blob: d801688d21d98fc3719278ff219cccbb9a48f136 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file contains private utilities for use by the `configure` script.
# It is self-contained and depends only on the Python 3 standard library.
import collections
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib.request
import zipfile
def download(url, dest):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, dest)
def download_and_extract_zip(url, dest_dir, *member_names):
file, *_ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
with zipfile.ZipFile(file) as zip:
for member in zip.infolist():
if member.filename in member_names:
zip.extract(member, dest_dir)
def process_project_args(gn_args_json_file, *params):
processor = ProjectArgProcessor(gn_args_json_file)
for arg, value in processor.args.items():
info(" - %s = %s" % (arg, value))
print("%s = %s" % (arg, value))
class ProjectArgProcessor:
# Prefixes to try when mapping parameters to GN arguments
BOOL_ARG_PREFIXES = ('is_', 'enable_', 'use_',
'chip_', 'chip_enable_', 'chip_use_', 'chip_config_',
'matter_', 'matter_enable_', 'matter_use_', 'matter_config_')
GENERIC_ARG_PREFIXES = ('chip_', 'chip_config_', 'matter_', 'matter_config_')
gn_args = {} # GN arg -> type ('s'tring, 'b'ool, 'i'integer, '[' list, '{' struct)
args = collections.OrderedDict() # collected arguments
def __init__(self, gn_args_json_file):
# Parse `gn args --list --json` output and derive arg types from default values
argtype = str.maketrans('"tf0123456789', 'sbbiiiiiiiiii')
with open(gn_args_json_file) as fh:
for arg in json.load(fh):
self.gn_args[arg['name']] = arg['default']['value'][0].translate(argtype)
def process_env(self):
self.add_env_arg('chip_code_pre_generated_directory', 'CHIP_PREGEN_DIR')
self.add_default('custom_toolchain', 'custom')
self.add_env_arg('target_cc', 'CC', 'cc')
self.add_env_arg('target_cxx', 'CXX', 'cxx')
self.add_env_arg('target_ar', 'AR', 'ar')
self.add_env_arg('target_cflags', 'CPPFLAGS', list=True)
self.add_env_arg('target_cflags_c', 'CFLAGS', list=True)
self.add_env_arg('target_cflags_cc', 'CXXFLAGS', list=True)
self.add_env_arg('target_cflags_objc', 'OBJCFLAGS', list=True)
self.add_env_arg('target_ldflags', 'LDFLAGS', list=True)
def add_arg(self, arg, value):
# format strings and booleans as JSON, otherwise pass through as is
self.args[arg] = (json.dumps(value) if self.gn_args.get(arg, 's') in 'sb' else value)
def add_default(self, arg, value):
"""Add an argument, if supported by the GN build"""
if arg in self.gn_args:
self.add_arg(arg, value)
def add_env_arg(self, arg, envvar, default=None, list=False):
"""Add an argument from an environment variable"""
value = os.environ.get(envvar, default)
if not value:
type = self.gn_args.get(arg, None)
if not type:
info("Warning: Not propagating %s, project has no build arg '%s'" % (envvar, arg))
self.args[arg] = json.dumps(value if type != '[' else value.split() if list else [value])
def gn_arg(self, name, prefixes=(), type=None):
"""Finds the GN argument corresponding to a parameter name"""
arg = name.translate(str.maketrans('-', '_'))
candidates = [p + arg for p in (('',) + prefixes) if (p + arg) in self.gn_args]
preferred = [c for c in candidates if self.gn_args[c] == type] if type else []
match = next(iter(preferred + candidates), None)
if not match:
info("Warning: Project has no build arg '%s'" % arg)
return match
def process_triplet_parameter(self, name, value):
if value is None:
fail("Project option --%s requires an argument" % name)
triplet = value.split('-')
if len(triplet) not in (2, 3, 4):
fail("Project option --%s argument must be a cpu-vendor-os[-abi] triplet" % name)
prefix = 'host_' if name == 'build' else 'target_' # "host" has different meanings in GNU and GN!
self.add_arg(prefix + 'cpu', triplet[0])
self.add_arg(prefix + 'os', triplet[1 if len(triplet) == 2 else 2])
def process_enable_parameter(self, name, value):
arg = self.gn_arg(name[len('enable-'):], self.BOOL_ARG_PREFIXES, 'b')
if not arg:
if self.gn_args[arg] != 'b':
fail("Project build arg '%s' is not a boolean" % arg)
if value != 'no' and value is not None:
fail("Invalid argument for --%s, must be absent or 'no'" % name)
self.add_arg(arg, value is None)
def process_generic_parameter(self, name, value):
arg = self.gn_arg(name, self.GENERIC_ARG_PREFIXES)
if not arg:
if self.gn_args[arg] == 'b':
fail("Project build arg '%s' is a boolean, use --enable-..." % arg)
if value is None:
fail("Project option --%s requires an argument" % name)
self.add_arg(arg, value)
def process_parameter(self, name, value):
if name in ('build', 'host', 'target'):
self.process_triplet_parameter(name, value)
elif name.startswith('enable-'):
self.process_enable_parameter(name, value)
self.process_generic_parameter(name, value)
def process_parameters(self, args):
"""Process GNU-style configure command line parameters"""
for arg in args:
match = re.fullmatch(r'--([a-z][a-z0-9-]*)(?:=(.*))?', arg)
if not match:
fail("Invalid argument: '%s'" % arg)
def info(message):
print(message, file=sys.stderr)
def fail(message):
info("Error: " + message)
# `configure` invokes the top-level functions in this file by
# passing the function name and arguments on the command line.
[_, func, *args] = sys.argv