blob: 5b3c62f0be2247465e69dfa86ec27b36176ddf1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <access/Privilege.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/ConcreteClusterPath.h>
#include <app/ConcreteCommandPath.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <lib/support/BitFlags.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace InteractionModel {
enum class ClusterQualityFlags : uint32_t
kDiagnosticsData = 0x0001, // `K` quality, may be filtered out in subscriptions
struct ClusterInfo
DataVersion dataVersion; // current cluster data version,
BitFlags<ClusterQualityFlags> flags;
/// Constructor that marks data version as mandatory
/// for this structure.
ClusterInfo(DataVersion version) : dataVersion(version) {}
struct ClusterEntry
ConcreteClusterPath path;
ClusterInfo info;
bool IsValid() const { return path.HasValidIds(); }
static const ClusterEntry kInvalid;
enum class AttributeQualityFlags : uint32_t
kListAttribute = 0x0004, // This attribute is a list attribute
kFabricScoped = 0x0008, // 'F' quality on attributes
kFabricSensitive = 0x0010, // 'S' quality on attributes
kChangesOmitted = 0x0020, // `C` quality on attributes
kTimed = 0x0040, // `T` quality on attributes (writes require timed interactions)
struct AttributeInfo
BitFlags<AttributeQualityFlags> flags;
// read/write access will be missing if read/write is NOT allowed
std::optional<Access::Privilege> readPrivilege; // generally defaults to View if readable
std::optional<Access::Privilege> writePrivilege; // generally defaults to Operate if writable
struct AttributeEntry
ConcreteAttributePath path;
AttributeInfo info;
bool IsValid() const { return path.HasValidIds(); }
static const AttributeEntry kInvalid;
enum class CommandQualityFlags : uint32_t
kFabricScoped = 0x0001,
kTimed = 0x0002, // `T` quality on commands
struct CommandInfo
BitFlags<CommandQualityFlags> flags;
Access::Privilege invokePrivilege = Access::Privilege::kOperate;
struct CommandEntry
ConcreteCommandPath path;
CommandInfo info;
bool IsValid() const { return path.HasValidIds(); }
static const CommandEntry kInvalid;
/// Provides metadata information for a data model
/// The data model can be viewed as a tree of endpoint/cluster/(attribute+commands+events)
/// where each element can be iterated through independently.
/// Iteration rules:
/// - Invalid paths will be returned when iteration ends (IDs will be kInvalid* and in particular
/// mEndpointId will be kInvalidEndpointId). See `::kInvalid` constants for entries and
/// can use ::IsValid() to determine if the entry is valid or not.
/// - Global Attributes are NOT returned since they are implied
/// - Any internal iteration errors are just logged (callers do not handle iteration CHIP_ERROR)
/// - Iteration order is NOT guaranteed globally. Only the following is guaranteed:
/// - Complete tree iteration (e.g. when iterating an endpoint, ALL clusters of that endpoint
/// are returned, when iterating over a cluster, all attributes/commands are iterated over)
/// - uniqueness and completeness (iterate over all possible distinct values as long as no
/// internal structural changes occur)
class DataModelMetadataTree
virtual ~DataModelMetadataTree() = default;
virtual EndpointId FirstEndpoint() = 0;
virtual EndpointId NextEndpoint(EndpointId before) = 0;
virtual ClusterEntry FirstCluster(EndpointId endpoint) = 0;
virtual ClusterEntry NextCluster(const ConcreteClusterPath & before) = 0;
virtual std::optional<ClusterInfo> GetClusterInfo(const ConcreteClusterPath & path) = 0;
// Attribute iteration and accessors provide cluster-level access over
// attributes
virtual AttributeEntry FirstAttribute(const ConcreteClusterPath & cluster) = 0;
virtual AttributeEntry NextAttribute(const ConcreteAttributePath & before) = 0;
virtual std::optional<AttributeInfo> GetAttributeInfo(const ConcreteAttributePath & path) = 0;
// Command iteration and accessors provide cluster-level access over commands
virtual CommandEntry FirstAcceptedCommand(const ConcreteClusterPath & cluster) = 0;
virtual CommandEntry NextAcceptedCommand(const ConcreteCommandPath & before) = 0;
virtual std::optional<CommandInfo> GetAcceptedCommandInfo(const ConcreteCommandPath & path) = 0;
// "generated" commands are purely for reporting what types of command ids can be
// returned as responses.
virtual ConcreteCommandPath FirstGeneratedCommand(const ConcreteClusterPath & cluster) = 0;
virtual ConcreteCommandPath NextGeneratedCommand(const ConcreteCommandPath & before) = 0;
} // namespace InteractionModel
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip