blob: ee80d927a9b6c1d715b205b504054b6ee1aee36c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# See
# for details about the block below.
# test-runner-runs: run1
# test-runner-run/run1/app: ${ALL_CLUSTERS_APP}
# test-runner-run/run1/factoryreset: True
# test-runner-run/run1/quiet: True
# test-runner-run/run1/app-args: --discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1 --trace-to json:${TRACE_APP}.json
# test-runner-run/run1/script-args: --storage-path admin_storage.json --commissioning-method on-network --discriminator 1234 --passcode 20202021 --trace-to json:${TRACE_TEST_JSON}.json --trace-to perfetto:${TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO}.perfetto
import asyncio
import logging
import chip.clusters as Clusters
from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
from matter_testing_support import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, matter_epoch_us_from_utc_datetime,
utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us, utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms)
from mobly import asserts
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TC_DGGEN_2_4(MatterBaseTest):
async def read_diags_attribute_expect_success(self, attribute):
cluster = Clusters.Objects.GeneralDiagnostics
return await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(endpoint=0, cluster=cluster, attribute=attribute)
async def read_timesync_attribute_expect_success(self, attribute):
cluster = Clusters.Objects.TimeSynchronization
return await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(endpoint=0, cluster=cluster, attribute=attribute)
async def set_time_in_timesync(self, current_time: int):
endpoint = 0
time_cluster = Clusters.Objects.TimeSynchronization
code = 0
await self.send_single_cmd(cmd=time_cluster.Commands.SetUTCTime(UTCTime=current_time, granularity=time_cluster.Enums.GranularityEnum.kMillisecondsGranularity), endpoint=endpoint)
except InteractionModelError as e:
# The python layer discards the cluster specific portion of the status IB, so for now we just expect a generic FAILURE error
# see #26521
code = e.status
asserts.assert_true(code in [0, 1], "Unexpected error while trying to set the UTCTime")
async def send_time_snapshot_expect_success(self):
endpoint = 0
diags_cluster = Clusters.Objects.GeneralDiagnostics
code = 0
response = await self.send_single_cmd(cmd=diags_cluster.Commands.TimeSnapshot(), endpoint=endpoint)
except InteractionModelError as e:
code = e.status
asserts.assert_equal(code, 0, "Expected success of TimeSnapshot.")
return response
async def test_TC_DGGEN_2_4(self):
self.print_step("1a", "Detect Time Synchronization UTCTime attribute presence")
root_descriptor = await self.default_controller.ReadAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(0, Clusters.Descriptor)])
root_server_list = root_descriptor[0][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.ServerList]
has_timesync = ( in root_server_list)
testvar_TimeSyncSupported = False
if has_timesync:
ts_attributes = await self.read_single_attribute(self.default_controller, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.TimeSynchronization.Attributes.AttributeList)
has_utc_time = (Clusters.TimeSynchronization.Attributes.UTCTime.attribute_id in ts_attributes)
if has_utc_time:
testvar_TimeSyncSupported = True
else:"Time Synchronization cluster present but UTCTime missing. This should not happen!")
self.print_step("1b", "Write current time to DUT")
# Get current time in the correct format to set via command.
th_utc = matter_epoch_us_from_utc_datetime(desired_datetime=None)
await self.set_time_in_timesync(th_utc)
self.print_step("1c", "Read current time from DUT")
testvar_UTCTime1 = await self.read_timesync_attribute_expect_success(Clusters.TimeSynchronization.Attributes.UTCTime)
asserts.assert_true(testvar_UTCTime1 != NullValue,
"UTCTime1 readback must not be null after SetUTCTime (per Time Synchronization cluster spec)")
testvar_TimeSyncSupported = True
self.print_step(2, "Read UpTime attribute, save as UpTime1")
testvar_UpTime1 = await self.read_diags_attribute_expect_success(Clusters.GeneralDiagnostics.Attributes.UpTime)
asserts.assert_greater(testvar_UpTime1, 0, "UpTime1 must be > 0")
# Step 3 (Time Sync supported)
if testvar_TimeSyncSupported:
self.print_step(3, "Functional verifications when Time Synchronization is supported")
self.print_step("3a", "Read UTCTime if TimeSyncSupported is true (already done as part of 1c, not redoing)")
self.print_step("3b", "Wait for 1 second")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
self.print_step("3c", "Send a first TimeSnapshot command and verify")
response = await self.send_time_snapshot_expect_success()"Step 3c: {response}")
# Verify that the DUT sends a TimeSnapshotResponse with the following conditions met:
# - Value of PosixTimeMs field is not null.
# - Value of (SystemTimeMs field / 1000) is greater than or equal to UpTime1
# - PosixTimeMs field converted to a UTC timestamp is greater than or equal to UTCTime1 converted to a UTC timestamp.
# On success of prior verifications:
# - Save the value of the SystemTimeMs field as SystemTimeMs1.
# - Save the value of the PosixTimeMs field as PosixTimeMs1.
asserts.assert_true(response.posixTimeMs != NullValue, "PosixTimeMs field of TimeSnapshotResponse must not be null")
asserts.assert_greater_equal(response.systemTimeMs // 1000, testvar_UpTime1,
"System time in milliseconds must be >= UpTime1")
utc_from_posix = utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms(posix_time_ms=response.posixTimeMs)
utc_from_utctime1 = utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us(testvar_UTCTime1)
utc_from_posix, utc_from_utctime1, "PosixTimeMs field converted to a UTC timestamp must be >= than UTCTime1 converted to a UTC timestamp")
testvar_SystemTimeMs1 = response.systemTimeMs
testvar_PosixTimeMs1 = response.posixTimeMs
self.print_step("3d", "Wait for 1 second")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
self.print_step("3e", "Send a second TimeSnapshot command and verify")
response = await self.send_time_snapshot_expect_success()"Step 3e: {response}")
# Verify that the DUT sends a TimeSnapshotResponse with the following fields:
# - Value of PosixTimeMs field is not null and greater than PosixTimeMs1.
# - Value of SystemTimeMs field is greater than SystemTimeMs1.
asserts.assert_true(response.posixTimeMs != NullValue, "PosixTimeMs field of TimeSnapshotResponse must not be null")
asserts.assert_greater(response.posixTimeMs, testvar_PosixTimeMs1,
"POSIX time in milliseconds must be > PosixTimeMs1")
asserts.assert_greater(response.systemTimeMs, testvar_SystemTimeMs1,
"System time in milliseconds must be > SystemTimeMs1")
self.print_step(4, "Skipped: Functional verifications for case when Time Synchronization is NOT supported")
# Step 4 (Time Sync not supported)
else: # if not testvar_TimeSyncSupported:
self.print_step(3, "Skipped: Functional verifications for case when Time Synchronization is supported")
self.print_step(4, "Functional verifications when Time Synchronization is NOT supported")
self.print_step("4a", "Send a first TimeSnapshot command and verify")
response = await self.send_time_snapshot_expect_success()"Step 4a: {response}")
# Verify that the DUT sends a TimeSnapshotResponse with the following fields:
# - Value of PosixTimeMs field is null.
# - Value of (SystemTimeMs field / 1000) is greater than UpTime1.
# On success of prior verifications, save the value of SystemTimeMs field as SystemTimeMs1.
asserts.assert_true(response.posixTimeMs == NullValue, "PosixTimeMs field of TimeSnapshotResponse must be null")
asserts.assert_greater_equal(response.systemTimeMs // 1000, testvar_UpTime1,
"System time in milliseconds must be >= UpTime1")
testvar_SystemTimeMs1 = response.systemTimeMs
self.print_step("4b", "Wait for 1 second")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
self.print_step("4c", "Send a second TimeSnapshot command and verify")
response = await self.send_time_snapshot_expect_success()"Step 4c: {response}")
# Verify that the DUT sends a TimeSnapshotResponse with the following fields:
# - Value of PosixTimeMs field is null.
# - Value of SystemTimeMs field is greater than SystemTimeMs1.
# On success of prior verifications, save the value of SystemTimeMs field as SystemTimeMs1.
asserts.assert_true(response.posixTimeMs == NullValue, "PosixTimeMs field of TimeSnapshotResponse must be null")
asserts.assert_greater(response.systemTimeMs, testvar_SystemTimeMs1,
"System time in milliseconds must be > SystemTimeMs1")
if __name__ == "__main__":