endpoint)
async def test_TC_SWTCH_2_6(self):
# Commissioning - already done
cluster = Clusters.Switch
feature_map = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.FeatureMap)
has_msl_feature = (feature_map & cluster.Bitmaps.Feature.kMomentarySwitchLongPress)
multi_press_max = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(cluster, attribute=cluster.Attributes.MultiPressMax)
endpoint_id = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
pressed_position = self._default_pressed_position
event_listener = EventChangeCallback(cluster)
await event_listener.start(self.default_controller, self.dut_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id)
def test_multi_press_sequence(starting_step: str, count: int, short_long: bool = False):
step = starting_step
if short_long:
self._ask_for_multi_press_short_long(endpoint_id, pressed_position,
feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
self._ask_for_multi_press(endpoint_id, number_of_presses=count, pressed_position=pressed_position,
feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.InitialPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on InitialEvent")
step = bump_substep(step)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.MultiPressComplete)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on MultiPressComplete")
expected_count = 0 if count > multi_press_max else count
asserts.assert_equal(event.totalNumberOfPressesCounted, expected_count, "Unexpected count on MultiPressComplete")
test_multi_press_sequence("4a", count=1)
test_multi_press_sequence("5a", count=2)
test_multi_press_sequence("6a", count=(multi_press_max + 1))
if not has_msl_feature:
# subscription is already established
test_multi_press_sequence("8a", count=2, short_long=True)
self._ask_for_multi_press_long_short(endpoint_id, pressed_position, feature_map)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.InitialPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on InitialEvent")
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.LongPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on LongPress")
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.LongRelease)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on LongRelease")
if self._use_button_simulator:
# simulator can't sequence so we need to help it along here
self._send_multi_press_named_pipe_command(endpoint_id, number_of_presses=1,
pressed_position=1, feature_map=feature_map, multi_press_max=multi_press_max)
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.InitialPress)
asserts.assert_equal(event.newPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected NewPosition on InitialEvent")
# Verify that we don't receive the multi-press ongoing or short release by verifying that the next event in the sequence is the multi-press complete
event = event_listener.wait_for_event_report(cluster.Events.MultiPressComplete)
asserts.assert_equal(event.previousPosition, pressed_position, "Unexpected PreviousPosition on MultiPressComplete")
asserts.assert_equal(event.totalNumberOfPressesCounted, 1, "Unexpected count on MultiPressComplete")
if __name__ == "__main__":