blob: b5a00a75d6715aaa88b040e5dec417eddf057ccd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
15.4.9. [TC-SC-4.9] Operational Discovery - RIO support [DUT as
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label: "Precondition"
verification: |
1. TH_CR1 is a Commissioner, working over Ethernet or Wi-Fi transport, able to commission DUT into a given Fabric and implementing RFC-4191
2. TH_CR2 is a Commissioner/Controller Thread 1.3 device (only on Thread, not on Wi-Fi or Ethernet), joined to the PAN of the BR and already commissioned on the same Fabric
3. DUT_CE is a Commissionee Ethernet or Wi-Fi device and implementing RFC-4191
4. DUT_CE will adopt an address on the GUA prefix e.g. 2001:12ab::/64 and use it as default route (::/0)
5. DUT_CE sees the RA w/ RIO and adds the off-mesh prefix preferred route, so that any messages for that off-mesh prefix routes there INSTEAD of the default gateway
6. BR is a Thread 1.3 border router, with link to DUT over Wi-Fi or Ethernet, in the same VLAN
7. RT is a Wi-Fi or Ethernet router advertising a default route (i,e, against ::/0 prefix) with a GUA prefix advertised. That prefix MUST also route to the public internet to avoid the different entities bailing out of having this prefix because it’s an invalid environment detected to be artificial.
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 1: Using TH_CR1, commission the DUT_CE onto the Matter network"
verification: |
Using chip-tool (TH_CR1) provision the device using cmd
./out/debug/chip-tool pairing ble-wifi node-id ssid password setup-pin-code discriminator
disabled: true
- label: "Step 2: Bring the TH_CR2 onto the thread network"
verification: |
Build openthread POSIX cli app with RCP and have it join the thread network that the BR is part of.
If you don't have the app, follow the below "Instructions to build the POSIX app"
if you have the RCP connected to the raspi, launch the ot-cli app with RCP
$ sudo ./build/posix/src/posix/ot-cli 'spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0?uart-baudrate=115200' -v
./build/posix/src/posix/ot-cli[68007]: Running OPENTHREAD/thread-reference-20200818-1820-g095f530bd; POSIX; Jul 18 2022 22:44:35
./build/posix/src/posix/ot-cli[68007]: Thread version: 4
./build/posix/src/posix/ot-cli[68007]: Thread interface:
./build/posix/src/posix/ot-cli[68007]: RCP version: OPENTHREAD/thread-reference-20200818-1615-gfdf3c3034; NRF52840; Jul 17 2022 17:10:13
> dataset set active <PROVIDE THE DATASET OF THE BR THAT YOU NEED TO JOIN i.e BR hosted in TH>
> dataset commit active
> ifconfig up
> thread start
With the above set of commands, the RCP should join the thread network hosted by the BR.
>srp client autostart enable
Instructions to build the posix app.
1. Get Nordic nRF52840 dongle.
2. Attach it to the raspi/Ubuntu machine
Follow the instructions at
3. git clone --recursive
4. cd openthread/
5. ./script/bootstrap
6. ./bootstrap
7. ./script/cmake-build posix
8. follow the instructions to build the RCP dongle (or get the RCP image from README file in the test harness and flash it on the RCP)
8. ./build/posix/src/posix/ot-cli 'spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0?uart-baudrate=115200' -v
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 3: Using TH_CR2, using ICMPv6 echo to ping with a payload >= 32
bytes to the the DUT_CE that is already commissioned to the Matter
network. IP address is determined by operational discovery of the
DNS-SD operational service record (_matter._tcp service instance) of
DUT_CE done by TH_CR2."
verification: |
In the RCP Shell , have the TH_CR2 discover the device IP address using
> dns service 87E1B004E235A130-8FC7772401CD0696
DNS service resolution response for 177AC531F48BE736-0000000000000190 for service
Port:5540, Priority:0, Weight:0, TTL:6913
HostAddress:fd11:66:0:0:22ae:27fe:13ac:54df TTL:6915
TXT:[SII=35303030, SAI=333030, T=30] TTL:6913
Ping the IP address of the wifi device
> ping fd11:66:0:0:22ae:27fe:13ac:54df
16 bytes from fd11:66:0:0:22ae:27fe:13ac:54df : icmp_seq=2 hlim=64 time=14ms
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received. Packet loss = 0.0%. Round-trip min/avg/max = 14/14.0/14 ms.
The ping command should be successful.
disabled: true