blob: 42064b7f049394777c6d9c8c45b89ca5fe133855 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <tracing/metric_event.h>
#include <tracing/metric_keys.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Tracing {
namespace DarwinFramework {
// Tracks overall commissioning via one of the setup APIs
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricDeviceCommissioning = "dwnfw_device_commissioning";
// Tracks portion related to starting setup with a payload
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricSetupWithPayload = "dwnfw_setup_with_payload";
// Tracks portion related to legacy setup APIs
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricPairDevice = "dwnfw_pair_device";
// Tracks portion related to starting setup with a discovered device
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricSetupWithDiscovered = "dwnfw_setup_with_discovered";
// Tracks PASE session during setup of a device
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricSetupPASESession = "dwnfw_setup_pase_session";
// Marks the request to prewarm for commissioning
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricPreWarmCommissioning = "dwnfw_prewarm_commissioning";
// Marks the request to start browsing for commissionable devices
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricStartBrowseForCommissionables = "dwnfw_start_browse_commissionables";
// Marks the request to stop browsing for commissionable devices
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricStopBrowseForCommissionables = "dwnfw_stop_browse_commissionables";
// Marks the request to cancel commissioning a device
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricCancelCommissioning = "dwnfw_cancel_commissioning";
// Marks the request to continue or cancel after attestation failure
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricContinueCommissioningAfterAttestation = "dwnfw_commission_post_attestation";
// Tracks request to commission device with a node ID
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricCommissionNode = "dwnfw_commission_node";
// Marks the request to get device being commissioned
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricDeviceBeingCommissioned = "dwnfw_dev_being_commissioned";
// Tracks the request to generate PASE verifier for a given setup code
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricPASEVerifierForSetupCode = "dwnfw_pase_verifier_for_code";
// Tracks the request to get attestation challenge for a device
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricAttestationChallengeForDevice = "dwnfw_attestation_challenge_for_device";
// Marks the request to open pairing window
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricOpenPairingWindow = "dwnfw_open_pairing_window";
// Device Vendor ID
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricDeviceVendorID = "dwnfw_device_vendor_id";
// Device Product ID
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricDeviceProductID = "dwnfw_device_product_id";
// Device Uses Thread
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricDeviceUsesThread = "dwnfw_device_uses_thread_bool";
// Counter of number of devices discovered on the network during setup
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricOnNetworkDevicesAdded = "dwnfw_onnet_devices_added";
// Counter of number of devices removed from the network during setup
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricOnNetworkDevicesRemoved = "dwnfw_onnet_devices_removed";
// Counter of number of BLE devices discovered during setup
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricBLEDevicesAdded = "dwnfw_ble_devices_added";
// Counter of number of BLE devices removed during setup
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricBLEDevicesRemoved = "dwnfw_ble_devices_removed";
// Unexpected C quality attribute update outside of priming
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricUnexpectedCQualityUpdate = "dwnpm_bad_c_attr_update";
// Setup from darwin MTRDevice for initial subscription to a device
constexpr Tracing::MetricKey kMetricMTRDeviceInitialSubscriptionSetup = "dwnpm_dev_initial_subscription_setup";
} // namespace DarwinFramework
} // namespace Tracing
} // namespace chip