blob: a80e4b15aa91eb791dbe809c5dc71528ba88075e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# See
# for details about the block below.
# test-runner-runs: run1
# test-runner-run/run1/app: ${ALL_CLUSTERS_APP}
# test-runner-run/run1/factoryreset: True
# test-runner-run/run1/quiet: True
# test-runner-run/run1/app-args: --discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1 --trace-to json:${TRACE_APP}.json
# test-runner-run/run1/script-args: --storage-path admin_storage.json --commissioning-method on-network --discriminator 1234 --passcode 20202021 --trace-to json:${TRACE_TEST_JSON}.json --trace-to perfetto:${TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO}.perfetto
import logging
import time
import chip.clusters as Clusters
from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
from matter_testing_support import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
from mobly import asserts
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TC_FAN_3_5(MatterBaseTest):
async def read_fc_attribute_expect_success(self, endpoint, attribute):
cluster = Clusters.Objects.FanControl
return await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(endpoint=endpoint, cluster=cluster, attribute=attribute)
async def read_percent_current(self, endpoint):
return await self.read_fc_attribute_expect_success(endpoint, Clusters.FanControl.Attributes.PercentCurrent)
async def read_speed_current(self, endpoint):
return await self.read_fc_attribute_expect_success(endpoint, Clusters.FanControl.Attributes.SpeedCurrent)
async def read_speed_max(self, endpoint):
return await self.read_fc_attribute_expect_success(endpoint, Clusters.FanControl.Attributes.SpeedMax)
async def write_percent_setting(self, endpoint, percent_setting):
result = await self.default_controller.WriteAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(endpoint, Clusters.FanControl.Attributes.PercentSetting(percent_setting))])
asserts.assert_equal(result[0].Status, Status.Success, "PercentSetting write failed")
async def write_speed_setting(self, endpoint, speed_setting):
result = await self.default_controller.WriteAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(endpoint, Clusters.FanControl.Attributes.SpeedSetting(speed_setting))])
asserts.assert_equal(result[0].Status, Status.Success, "SpeedSetting write failed")
async def send_step_command(self, endpoint,
direction: Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum,
wrap: bool = False, lowestOff: bool = False, expected_status: Status = Status.Success):
await self.send_single_cmd(cmd=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Commands.Step(direction=direction, wrap=wrap, lowestOff=lowestOff), endpoint=endpoint)
except InteractionModelError as e:
asserts.assert_equal(e.status, expected_status, "Unexpected error returned")
def pics_TC_FAN_3_5(self) -> list[str]:
return ["FAN.S"]
async def test_TC_FAN_3_5(self):
if not self.check_pics("FAN.S.F04"):"Test skipped because PICS FAN.S.F04 is not set")
endpoint = self.user_params.get("endpoint", 1)
# Part 1
self.print_step(1, "Commissioning, already done")
# Part 2
self.print_step("2a", "writes to the DUT the PercentSetting attribute with 50")
await self.write_percent_setting(endpoint=endpoint, percent_setting=50)
self.print_step("2b", "Read from the DUT the PercentCurrent attribute and store")
percent_current = await self.read_percent_current(endpoint=endpoint)
self.print_step("2c", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Increase")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kIncrease)
self.print_step("2d", "Read from the DUT the PercentCurrent attribute and check its higher than the stored value")
percent_current_after = await self.read_percent_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_greater(percent_current_after, percent_current, "PercentCurrent did not increase")
# Part 3
self.print_step("3a", "writes to the DUT the PercentSetting attribute with 50")
await self.write_percent_setting(endpoint=endpoint, percent_setting=50)
self.print_step("3b", "Read from the DUT the PercentCurrent attribute and store")
percent_current = await self.read_percent_current(endpoint=endpoint)
self.print_step("3c", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Decrease")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kDecrease)
self.print_step("3d", "Read from the DUT the PercentCurrent attribute and check its lower than the stored value")
percent_current_after = await self.read_percent_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_less(percent_current_after, percent_current, "PercentCurrent did not decrease")
# Part 4
self.print_step("4a", "TH reads from the DUT the SpeedMax attribute")
speed_max = await self.read_speed_max(endpoint=endpoint)
self.print_step("4b", "TH writes to the DUT the SpeedSetting attribute with the value of SpeedMax")
await self.write_speed_setting(endpoint=endpoint, speed_setting=speed_max)
self.print_step("4c", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Increase and Wrap set to False")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kIncrease, wrap=False)
self.print_step("4d", "Read from the DUT the SpeedCurrent attribute and check its equal to SpeedMax")
speed_current = await self.read_speed_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_equal(speed_current, speed_max, "SpeedCurrent incremented past SpeedMax when wrap was false")
# Part 5
self.print_step("5a", "TH writes to the DUT the SpeedSetting attribute with the value of SpeedMax")
await self.write_speed_setting(endpoint=endpoint, speed_setting=speed_max)
self.print_step("5b", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Increase and Wrap set to True")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kIncrease, wrap=True)
self.print_step("5c", "Read from the DUT the SpeedCurrent attribute and check its equal to 1")
speed_current = await self.read_speed_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_equal(speed_current, 1, "SpeedCurrent did not wrap to 1 when wrap was true")
# Part 6
self.print_step("6a", "TH writes to the DUT the SpeedSetting attribute with the value of SpeedMax")
await self.write_speed_setting(endpoint=endpoint, speed_setting=speed_max)
self.print_step("6b", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Increase, Wrap set to True and LowestOff set to True")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kIncrease, wrap=True, lowestOff=True)
self.print_step("6c", "Read from the DUT the SpeedCurrent attribute and check its equal to 0")
speed_current = await self.read_speed_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_equal(speed_current, 0, "SpeedCurrent did not wrap to 0 when wrap was true and lowestOff was true")
# Part 7
self.print_step("7a", "TH writes to the DUT the SpeedSetting attribute with the value of 1")
await self.write_speed_setting(endpoint=endpoint, speed_setting=1)
self.print_step("7b", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Decrease, Wrap set to False and LowestOff set to False")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kDecrease, wrap=False, lowestOff=False)
self.print_step("7c", "Read from the DUT the SpeedCurrent attribute and check its equal to 1")
speed_current = await self.read_speed_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_equal(speed_current, 1, "SpeedCurrent decremented past 1 when wrap was false and lowestOff was false")
# Part 8
self.print_step("8b", "TH writes to the DUT the SpeedSetting attribute with the value of 1")
await self.write_speed_setting(endpoint=endpoint, speed_setting=1)
self.print_step("8c", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Decrease, Wrap set to True and LowestOff set to False")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kDecrease, wrap=True, lowestOff=False)
self.print_step("8d", "Read from the DUT the SpeedCurrent attribute and check its equal to SpeedMax")
speed_current = await self.read_speed_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_equal(speed_current, speed_max,
"SpeedCurrent did not wrap to SpeedMax when wrap was true and lowestOff was false")
# Part 9
self.print_step("9b", "TH writes to the DUT the SpeedSetting attribute with the value of 0")
await self.write_speed_setting(endpoint=endpoint, speed_setting=0)
self.print_step("9c", "TH sends Step command to DUT with Direction set to Decrease, Wrap set to True and LowestOff set to True")
await self.send_step_command(endpoint=endpoint, direction=Clusters.Objects.FanControl.Enums.StepDirectionEnum.kDecrease, wrap=True, lowestOff=True)
self.print_step("9d", "Read from the DUT the SpeedCurrent attribute and check its equal to SpeedMax")
speed_current = await self.read_speed_current(endpoint=endpoint)
asserts.assert_equal(speed_current, speed_max,
"SpeedCurrent did not wrap to SpeedMax when wrap was true and lowestOff was true")
if __name__ == "__main__":