blob: b741c2568b6ef5094e39ec15e2cf599110638094 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Flash an CYW30739 device.
This is layered so that a caller can perform individual operations
through an `Flasher` instance, or operations according to a command line.
For `Flasher`, see the class documentation.
import pathlib
import sys
import firmware_utils
# Additional options that can be use to configure an `Flasher`
# object (as dictionary keys) and/or passed as command line options.
CYW30739_OPTIONS = {
# Configuration options define properties used in flashing operations.
"configuration": {
"direct": {
"help": "Set 1 to enable direct load",
"default": 0,
"argparse": {"action": "store"},
"sdk_scripts_dir": {
"help": "The SDK scripts directory",
"default": None,
"argparse": {"action": "store"},
"sdk_tools_dir": {
"help": "The SDK tools directory",
"default": None,
"argparse": {"action": "store"},
"hci_id": {
"help": "The HCI ID file.",
"default": None,
"argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
"btp": {
"help": "The BTP file.",
"default": None,
"argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
"minidriver": {
"help": "The minidriver.",
"default": None,
"argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
"flags": {
"help": "The additional flags file.",
"default": None,
"argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
"program": {
"help": "The script to program the flash.",
"command": [
"-tools_path", "{sdk_tools_dir}",
"-id", "{hci_id}",
"-btp", "{btp}",
"-mini", "{minidriver}",
"-flags", "{flags}",
"-direct", "{direct}",
"port": {
"help": "The serial port of device to flash",
"default": None,
"argparse": {},
FLASH_SUCCESS_MESSAGES = "Download succeeded."
FLASH_FAIL_MESSAGES = """Download failed.
If the serial port was not detected, make sure no other program such as ClientControl has the port open.
If you have issues downloading to the kit, follow the steps below:
Press and hold the 'Recover' button on the kit.
Press and hold the 'Reset' button on the kit.
Release the 'Reset' button.
After one second, release the 'Recover' button."""
class Flasher(firmware_utils.Flasher):
"""Manage CYW30739 flashing."""
def __init__(self, **options):
super().__init__(platform="CYW30739", module=__name__, **options)
def erase(self):
"""Not supported"""
self.log(0, "Do not support erasing device.")
self.err = 1
return self
def verify(self):
"""Not supported"""
self.log(0, "Do not support verifying image.")
self.err = 1
return self
def flash(self):
"""Flash image."""
arguments = [
"-build_path", self.option.application.parent,
"-hex", self.option.application.with_suffix(".hex"),
if self.option.port:
arguments.extend(["-uart", "{port}"])
return self.run_tool("program", arguments, pass_message=FLASH_SUCCESS_MESSAGES, fail_message=FLASH_FAIL_MESSAGES)
def reset(self):
"""Not supported"""
self.log(0, "Do not support resetting device.")
self.err = 1
return self
def actions(self):
"""Perform actions on the device according to self.option."""
self.log(3, "Options:", self.option)
if self.option.erase:
if self.erase().err:
return self
if self.option.verify_application:
if self.verify().err:
return self
if self.option.reset:
if self.reset().err:
return self
if self.option.application:
if self.flash().err:
return self
return self
if __name__ == "__main__":