blob: 359bbe1362b40385673efe8ef51ed4b7e9bde48f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "MTRBaseDevice_Internal.h"
#import "MTRDefines_Internal.h"
#import "MTRDeviceController_Internal.h"
#import "MTRLogging_Internal.h"
#import "MTRServerAttribute_Internal.h"
#import "MTRServerEndpoint_Internal.h"
#import "MTRUnfairLock.h"
#import "NSDataSpanConversion.h"
#import <Matter/MTRClusterConstants.h>
#import <Matter/MTRServerAttribute.h>
#include <app/reporting/reporting.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <lib/support/SafeInt.h>
#import <os/lock.h>
using namespace chip;
@implementation MTRServerAttribute {
// _lock always protects access to _deviceController, _value,
// _serializedValue, and _parentCluster.
os_unfair_lock _lock;
MTRDeviceController * __weak _deviceController;
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _value;
app::ConcreteClusterPath _parentCluster;
- (nullable instancetype)initAttributeWithID:(NSNumber *)attributeID initialValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)value requiredReadPrivilege:(MTRAccessControlEntryPrivilege)requiredReadPrivilege writable:(BOOL)writable
auto attrIDValue = attributeID.unsignedLongLongValue;
if (!CanCastTo<AttributeId>(attrIDValue)) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerAttribute provided too-large attribute ID: 0x%llx", attrIDValue);
return nil;
auto attrId = static_cast<AttributeId>(attrIDValue);
if (!IsValidAttributeId(attrId)) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerAttribute provided invalid attribute ID: 0x%" PRIx32, attrId);
return nil;
if (attrId == MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID) {
// Some sanity checks: value should be an unsigned-integer NSNumber, and
// requiredReadPrivilege should be View.
if (requiredReadPrivilege != MTRAccessControlEntryPrivilegeView) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerAttribute for FeatureMap provided with invalid read privilege %d", requiredReadPrivilege);
return nil;
if (![MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType isEqual:value[MTRTypeKey]]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerAttribute for FeatureMap provided with value that is not an unsigned integer: %@", value);
return nil;
return [self initWithAttributeID:[attributeID copy] value:[value copy] requiredReadPrivilege:requiredReadPrivilege writable:writable];
- (nullable instancetype)initReadonlyAttributeWithID:(NSNumber *)attributeID initialValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)value requiredPrivilege:(MTRAccessControlEntryPrivilege)requiredPrivilege
return [self initAttributeWithID:attributeID initialValue:value requiredReadPrivilege:requiredPrivilege writable:NO];
// initWithAttributeID:value:serializedValue:requiredReadPrivilege:writable:
// assumes that the attribute ID, value, serializedValue, have already been
// validated and, if needed, copied from the input.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithAttributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID value:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)value requiredReadPrivilege:(MTRAccessControlEntryPrivilege)requiredReadPrivilege writable:(BOOL)writable
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
_attributeID = attributeID;
_requiredReadPrivilege = requiredReadPrivilege;
_writable = writable;
_parentCluster = app::ConcreteClusterPath(kInvalidEndpointId, kInvalidClusterId);
// Now store the value and its serialization. This will also check that the
// value is serializable to TLV.
if ([self setValueInternal:value logIfNotAssociated:NO] == NO) {
return nil;
return self;
- (BOOL)setValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)value
return [self setValueInternal:value logIfNotAssociated:YES];
+ (MTRServerAttribute *)newFeatureMapAttributeWithInitialValue:(NSNumber *)value
return [[MTRServerAttribute alloc] initReadonlyAttributeWithID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID)
MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType,
MTRValueKey : value,
- (BOOL)setValueInternal:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)value logIfNotAssociated:(BOOL)logIfNotAssociated
id serializedValue;
id dataType = value[MTRTypeKey];
if ([MTRArrayValueType isEqual:dataType]) {
id dataValue = value[MTRValueKey];
if (![dataValue isKindOfClass:NSArray.class]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerAttribute value claims to be a list but isn't: %@", value);
return NO;
NSArray * dataValueList = dataValue;
auto * listValue = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:dataValueList.count];
if (listValue == nil) {
return NO;
for (id item in dataValueList) {
if (![item isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerAttribute value array should contain dictionaries");
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * itemDictionary = item;
NSError * encodingError;
NSData * encodedItem = MTREncodeTLVFromDataValueDictionary(itemDictionary[MTRDataKey], &encodingError);
if (encodedItem == nil) {
return NO;
[listValue addObject:encodedItem];
serializedValue = listValue;
} else {
NSError * encodingError;
serializedValue = MTREncodeTLVFromDataValueDictionary(value, &encodingError);
if (serializedValue == nil) {
return NO;
// We serialized properly, so should be good to go on the value. Lock
// around our ivar accesses.
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_value = [value copy];
MTR_LOG("Attribute value updated: %@", [self _descriptionWhileLocked]); // Logs new value as part of our description.
MTRDeviceController * deviceController = _deviceController;
if (deviceController == nil) {
// We're not bound to a controller, so safe to directly update
// _serializedValue.
if (logIfNotAssociated) {
MTR_LOG("Not publishing value for attribute " ChipLogFormatMEI "; not bound to a controller",
_serializedValue = serializedValue;
} else {
[deviceController asyncDispatchToMatterQueue:^{
std::lock_guard lock(self->_lock);
auto changed = ![self->_serializedValue isEqual:serializedValue];
self->_serializedValue = serializedValue;
if (changed) {
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(self->_parentCluster.mEndpointId, self->_parentCluster.mClusterId, static_cast<AttributeId>(self->_attributeID.unsignedLongLongValue));
return YES;
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)value
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
return [_value copy];
- (BOOL)associateWithController:(nullable MTRDeviceController *)controller
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
MTRDeviceController * existingController = _deviceController;
if (existingController != nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Cannot associate MTRServerAttribute with controller %@; already associated with controller %@",
controller.uniqueIdentifier, existingController.uniqueIdentifier);
return NO;
_deviceController = controller;
MTR_LOG("Associated %@ with controller", [self _descriptionWhileLocked]);
return YES;
- (void)invalidate
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_deviceController = nil;
- (BOOL)addToCluster:(const app::ConcreteClusterPath &)cluster
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
if (_parentCluster.mClusterId != kInvalidClusterId) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Cannot add attribute to cluster " ChipLogFormatMEI "; already added to cluster " ChipLogFormatMEI, ChipLogValueMEI(cluster.mClusterId), ChipLogValueMEI(_parentCluster.mClusterId));
return NO;
_parentCluster = cluster;
return YES;
- (void)updateParentCluster:(const app::ConcreteClusterPath &)cluster
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_parentCluster = cluster;
- (const app::ConcreteClusterPath &)parentCluster
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
return _parentCluster;
- (NSString *)description
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
return [self _descriptionWhileLocked];
- (NSString *)_descriptionWhileLocked
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<MTRServerAttribute endpoint %u, cluster " ChipLogFormatMEI ", id " ChipLogFormatMEI ", value '%@'>", static_cast<EndpointId>(_parentCluster.mEndpointId), ChipLogValueMEI(_parentCluster.mClusterId), ChipLogValueMEI(_attributeID.unsignedLongLongValue), _value];