blob: b19748ca31b19757ecbdb327346361f080a0e108 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import base64
import logging
import os
import sys
from enum import Enum
from types import SimpleNamespace
import cryptography.x509
from esp_secure_cert.tlv_format import generate_partition_ds, generate_partition_no_ds, tlv_priv_key_t, tlv_priv_key_type_t
CHIP_TOPDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))[:-len(os.path.join('scripts', 'tools'))]
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CHIP_TOPDIR, 'scripts', 'tools', 'spake2p'))
from spake2p import generate_verifier # noqa: E402 isort:skip
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CHIP_TOPDIR, 'src', 'setup_payload', 'python'))
from SetupPayload import CommissioningFlow, SetupPayload # noqa: E402 isort:skip
if os.getenv('IDF_PATH'):
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getenv('IDF_PATH'),
import nvs_partition_gen
sys.stderr.write("Please set the IDF_PATH environment variable.")
INVALID_PASSCODES = [00000000, 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, 55555555,
66666666, 77777777, 88888888, 99999999, 12345678, 87654321]
class Product_Finish_Enum(Enum):
other = 0
matte = 1
satin = 2
polished = 3
rugged = 4
fabric = 5
class Product_Color_Enum(Enum):
black = 0
navy = 1
green = 2
teal = 3
maroon = 4
purple = 5
olive = 6
gray = 7
blue = 8
lime = 9
aqua = 10
red = 11
fuchsia = 12
yellow = 13
white = 14
nickel = 15
chrome = 16
brass = 17
copper = 18
silver = 19
gold = 20
TOOLS = {}
FACTORY_PARTITION_CSV = 'nvs_partition.csv'
FACTORY_PARTITION_BIN = 'factory_partition.bin'
NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN = 'nvs_key_partition.bin'
ESP_SECURE_CERT_PARTITION_BIN = 'esp_secure_cert_partititon.bin'
ONBOARDING_DATA_FILE = 'onboarding_codes.csv'
# CommissionableDataProvider
'discriminator': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'iteration-count': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'salt': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'verifier': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
# CommissionableDataProvider
'dac-cert': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'dac-key': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'dac-pub-key': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'pai-cert': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'cert-dclrn': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
# DeviceInstanceInforProvider
'vendor-id': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'vendor-name': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'product-id': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'product-name': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'serial-num': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'hardware-ver': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'hw-ver-str': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'mfg-date': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'rd-id-uid': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'hex2bin',
'value': None,
'product-finish': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'product-color': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'part-number': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'product-label': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'product-url': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
def ishex(s):
_ = int(s, 16)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
# get_supported_modes_dict() converts the list of strings to per endpoint dictionaries.
# example with semantic tags
# input : ['0/label1/1/"1\0x8000, 2\0x8000" 1/label2/1/"1\0x8000, 2\0x8000"']
# output : {'1': [{'Label': 'label1', 'Mode': 0, 'Semantic_Tag': [{'value': 1, 'mfgCode': 32768}, {'value': 2, 'mfgCode': 32768}]}, {'Label': 'label2', 'Mode': 1, 'Semantic_Tag': [{'value': 1, 'mfgCode': 32768}, {'value': 2, 'mfgCode': 32768}]}]}
# example without semantic tags
# input : ['0/label1/1 1/label2/1']
# output : {'1': [{'Label': 'label1', 'Mode': 0, 'Semantic_Tag': []}, {'Label': 'label2', 'Mode': 1, 'Semantic_Tag': []}]}
def get_supported_modes_dict(supported_modes):
output_dict = {}
for mode_str in supported_modes:
mode_label_strs = mode_str.split('/')
mode = mode_label_strs[0]
label = mode_label_strs[1]
ep = mode_label_strs[2]
semantic_tags = ''
if (len(mode_label_strs) == 4):
semantic_tag_strs = mode_label_strs[3].split(', ')
semantic_tags = [{"value": int(v.split('\\')[0]), "mfgCode": int(v.split('\\')[1], 16)} for v in semantic_tag_strs]
mode_dict = {"Label": label, "Mode": int(mode), "Semantic_Tag": semantic_tags}
if ep in output_dict:
output_dict[ep] = [mode_dict]
return output_dict
def check_str_range(s, min_len, max_len, name):
if s and ((len(s) < min_len) or (len(s) > max_len)):
logging.error('%s must be between %d and %d characters', name, min_len, max_len)
def check_int_range(value, min_value, max_value, name):
if (value is not None) and ((value < min_value) or (value > max_value)):
logging.error('%s is out of range, should be in range [%d, %d]', name, min_value, max_value)
def validate_args(args):
# Validate the passcode
if args.passcode is not None:
if ((args.passcode < 0x0000001 and args.passcode > 0x5F5E0FE) or (args.passcode in INVALID_PASSCODES)):
logging.error('Invalid passcode:' + str(args.passcode))
check_int_range(args.discriminator, 0x0000, 0x0FFF, 'Discriminator')
check_int_range(args.product_id, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 'Product id')
check_int_range(args.vendor_id, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 'Vendor id')
check_int_range(args.hw_ver, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 'Hardware version')
check_str_range(args.serial_num, 1, 32, 'Serial number')
check_str_range(args.vendor_name, 1, 32, 'Vendor name')
check_str_range(args.product_name, 1, 32, 'Product name')
check_str_range(args.hw_ver_str, 1, 64, 'Hardware version string')
check_str_range(args.mfg_date, 8, 16, 'Manufacturing date')
check_str_range(args.rd_id_uid, 32, 32, 'Rotating device Unique id')'Discriminator:{} Passcode:{}'.format(args.discriminator, args.passcode))
def gen_spake2p_params(passcode):
iter_count_max = 10000
salt_len_max = 32
salt = os.urandom(salt_len_max)
verifier = generate_verifier(passcode, salt, iter_count_max)
return {
'Iteration Count': iter_count_max,
'Salt': base64.b64encode(salt).decode('utf-8'),
'Verifier': base64.b64encode(verifier).decode('utf-8'),
def populate_factory_data(args, spake2p_params):
if args.discriminator is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['discriminator']['value'] = args.discriminator
if spake2p_params:
FACTORY_DATA['iteration-count']['value'] = spake2p_params['Iteration Count']
FACTORY_DATA['salt']['value'] = spake2p_params['Salt']
FACTORY_DATA['verifier']['value'] = spake2p_params['Verifier']
if not args.dac_in_secure_cert:
if args.dac_cert:
FACTORY_DATA['dac-cert']['value'] = os.path.abspath(args.dac_cert)
if args.pai_cert:
FACTORY_DATA['pai-cert']['value'] = os.path.abspath(args.pai_cert)
if args.dac_key:
FACTORY_DATA['dac-key']['value'] = os.path.abspath('dac_raw_privkey.bin')
FACTORY_DATA['dac-pub-key']['value'] = os.path.abspath('dac_raw_pubkey.bin')
# esp secure cert partition
secure_cert_partition_file_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, ESP_SECURE_CERT_PARTITION_BIN)
if args.ds_peripheral:
if != "esp32h2":
logging.error("DS peripheral is only supported for esp32h2 target")
if args.efuse_key_id == -1:
logging.error("--efuse-key-id <value> is required when -ds or --ds-peripheral option is used")
priv_key = tlv_priv_key_t(key_type=tlv_priv_key_type_t.ESP_SECURE_CERT_ECDSA_PERIPHERAL_KEY,
key_path=args.dac_key, key_pass=None)
# priv_key_len is in bits
priv_key.priv_key_len = 256
priv_key.efuse_key_id = args.efuse_key_id
generate_partition_ds(priv_key=priv_key, device_cert=args.dac_cert,
priv_key = tlv_priv_key_t(key_type=tlv_priv_key_type_t.ESP_SECURE_CERT_DEFAULT_FORMAT_KEY,
key_path=args.dac_key, key_pass=None)
generate_partition_no_ds(priv_key=priv_key, device_cert=args.dac_cert,
FACTORY_DATA['cert-dclrn']['value'] = os.path.abspath(
if args.serial_num:
FACTORY_DATA['serial-num']['value'] = args.serial_num
if args.rd_id_uid:
FACTORY_DATA['rd-id-uid']['value'] = args.rd_id_uid
if args.mfg_date:
FACTORY_DATA['mfg-date']['value'] = args.mfg_date
if args.vendor_id is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['vendor-id']['value'] = args.vendor_id
if args.vendor_name:
FACTORY_DATA['vendor-name']['value'] = args.vendor_name
if args.product_id is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['product-id']['value'] = args.product_id
if args.product_name:
FACTORY_DATA['product-name']['value'] = args.product_name
if args.hw_ver is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['hardware-ver']['value'] = args.hw_ver
if args.hw_ver_str:
FACTORY_DATA['hw-ver-str']['value'] = args.hw_ver_str
if args.product_finish:
FACTORY_DATA['product-finish']['value'] = Product_Finish_Enum[args.product_finish].value
if args.product_color:
FACTORY_DATA['product-color']['value'] = Product_Color_Enum[args.product_color].value
if args.part_number:
FACTORY_DATA['part-number']['value'] = args.part_number
if args.product_url:
FACTORY_DATA['product-url']['value'] = args.product_url
if args.product_label:
FACTORY_DATA['product-label']['value'] = args.product_label
# SupportedModes are stored as multiple entries
# - sm-sz/<ep> : number of supported modes for the endpoint
# - sm-label/<ep>/<index> : supported modes label key for the endpoint and index
# - sm-mode/<ep>/<index> : supported modes mode key for the endpoint and index
# - sm-st-sz/<ep>/<index> : supported modes SemanticTag key for the endpoint and index
# - st-v/<ep>/<index>/<ind> : semantic tag value key for the endpoint and index and ind
# - st-mfg/<ep>/<index>/<ind> : semantic tag mfg code key for the endpoint and index and ind
if (args.supported_modes is not None):
dictionary = get_supported_modes_dict(args.supported_modes)
for ep in dictionary.keys():
_sz = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': len(dictionary[ep])
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-sz/{:x}'.format(int(ep)): _sz})
for i in range(len(dictionary[ep])):
item = dictionary[ep][i]
_label = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': item["Label"]
_mode = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': item["Mode"]
_st_sz = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': len(item["Semantic_Tag"])
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-label/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i): _label})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-mode/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i): _mode})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-st-sz/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i): _st_sz})
for j in range(len(item["Semantic_Tag"])):
entry = item["Semantic_Tag"][j]
_value = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': entry["value"]
_mfg_code = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': entry["mfgCode"]
FACTORY_DATA.update({'st-v/{:x}/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i, j): _value})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'st-mfg/{:x}/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i, j): _mfg_code})
def gen_raw_ec_keypair_from_der(key_file, pubkey_raw_file, privkey_raw_file):
with open(key_file, 'rb') as f:
key_data =
logging.warning('Leaking of DAC private keys may lead to attestation chain revokation')
logging.warning('Please make sure the DAC private is key protected using a password')
# WARNING: Below line assumes that the DAC private key is not protected by a password,
# please be careful and use the password-protected key if reusing this code
key_der = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_der_private_key(
key_data, None, cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend())
private_number_val = key_der.private_numbers().private_value
with open(privkey_raw_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write(private_number_val.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
public_key_first_byte = 0x04
public_number_x = key_der.public_key().public_numbers().x
public_number_y = key_der.public_key().public_numbers().y
with open(pubkey_raw_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write(public_key_first_byte.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'))
f.write(public_number_x.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
f.write(public_number_y.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
def generate_nvs_csv(output_dir, out_csv_filename):
csv_content = 'key,type,encoding,value\n'
csv_content += 'chip-factory,namespace,,\n'
for k, v in FACTORY_DATA.items():
if v['value'] is None:
csv_content += f"{k},{v['type']},{v['encoding']},{v['value']}\n"
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, out_csv_filename), 'w') as f:
f.write(csv_content)'Generated the factory partition csv file : {}'.format(
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, out_csv_filename))))
def generate_nvs_bin(encrypt, size, csv_filename, bin_filename, output_dir):
nvs_args = SimpleNamespace(version=2,
if encrypt:
nvs_args.keygen = True
nvs_args.keyfile = NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN
nvs_args.inputkey = None
def print_flashing_help(encrypt, output_dir, bin_filename):'Run below command to flash {}'.format(bin_filename))' -p (PORT) write_flash (FACTORY_PARTITION_ADDR) {}'.format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_dir, bin_filename)))
if (encrypt):'Run below command to flash {}'.format(NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN))' -p (PORT) write_flash --encrypt (NVS_KEY_PARTITION_ADDR) {}'.format(
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_dir, 'keys', NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN)))
def clean_up():
if FACTORY_DATA['dac-pub-key']['value']:
if FACTORY_DATA['dac-key']['value']:
def get_args():
def any_base_int(s): return int(s, 0)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Chip Factory NVS binary generator tool')
# These will be used by CommissionalbeDataProvider
parser.add_argument('-p', '--passcode', type=any_base_int,
help='The setup passcode for pairing, range: 0x01-0x5F5E0FE')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--discriminator', type=any_base_int,
help='The discriminator for pairing, range: 0x00-0x0FFF')
# These will be used by DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
parser.add_argument('--dac-cert', help='The path to the DAC certificate in der format')
parser.add_argument('--dac-key', help='The path to the DAC private key in der format')
parser.add_argument('--pai-cert', help='The path to the PAI certificate in der format')
parser.add_argument('--cd', help='The path to the certificate declaration der format')
# Options for esp_secure_cert_partition
parser.add_argument('--dac-in-secure-cert', action="store_true",
help='Store DAC in secure cert partition. By default, DAC is stored in nvs factory partition.')
parser.add_argument('-ds', '--ds-peripheral', action="store_true",
help='Use DS Peripheral in generating secure cert partition.')
parser.add_argument('--efuse-key-id', type=int, choices=range(0, 6), default=-1,
help='Provide the efuse key_id which contains/will contain HMAC_KEY, default is 1')
# These will be used by DeviceInstanceInfoProvider
parser.add_argument('--vendor-id', type=any_base_int, help='Vendor id')
parser.add_argument('--vendor-name', help='Vendor name')
parser.add_argument('--product-id', type=any_base_int, help='Product id')
parser.add_argument('--product-name', help='Product name')
parser.add_argument('--hw-ver', type=any_base_int, help='Hardware version')
parser.add_argument('--hw-ver-str', help='Hardware version string')
parser.add_argument('--mfg-date', help='Manufacturing date in format YYYY-MM-DD')
parser.add_argument('--serial-num', help='Serial number')
help=('128-bit unique identifier for generating rotating device identifier, '
'provide 32-byte hex string, e.g. "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"'))
parser.add_argument('--supported-modes', type=str, nargs='+', required=False,
help='List of supported modes, eg: mode1/label1/ep/"tagValue1\\mfgCode, tagValue2\\mfgCode" mode2/label2/ep/"tagValue1\\mfgCode, tagValue2\\mfgCode" mode3/label3/ep/"tagValue1\\mfgCode, tagValue2\\mfgCode"')
product_finish_choices = [ for finish in Product_Finish_Enum]
parser.add_argument("--product-finish", type=str, choices=product_finish_choices,
help='Product finishes choices for product appearance')
product_color_choices = [ for color in Product_Color_Enum]
parser.add_argument("--product-color", type=str, choices=product_color_choices,
help='Product colors choices for product appearance')
parser.add_argument("--part-number", type=str, help='human readable product number')
parser.add_argument("--product-label", type=str, help='human readable product label')
parser.add_argument("--product-url", type=str, help='link to product specific web page')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', type=any_base_int, default=0x6000,
help='The size of the partition.bin, default: 0x6000')
parser.add_argument('--target', default='esp32',
help='The platform type of device. eg: one of esp32, esp32c3, etc.')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--encrypt', action='store_true',
help='Encrypt the factory parititon NVS binary')
parser.add_argument('--no-bin', action='store_false', dest='generate_bin',
help='Do not generate the factory partition binary')
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default='out', help='Created image output file path')
parser.add_argument('-cf', '--commissioning-flow', type=any_base_int, default=0,
help='Device commissioning flow, 0:Standard, 1:User-Intent, 2:Custom. \
Default is 0.', choices=[0, 1, 2])
parser.add_argument('-dm', '--discovery-mode', type=any_base_int, default=1,
help='Commissionable device discovery networking technology. \
0:WiFi-SoftAP, 1:BLE, 2:On-network. Default is BLE.', choices=[0, 1, 2])
return parser.parse_args()
def set_up_factory_data(args):
if args.passcode is not None:
spake2p_params = gen_spake2p_params(args.passcode)
spake2p_params = None
populate_factory_data(args, spake2p_params)
if args.dac_key and not args.dac_in_secure_cert:
gen_raw_ec_keypair_from_der(args.dac_key, FACTORY_DATA['dac-pub-key']['value'], FACTORY_DATA['dac-key']['value'])
def generate_factory_partiton_binary(args):
generate_nvs_csv(args.output_dir, FACTORY_PARTITION_CSV)
if args.generate_bin:
csv_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, FACTORY_PARTITION_CSV)
generate_nvs_bin(args.encrypt, args.size, csv_file, FACTORY_PARTITION_BIN, args.output_dir)
print_flashing_help(args.encrypt, args.output_dir, FACTORY_PARTITION_BIN)
def set_up_out_dirs(args):
os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True)
def generate_onboarding_data(args):
if (args.vendor_id and args.product_id):
payloads = SetupPayload(args.discriminator, args.passcode, args.discovery_mode, CommissioningFlow(args.commissioning_flow),
args.vendor_id, args.product_id)
payloads = SetupPayload(args.discriminator, args.passcode, args.discovery_mode, CommissioningFlow(args.commissioning_flow))
chip_qrcode = payloads.generate_qrcode()
chip_manualcode = payloads.generate_manualcode()'Generated QR code: ' + chip_qrcode)'Generated manual code: ' + chip_manualcode)
csv_data = 'qrcode,manualcode\n'
csv_data += chip_qrcode + ',' + chip_manualcode + '\n'
with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, ONBOARDING_DATA_FILE), 'w') as f:
def main():
args = get_args()
if (args.discriminator and args.passcode):
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)7s] - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)