blob: 90ffe5e018ca439d41d8fd72d10645ded79ed2c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import asyncio
import builtins
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import queue
import random
import re
import sys
import typing
import uuid
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from dataclasses import asdict as dataclass_asdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from chip.tlv import float32, uint
# isort: off
from chip import ChipDeviceCtrl # Needed before chip.FabricAdmin
import chip.FabricAdmin # Needed before chip.CertificateAuthority
import chip.CertificateAuthority
from chip.ChipDeviceCtrl import CommissioningParameters
# isort: on
import chip.clusters as Clusters
import chip.logging
import chip.native
from chip import discovery
from chip.ChipStack import ChipStack
from chip.clusters import ClusterObjects as ClusterObjects
from chip.clusters.Attribute import EventReadResult, SubscriptionTransaction, TypedAttributePath
from chip.exceptions import ChipStackError
from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
from chip.setup_payload import SetupPayload
from import PersistentStorage
from chip.tracing import TracingContext
from global_attribute_ids import GlobalAttributeIds
from mobly import asserts, base_test, signals, utils
from mobly.config_parser import ENV_MOBLY_LOGPATH, TestRunConfig
from mobly.test_runner import TestRunner
from pics_support import read_pics_from_file
from matter_yamltests.hooks import TestRunnerHooks
except ImportError:
class TestRunnerHooks:
# TODO: Add utility to commission a device if needed
# TODO: Add utilities to keep track of controllers/fabrics
logger = logging.getLogger("matter.python_testing")
DiscoveryFilterType = ChipDeviceCtrl.DiscoveryFilterType
_DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH = "admin_storage.json"
_DEFAULT_LOG_PATH = "/tmp/matter_testing/logs"
_DEFAULT_DUT_NODE_ID = 0x12344321
# Mobly cannot deal with user config passing of ctypes objects,
# so we use this dict of uuid -> object to recover items stashed
# by reference.
def stash_globally(o: object) -> str:
id = str(uuid.uuid1())
_GLOBAL_DATA[id] = o
return id
def unstash_globally(id: str) -> object:
return _GLOBAL_DATA.get(id)
def default_paa_rootstore_from_root(root_path: pathlib.Path) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
"""Attempt to find a PAA trust store following SDK convention at `root_path`
This attempts to find {root_path}/credentials/development/paa-root-certs.
Returns the fully resolved path on success or None if not found.
start_path = root_path.resolve()
cred_path = start_path.joinpath("credentials")
dev_path = cred_path.joinpath("development")
paa_path = dev_path.joinpath("paa-root-certs")
return paa_path.resolve() if all([path.exists() for path in [cred_path, dev_path, paa_path]]) else None
def get_default_paa_trust_store(root_path: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Attempt to find a PAA trust store starting at `root_path`.
This tries to find by various heuristics, and goes up one level at a time
until found. After a given number of levels, it will stop.
This returns `root_path` if not PAA store is not found.
# TODO: Add heuristics about TH default PAA location
cur_dir = pathlib.Path.cwd()
max_levels = 10
for level in range(max_levels):
paa_trust_store_path = default_paa_rootstore_from_root(cur_dir)
if paa_trust_store_path is not None:
return paa_trust_store_path
# Go back one level
cur_dir = cur_dir.joinpath("..")
# On not having found a PAA dir, just return current dir to avoid blow-ups
return pathlib.Path.cwd()
def type_matches(received_value, desired_type):
""" Checks if the value received matches the expected type.
Handles unpacking Nullable and Optional types and
compares list value types for non-empty lists.
if typing.get_origin(desired_type) == typing.Union:
return any(type_matches(received_value, t) for t in typing.get_args(desired_type))
elif typing.get_origin(desired_type) == list:
if isinstance(received_value, list):
# Assume an empty list is of the correct type
return True if received_value == [] else any(type_matches(received_value[0], t) for t in typing.get_args(desired_type))
return False
elif desired_type == uint:
return isinstance(received_value, int) and received_value >= 0
elif desired_type == float32:
return isinstance(received_value, float)
return isinstance(received_value, desired_type)
# TODO(#31177): Need to add unit tests for all time conversion methods.
def utc_time_in_matter_epoch(desired_datetime: Optional[datetime] = None):
""" Returns the time in matter epoch in us.
If desired_datetime is None, it will return the current time.
if desired_datetime is None:
utc_native =
utc_native = desired_datetime
# Matter epoch is 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds on Jan 1, 2000 UTC
utc_th_delta = utc_native - datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
utc_th_us = int(utc_th_delta.total_seconds() * 1000000)
return utc_th_us
matter_epoch_us_from_utc_datetime = utc_time_in_matter_epoch
def utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us(matter_epoch_us: int) -> datetime:
"""Returns the given Matter epoch time as a usable Python datetime in UTC."""
delta_from_epoch = timedelta(microseconds=matter_epoch_us)
matter_epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
return matter_epoch + delta_from_epoch
def utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms(posix_time_ms: int) -> datetime:
millis = posix_time_ms % 1000
seconds = posix_time_ms // 1000
return datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds, timezone.utc) + timedelta(milliseconds=millis)
def compare_time(received: int, offset: timedelta = timedelta(), utc: int = None, tolerance: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=5)) -> None:
if utc is None:
utc = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
# total seconds includes fractional for microseconds
expected = utc + offset.total_seconds() * 1000000
delta_us = abs(expected - received)
delta = timedelta(microseconds=delta_us)
asserts.assert_less_equal(delta, tolerance, "Received time is out of tolerance")
def get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(set_time_matter_us: int, wait_seconds: int):
seconds_passed = (utc_time_in_matter_epoch() - set_time_matter_us) // 1000000
return wait_seconds - seconds_passed
class SimpleEventCallback:
def __init__(self, name: str, expected_cluster_id: int, expected_event_id: int, output_queue: queue.SimpleQueue):
self._name = name
self._expected_cluster_id = expected_cluster_id
self._expected_event_id = expected_event_id
self._output_queue = output_queue
def __call__(self, event_result: EventReadResult, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
if (self._expected_cluster_id == event_result.Header.ClusterId and
self._expected_event_id == event_result.Header.EventId):
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
class EventChangeCallback:
def __init__(self, expected_cluster: ClusterObjects):
"""This class creates a queue to store received event callbacks, that can be checked by the test script
expected_cluster: is the cluster from which the events are expected
self._q = queue.Queue()
self._expected_cluster = expected_cluster
async def start(self, dev_ctrl, node_id: int, endpoint: int):
"""This starts a subscription for events on the specified node_id and endpoint. The cluster is specified when the class instance is created."""
self._subscription = await dev_ctrl.ReadEvent(node_id,
events=[(endpoint, self._expected_cluster, True)], reportInterval=(1, 5),
fabricFiltered=False, keepSubscriptions=True, autoResubscribe=False)
def __call__(self, res: EventReadResult, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
"""This is the subscription callback when an event is received.
It checks the event is from the expected_cluster and then posts it into the queue for later processing."""
if res.Status == Status.Success and res.Header.ClusterId ==
f'Got subscription report for event on cluster {self._expected_cluster}: {res.Data}')
def wait_for_event_report(self, expected_event: ClusterObjects.ClusterEvent, timeout: int = 10):
"""This function allows a test script to block waiting for the specific event to arrive with a timeout.
It returns the event data so that the values can be checked."""
res = self._q.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except queue.Empty:"Failed to receive a report for the event {}".format(expected_event))
asserts.assert_equal(res.Header.ClusterId, expected_event.cluster_id, "Expected cluster ID not found in event report")
asserts.assert_equal(res.Header.EventId, expected_event.event_id, "Expected event ID not found in event report")
return res.Data
class AttributeChangeCallback:
def __init__(self, expected_attribute: ClusterObjects.ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
self._output = queue.Queue()
self._expected_attribute = expected_attribute
def __call__(self, path: TypedAttributePath, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
"""This is the subscription callback when an attribute is updated.
It checks the passed in attribute is the same as the subscribed to attribute and
then posts it into the queue for later processing."""
asserts.assert_equal(path.AttributeType, self._expected_attribute,
f"[AttributeChangeCallback] Attribute mismatch. Expected: {self._expected_attribute}, received: {path.AttributeType}")
logging.debug(f"[AttributeChangeCallback] Attribute update callback for {path.AttributeType}")
q = (path, transaction)
def wait_for_report(self):
path, transaction = self._output.get(block=True, timeout=10)
except queue.Empty:
f"[AttributeChangeCallback] Failed to receive a report for the {self._expected_attribute} attribute change")
asserts.assert_equal(path.AttributeType, self._expected_attribute,
f"[AttributeChangeCallback] Received incorrect report. Expected: {self._expected_attribute}, received: {path.AttributeType}")
attribute_value = transaction.GetAttribute(path)
f"[AttributeChangeCallback] Got attribute subscription report. Attribute {path.AttributeType}. Updated value: {attribute_value}. SubscriptionId: {transaction.subscriptionId}")
except KeyError:"[AttributeChangeCallback] Attribute {expected_attribute} not found in returned report")
class InternalTestRunnerHooks(TestRunnerHooks):
def start(self, count: int):'Starting test set, running {count} tests')
def stop(self, duration: int):'Finished test set, ran for {duration}ms')
def test_start(self, filename: str, name: str, count: int, steps: list[str] = []):'Starting test from {filename}: {name} - {count} steps')
def test_stop(self, exception: Exception, duration: int):'Finished test in {duration}ms')
def step_skipped(self, name: str, expression: str):
# TODO: Do we really need the expression as a string? We can evaluate this in code very easily'\t\t**** Skipping: {name}')
def step_start(self, name: str):
# The way I'm calling this, the name is already includes the step number, but it seems like it might be good to separate these'\t\t***** Test Step {name}')
def step_success(self, logger, logs, duration: int, request):
def step_failure(self, logger, logs, duration: int, request, received):
# TODO: there's supposed to be some kind of error message here, but I have no idea where it's meant to come from in this API'\t\t***** Test Failure : ')
def step_unknown(self):
This method is called when the result of running a step is unknown. For example during a dry-run.
def show_prompt(self,
msg: str,
placeholder: Optional[str] = None,
default_value: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
class MatterTestConfig:
storage_path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(".")
logs_path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(".")
paa_trust_store_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
ble_interface_id: Optional[int] = None
commission_only: bool = False
admin_vendor_id: int = _DEFAULT_ADMIN_VENDOR_ID
case_admin_subject: Optional[int] = None
global_test_params: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
# List of explicit tests to run by name. If empty, all tests will run
tests: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
timeout: typing.Union[int, None] = None
endpoint: int = 0
app_pid: int = 0
commissioning_method: Optional[str] = None
discriminators: Optional[List[int]] = None
setup_passcodes: Optional[List[int]] = None
commissionee_ip_address_just_for_testing: Optional[str] = None
# By default, we start with maximized cert chains, as required for RR-1.1.
# This allows cert tests to be run without re-commissioning for RR-1.1.
maximize_cert_chains: bool = True
qr_code_content: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
manual_code: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
wifi_ssid: Optional[str] = None
wifi_passphrase: Optional[str] = None
thread_operational_dataset: Optional[str] = None
pics: dict[bool, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
# Node ID for basic DUT
dut_node_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None
# Node ID to use for controller/commissioner
controller_node_id: int = _DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_NODE_ID
# CAT Tags for default controller/commissioner
# By default, we commission with CAT tags specified for RR-1.1
# so the cert tests can be run without re-commissioning the device
# for this one test. This can be overwritten from the command line
controller_cat_tags: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0x0001_0001])
# Fabric ID which to use
fabric_id: int = 1
# "Alpha" by default
root_of_trust_index: int = _DEFAULT_TRUST_ROOT_INDEX
# If this is set, we will reuse root of trust keys at that location
chip_tool_credentials_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
trace_to: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
class ClusterMapper:
"""Describe clusters/attributes using schema names."""
def __init__(self, legacy_cluster_mapping) -> None:
self._mapping = legacy_cluster_mapping
def get_cluster_string(self, cluster_id: int) -> str:
mapping = self._mapping._CLUSTER_ID_DICT.get(cluster_id, None)
if not mapping:
return f"Cluster Unknown ({cluster_id}, 0x{cluster_id:08X})"
name = mapping["clusterName"]
return f"Cluster {name} ({cluster_id}, 0x{cluster_id:04X})"
def get_attribute_string(self, cluster_id: int, attribute_id) -> str:
global_attrs = [item.value for item in GlobalAttributeIds]
if attribute_id in global_attrs:
return f"Attribute {GlobalAttributeIds(attribute_id).to_name()} {attribute_id}, 0x{attribute_id:04X}"
mapping = self._mapping._CLUSTER_ID_DICT.get(cluster_id, None)
if not mapping:
return f"Attribute Unknown ({attribute_id}, 0x{attribute_id:08X})"
attribute_mapping = mapping["attributes"].get(attribute_id, None)
if not attribute_mapping:
return f"Attribute Unknown ({attribute_id}, 0x{attribute_id:08X})"
attribute_name = attribute_mapping["attributeName"]
return f"Attribute {attribute_name} ({attribute_id}, 0x{attribute_id:04X})"
def id_str(id):
return f'{id} (0x{id:02x})'
def cluster_id_str(id):
if id in Clusters.ClusterObjects.ALL_CLUSTERS.keys():
s = Clusters.ClusterObjects.ALL_CLUSTERS[id].__name__
s = "Unknown cluster"
return f'{id_str(id)} {s}'
except TypeError:
class CustomCommissioningParameters:
commissioningParameters: CommissioningParameters
randomDiscriminator: int
class ClusterPathLocation:
endpoint_id: int
cluster_id: int
def __str__(self):
return (f'\n Endpoint: {self.endpoint_id},'
f'\n Cluster: {cluster_id_str(self.cluster_id)}')
class AttributePathLocation(ClusterPathLocation):
cluster_id: Optional[int] = None
attribute_id: Optional[int] = None
def as_cluster_string(self, mapper: ClusterMapper):
desc = f"Endpoint {self.endpoint_id}"
if self.cluster_id is not None:
desc += f", {mapper.get_cluster_string(self.cluster_id)}"
return desc
def as_string(self, mapper: ClusterMapper):
desc = self.as_cluster_string(mapper)
if self.cluster_id is not None and self.attribute_id is not None:
desc += f", {mapper.get_attribute_string(self.cluster_id, self.attribute_id)}"
return desc
def __str__(self):
return (f'{super().__str__()}'
f'\n Attribute:{id_str(self.attribute_id)}')
class EventPathLocation(ClusterPathLocation):
event_id: int
def __str__(self):
return (f'{super().__str__()}'
f'\n Event: {id_str(self.event_id)}')
class CommandPathLocation(ClusterPathLocation):
command_id: int
def __str__(self):
return (f'{super().__str__()}'
f'\n Command: {id_str(self.command_id)}')
class FeaturePathLocation(ClusterPathLocation):
feature_code: str
def __str__(self):
return (f'{super().__str__()}'
f'\n Feature: {self.feature_code}')
class DeviceTypePathLocation:
device_type_id: int
cluster_id: Optional[int] = None
def __str__(self):
msg = f'\n DeviceType: {self.device_type_id}'
if self.cluster_id:
msg += f'\n ClusterID: {self.cluster_id}'
return msg
ProblemLocation = typing.Union[ClusterPathLocation, DeviceTypePathLocation]
# ProblemSeverity is not using StrEnum, but rather Enum, since StrEnum only
# appeared in 3.11. To make it JSON serializable easily, multiple inheritance
# from `str` is used. See
class ProblemSeverity(str, Enum):
class ProblemNotice:
test_name: str
location: ProblemLocation
severity: ProblemSeverity
problem: str
spec_location: str = ""
def __str__(self):
return (f'\nProblem: {str(self.severity)}'
f'\n test_name: {self.test_name}'
f'\n location: {str(self.location)}'
f'\n problem: {self.problem}'
f'\n spec_location: {self.spec_location}\n')
class SetupPayloadInfo:
filter_type: discovery.FilterType = discovery.FilterType.LONG_DISCRIMINATOR
filter_value: int = 0
passcode: int = 0
class MatterStackState:
def __init__(self, config: MatterTestConfig):
self._logger = logger
self._config = config
if not hasattr(builtins, "chipStack"):
if config.storage_path is None:
raise ValueError("Must have configured a MatterTestConfig.storage_path")
self._init_stack(already_initialized=False, persistentStoragePath=config.storage_path)
self._we_initialized_the_stack = True
self._we_initialized_the_stack = False
def _init_stack(self, already_initialized: bool, **kwargs):
if already_initialized:
self._chip_stack = builtins.chipStack
"Re-using existing ChipStack object found in current interpreter: "
"storage path %s will be ignored!" % (self._config.storage_path)
# TODO: Warn that storage will not follow what we set in config
self._chip_stack = ChipStack(**kwargs)
builtins.chipStack = self._chip_stack
self._storage = self._chip_stack.GetStorageManager()
self._certificate_authority_manager = chip.CertificateAuthority.CertificateAuthorityManager(chipStack=self._chip_stack)
if (len(self._certificate_authority_manager.activeCaList) == 0):
"Didn't find any CertificateAuthorities in storage -- creating a new CertificateAuthority + FabricAdmin...")
ca = self._certificate_authority_manager.NewCertificateAuthority(caIndex=self._config.root_of_trust_index)
ca.maximizeCertChains = self._config.maximize_cert_chains
ca.NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1, fabricId=self._config.fabric_id)
elif (len(self._certificate_authority_manager.activeCaList[0].adminList) == 0):
self._logger.warn("Didn't find any FabricAdmins in storage -- creating a new one...")
self._certificate_authority_manager.activeCaList[0].NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1, fabricId=self._config.fabric_id)
# TODO: support getting access to chip-tool credentials issuer's data
def Shutdown(self):
if self._we_initialized_the_stack:
# Unfortunately, all the below are singleton and possibly
# managed elsewhere so we have to be careful not to touch unless
# we initialized ourselves.
global_chip_stack = builtins.chipStack
def certificate_authorities(self):
return self._certificate_authority_manager.activeCaList
def certificate_authority_manager(self):
return self._certificate_authority_manager
def storage(self) -> PersistentStorage:
return self._storage
def stack(self) -> ChipStack:
return builtins.chipStack
def bytes_from_hex(hex: str) -> bytes:
"""Converts any `hex` string representation including `01:ab:cd` to bytes
Handles any whitespace including newlines, which are all stripped.
return unhexlify("".join(hex.replace(":", "").replace(" ", "").split()))
def hex_from_bytes(b: bytes) -> str:
"""Converts a bytes object `b` into a hex string (reverse of bytes_from_hex)"""
return hexlify(b).decode("utf-8")
class TestStep:
test_plan_number: typing.Union[int, str]
description: str
expectation: str = ""
is_commissioning: bool = False
class TestInfo:
function: str
desc: str
steps: list[TestStep]
pics: list[str]
class MatterBaseTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
def __init__(self, *args):
# List of accumulated problems across all tests
self.problems = []
self.is_commissioning = False
def get_test_steps(self, test: str) -> list[TestStep]:
''' Retrieves the test step list for the given test
Test steps are defined in the function called steps_<functionname>.
ex for test test_TC_TEST_1_1, the steps are in a function called
Test that implement a steps_ function should call each step
in order using self.step(number), where number is the test_plan_number
from each TestStep.
steps = self.get_defined_test_steps(test)
return [TestStep(1, "Run entire test")] if steps is None else steps
def get_defined_test_steps(self, test: str) -> list[TestStep]:
steps_name = 'steps_' + test[5:]
fn = getattr(self, steps_name)
return fn()
except AttributeError:
return None
def get_test_pics(self, test: str) -> list[str]:
''' Retrieves a list of top-level PICS that should be checked before running this test
An empty list means the test will always be run.
PICS are defined in a function called pics_<functionname>.
ex. for test test_TC_TEST_1_1, the pics are in a function called
pics = self._get_defined_pics(test)
return [] if pics is None else pics
def _get_defined_pics(self, test: str) -> list[TestStep]:
steps_name = 'pics_' + test[5:]
fn = getattr(self, steps_name)
return fn()
except AttributeError:
return None
def get_test_desc(self, test: str) -> str:
''' Returns a description of this test
Test description is defined in the function called desc_<functionname>.
ex for test test_TC_TEST_1_1, the steps are in a function called
<Test plan reference> [<test plan number>] <test plan name>
133.1.1. [TC-ACL-1.1] Global attributes
desc_name = 'desc_' + test[5:]
fn = getattr(self, desc_name)
return fn()
except AttributeError:
return test
# Override this if the test requires a different default timeout.
# This value will be overridden if a timeout is supplied on the command line.
def default_timeout(self) -> int:
return 90
def runner_hook(self) -> TestRunnerHooks:
return unstash_globally(self.user_params.get("hooks"))
def matter_test_config(self) -> MatterTestConfig:
return unstash_globally(self.user_params.get("matter_test_config"))
def default_controller(self) -> ChipDeviceCtrl:
return unstash_globally(self.user_params.get("default_controller"))
def matter_stack(self) -> MatterStackState:
return unstash_globally(self.user_params.get("matter_stack"))
def certificate_authority_manager(self) -> chip.CertificateAuthority.CertificateAuthorityManager:
return unstash_globally(self.user_params.get("certificate_authority_manager"))
def dut_node_id(self) -> int:
return self.matter_test_config.dut_node_ids[0]
def setup_class(self):
# Mappings of cluster IDs to names and metadata.
# TODO: Move to using non-generated code and rather use data model description (.matter or .xml)
self.cluster_mapper = ClusterMapper(self.default_controller._Cluster)
self.current_step_index = 0
self.step_start_time =
self.step_skipped = False
def setup_test(self):
self.current_step_index = 0
self.step_start_time =
self.step_skipped = False
if self.runner_hook and not self.is_commissioning:
test_name =
steps = self.get_defined_test_steps(test_name)
num_steps = 1 if steps is None else len(steps)
filename = inspect.getfile(self.__class__)
desc = self.get_test_desc(test_name)
steps_descriptions = [] if steps is None else [step.description for step in steps]
self.runner_hook.test_start(filename=filename, name=desc, count=num_steps, steps=steps_descriptions)
# If we don't have defined steps, we're going to start the one and only step now
# if there are steps defined by the test, rely on the test calling the step() function
# to indicates how it is proceeding
if steps is None:
def teardown_class(self):
"""Final teardown after all tests: log all problems"""
if len(self.problems) == 0:
return"###########################################################")"Problems found:")"===============")
for problem in self.problems:"###########################################################")
def check_pics(self, pics_key: str) -> bool:
picsd =
pics_key = pics_key.strip()
return pics_key in picsd and picsd[pics_key]
async def openCommissioningWindow(self, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl, node_id: int) -> CustomCommissioningParameters:
rnd_discriminator = random.randint(0, 4095)
commissioning_params = await dev_ctrl.OpenCommissioningWindow(nodeid=node_id, timeout=900, iteration=1000,
discriminator=rnd_discriminator, option=1)
params = CustomCommissioningParameters(commissioning_params, rnd_discriminator)
return params
except InteractionModelError as e:, 'Failed to open commissioning window')
async def read_single_attribute(
self, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl, node_id: int, endpoint: int, attribute: object, fabricFiltered: bool = True) -> object:
result = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(node_id, [(endpoint, attribute)], fabricFiltered=fabricFiltered)
data = result[endpoint]
return list(data.values())[0][attribute]
async def read_single_attribute_check_success(
self, cluster: Clusters.ClusterObjects.ClusterCommand, attribute: Clusters.ClusterObjects.ClusterAttributeDescriptor,
dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl = None, node_id: int = None, endpoint: int = None, fabric_filtered: bool = True, assert_on_error: bool = True, test_name: str = "") -> object:
if dev_ctrl is None:
dev_ctrl = self.default_controller
if node_id is None:
node_id = self.dut_node_id
if endpoint is None:
endpoint = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
result = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(node_id, [(endpoint, attribute)], fabricFiltered=fabric_filtered)
attr_ret = result[endpoint][cluster][attribute]
read_err_msg = f"Error reading {str(cluster)}:{str(attribute)} = {attr_ret}"
desired_type = attribute.attribute_type.Type
type_err_msg = f'Returned attribute {attribute} is wrong type expected {desired_type}, got {type(attr_ret)}'
read_ok = attr_ret is not None and not isinstance(attr_ret, Clusters.Attribute.ValueDecodeFailure)
type_ok = type_matches(attr_ret, desired_type)
if assert_on_error:
asserts.assert_true(read_ok, read_err_msg)
asserts.assert_true(type_ok, type_err_msg)
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint,,
if not read_ok:
self.record_error(test_name=test_name, location=location, problem=read_err_msg)
return None
elif not type_ok:
self.record_error(test_name=test_name, location=location, problem=type_err_msg)
return None
return attr_ret
async def read_single_attribute_expect_error(
self, cluster: object, attribute: object,
error: Status, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl = None, node_id: int = None, endpoint: int = None,
fabric_filtered: bool = True, assert_on_error: bool = True, test_name: str = "") -> object:
if dev_ctrl is None:
dev_ctrl = self.default_controller
if node_id is None:
node_id = self.dut_node_id
if endpoint is None:
endpoint = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
result = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(node_id, [(endpoint, attribute)], fabricFiltered=fabric_filtered)
attr_ret = result[endpoint][cluster][attribute]
err_msg = "Did not see expected error when reading {}:{}".format(str(cluster), str(attribute))
error_type_ok = attr_ret is not None and isinstance(
attr_ret, Clusters.Attribute.ValueDecodeFailure) and isinstance(attr_ret.Reason, InteractionModelError)
if assert_on_error:
asserts.assert_true(error_type_ok, err_msg)
asserts.assert_equal(attr_ret.Reason.status, error, err_msg)
elif not error_type_ok or attr_ret.Reason.status != error:
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint,,
self.record_error(test_name=test_name, location=location, problem=err_msg)
return None
return attr_ret
async def send_single_cmd(
self, cmd: Clusters.ClusterObjects.ClusterCommand,
dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl = None, node_id: int = None, endpoint: int = None,
timedRequestTimeoutMs: typing.Union[None, int] = None) -> object:
if dev_ctrl is None:
dev_ctrl = self.default_controller
if node_id is None:
node_id = self.dut_node_id
if endpoint is None:
endpoint = self.matter_test_config.endpoint
result = await dev_ctrl.SendCommand(nodeid=node_id, endpoint=endpoint, payload=cmd, timedRequestTimeoutMs=timedRequestTimeoutMs)
return result
async def send_test_event_triggers(self, eventTrigger: int, enableKey: bytes = None):
"""This helper function sends a test event trigger to the General Diagnostics cluster on endpoint 0
The enableKey can be passed into the function, or omitted which will then
use the one provided to the script via --hex-arg enableKey:<HEX VALUE>
if not it defaults to 0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
# get the test event enable key or assume the default
# This can be passed in on command line using
# --hex-arg enableKey:000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
if enableKey is None:
if 'enableKey' not in self.matter_test_config.global_test_params:
enableKey = bytes([b for b in range(16)])
enableKey = self.matter_test_config.global_test_params['enableKey']
# GeneralDiagnostics cluster is meant to be on Endpoint 0 (Root)
await self.send_single_cmd(endpoint=0,
except InteractionModelError as e:
f"Sending TestEventTrigger resulted in Unexpected error. Are they enabled in DUT? Command returned - {e.status}")
async def check_test_event_triggers_enabled(self):
"""This cluster checks that the General Diagnostics cluster TestEventTriggersEnabled attribute is True.
It will assert and fail the test if not True."""
full_attr = Clusters.GeneralDiagnostics.Attributes.TestEventTriggersEnabled
cluster = Clusters.Objects.GeneralDiagnostics
# GeneralDiagnostics cluster is meant to be on Endpoint 0 (Root)
test_event_enabled = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(endpoint=0, cluster=cluster, attribute=full_attr)
asserts.assert_equal(test_event_enabled, True, "TestEventTriggersEnabled is False")
def print_step(self, stepnum: typing.Union[int, str], title: str) -> None:'***** Test Step {stepnum} : {title}')
def record_error(self, test_name: str, location: ProblemLocation, problem: str, spec_location: str = ""):
self.problems.append(ProblemNotice(test_name, location, ProblemSeverity.ERROR, problem, spec_location))
def record_warning(self, test_name: str, location: ProblemLocation, problem: str, spec_location: str = ""):
self.problems.append(ProblemNotice(test_name, location, ProblemSeverity.WARNING, problem, spec_location))
def record_note(self, test_name: str, location: ProblemLocation, problem: str, spec_location: str = ""):
self.problems.append(ProblemNotice(test_name, location, ProblemSeverity.NOTE, problem, spec_location))
def on_fail(self, record):
''' Called by Mobly on test failure
record is of type TestResultRecord
if self.runner_hook and not self.is_commissioning:
exception = record.termination_signal.exception
step_duration = ( - self.step_start_time) / timedelta(microseconds=1)
# This isn't QUITE the test duration because the commissioning is handled separately, but it's clsoe enough for now
# This is already given in milliseconds
test_duration = record.end_time - record.begin_time
# TODO: I have no idea what logger, logs, request or received are. Hope None works because I have nothing to give
self.runner_hook.step_failure(logger=None, logs=None, duration=step_duration, request=None, received=None)
self.runner_hook.test_stop(exception=exception, duration=test_duration)
def on_pass(self, record):
''' Called by Mobly on test pass
record is of type TestResultRecord
if self.runner_hook and not self.is_commissioning:
# What is request? This seems like an implementation detail for the runner
# TODO: As with failure, I have no idea what logger, logs or request are meant to be
step_duration = ( - self.step_start_time) / timedelta(microseconds=1)
test_duration = record.end_time - record.begin_time
self.runner_hook.step_success(logger=None, logs=None, duration=step_duration, request=None)
# TODO: this check could easily be annoying when doing dev. flag it somehow? Ditto with the in-order check
steps = self.get_defined_test_steps(record.test_name)
if steps is None:
# if we don't have a list of steps, assume they were all run
all_steps_run = True
all_steps_run = len(steps) == self.current_step_index
if not all_steps_run:
# The test is done, but we didn't execute all the steps"Test script error: Not all required steps were run")
if self.runner_hook and not self.is_commissioning:
self.runner_hook.test_stop(exception=None, duration=test_duration)
def pics_guard(self, pics_condition: bool):
"""Checks a condition and if False marks the test step as skipped and
returns False, otherwise returns True.
For example can be used to check if a test step should be run:
if self.pics_guard(condition_needs_to_be_true_to_execute):
# do the test for step 4
if self.pics_guard(condition2_needs_to_be_true_to_execute):
# do the test for step 5
if not pics_condition:
return pics_condition
def mark_current_step_skipped(self):
steps = self.get_test_steps(
if self.current_step_index == 0:"Script error: mark_current_step_skipped cannot be called before step()")
num = steps[self.current_step_index-1].test_plan_number
except KeyError:
num = self.current_step_index
if self.runner_hook:
# TODO: what does name represent here? The wordy test name? The test plan number? The number and name?
# TODO: I very much do not want to have people passing in strings here. Do we really need the expression
# as a string? Does it get used by the TH?
self.runner_hook.step_skipped(name=str(num), expression="")
else:'**** Skipping: {num}')
self.step_skipped = True
def skip_step(self, step):
def skip_all_remaining_steps(self, starting_step_number):
''' Skips all remaining test steps starting with provided starting step
starting_step_number gives the first step to be skipped, as defined in the TestStep.test_plan_number
starting_step_number must be provided, and is not derived intentionally. By providing argument
test is more deliberately identifying where test skips are starting from, making
it easier to validate against the test plan for correctness.
steps = self.get_test_steps(
for idx, step in enumerate(steps):
if step.test_plan_number == starting_step_number:
starting_step_idx = idx
else:"skip_all_remaining_steps was provided with invalid starting_step_num")
remaining = steps[starting_step_idx:]
for step in remaining:
def step(self, step: typing.Union[int, str]):
test_name =
steps = self.get_test_steps(test_name)
# TODO: this might be annoying during dev. Remove? Flag?
if len(steps) <= self.current_step_index or steps[self.current_step_index].test_plan_number != step:'Unexpected test step: {step} - steps not called in order, or step does not exist')
if self.runner_hook:
# If we've reached the next step with no assertion and the step wasn't skipped, it passed
if not self.step_skipped and self.current_step_index != 0:
# TODO: As with failure, I have no idea what loger, logs or request are meant to be
step_duration = ( - self.step_start_time) / timedelta(microseconds=1)
self.runner_hook.step_success(logger=None, logs=None, duration=step_duration, request=None)
# TODO: it seems like the step start should take a number and a name
name = f'{step} : {steps[self.current_step_index].description}'
self.print_step(step, steps[self.current_step_index].description)
self.step_start_time =
self.current_step_index = self.current_step_index + 1
self.step_skipped = False
def get_setup_payload_info(self) -> List[SetupPayloadInfo]:
setup_payloads = []
for qr_code in self.matter_test_config.qr_code_content:
except ChipStackError:"QR code '{qr_code} failed to parse properly as a Matter setup code.")
for manual_code in self.matter_test_config.manual_code:
except ChipStackError:
f"Manual code code '{manual_code}' failed to parse properly as a Matter setup code. Check that all digits are correct and length is 11 or 21 characters.")
infos = []
for setup_payload in setup_payloads:
info = SetupPayloadInfo()
info.passcode = setup_payload.setup_passcode
if setup_payload.short_discriminator is not None:
info.filter_type = discovery.FilterType.SHORT_DISCRIMINATOR
info.filter_value = setup_payload.short_discriminator
info.filter_type = discovery.FilterType.LONG_DISCRIMINATOR
info.filter_value = setup_payload.long_discriminator
num_passcodes = 0 if self.matter_test_config.setup_passcodes is None else len(self.matter_test_config.setup_passcodes)
num_discriminators = 0 if self.matter_test_config.discriminators is None else len(self.matter_test_config.discriminators)
asserts.assert_equal(num_passcodes, num_discriminators, "Must have same number of discriminators as passcodes")
if self.matter_test_config.discriminators:
for idx, discriminator in enumerate(self.matter_test_config.discriminators):
info = SetupPayloadInfo()
info.passcode = self.matter_test_config.setup_passcodes[idx]
info.filter_type = DiscoveryFilterType.LONG_DISCRIMINATOR
info.filter_value = discriminator
return infos
def wait_for_user_input(self,
prompt_msg: str,
prompt_msg_placeholder: str = "Submit anything to continue",
default_value: str = "y") -> str:
"""Ask for user input and wait for it.
prompt_msg (str): Message for TH UI prompt and input function. Indicates what is expected from the user.
prompt_msg_placeholder (str, optional): TH UI prompt input placeholder (where the user types). Defaults to "Submit anything to continue".
default_value (str, optional): TH UI prompt default value. Defaults to "y".
str: User input
if self.runner_hook:
return input(f'{prompt_msg.removesuffix(chr(10))}\n')
def generate_mobly_test_config(matter_test_config: MatterTestConfig):
test_run_config = TestRunConfig()
# We use a default name. We don't use Mobly YAML configs, so that we can be
# freestanding without relying
test_run_config.testbed_name = "MatterTest"
log_path = matter_test_config.logs_path
log_path = _DEFAULT_LOG_PATH if log_path is None else log_path
if ENV_MOBLY_LOGPATH in os.environ:
log_path = os.environ[ENV_MOBLY_LOGPATH]
test_run_config.log_path = log_path
# TODO: For later, configure controllers
test_run_config.controller_configs = {}
test_run_config.user_params = matter_test_config.global_test_params
return test_run_config
def _find_test_class():
"""Finds the test class in a test script.
Walk through module members and find the subclass of MatterBaseTest. Only
one subclass is allowed in a test script.
The test class in the test module.
SystemExit: Raised if the number of test classes is not exactly one.
subclasses = utils.find_subclasses_in_module([MatterBaseTest], sys.modules['__main__'])
subclasses = [c for c in subclasses if c.__name__ != "MatterBaseTest"]
if len(subclasses) != 1:
'Exactly one subclass of `MatterBaseTest` should be in the main file. Found %s.' %
str([subclass.__name__ for subclass in subclasses]))
return subclasses[0]
def int_decimal_or_hex(s: str) -> int:
val = int(s, 0)
if val < 0:
raise ValueError("Negative values not supported")
return val
def byte_string_from_hex(s: str) -> bytes:
return unhexlify(s.replace(":", "").replace(" ", "").replace("0x", ""))
def str_from_manual_code(s: str) -> str:
"""Enforces legal format for manual codes and removes spaces/dashes."""
s = s.replace("-", "").replace(" ", "")
regex = r"^([0-9]{11}|[0-9]{21})$"
match = re.match(regex, s)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid manual code format, does not match %s" % regex)
return s
def int_named_arg(s: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
regex = r"^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+):((?P<hex_value>0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(?P<decimal_value>-?\d+))$"
match = re.match(regex, s)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid int argument format, does not match %s" % regex)
name ="name")
value = int("hex_value"), 0)
value = int("decimal_value"), 10)
return (name, value)
def str_named_arg(s: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
regex = r"^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+):(?P<value>.*)$"
match = re.match(regex, s)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid string argument format, does not match %s" % regex)
return ("name"),"value"))
def float_named_arg(s: str) -> Tuple[str, float]:
regex = r"^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+):(?P<value>.*)$"
match = re.match(regex, s)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid float argument format, does not match %s" % regex)
name ="name")
value = float("value"))
return (name, value)
def json_named_arg(s: str) -> Tuple[str, object]:
regex = r"^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+):(?P<value>.*)$"
match = re.match(regex, s)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid JSON argument format, does not match %s" % regex)
name ="name")
value = json.loads("value"))
return (name, value)
def bool_named_arg(s: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
regex = r"^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+):((?P<truth_value>true|false)|(?P<decimal_value>[01]))$"
match = re.match(regex, s.lower())
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid bool argument format, does not match %s" % regex)
name ="name")
value = True if"truth_value") == "true" else False
value = int("decimal_value")) != 0
return (name, value)
def bytes_as_hex_named_arg(s: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
regex = r"^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+):(?P<value>[0-9a-fA-F:]+)$"
match = re.match(regex, s)
if not match:
raise ValueError("Invalid bytes as hex argument format, does not match %s" % regex)
name ="name")
value_str ="value")
value_str = value_str.replace(":", "")
if len(value_str) % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Byte string argument value needs to be event number of hex chars")
value = unhexlify(value_str)
return (name, value)
def root_index(s: str) -> int:
"alpha": 1,
"beta": 2,
"gamma": 3
for name, id in CHIP_TOOL_COMPATIBILITY.items():
if s.lower() == name:
return id
root_index = int(s)
if root_index == 0:
raise ValueError("Only support root index >= 1")
return root_index
def populate_commissioning_args(args: argparse.Namespace, config: MatterTestConfig) -> bool:
config.root_of_trust_index = args.root_index
# Follow root of trust index if ID not provided to have same behavior as legacy
# chip-tool that fabricID == commissioner_name == root of trust index
config.fabric_id = args.fabric_id if args.fabric_id is not None else config.root_of_trust_index
if args.chip_tool_credentials_path is not None and not args.chip_tool_credentials_path.exists():
print("error: chip-tool credentials path %s doesn't exist!" % args.chip_tool_credentials_path)
return False
config.chip_tool_credentials_path = args.chip_tool_credentials_path
if args.dut_node_ids is None:
print("error: --dut-node-id is mandatory!")
return False
config.dut_node_ids = args.dut_node_ids
config.commissioning_method = args.commissioning_method
config.commission_only = args.commission_only
if args.commissioning_method is None:
return True
if args.discriminators == [] and (args.qr_code == [] and args.manual_code == []):
print("error: Missing --discriminator when no --qr-code/--manual-code present!")
return False
config.discriminators = args.discriminators
if args.passcodes == [] and (args.qr_code == [] and args.manual_code == []):
print("error: Missing --passcode when no --qr-code/--manual-code present!")
return False
config.setup_passcodes = args.passcodes
if args.qr_code != [] and args.manual_code != []:
print("error: Cannot have both --qr-code and --manual-code present!")
return False
if len(config.discriminators) != len(config.setup_passcodes):
print("error: supplied number of discriminators does not match number of passcodes")
return False
device_descriptors = config.qr_code_content + config.manual_code + config.discriminators
if len(config.dut_node_ids) > len(device_descriptors):
print("error: More node IDs provided than discriminators")
return False
if len(config.dut_node_ids) < len(device_descriptors):
missing = len(device_descriptors) - len(config.dut_node_ids)
# We generate new node IDs sequentially from the last one seen for all
# missing NodeIDs when commissioning many nodes at once.
for i in range(missing):
config.dut_node_ids.append(config.dut_node_ids[-1] + 1)
if len(config.dut_node_ids) != len(set(config.dut_node_ids)):
print("error: Duplicate values in node id list")
return False
if len(config.discriminators) != len(set(config.discriminators)):
print("error: Duplicate value in discriminator list")
return False
if config.commissioning_method == "ble-wifi":
if args.wifi_ssid is None:
print("error: missing --wifi-ssid <SSID> for --commissioning-method ble-wifi!")
return False
if args.wifi_passphrase is None:
print("error: missing --wifi-passphrase <passphrasse> for --commissioning-method ble-wifi!")
return False
config.wifi_ssid = args.wifi_ssid
config.wifi_passphrase = args.wifi_passphrase
elif config.commissioning_method == "ble-thread":
if args.thread_dataset_hex is None:
print("error: missing --thread-dataset-hex <DATASET_HEX> for --commissioning-method ble-thread!")
return False
config.thread_operational_dataset = args.thread_dataset_hex
elif config.commissioning_method == "on-network-ip":
if args.ip_addr is None:
print("error: missing --ip-addr <IP_ADDRESS> for --commissioning-method on-network-ip")
return False
config.commissionee_ip_address_just_for_testing = args.ip_addr
if args.case_admin_subject is None:
# Use controller node ID as CASE admin subject during commissioning if nothing provided
config.case_admin_subject = config.controller_node_id
# If a CASE admin subject is provided, then use that
config.case_admin_subject = args.case_admin_subject
return True
def convert_args_to_matter_config(args: argparse.Namespace) -> MatterTestConfig:
config = MatterTestConfig()
# Populate commissioning config if present, exiting on error
if not populate_commissioning_args(args, config):
config.storage_path = pathlib.Path(_DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH) if args.storage_path is None else args.storage_path
config.logs_path = pathlib.Path(_DEFAULT_LOG_PATH) if args.logs_path is None else args.logs_path
config.paa_trust_store_path = args.paa_trust_store_path
config.ble_interface_id = args.ble_interface_id = {} if args.PICS is None else read_pics_from_file(args.PICS)
config.tests = [] if args.tests is None else args.tests
config.timeout = args.timeout # This can be none, we pull the default from the test if it's unspecified
config.endpoint = 0 if args.endpoint is None else args.endpoint
config.app_pid = 0 if args.app_pid is None else args.app_pid
config.controller_node_id = args.controller_node_id
config.trace_to = args.trace_to
# Accumulate all command-line-passed named args
all_global_args = []
argsets = [item for item in (args.int_arg, args.float_arg, args.string_arg, args.json_arg,
args.hex_arg, args.bool_arg) if item is not None]
for argset in argsets:
config.global_test_params = {}
for name, value in all_global_args:
config.global_test_params[name] = value
# Embed the rest of the config in the global test params dict which will be passed to Mobly tests
config.global_test_params["meta_config"] = {k: v for k, v in dataclass_asdict(config).items() if k != "global_test_params"}
return config
def parse_matter_test_args(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> MatterTestConfig:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Matter standalone Python test')
basic_group = parser.add_argument_group(title="Basic arguments", description="Overall test execution arguments")
metavar='test_a test_b...',
help='A list of tests in the test class to execute.')
basic_group.add_argument('--trace-to', nargs="*", default=[],
help="Where to trace (e.g perfetto, perfetto:path, json:log, json:path)")
basic_group.add_argument('--storage-path', action="store", type=pathlib.Path,
metavar="PATH", help="Location for persisted storage of instance")
basic_group.add_argument('--logs-path', action="store", type=pathlib.Path, metavar="PATH", help="Location for test logs")
paa_path_default = get_default_paa_trust_store(pathlib.Path.cwd())
basic_group.add_argument('--paa-trust-store-path', action="store", type=pathlib.Path, metavar="PATH", default=paa_path_default,
help="PAA trust store path (default: %s)" % str(paa_path_default))
basic_group.add_argument('--ble-interface-id', action="store", type=int,
metavar="INTERFACE_ID", help="ID of BLE adapter (from hciconfig)")
basic_group.add_argument('-N', '--controller-node-id', type=int_decimal_or_hex,
help='NodeID to use for initial/default controller (default: %d)' % _DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_NODE_ID)
basic_group.add_argument('-n', '--dut-node-id', '--nodeId', type=int_decimal_or_hex,
metavar='NODE_ID', dest='dut_node_ids', default=[_DEFAULT_DUT_NODE_ID],
help='Node ID for primary DUT communication, '
'and NodeID to assign if commissioning (default: %d)' % _DEFAULT_DUT_NODE_ID, nargs="+")
basic_group.add_argument('--endpoint', type=int, default=0, help="Endpoint under test")
basic_group.add_argument('--app-pid', type=int, default=0, help="The PID of the app against which the test is going to run")
basic_group.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, help="Test timeout in seconds")
basic_group.add_argument("--PICS", help="PICS file path", type=str)
commission_group = parser.add_argument_group(title="Commissioning", description="Arguments to commission a node")
commission_group.add_argument('-m', '--commissioning-method', type=str,
choices=["on-network", "ble-wifi", "ble-thread", "on-network-ip"],
help='Name of commissioning method to use')
commission_group.add_argument('-d', '--discriminator', type=int_decimal_or_hex,
help='Discriminator to use for commissioning', nargs="+")
commission_group.add_argument('-p', '--passcode', type=int_decimal_or_hex,
help='PAKE passcode to use', nargs="+")
commission_group.add_argument('-i', '--ip-addr', type=str,
help='IP address to use (only for method "on-network-ip". ONLY FOR LOCAL TESTING!', nargs="+")
commission_group.add_argument('--wifi-ssid', type=str,
help='Wi-Fi SSID for ble-wifi commissioning')
commission_group.add_argument('--wifi-passphrase', type=str,
help='Wi-Fi passphrase for ble-wifi commissioning')
commission_group.add_argument('--thread-dataset-hex', type=byte_string_from_hex,
help='Thread operational dataset as a hex string for ble-thread commissioning')
commission_group.add_argument('--admin-vendor-id', action="store", type=int_decimal_or_hex, default=_DEFAULT_ADMIN_VENDOR_ID,
help="VendorID to use during commissioning (default 0x%04X)" % _DEFAULT_ADMIN_VENDOR_ID)
commission_group.add_argument('--case-admin-subject', action="store", type=int_decimal_or_hex,
help="Set the CASE admin subject to an explicit value (default to commissioner Node ID)")
commission_group.add_argument('--commission-only', action="store_true", default=False,
help="If true, test exits after commissioning without running subsequent tests")
code_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
code_group.add_argument('-q', '--qr-code', type=str,
metavar="QR_CODE", default=[], help="QR setup code content (overrides passcode and discriminator)", nargs="+")
code_group.add_argument('--manual-code', type=str_from_manual_code,
metavar="MANUAL_CODE", default=[], help="Manual setup code content (overrides passcode and discriminator)", nargs="+")
fabric_group = parser.add_argument_group(
title="Fabric selection", description="Fabric selection for single-fabric basic usage, and commissioning")
fabric_group.add_argument('-f', '--fabric-id', type=int_decimal_or_hex,
help='Fabric ID on which to operate under the root of trust')
fabric_group.add_argument('-r', '--root-index', type=root_index,
help='Root of trust under which to operate/commission for single-fabric basic usage. '
'alpha/beta/gamma are aliases for 1/2/3. Default (%d)' % _DEFAULT_TRUST_ROOT_INDEX)
fabric_group.add_argument('-c', '--chip-tool-credentials-path', type=pathlib.Path,
help='Path to chip-tool credentials file root')
args_group = parser.add_argument_group(title="Config arguments", description="Test configuration global arguments set")
args_group.add_argument('--int-arg', nargs='*', type=int_named_arg, metavar="NAME:VALUE",
help="Add a named test argument for an integer as hex or decimal (e.g. -2 or 0xFFFF_1234)")
args_group.add_argument('--bool-arg', nargs='*', type=bool_named_arg, metavar="NAME:VALUE",
help="Add a named test argument for an boolean value (e.g. true/false or 0/1)")
args_group.add_argument('--float-arg', nargs='*', type=float_named_arg, metavar="NAME:VALUE",
help="Add a named test argument for a floating point value (e.g. -2.1 or 6.022e23)")
args_group.add_argument('--string-arg', nargs='*', type=str_named_arg, metavar="NAME:VALUE",
help="Add a named test argument for a string value")
args_group.add_argument('--json-arg', nargs='*', type=json_named_arg, metavar="NAME:VALUE",
help="Add a named test argument for JSON stored as a list or dict")
args_group.add_argument('--hex-arg', nargs='*', type=bytes_as_hex_named_arg, metavar="NAME:VALUE",
help="Add a named test argument for an octet string in hex (e.g. 0011cafe or 00:11:CA:FE)")
if not argv:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
return convert_args_to_matter_config(parser.parse_known_args(argv)[0])
def async_test_body(body):
"""Decorator required to be applied whenever a `test_*` method is `async def`.
Since Mobly doesn't support asyncio directly, and the test methods are called
synchronously, we need a mechanism to allow an `async def` to be converted to
a asyncio-run synchronous method. This decorator does the wrapping.
def async_runner(self: MatterBaseTest, *args, **kwargs):
timeout = self.matter_test_config.timeout if self.matter_test_config.timeout is not None else self.default_timeout
runner_with_timeout = asyncio.wait_for(body(self, *args, **kwargs), timeout=timeout)
return async_runner
class CommissionDeviceTest(MatterBaseTest):
"""Test class auto-injected at the start of test list to commission a device when requested"""
def __init__(self, *args):
self.is_commissioning = True
def test_run_commissioning(self):
conf = self.matter_test_config
for commission_idx, node_id in enumerate(conf.dut_node_ids):"Starting commissioning for root index %d, fabric ID 0x%016X, node ID 0x%016X" %
(conf.root_of_trust_index, conf.fabric_id, node_id))"Commissioning method: %s" % conf.commissioning_method)
if not
raise signals.TestAbortAll("Failed to commission node")
async def _commission_device(self, i) -> bool:
dev_ctrl = self.default_controller
conf = self.matter_test_config
info = self.get_setup_payload_info()[i]
if conf.commissioning_method == "on-network":
await dev_ctrl.CommissionOnNetwork(
return True
except ChipStackError as e:
logging.error("Commissioning failed: %s" % e)
return False
elif conf.commissioning_method == "ble-wifi":
await dev_ctrl.CommissionWiFi(
isShortDiscriminator=(info.filter_type == DiscoveryFilterType.SHORT_DISCRIMINATOR)
return True
except ChipStackError as e:
logging.error("Commissioning failed: %s" % e)
return False
elif conf.commissioning_method == "ble-thread":
await dev_ctrl.CommissionThread(
isShortDiscriminator=(info.filter_type == DiscoveryFilterType.SHORT_DISCRIMINATOR)
return True
except ChipStackError as e:
logging.error("Commissioning failed: %s" % e)
return False
elif conf.commissioning_method == "on-network-ip":
await dev_ctrl.CommissionIP(
setupPinCode=info.passcode, nodeid=conf.dut_node_ids[i]
return True
except ChipStackError as e:
logging.error("Commissioning failed: %s" % e)
return False
raise ValueError("Invalid commissioning method %s!" % conf.commissioning_method)
def default_matter_test_main():
"""Execute the test class in a test module.
This is the default entry point for running a test script file directly.
In this case, only one test class in a test script is allowed.
To make your test script executable, add the following to your file:
.. code-block:: python
from import default_matter_test_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
matter_test_config = parse_matter_test_args()
# Find the test class in the test script.
test_class = _find_test_class()
hooks = InternalTestRunnerHooks()
run_tests(test_class, matter_test_config, hooks)
def get_test_info(test_class: MatterBaseTest, matter_test_config: MatterTestConfig) -> list[TestInfo]:
test_config = generate_mobly_test_config(matter_test_config)
base = test_class(test_config)
if len(matter_test_config.tests) > 0:
tests = matter_test_config.tests
tests = base.get_existing_test_names()
info = []
for t in tests:
info.append(TestInfo(t, steps=base.get_test_steps(t), desc=base.get_test_desc(t), pics=base.get_test_pics(t)))
return info
def run_tests_no_exit(test_class: MatterBaseTest, matter_test_config: MatterTestConfig, hooks: TestRunnerHooks, default_controller=None, external_stack=None) -> bool:
get_test_info(test_class, matter_test_config)
# Load test config file.
test_config = generate_mobly_test_config(matter_test_config)
# Parse test specifiers if exist.
tests = None
if len(matter_test_config.tests) > 0:
tests = matter_test_config.tests
if external_stack:
stack = external_stack
stack = MatterStackState(matter_test_config)
with TracingContext() as tracing_ctx:
for destination in matter_test_config.trace_to:
test_config.user_params["matter_stack"] = stash_globally(stack)
# TODO: Steer to right FabricAdmin!
# TODO: If CASE Admin Subject is a CAT tag range, then make sure to issue NOC with that CAT tag
if not default_controller:
default_controller = stack.certificate_authorities[0].adminList[0].NewController(
test_config.user_params["default_controller"] = stash_globally(default_controller)
test_config.user_params["matter_test_config"] = stash_globally(matter_test_config)
test_config.user_params["hooks"] = stash_globally(hooks)
# Execute the test class with the config
ok = True
test_config.user_params["certificate_authority_manager"] = stash_globally(stack.certificate_authority_manager)
# Execute the test class with the config
ok = True
runner = TestRunner(log_dir=test_config.log_path,
with runner.mobly_logger():
if matter_test_config.commissioning_method is not None:
runner.add_test_class(test_config, CommissionDeviceTest, None)
# Add the tests selected unless we have a commission-only request
if not matter_test_config.commission_only:
runner.add_test_class(test_config, test_class, tests)
if hooks:
# Right now, we only support running a single test class at once,
# but it's relatively easy to expand that to make the test process faster
# TODO: support a list of tests
# Mobly gives the test run time in seconds, lets be a bit more precise
runner_start_time =
ok = runner.results.is_all_pass and ok
except TimeoutError:
ok = False
except signals.TestAbortAll:
ok = False
except Exception:
logging.exception('Exception when executing %s.', test_config.testbed_name)
ok = False
if hooks:
duration = ( - runner_start_time) / timedelta(microseconds=1)
# Shutdown the stack when all done
if not external_stack:
if ok:"Final result: PASS !")
logging.error("Final result: FAIL !")
return ok
def run_tests(test_class: MatterBaseTest, matter_test_config: MatterTestConfig, hooks: TestRunnerHooks, default_controller=None, external_stack=None) -> None:
if not run_tests_no_exit(test_class, matter_test_config, hooks, default_controller, external_stack):