blob: 749a2a6497a6616a2c9abd86887a7a1f365d1ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
#include <system/SystemLayer.h>
#include "OTARequestorDriver.h"
namespace chip {
class OTARequestorInterface;
class OTAImageProcessorInterface;
namespace DeviceLayer {
class DefaultOTARequestorDriver : public OTARequestorDriver
* Initialize OTA requestor driver.
* Set OTA requestor instance to be controlled by the driver, and OTA image processor, used to
* apply/abort the downloaded image.
* Additionally, if the current image is executed for the first time, approve the current image
* to make the update permanent, and send NotifyUpdateApplied command to the last OTA provider.
void Init(OTARequestorInterface * requestor, OTAImageProcessorInterface * processor);
// Set the timeout (in seconds) for querying providers on the default OTA provider list; must be non-zero
void SetPeriodicQueryTimeout(uint32_t timeout)
if (timeout != 0)
mPeriodicQueryTimeInterval = timeout;
// Specify whether to send notify update applied after successful update
void SetSendNotifyUpdateApplied(bool sendNotify) { mSendNotifyUpdateApplied = sendNotify; }
// Restart the periodic query timer
void RekickPeriodicQueryTimer(void);
// Set the timeout (in seconds) for the watchdog timer; must be non-zero
void SetWatchdogTimeout(uint32_t timeout)
if (timeout != 0)
mWatchdogTimeInterval = timeout;
//// Virtual methods from OTARequestorDriver
bool CanConsent() override;
uint16_t GetMaxDownloadBlockSize() override;
void SetMaxDownloadBlockSize(uint16_t maxDownloadBlockSize) override;
void HandleIdleStateExit() override;
void HandleIdleStateEnter(IdleStateReason reason) override;
void UpdateAvailable(const UpdateDescription & update, System::Clock::Seconds32 delay) override;
CHIP_ERROR UpdateNotFound(UpdateNotFoundReason reason, System::Clock::Seconds32 delay) override;
void UpdateDownloaded() override;
void UpdateConfirmed(System::Clock::Seconds32 delay) override;
void UpdateSuspended(System::Clock::Seconds32 delay) override;
void UpdateDiscontinued() override;
void UpdateCancelled() override;
void OTACommissioningCallback() override;
void ProcessAnnounceOTAProviders(const ProviderLocationType & providerLocation,
app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAAnnouncementReason announcementReason) override;
void SendQueryImage() override;
bool GetNextProviderLocation(ProviderLocationType & providerLocation, bool & listExhausted) override;
static void PeriodicQueryTimerHandler(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState);
static void WatchdogTimerHandler(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState);
static void DownloadUpdateTimerHandler(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState);
static void ApplyUpdateTimerHandler(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState);
static void ApplyTimerHandler(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState);
void StartPeriodicQueryTimer();
void StopPeriodicQueryTimer();
void StartWatchdogTimer();
void StopWatchdogTimer();
void StartSelectedTimer(SelectedTimer timer);
void ScheduleDelayedAction(System::Clock::Seconds32 delay, System::TimerCompleteCallback action, void * aAppState);
void CancelDelayedAction(System::TimerCompleteCallback action, void * aAppState);
bool ProviderLocationsEqual(const ProviderLocationType & a, const ProviderLocationType & b);
// Return value of CHIP_NO_ERROR indicates a query retry has been successfully scheduled.
CHIP_ERROR ScheduleQueryRetry(bool trySameProvider, System::Clock::Seconds32 delay);
OTARequestorInterface * mRequestor = nullptr;
OTAImageProcessorInterface * mImageProcessor = nullptr;
uint32_t mOtaStartDelaySec = 0;
// Timeout (in seconds) for querying providers from the default OTA provider list
uint32_t mPeriodicQueryTimeInterval = (24 * 60 * 60);
// Timeout (in seconds) for checking if current OTA download is stuck and requires a reset
uint32_t mWatchdogTimeInterval = (6 * 60 * 60);
uint16_t maxDownloadBlockSize = 1024;
// Maximum number of times to retry a BUSY OTA provider before moving to the next available one
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxBusyProviderRetryCount = 3;
// Track retry count for the current provider
uint8_t mProviderRetryCount = 0;
// Track query image retry count on invalid session error
uint8_t mInvalidSessionRetryCount = 0;
// Track whether to send notify update applied after successful update
bool mSendNotifyUpdateApplied = true;
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip