blob: 568bfefb5be1019e7d7d691d92c5082a3174f36b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines CHIP interaction model message parsers and encoders
* Interaction model profile.
#pragma once
#include <core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <core/CHIPTLV.h>
#include <support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <util/basic-types.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
* @brief
* The CHIP interaction model message types.
* These values are called out in CHIP Interaction Model: Encoding Specification
kMsgType_SubscribeRequest = 0x01,
kMsgType_ReadRequest = 0x02,
kMsgType_ReportData = 0x03,
kMsgType_WriteRequest = 0x04,
kMsgType_WriteResponse = 0x05,
kMsgType_InvokeCommandRequest = 0x06,
kMsgType_InvokeCommandResponse = 0x07,
class Parser
* @brief Initialize the Builder object with TLVReader and ContainerType
* @param [in] aReader TLVReader
* @param [in] aOuterContainerType outer container type
void Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, chip::TLV::TLVType aOuterContainerType);
* @brief Initialize a TLVReader to point to the beginning of any tagged element in this request
* @param [in] aTagToFind Tag to find in the request
* @param [out] apReader A pointer to TLVReader, which will be initialized at the specified TLV element
* on success
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR GetReaderOnTag(const uint64_t aTagToFind, chip::TLV::TLVReader * const apReader) const;
* @brief Get the TLV Reader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader
void GetReader(chip::TLV::TLVReader * const apReader);
chip::TLV::TLVReader mReader;
chip::TLV::TLVType mOuterContainerType;
template <typename T>
CHIP_ERROR GetUnsignedInteger(const uint8_t aContextTag, T * const apLValue) const;
template <typename T>
CHIP_ERROR GetSimpleValue(const uint8_t aContextTag, const chip::TLV::TLVType aTLVType, T * const apLValue) const;
class ListParser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should be on the element of the array element
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader if context tag exists
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should be on the element of the array element
* @param [in] aContextTagToFind A context tag it tries to find
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR InitIfPresent(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, const uint8_t aContextTagToFind);
* @brief Iterate to next element
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
class Builder
* @brief Initialize the Builder object with TLVWriter and ContainerType
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to a TLVWriter
* @param [in] aOuterContainerType outer container type
void Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, chip::TLV::TLVType aOuterContainerType);
* @brief Reset the Error
void ResetError();
* @brief Reset the Error with particular aErr.
* @param [in] aErr the Error it would be reset with
void ResetError(CHIP_ERROR aErr);
* @brief Get current error
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR GetError() const { return mError; };
* @brief Get TLV Writer
* @return #Pointer to the TLVWriter
chip::TLV::TLVWriter * GetWriter() { return mpWriter; };
chip::TLV::TLVWriter * mpWriter;
chip::TLV::TLVType mOuterContainerType;
void EndOfContainer();
CHIP_ERROR InitAnonymousStructure(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
class ListBuilder : public chip::app::Builder
* Init the TLV array container with an particular context tag.
* Required to implement arrays of arrays, and to test ListBuilder.
* @param[in] apWriter Pointer to the TLVWriter that is encoding the message.
* @param[in] aContextTagToUse A contextTag to use.
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects.
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint8_t aContextTagToUse);
* Init the TLV array container with an anonymous tag.
* Required to implement arrays of arrays, and to test ListBuilder.
* @param[in] apWriter Pointer to the TLVWriter that is encoding the message.
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects.
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
namespace AttributePath {
kCsTag_NodeId = 0,
kCsTag_EndpointId = 1,
kCsTag_NamespacedClusterId = 2,
kCsTag_FieldId = 3,
kCsTag_ListIndex = 4,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this AttributePath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the NodeId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apNodeId A pointer to apNodeId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNodeId(chip::NodeId * const apNodeId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the EndpointId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEndpointId A pointer to apEndpointId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEndpointId(chip::EndpointId * const apEndpointId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the ClusterId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apClusterId A pointer to apClusterId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNamespacedClusterId(chip::ClusterId * const apClusterId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the FieldId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apFieldId A pointer to apFieldId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetFieldId(uint8_t * const apFieldId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the ListIndex. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apListIndex A pointer to apListIndex
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetListIndex(uint16_t * const apListIndex) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a AttributePath::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* Init the AttributePath container with an particular context tag.
* Required to implement arrays of arrays, and to test ListBuilder.
* @param[in] apWriter Pointer to the TLVWriter that is encoding the message.
* @param[in] aContextTagToUse A contextTag to use.
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects.
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint8_t aContextTagToUse);
* @brief Inject NodeId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aNodeId NodeId for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePath::Builder & NodeId(const chip::NodeId aNodeId);
* @brief Inject EndpointId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aEndpointId NodeId for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePath::Builder & EndpointId(const chip::EndpointId aEndpointId);
* @brief Inject NamespacedClusterId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aNamespacedClusterId NamespacedClusterId for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePath::Builder & NamespacedClusterId(const chip::ClusterId aNamespacedClusterId);
* @brief Inject FieldId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aFieldId FieldId for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePath::Builder & FieldId(const uint8_t aFieldId);
* @brief Inject NodeId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aListIndex NodeId for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePath::Builder & ListIndex(const uint16_t aListIndex);
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributePath
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePath::Builder & EndOfAttributePath();
CHIP_ERROR _Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint64_t aTag);
}; // namespace AttributePath
namespace AttributePathList {
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a AttributePath::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributePath::Builder
AttributePath::Builder & CreateAttributePathBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributePath
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathList::Builder & EndOfAttributePathList();
AttributePath::Builder mAttributePathBuilder;
}; // namespace AttributePathList
namespace EventPath {
kCsTag_NodeId = 0,
kCsTag_EndpointId = 1,
kCsTag_NamespacedClusterId = 2,
kCsTag_EventId = 3,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this EventPath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the NodeId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apNodeId A pointer to apNodeId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNodeId(chip::NodeId * const apNodeId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the EndpointId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEndpointId A pointer to apEndpointId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEndpointId(chip::EndpointId * const apEndpointId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the NamespacedClusterId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apNamespacedClusterId A pointer to apNamespacedClusterId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNamespacedClusterId(chip::ClusterId * const apNamespacedClusterId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the EventId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEventId A pointer to apEventId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEventId(chip::EventId * const apEventId) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a EventPath::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* Init the EventPath container with an particular context tag.
* Required to implement arrays of arrays, and to test ListBuilder.
* @param[in] apWriter Pointer to the TLVWriter that is encoding the message.
* @param[in] aContextTagToUse A contextTag to use.
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects.
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint8_t aContextTagToUse);
* @brief Inject NodeId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aNodeId NodeId for this event path
* @return A reference to *this
EventPath::Builder & NodeId(const chip::NodeId aNodeId);
* @brief Inject EndpointId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aEndpointId EndpointId for this eevent path
* @return A reference to *this
EventPath::Builder & EndpointId(const chip::EndpointId aEndpointId);
* @brief Inject NamespacedClusterId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aNamespacedClusterId NamespacedClusterId for this event path
* @return A reference to *this
EventPath::Builder & NamespacedClusterId(const chip::ClusterId aNamespacedClusterId);
* @brief Inject EventId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aEventId NamespacedClusterId for this event path
* @return A reference to *this
EventPath::Builder & EventId(const chip::EventId aEventId);
* @brief Mark the end of this EventPath
* @return A reference to *this
EventPath::Builder & EndOfEventPath();
CHIP_ERROR _Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint64_t aTag);
}; // namespace EventPath
namespace EventPathList {
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a EventPath::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to EventPath::Builder
EventPath::Builder & CreateEventPathBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this EventPathList
* @return A reference to *this
EventPathList::Builder & EndOfEventPathList();
EventPath::Builder mEventPathBuilder;
}; // namespace EventPathList
namespace CommandPath {
kCsTag_EndpointId = 0,
kCsTag_GroupId = 1,
kCsTag_NamespacedClusterId = 2,
kCsTag_CommandId = 3,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this CommandPath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the EndpointId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEndpointId A pointer to apEndpointId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEndpointId(chip::EndpointId * const apEndpointId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the GroupId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apGroupId A pointer to apGroupId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetGroupId(chip::GroupId * const apGroupId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the NamespacedClusterId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEndpointId A pointer to NamespacedClusterId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNamespacedClusterId(chip::ClusterId * const apNamespacedClusterId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the CommandId. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEndpointId A pointer to CommandId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetCommandId(chip::CommandId * const apCommandId) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a CommandPath::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* Init the CommandPath container with an particular context tag.
* Required to implement arrays of arrays, and to test ListBuilder.
* @param[in] apWriter Pointer to the TLVWriter that is encoding the message.
* @param[in] aContextTagToUse A contextTag to use.
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects.
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint8_t aContextTagToUse);
* @brief Inject EndpointId into the TLV stream to indicate the endpointId referenced by the path.
* @param [in] aEndpointId refer to the ID of the endpoint as described in the descriptor cluster.
* @return A reference to *this
CommandPath::Builder & EndpointId(const chip::EndpointId aEndpointId);
* @brief Inject GroupId into the TLV stream to indicate the GroupId referenced by the path.
* @param [in] aGroupId Group Id for this Command path
* @return A reference to *this
CommandPath::Builder & GroupId(const chip::GroupId aGroupId);
* @brief Inject NamespacedClusterId into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aNamespacedClusterId NamespacedClusterId for this command path
* @return A reference to *this
CommandPath::Builder & NamespacedClusterId(const chip::ClusterId aNamespacedClusterId);
* @brief Inject CommandId into the TLV stream
* @param [in] aCommandId Command Id for NamespacedClusterId for this command path
* @return A reference to *this
CommandPath::Builder & CommandId(const chip::CommandId aCommandId);
* @brief Mark the end of this CommandPath
* @return A reference to *this
CommandPath::Builder & EndOfCommandPath();
CHIP_ERROR _Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint64_t aTag);
}; // namespace CommandPath
namespace EventDataElement {
kCsTag_EventPath = 0,
kCsTag_ImportanceLevel = 1,
kCsTag_Number = 2,
kCsTag_UTCTimestamp = 3,
kCsTag_SystemTimestamp = 4,
kCsTag_DeltaUTCTimestamp = 5,
kCsTag_DeltaSystemTimestamp = 6,
kCsTag_Data = 7,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this EventDataElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the EventPath. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEventPath A pointer to apEventPath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Path
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEventPath(EventPath::Parser * const apEventPath);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the Number. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apImportanceLevel A pointer to apImportanceLevel
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetImportanceLevel(uint8_t * const apImportanceLevel);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the Number. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apNumber A pointer to apNumber
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNumber(uint64_t * const apNumber);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the UTCTimestamp. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apUTCTimestamp A pointer to apUTCTimestamp
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetUTCTimestamp(uint64_t * const apUTCTimestamp);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the SystemTimestamp. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apSystemTimestamp A pointer to apSystemTimestamp
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetSystemTimestamp(uint64_t * const apSystemTimestamp);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the DeltaUTCTime. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apDeltaUTCTimestamp A pointer to apDeltaUTCTime
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetDeltaUTCTime(uint64_t * const apDeltaUTCTime);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the DeltaSystemTime. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apDeltaSystemTimestamp A pointer to apDeltaSystemTime
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetDeltaSystemTime(uint64_t * const apDeltaSystemTime);
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the Data. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apReader A pointer to apReader
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetData(chip::TLV::TLVReader * const apReader) const;
// A recursively callable function to parse a data element and pretty-print it.
CHIP_ERROR ParseData(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, int aDepth) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a EventDataElement::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* @brief Initialize a EventPath::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to EventPath::Builder
EventPath::Builder & CreateEventPathBuilder();
* @brief Inject ImportanceLevel into the TLV stream to indicate the importance level associated with
* the cluster that is referenced by the path.
* @param [in] aImportanceLevel This is an integer representation of the importance level.
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder ImportanceLevel(const uint8_t aImportanceLevel);
* @brief Inject Number into the TLV stream to indicate the number associated with
* the cluster that is referenced by the path. The event number is a monotonically increasing number that
* uniquely identifies each emitted event. This number is scoped to the ImportanceLevel.
* @param [in] aNumber The uint64_t variable to reflectt the event number
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder Number(const uint64_t aNumber);
* @brief Inject UTCTimestamp into the TLV stream.
* This is encoded as a 64-bit millisecond number since UNIX epoch (Jan 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
* @param [in] aUTCTimestamp The uint64_t variable to reflect the UTC timestamp of the Event.
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder UTCTimestamp(const uint64_t aUTCTimestamp);
* @brief Inject SystemTimestamp into the TLV stream. If UTC time is not available, time since boot
* SHALL be encoded in this field as 64-bit, milliseconds.
* @param [in] aSystemTimestamp The uint64_t variable to reflect system time
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder SystemTimestamp(const uint64_t aSystemTimestamp);
* @brief Inject DataVersion into the TLV stream to indicate the numerical data version associated with
* the cluster that is referenced by the path. When this field is present, the UTC Timestamp field SHALL be omitted.
* @param [in] aDataVersion The uint64_t variable to reflect DeltaUTCTime
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder DeltaUTCTime(const uint64_t aDeltaUTCTime);
* @brief Inject DeltaSystemTimestamp into the TLV stream.
* This field is present if delta encoding of the System timestamp relative to a prior event is desired for compression
* reasons. When this field is present, the System Timestamp field SHALL be omitted.
* @param [in] DeltaSystemTimestamp The uint64_t variable to reflect DeltaSystemTime
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder DeltaSystemTime(const uint64_t aDeltaSystemTime);
* @brief Mark the end of this EventDataElement
* @return A reference to *this
EventDataElement::Builder & EndOfEventDataElement();
EventPath::Builder mEventPathBuilder;
}; // namespace EventDataElement
namespace EventList {
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a EventDataElement::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to EventDataElement::Builder
EventDataElement::Builder & CreateEventBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this EventList
* @return A reference to *this
EventList::Builder & EndOfEventList();
EventDataElement::Builder mEventDataElementBuilder;
}; // namespace EventList
namespace StatusElement {
kCsTag_GeneralCode = 1,
kCsTag_ProtocolId = 2,
kCsTag_ProtocolCode = 3,
kCsTag_NamespacedClusterId = 4
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this StatusElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
`* Read the GeneralCode, ProtocolId, ProtocolCode, NamespacedClusterId
* @param[out] apGeneralCode Pointer to the storage for the GeneralCode
* @param[out] apProtocolId Pointer to the storage for the ProtocolId
* @param[out] apProtocolCode Pointer to the storage for the ProtocolCode
* @param[out] apNamespacedClusterId Pointer to the storage for the NamespacedClusterId
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects. CHIP_END_OF_TLV if either
* element is missing. CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if the elements are of the wrong
* type.
CHIP_ERROR DecodeStatusElement(uint16_t * apGeneralCode, uint32_t * apProtocolId, uint16_t * apProtocolCode,
chip::ClusterId * apNamespacedClusterId) const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a StatusElement::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* Init the StatusElement container with an particular context tag.
* Required to implement arrays of arrays, and to test ListBuilder.
* @param[in] apWriter Pointer to the TLVWriter that is encoding the message.
* @param[in] aContextTagToUse A contextTag to use.
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects.
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter, const uint8_t aContextTagToUse);
`* Read the GeneralCode, ProtocolId, ProtocolCode, NamespacedClusterId
* @param[in] aGeneralCode General status code
* @param[in] aProtocolId A protocol ID (32-bit integer composed of a 16-bit vendor id and 16-bit Scoped id)
* @param[in] aProtocolCode 16-bit protocol-specific error code
* @param[in] aNamespacedClusterId Cluster Id for ZCL
* @return CHIP_ERROR codes returned by Chip::TLV objects. CHIP_END_OF_TLV if either
* element is missing. CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if the elements are of the wrong
* type.
StatusElement::Builder & EncodeStatusElement(const uint16_t aGeneralCode, const uint32_t aProtocolId,
const uint16_t aProtocolCode, const chip::ClusterId aNamespacedClusterId);
* @brief Mark the end of this StatusElement
* @return A reference to *this
StatusElement::Builder & EndOfStatusElement();
}; // namespace StatusElement
namespace AttributeStatusElement {
kCsTag_AttributePath = 0,
kCsTag_StatusElement = 1,
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a AttributeStatusElement::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* @brief Initialize a AttributePath::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributePath::Builder
AttributePath::Builder & CreateAttributePathBuilder();
* @brief Initialize a StatusElement::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to StatusElement::Builder
StatusElement::Builder & CreateStatusElementBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributeStatusElement
* @return A reference to *this
AttributeStatusElement::Builder & EndOfAttributeStatusElement();
AttributePath::Builder mAttributePathBuilder;
StatusElement::Builder mStatusElementBuilder;
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this AttributeStatusElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the AttributePath. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apAttributePath A pointer to apAttributePath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Path
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetAttributePath(AttributePath::Parser * const apAttributePath) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the StatusElement. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apStatusElement A pointer to apStatusElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Path
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetStatusElement(StatusElement::Parser * const apStatusElement) const;
}; // namespace AttributeStatusElement
namespace AttributeStatusList {
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a AttributeStatus::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributeStatus::Builder
AttributeStatusElement::Builder & CreateAttributeStatusBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributeStatusList
* @return A reference to *this
AttributeStatusList::Builder & EndOfAttributeStatusList();
AttributeStatusElement::Builder mAttributeStatusBuilder;
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
}; // namespace AttributeStatusList
namespace AttributeDataElement {
kCsTag_AttributePath = 0,
kCsTag_DataVersion = 1,
kCsTag_Data = 2,
kCsTag_MoreClusterDataFlag = 3,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this AttributeDataElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the AttributePath. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apAttributePath A pointer to apAttributePath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Path
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetAttributePath(AttributePath::Parser * const apAttributePath) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the DataVersion. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apVersion A pointer to apVersion
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetDataVersion(chip::DataVersion * const apVersion) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the Data. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apReader A pointer to apReader
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetData(chip::TLV::TLVReader * const apReader) const;
* @brief Check whether it need more cluster data Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apMoreClusterDataFlag A pointer to apMoreClusterDataFlag
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetMoreClusterDataFlag(bool * const apMoreClusterDataFlag) const;
// A recursively callable function to parse a data element and pretty-print it.
CHIP_ERROR ParseData(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, int aDepth) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a AttributeDataElement::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* @brief Initialize a AttributePath::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributePath::Builder
AttributePath::Builder & CreateAttributePathBuilder();
* @brief Inject DataVersion into the TLV stream to indicate the numerical data version associated with
* the cluster that is referenced by the path.
* @param [in] aDataVersion The boolean variable to indicate if AttributeDataElement has version
* @return A reference to *this
AttributeDataElement::Builder & DataVersion(const chip::DataVersion aDataVersion);
* @brief Inject aMoreClusterData into the TLV stream to indicate whether there is more cluster data.
* This is present when there is more than one AttributeDataElement as part of a logical Changeset,
* and the entire set needs to be applied ‘atomically’ on the receiver.
* @param [in] aMoreClusterData The boolean variable to indicate if more cluster data is needed.
* @return A reference to *this
AttributeDataElement::Builder & MoreClusterData(const bool aMoreClusterData);
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributeDataElement
* @return A reference to *this
AttributeDataElement::Builder & EndOfAttributeDataElement();
AttributePath::Builder mAttributePathBuilder;
}; // namespace AttributeDataElement
namespace AttributeDataList {
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a AttributeDataElement::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributeDataElement::Builder
AttributeDataElement::Builder & CreateAttributeDataElementBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributeDataList
* @return A reference to *this
AttributeDataList::Builder & EndOfAttributeDataList();
AttributeDataElement::Builder mAttributeDataElementBuilder;
}; // namespace AttributeDataList
namespace CommandDataElement {
kCsTag_CommandPath = 0,
kCsTag_Data = 1,
kCsTag_StatusElement = 2,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this CommandDataElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the CommandPath. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apCommandPath A pointer to apCommandPath
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Path
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetCommandPath(CommandPath::Parser * const apCommandPath) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the Data. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apReader A pointer to apReader
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetData(chip::TLV::TLVReader * const apReader) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the Data. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apStatusElement A pointer to apStatusElement
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* # CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a structure
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetStatusElement(StatusElement::Parser * const apStatusElement) const;
// A recursively callable function to parse a data element and pretty-print it.
CHIP_ERROR ParseData(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, int aDepth) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a AttributeDataList::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* @brief Initialize a CommandPath::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to CommandPath::Builder
CommandPath::Builder & CreateCommandPathBuilder();
* @brief Initialize a StatusElement::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to StatusElement::Builder
StatusElement::Builder & CreateStatusElementBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this CommandDataElement
* @return A reference to *this
CommandDataElement::Builder & EndOfCommandDataElement();
CommandPath::Builder mCommandPathBuilder;
StatusElement::Builder mStatusElementBuilder;
}; // namespace CommandDataElement
namespace CommandList {
class Parser : public ListParser
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Initialize a CommandDataElement::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributeDataList::Builder
CommandDataElement::Builder & CreateCommandDataElementBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this CommandList
* @return A reference to *this
CommandList::Builder & EndOfCommandList();
CommandDataElement::Builder mCommandDataElementBuilder;
}; // namespace CommandList
namespace ReportData {
kCsTag_RequestResponse = 0,
kCsTag_SubscriptionId = 1,
kCsTag_AttributeStatusList = 2,
kCsTag_AttributeDataList = 3,
kCsTag_EventDataList = 4,
kCsTag_IsLastReport = 5,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this ReportData
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Check whether this message needs request response. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apRequestResponse A pointer to apRequestResponse
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetRequestResponse(bool * const apRequestResponse) const;
* @brief Get Subscription Id. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apSubscriptionId A pointer to apIsLastReport
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetSubscriptionId(uint64_t * const apSubscriptionId) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the AttributesStatusList. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apAttributeStatusList A pointer to apAttributeStatusList
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Array
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetAttributeStatusList(AttributeStatusList::Parser * const apAttributeStatusList) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the AttributesDataList. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apAttributeDataList A pointer to apAttributeDataList
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Array
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetAttributeDataList(AttributeDataList::Parser * const apAttributeDataList) const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the EventDataList. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apEventDataList A pointer to apEventDataList
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not a Array
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEventDataList(EventList::Parser * const apEventDataList) const;
* @brief Check whether this message is last report. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apIsLastReport A pointer to apIsLastReport
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetIsLastReport(bool * const apIsLastReport) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a ReportData::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* @brief Inject RequestResponse into the TLV stream to indicate whether a response (a StatusReponse specifically)
* is to be sent back to the request.
* @param [in] aRequestResponse The boolean variable to indicate if request response is needed.
* @return A reference to *this
ReportData::Builder & RequestResponse(const bool aRequestResponse);
* @brief Inject subscription id into the TLV stream, This field contains the Subscription ID
* to which the data is being sent against. This is not present when the ReportDataRequest is
* sent in response to a ReadRequest, but is present when sent in response to a SubscribeRequest.
* Attempts should be made to ensure the SubscriptionId does not collide with IDs from previous
* subscriptions to ensure disambiguation.
* @param [in] aSubscriptionId Subscription Id for this report data
* @return A reference to *this
ReportData::Builder & SubscriptionId(const uint64_t aSubscriptionId);
* @brief Initialize a AttributeStatusList::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributeStatusList::Builder
AttributeStatusList::Builder & CreateAttributeStatusListBuilder();
* @brief Initialize a AttributeDataList::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to AttributeDataList::Builder
AttributeDataList::Builder & CreateAttributeDataListBuilder();
* @brief Initialize a EventList::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to EventList::Builder
EventList::Builder & CreateEventDataListBuilder();
* @brief This flag is set to ‘true’ when this is the last ReportDataRequest message
* in a transaction and there are no more Changes to be conveyed.
* @param [in] aIsLastReport The boolean variable to indicate if it is LastReport
* @return A reference to *this
ReportData::Builder & IsLastReport(const bool aIsLastReport);
* @brief Mark the end of this ReportData
* @return A reference to *this
ReportData::Builder & EndOfReportData();
AttributeStatusList::Builder mAttributeStatusListBuilder;
AttributeDataList::Builder mAttributeDataListBuilder;
EventList::Builder mEventDataListBuilder;
}; // namespace ReportData
namespace InvokeCommand {
kCsTag_CommandList = 0,
class Parser : public chip::app::Parser
* @brief Initialize the parser object with TLVReader
* @param [in] aReader A pointer to a TLVReader, which should point to the beginning of this request
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(const chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief Roughly verify the message is correctly formed
* 1) all mandatory tags are present
* 2) all elements have expected data type
* 3) any tag can only appear once
* 4) At the top level of the structure, unknown tags are ignored for forward compatibility
* @note The main use of this function is to print out what we're
* receiving during protocol development and debugging.
* The encoding rule has changed in IM encoding spec so this
* check is only "roughly" conformant now.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR CheckSchemaValidity() const;
* @brief Get a TLVReader for the CommandList. Next() must be called before accessing them.
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetCommandList(CommandList::Parser * const apCommandList) const;
class Builder : public chip::app::Builder
* @brief Initialize a InvokeCommand::Builder for writing into a TLV stream
* @param [in] apWriter A pointer to TLVWriter
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::TLV::TLVWriter * const apWriter);
* @brief Initialize a CommandList::Builder for writing into the TLV stream
* @return A reference to CommandList::Builder
CommandList::Builder & CreateCommandListBuilder();
* @brief Get reference to CommandList::Builder
* @return A reference to CommandList::Builder
CommandList::Builder & GetCommandListBuilder();
* @brief Mark the end of this InvokeCommand
* @return A reference to *this
InvokeCommand::Builder & EndOfInvokeCommand();
CommandList::Builder mCommandListBuilder;
}; // namespace InvokeCommand
}; // namespace app
}; // namespace chip