blob: bf5c085bf84d123255e25c50ebf85c2477914e6a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any
import chip.clusters as Clusters
class TagProblem:
root: int
missing_attribute: bool
missing_feature: bool
duplicates: set[int]
same_tag: set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
def separate_endpoint_types(endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]:
"""Returns a tuple containing the list of flat endpoints and a list of tree endpoints"""
flat = []
tree = []
for endpoint_id, endpoint in endpoint_dict.items():
if endpoint_id == 0:
aggregator_id = 0x000e
content_app_id = 0x0024
device_types = [d.deviceType for d in endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList]]
if aggregator_id in device_types:
if content_app_id in device_types:
return (flat, tree)
def get_all_children(endpoint_id, endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> set[int]:
"""Returns all the children (include subchildren) of the given endpoint
This assumes we've already checked that there are no cycles, so we can do the dumb things and just trace the tree
children = set()
def add_children(endpoint_id, children):
immediate_children = endpoint_dict[endpoint_id][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList]
if not immediate_children:
for child in immediate_children:
add_children(child, children)
add_children(endpoint_id, children)
return children
def find_tree_roots(tree_endpoints: list[int], endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> set[int]:
"""Returns a set of all the endpoints in tree_endpoints that are roots for a tree (not include singletons)"""
tree_roots = set()
def find_tree_root(current_id):
for endpoint_id, endpoint in endpoint_dict.items():
if endpoint_id not in tree_endpoints:
if current_id in endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList]:
# this is not the root, move up
return find_tree_root(endpoint_id)
return current_id
for endpoint_id in tree_endpoints:
root = find_tree_root(endpoint_id)
if root != endpoint_id:
return tree_roots
def parts_list_cycles(tree_endpoints: list[int], endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> list[int]:
"""Returns a list of all the endpoints in the tree_endpoints list that contain cycles"""
def parts_list_cycle_detect(visited: set, current_id: int) -> bool:
if current_id in visited:
return True
for child in endpoint_dict[current_id][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList]:
child_has_cycles = parts_list_cycle_detect(visited, child)
if child_has_cycles:
return True
return False
cycles = []
# This is quick enough that we can do all the endpoints without searching for the roots
for endpoint_id in tree_endpoints:
visited = set()
if parts_list_cycle_detect(visited, endpoint_id):
return cycles
def create_device_type_lists(roots: list[int], endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> dict[int, dict[int, set[int]]]:
"""Returns a list of endpoints per device type for each root in the list"""
device_types = {}
for root in roots:
tree_device_types = defaultdict(set)
eps = get_all_children(root, endpoint_dict)
for ep in eps:
for d in endpoint_dict[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList]:
device_types[root] = tree_device_types
return device_types
def get_direct_children_of_root(endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> set[int]:
root_children = set(endpoint_dict[0][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList])
direct_children = root_children
for ep in root_children:
ep_children = set(endpoint_dict[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList])
direct_children = direct_children - ep_children
return direct_children
def create_device_type_list_for_root(direct_children, endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> dict[int, set[int]]:
device_types = defaultdict(set)
for ep in direct_children:
for d in endpoint_dict[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList]:
return device_types
def cmp_tag_list(a: Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct, b: Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct):
if a.mfgCode != b.mfgCode:
return -1 if a.mfgCode < b.mfgCode else 1
if a.namespaceID != b.namespaceID:
return -1 if a.namespaceID < b.namespaceID else 1
if a.tag != b.tag:
return -1 if a.tag < b.tag else 1
if a.label != b.label:
return -1 if a.label < b.label else 1
return 0
def find_tag_list_problems(roots: list[int], device_types: dict[int, dict[int, set[int]]], endpoint_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> dict[int, TagProblem]:
"""Checks for non-spec compliant tag lists"""
tag_problems = {}
for root in roots:
for _, endpoints in device_types[root].items():
if len(endpoints) < 2:
for endpoint in endpoints:
missing_feature = not bool(endpoint_dict[endpoint][Clusters.Descriptor]
[Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap] & Clusters.Descriptor.Bitmaps.Feature.kTagList)
if Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList not in endpoint_dict[endpoint][Clusters.Descriptor] or endpoint_dict[endpoint][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] == []:
tag_problems[endpoint] = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=True,
missing_feature=missing_feature, duplicates=endpoints)
# Check that this tag isn't the same as the other tags in the endpoint list
duplicate_tags = set()
for other in endpoints:
if other == endpoint:
# The OTHER endpoint is missing a tag list attribute - ignore this here, we'll catch that when we assess this endpoint as the primary
if Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList not in endpoint_dict[other][Clusters.Descriptor]:
if sorted(endpoint_dict[endpoint][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList], key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp_tag_list)) == sorted(endpoint_dict[other][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList], key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp_tag_list)):
if len(duplicate_tags) != 0:
tag_problems[endpoint] = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=False, missing_feature=missing_feature,
duplicates=endpoints, same_tag=duplicate_tags)
if missing_feature:
tag_problems[endpoint] = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=False,
missing_feature=missing_feature, duplicates=endpoints)
return tag_problems
def flat_list_ok(flat_endpoint_id_to_check: int, endpoints_dict: dict[int, Any]) -> bool:
'''Checks if the (flat) PartsList on the supplied endpoint contains all the sub-children of its parts.'''
sub_children = set()
for child in endpoints_dict[flat_endpoint_id_to_check][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList]:
sub_children.update(get_all_children(child, endpoints_dict))
return all(item in endpoints_dict[flat_endpoint_id_to_check][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList] for item in sub_children)