blob: d9e54bce58d39597193ee23dc1cc87bb1e405c45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "MTRDefines_Internal.h"
#import "MTRDeviceController_Internal.h"
#import "MTRLogging_Internal.h"
#import "MTRServerCluster_Internal.h"
#import "MTRServerEndpoint_Internal.h"
#import <Matter/MTRClusterConstants.h>
#import <Matter/MTRServerEndpoint.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <lib/support/SafeInt.h>
#include <platform/LockTracker.h>
// TODO: These af-types.h and att-storage.h and attribute-storage.h and
// endpoint-config-api.h and probably CodeUtils.h bits are a hack that should
// eventually go away.
#include <app/util/af-types.h>
#include <app/util/att-storage.h>
#include <app/util/attribute-storage.h>
#include <app/util/endpoint-config-api.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
using namespace chip;
@implementation MTRServerEndpoint {
* The access grants our API consumer can manipulate directly. Never
* touched on the Matter queue.
NSMutableSet<MTRAccessGrant *> * _accessGrants;
NSMutableArray<MTRServerCluster *> * _serverClusters;
MTRDeviceController * __weak _deviceController;
std::unique_ptr<EmberAfCluster[]> _matterClusterMetadata;
EmberAfEndpointType _matterEndpointMetadata;
std::unique_ptr<EmberAfDeviceType[]> _matterDeviceTypes;
std::unique_ptr<DataVersion[]> _matterDataVersions;
// _endpointIndex has a value only when we have the endpoint configured.
std::optional<uint16_t> _endpointIndex;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID deviceTypes:(NSArray<MTRDeviceTypeRevision *> *)deviceTypes
auto endpointIDValue = endpointID.unsignedLongLongValue;
if (!CanCastTo<EndpointId>(endpointIDValue)) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerEndpoint provided too-large endpoint ID: 0x%llx", endpointIDValue);
return nil;
auto id = static_cast<EndpointId>(endpointIDValue);
if (!IsValidEndpointId(id)) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerEndpoint provided invalid endpoint ID: 0x%x", id);
return nil;
if (id == kRootEndpointId) {
// We don't allow this; we use that endpoint for our own purposes in
// Matter.framework.
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerEndpoint provided invalid endpoint ID: 0x%x", id);
return nil;
if (deviceTypes.count == 0) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRServerEndpoint needs a non-empty list of device types");
return nil;
return [self initInternalWithEndpointID:endpointID deviceTypes:deviceTypes accessGrants:[NSSet set] clusters:@[]];
+ (MTRServerEndpoint *)rootNodeEndpoint
return [[MTRServerEndpoint alloc] initInternalWithEndpointID:@(kRootEndpointId) deviceTypes:@[] accessGrants:[NSSet set] clusters:@[]];
- (instancetype)initInternalWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID deviceTypes:(NSArray<MTRDeviceTypeRevision *> *)deviceTypes accessGrants:(NSSet *)accessGrants clusters:(NSArray *)clusters
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
_endpointID = [endpointID copy];
_deviceTypes = [deviceTypes copy];
_accessGrants = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_serverClusters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_matterAccessGrants = [NSSet set];
for (MTRAccessGrant * grant in accessGrants) {
// Since our state is MTRServerEndpointStateInitializing, we know this
// will succeed.
[self addAccessGrant:[grant copy]];
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in clusters) {
// Since our state is MTRServerEndpointStateInitializing and the initial
// cluster array was valid, we know this will succeed.
[self addServerCluster:[cluster copy]];
return self;
- (void)updateMatterAccessGrants
MTRDeviceController * deviceController = _deviceController;
if (deviceController == nil) {
// _matterAccessGrants will be updated when we get bound to a controller.
NSSet * grants = [_accessGrants copy];
[deviceController asyncDispatchToMatterQueue:^{
self->_matterAccessGrants = grants;
- (void)addAccessGrant:(MTRAccessGrant *)accessGrant
[_accessGrants addObject:accessGrant];
[self updateMatterAccessGrants];
- (void)removeAccessGrant:(MTRAccessGrant *)accessGrant;
[_accessGrants removeObject:accessGrant];
[self updateMatterAccessGrants];
- (BOOL)addServerCluster:(MTRServerCluster *)serverCluster
MTRDeviceController * deviceController = _deviceController;
if (deviceController != nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Cannot add cluster on endpoint %llu which is already in use", _endpointID.unsignedLongLongValue);
return NO;
for (MTRServerCluster * existingCluster in _serverClusters) {
if ([existingCluster.clusterID isEqual:serverCluster.clusterID]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Cannot add second cluster with ID " ChipLogFormatMEI " on endpoint %llu", ChipLogValueMEI(serverCluster.clusterID.unsignedLongLongValue), _endpointID.unsignedLongLongValue);
return NO;
if (![serverCluster addToEndpoint:static_cast<EndpointId>(_endpointID.unsignedLongLongValue)]) {
return NO;
[_serverClusters addObject:serverCluster];
return YES;
static constexpr EmberAfAttributeMetadata sDescriptorAttributesMetadata[] = {
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeDeviceTypeListID, ARRAY, 0, 0),
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeServerListID, ARRAY, 0, 0),
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeClientListID, ARRAY, 0, 0),
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributePartsListID, ARRAY, 0, 0),
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID, BITMAP32, 4, 0),
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeClusterRevisionID, INT16U, 2, 0),
- (BOOL)associateWithController:(nullable MTRDeviceController *)controller
MTRDeviceController * existingController = _deviceController;
if (existingController != nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Cannot associate MTRServerEndpoint with controller %@; already associated with controller %@",
controller.uniqueIdentifier, existingController.uniqueIdentifier);
return NO;
// After this point we have to make sure we clean up on any failures.
if (![self finishAssociationWithController:controller]) {
[self invalidate];
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)finishAssociationWithController:(nullable MTRDeviceController *)controller
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in _serverClusters) {
if (![cluster associateWithController:controller]) {
return NO;
// Snapshot _matterAccessGrants now; after this point it will only be
// updated on the Matter queue.
_matterAccessGrants = [_accessGrants copy];
// _serverClusters shouldn't be able to change anymore, so we can now
// construct our EmberAfCluster array.
size_t clusterCount = _serverClusters.count;
// Figure out whether we need to synthesize a Descriptor cluster.
bool needsDescriptor = true;
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in _serverClusters) {
if ([cluster.clusterID isEqual:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID)]) {
needsDescriptor = false;
if (needsDescriptor) {
if (clusterCount >= 0xFF) {
// The ember bits don't allow this many clusters (they use 0xFF to mean
// "no such cluster" in various places.
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Unable to create endpoint with %llu clusters; it's too many",
static_cast<unsigned long long>(clusterCount));
return NO;
_matterClusterMetadata = std::make_unique<EmberAfCluster[]>(clusterCount);
// std::make_unique never returns null; it will try to throw an exception
// and likely crash on OOM.
size_t clusterIndex = 0;
for (; clusterIndex < _serverClusters.count; ++clusterIndex) {
auto * cluster = _serverClusters[clusterIndex];
auto & metadata = _matterClusterMetadata[clusterIndex];
metadata.clusterId = static_cast<ClusterId>(cluster.clusterID.unsignedLongLongValue);
auto attrMetadata = cluster.matterAttributeMetadata;
metadata.attributes =;
// This cast is safe because clusters check for this constraint on
// number of attributes.
metadata.attributeCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(attrMetadata.size());
metadata.clusterSize = 0; // All our attributes are external.
metadata.mask = CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER;
metadata.functions = nullptr; // None of our clusters, including Descriptor, uses these.
metadata.acceptedCommandList = cluster.matterAcceptedCommands;
metadata.generatedCommandList = cluster.matterGeneratedCommands;
metadata.eventList = nullptr;
metadata.eventCount = 0;
if (needsDescriptor) {
auto & metadata = _matterClusterMetadata[clusterIndex];
metadata.clusterId = MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID;
metadata.attributes = sDescriptorAttributesMetadata;
metadata.attributeCount = ArraySize(sDescriptorAttributesMetadata);
metadata.clusterSize = 0; // All our attributes are external.
metadata.mask = CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER;
metadata.functions = nullptr; // Descriptor does not use these.
metadata.acceptedCommandList = nullptr;
metadata.generatedCommandList = nullptr;
metadata.eventList = nullptr;
metadata.eventCount = 0;
_matterEndpointMetadata.cluster = _matterClusterMetadata.get();
// Cast is safe, because we did a range check above.
_matterEndpointMetadata.clusterCount = static_cast<decltype(_matterEndpointMetadata.clusterCount)>(clusterCount);
_matterEndpointMetadata.endpointSize = 0; // All our attributes are external.
_matterDeviceTypes = std::make_unique<EmberAfDeviceType[]>(_deviceTypes.count);
for (size_t index = 0; index < _deviceTypes.count; ++index) {
auto * deviceType = _deviceTypes[index];
auto & matterType = _matterDeviceTypes[index];
matterType.deviceId = static_cast<DeviceTypeId>(deviceType.deviceTypeID.unsignedLongLongValue);
// TODO: The spec allows 16-bit revisions, but the Ember bits only
// support 8-bit....
matterType.deviceVersion = static_cast<uint8_t>(deviceType.deviceTypeRevision.unsignedLongLongValue);
_matterDataVersions = std::make_unique<DataVersion[]>(clusterCount);
_deviceController = controller;
MTR_LOG("Associated %@, cluster count %llu, with controller",
self, static_cast<unsigned long long>(clusterCount));
return YES;
- (void)registerMatterEndpoint
static_assert(FIXED_ENDPOINT_COUNT == 0, "Indexing will be off");
// We can't use emberAfEndpointCount here, because that returns just the
// count of fixed endpoints up until the first call to
// emberAfSetDynamicEndpoint().
uint16_t possibleEndpointCount = MAX_ENDPOINT_COUNT;
uint16_t index = 0;
for (; index < possibleEndpointCount; ++index) {
if (emberAfEndpointFromIndex(index) == kInvalidEndpointId) {
if (index == possibleEndpointCount) {
// Something is very broken. We shouldn't have this many endpoints!
MTR_LOG_ERROR("We somehow ran out of endpoint slots.");
auto status = emberAfSetDynamicEndpoint(index, static_cast<EndpointId>(_endpointID.unsignedLongLongValue),
Span<DataVersion>(_matterDataVersions.get(), _matterEndpointMetadata.clusterCount),
Span<EmberAfDeviceType>(_matterDeviceTypes.get(), _deviceTypes.count));
if (status != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Unexpected failure to define our Matter endpoint");
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in _serverClusters) {
[cluster registerMatterCluster];
- (void)unregisterMatterEndpoint
if (_endpointIndex.has_value()) {
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in _serverClusters) {
[cluster unregisterMatterCluster];
- (void)invalidate
// Undo any work associateWithController did.
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in _serverClusters) {
[cluster invalidate];
// We generally promise to only touch _matterAccessGrants on the Matter
// queue after associateWithController succeeds, but we are no longer being
// looked at from that queue, so it's safe to reset it here.
_matterAccessGrants = [NSSet set];
_matterEndpointMetadata.cluster = nullptr;
_matterEndpointMetadata.clusterCount = 0;
_deviceController = nil;
- (NSArray<MTRAccessGrant *> *)matterAccessGrantsForCluster:(NSNumber *)clusterID
NSMutableArray<MTRAccessGrant *> * grants = [[_matterAccessGrants allObjects] mutableCopy];
for (MTRServerCluster * cluster in _serverClusters) {
if ([cluster.clusterID isEqual:clusterID]) {
[grants addObjectsFromArray:cluster.matterAccessGrants];
return [grants copy];
- (NSArray<MTRAccessGrant *> *)accessGrants
return [_accessGrants allObjects];
- (NSArray<MTRServerCluster *> *)serverClusters
return [_serverClusters copy];
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<MTRServerEndpoint id %u>", static_cast<EndpointId>(_endpointID.unsignedLongLongValue)];