blob: 1dfebbefcbb8a14264be866cb8e9c791acba0a1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/TLVReader.h>
#include <lib/core/TLVTags.h>
#include <lib/core/TLVTypes.h>
#include <lib/core/TLVWriter.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
* @namespace chip::TLV
* Definitions for working with data encoded in CHIP TLV format.
* CHIP TLV is a generalized encoding method for simple structured data. It shares many properties
* with the commonly used JSON serialization format while being considerably more compact over the wire.
namespace chip {
namespace TLV {
* Provides a unified Reader/Writer interface for editing/adding/deleting elements in TLV encoding.
* The TLVUpdater is a union of the TLVReader and TLVWriter objects and provides interface methods
* for editing/deleting data in an encoding as well as adding new elements to the TLV encoding. The
* TLVUpdater object essentially acts like two cursors, one for reading existing encoding and
* another for writing (either for copying over existing data or writing new data).
* Semantically, the TLVUpdater object functions like a union of the TLVReader and TLVWriter. The
* TLVUpdater methods have more or less similar meanings as similarly named counterparts in
* TLVReader/TLVWriter. Where there are differences in the semantics, the differences are clearly
* documented in the function's comment section in TLVUpdater.cpp.
* One particularly important note about the TLVUpdater's PutBytes() and PutString() methods is that
* it can leave the encoding in a corrupt state with only the element header written when an
* overflow occurs. Applications can call GetRemainingFreeLength() to make sure there is
* @em approximately enough free space to write the encoding. Note that GetRemainingFreeLength()
* only tells you the available free bytes and there is @em no way for the application to know the
* length of encoded data that gets written. In the event of an overflow, both PutBytes() and
* PutString() will return CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL to the caller.
* Also, note that Next() method is overloaded to both skip the current element and also advance the
* internal reader to the next element. Because skipping already encoded elements requires changing
* the internal writer's free space state variables to account for the new freed space (made
* available by skipping), the application is expected to call Next() on the updater after a Get()
* method whose value it doesn't wish to write back (which is equivalent to skipping the current
* element).
* @note The application is expected to use the TLVUpdater object atomically from the time it calls
* Init() till it calls Finalize(). The same buffer should NOT be used with other TLVWriter objects.
* @note The TLVUpdater currently only supports single static buffers. TLVBackingStore is NOT supported.
class DLL_EXPORT TLVUpdater
* Initialize a TLVUpdater object to edit a single input buffer.
* On calling this method, the TLV data in the buffer is moved to the end of the
* buffer and a private TLVReader object is initialized on this relocated
* buffer. A private TLVWriter object is also initialized on the free space that
* is now available at the beginning. Applications can use the TLVUpdater object
* to parse the TLV data and modify/delete existing elements or add new elements
* to the encoding.
* @param[in] buf A pointer to a buffer containing the TLV data to be edited.
* @param[in] dataLen The length of the TLV data in the buffer.
* @param[in] maxLen The total length of the buffer.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If the buffer address is invalid.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL If the buffer is too small.
CHIP_ERROR Init(uint8_t * buf, uint32_t dataLen, uint32_t maxLen);
* Initialize a TLVUpdater object using a TLVReader.
* On calling this method, TLV data in the buffer pointed to by the TLVReader
* is moved from the current read point to the end of the buffer. A new
* private TLVReader object is initialized to read from this new location, while
* a new private TLVWriter object is initialized to write to the freed up buffer
* space.
* Note that if the TLVReader is already positioned "on" an element, it is first
* backed-off to the start of that element. Also note that this backing off
* works well with container elements, i.e., if the TLVReader was already used
* to call EnterContainer(), then there is nothing to back-off. But if the
* TLVReader was positioned on the container element and EnterContainer() was
* not yet called, then the TLVReader object is backed-off to the start of the
* container head.
* The input TLVReader object will be destroyed before returning and the
* application must not make use of the same on return.
* @param[in,out] aReader Reference to a TLVReader object that will be
* destroyed before returning.
* @param[in] freeLen The length of free space (in bytes) available
* in the pre-encoded data buffer.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If the buffer address is invalid.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED If reader was initialized on a chain
* of buffers.
CHIP_ERROR Init(TLVReader & aReader, uint32_t freeLen);
CHIP_ERROR Finalize() { return mUpdaterWriter.Finalize(); }
// Common methods
* Set the Implicit Profile ID for the TLVUpdater object.
* This method sets the implicit profile ID for the TLVUpdater object. When the
* updater is asked to encode a new element, if the profile ID of the tag
* associated with the new element matches the value of the @p profileId, the
* updater will encode the tag in implicit form, thereby omitting the profile ID
* in the process.
* @param[in] profileId The profile id of tags that should be encoded in
* implicit form.
void SetImplicitProfileId(uint32_t profileId);
uint32_t GetImplicitProfileId() const { return mUpdaterReader.ImplicitProfileId; }
* Copies the current element from input TLV to output TLV.
* The Move() method copies the current element on which the TLVUpdater's reader
* is positioned on, to the TLVUpdater's writer. The application should call
* Next() and position the TLVUpdater's reader on an element before calling this
* method. Just like the TLVReader::Next() method, if the reader is positioned
* on a container element at the time of the call, all the members of the
* container will be copied. If the reader is not positioned on any element,
* nothing changes on calling this method.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the TLVUpdater reader was
* successfully positioned on a new
* element.
* @retval #CHIP_END_OF_TLV If the TLVUpdater's reader is pointing
* to end of container.
* If the TLVIpdater's reader is not
* positioned on a valid TLV element.
* @retval other Returns other error codes returned by
* TLVReader::Skip() method.
* Move everything from the TLVUpdater's current read point till end of input
* TLV buffer over to output.
* This method supports moving everything from the TLVUpdater's current read
* point till the end of the reader buffer over to the TLVUpdater's writer.
* @note This method can be called with the TLVUpdater's reader positioned
* anywhere within the input TLV. The reader can also be positioned under
* multiple levels of nested containers and this method will still work.
* @note This method also changes the state of the TLVUpdater object to a state
* it would be in if the application had painstakingly parsed each element from
* the current read point till the end of the input encoding and copied them to
* the output TLV.
void MoveUntilEnd();
* Prepares a TLVUpdater object for reading elements of a container. It also
* encodes a start of container object in the output TLV.
* The EnterContainer() method prepares the current TLVUpdater object to begin
* reading the member elements of a TLV container (a structure, array or path).
* For every call to EnterContainer() applications must make a corresponding
* call to ExitContainer().
* When EnterContainer() is called the TLVUpdater's reader must be positioned on
* the container element. The method takes as an argument a reference to a
* TLVType value which will be used to save the context of the updater while it
* is reading the container.
* When the EnterContainer() method returns, the updater is positioned
* immediately @em before the first member of the container. Repeatedly calling
* Next() will advance the updater through the members of the collection until
* the end is reached, at which point the updater will return CHIP_END_OF_TLV.
* Once the application has finished reading a container it can continue reading
* the elements after the container by calling the ExitContainer() method.
* @note This method implicitly encodes a start of container element in the
* output TLV buffer.
* @param[out] outerContainerType A reference to a TLVType value that will
* receive the context of the updater.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the TLVUpdater reader is not
* positioned on a container element.
* @retval other Any other CHIP or platform error code
* returned by TLVWriter::StartContainer()
* or TLVReader::EnterContainer().
CHIP_ERROR EnterContainer(TLVType & outerContainerType);
* Completes the reading of a TLV container element and encodes an end of TLV
* element in the output TLV.
* The ExitContainer() method restores the state of a TLVUpdater object after a
* call to EnterContainer(). For every call to EnterContainer() applications
* must make a corresponding call to ExitContainer(), passing the context value
* returned by the EnterContainer() method.
* When ExitContainer() returns, the TLVUpdater reader is positioned immediately
* before the first element that follows the container in the input TLV. From
* this point applications can call Next() to advance through any remaining
* elements.
* Once EnterContainer() has been called, applications can call ExitContainer()
* on the updater at any point in time, regardless of whether all elements in
* the underlying container have been read. Also, note that calling
* ExitContainer() before reading all the elements in the container, will result
* in the updated container getting truncated in the output TLV.
* @note Any changes made to the configuration of the updater between the calls
* to EnterContainer() and ExitContainer() are NOT undone by the call to
* ExitContainer(). For example, a change to the implicit profile id
* (@p ImplicitProfileId) will not be reversed when a container is exited. Thus
* it is the application's responsibility to adjust the configuration
* accordingly at the appropriate times.
* @param[in] outerContainerType The TLVType value that was returned by
* the EnterContainer() method.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_TLV_UNDERRUN If the underlying TLV encoding ended
* prematurely.
* If the updater encountered an invalid or
* unsupported TLV element type.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_TAG If the updater encountered a TLV tag in
* an invalid context.
* @retval other Any other CHIP or platform error code
* returned by TLVWriter::EndContainer() or
* TLVReader::ExitContainer().
CHIP_ERROR ExitContainer(TLVType outerContainerType);
void GetReader(TLVReader & containerReader) { containerReader = mUpdaterReader; }
// Reader methods
* Skip the current element and advance the TLVUpdater object to the next
* element in the input TLV.
* The Next() method skips the current element in the input TLV and advances the
* TLVUpdater's reader to the next element that resides in the same containment
* context. In particular, if the reader is positioned at the outer most level
* of a TLV encoding, calling Next() will advance it to the next, top most
* element. If the reader is positioned within a TLV container element (a
* structure, array or path), calling Next() will advance it to the next member
* element of the container.
* Since Next() constrains reader motion to the current containment context,
* calling Next() when the reader is positioned on a container element will
* advance @em over the container, skipping its member elements (and the members
* of any nested containers) until it reaches the first element after the
* container.
* When there are no further elements within a particular containment context
* the Next() method will return a #CHIP_END_OF_TLV error and the position of
* the reader will remain unchanged.
* @note The Next() method implicitly skips the current element. Hence, the
* TLVUpdater's private writer state variables will be adjusted to account for
* the new freed space (made available by skipping). This means that the
* application is expected to call Next() on the TLVUpdater object after a Get()
* whose value the application does @em not write back (which from the
* TLVUpdater's view is equivalent to skipping that element).
* @note Applications are also expected to call Next() when they are at the end
* of a container, and want to add new elements there. This is particularly
* important in situations where there is a fixed schema. Applications that have
* fixed schemas and know where the container end is cannot just add new
* elements at the end, because the TLVUpdater writer's state will not reflect
* the correct free space available for the Put() operation. Hence, applications
* must call Next() (and possibly also test for CHIP_END_OF_TLV) before adding
* elements at the end of a container.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the TLVUpdater reader was
* successfully positioned on a new
* element.
* @retval other Returns the CHIP or platform error
* codes returned by the TLVReader::Skip()
* and TLVReader::Next() method.
CHIP_ERROR Get(bool & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(int8_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(int16_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(int32_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(int64_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(uint8_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(uint16_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(uint32_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(uint64_t & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(float & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(double & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(ByteSpan & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR Get(CharSpan & v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
CHIP_ERROR GetBytes(uint8_t * buf, uint32_t bufSize) { return mUpdaterReader.GetBytes(buf, bufSize); }
CHIP_ERROR DupBytes(uint8_t *& buf, uint32_t & dataLen) { return mUpdaterReader.DupBytes(buf, dataLen); }
CHIP_ERROR GetString(char * buf, uint32_t bufSize) { return mUpdaterReader.GetString(buf, bufSize); }
CHIP_ERROR DupString(char *& buf) { return mUpdaterReader.DupString(buf); }
TLVType GetType() const { return mUpdaterReader.GetType(); }
Tag GetTag() const { return mUpdaterReader.GetTag(); }
uint32_t GetLength() const { return mUpdaterReader.GetLength(); }
CHIP_ERROR GetDataPtr(const uint8_t *& data) { return mUpdaterReader.GetDataPtr(data); }
CHIP_ERROR VerifyEndOfContainer() { return mUpdaterReader.VerifyEndOfContainer(); }
TLVType GetContainerType() const { return mUpdaterReader.GetContainerType(); }
uint32_t GetLengthRead() const { return mUpdaterReader.GetLengthRead(); }
uint32_t GetRemainingLength() const { return mUpdaterReader.GetRemainingLength(); }
// Writer methods
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int8_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int16_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int32_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int64_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint8_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint16_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint32_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint64_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int8_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int16_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int32_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, int64_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint8_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint16_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint32_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, uint64_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, float v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR Put(Tag tag, double v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR PutBoolean(Tag tag, bool v) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutBoolean(tag, v); }
CHIP_ERROR PutNull(Tag tag) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutNull(tag); }
CHIP_ERROR PutBytes(Tag tag, const uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutBytes(tag, buf, len); }
CHIP_ERROR PutString(Tag tag, const char * buf) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutString(tag, buf); }
CHIP_ERROR PutString(Tag tag, const char * buf, uint32_t len) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutString(tag, buf, len); }
CHIP_ERROR CopyElement(TLVReader & reader) { return mUpdaterWriter.CopyElement(reader); }
CHIP_ERROR CopyElement(Tag tag, TLVReader & reader) { return mUpdaterWriter.CopyElement(tag, reader); }
CHIP_ERROR StartContainer(Tag tag, TLVType containerType, TLVType & outerContainerType)
return mUpdaterWriter.StartContainer(tag, containerType, outerContainerType);
CHIP_ERROR EndContainer(TLVType outerContainerType) { return mUpdaterWriter.EndContainer(outerContainerType); }
uint32_t GetLengthWritten() { return mUpdaterWriter.GetLengthWritten(); }
uint32_t GetRemainingFreeLength() const { return mUpdaterWriter.mRemainingLen; }
void AdjustInternalWriterFreeSpace();
TLVWriter mUpdaterWriter;
TLVReader mUpdaterReader;
const uint8_t * mElementStartAddr;
} // namespace TLV
} // namespace chip