blob: 1acb8576bdb15c6867c3e8b8ea0b27b61ad8e252 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import typing
def read_attribute(attribute: str, cluster: typing.Optional[str] = None):
attr = f'reads the {attribute} attribute'
if cluster:
return f'{attr} from {cluster}'
return attr
def save_as(val: str) -> str:
return f' and saves the value as {val}'
def verify_status(status: str) -> str:
return f'Verify DUT responds w/ status {status}'
def verify_success() -> str:
return verify_status('SUCCESS')
# -----------------------
# Commissioning strings
# -----------------------
def commission_if_required(controller: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str:
controller_str = f'to {controller} ' if controller is not None else ''
return f'Commission DUT {controller_str}if not already done'
def commission_from_existing(existing_controller_name: str, new_controller_name: str) -> str:
# NOTE to implementers: This text corresponds to the actions taken by CommissioningBuildingBlocks.AddNOCForNewFabricFromExisting.
# This function should be used in the TestSteps description when you use that function.
# AddNOCForNewFabricFromExisting is used when the generated certificates are required for use in the test.
# It written one step so we can just use the function directly without needing to annotate the sub-steps for the TH.
return (f'Create a new controller on a new fabric called {new_controller_name}.\n'
f'Commission the new controller from {existing_controller_name} as follows:\n\n'
f'- {existing_controller_name} sends an ArmFailsafe command, followed by a CSRRequest command.\n'
f'- Generate credentials on {new_controller_name} using the returned CSR.\n'
f'- Save the RCAC as `rcac_{new_controller_name}. Save the ICAC as `icac_{new_controller_name}`. Save the NOC as `noc_{new_controller_name}`. Save the IPK as ipk_{new_controller_name}.\n'
f'- {existing_controller_name} sends the AddTrustedRootCertificate command with `rcac_{new_controller_name}`'
f'- {existing_controller_name} sends the AddNOC command with the fields set as follows:\n'
f' * NOCValue: `noc_{new_controller_name}`\n'
f' * ICACValue: `icac_{new_controller_name}`\n'
f' * IPKValue: `ipk_{new_controller_name}`\n'
f' * CaseAdminSubject: {new_controller_name} node ID\n'
f' * AdminVendorId: {new_controller_name} vendor ID\n'
f'- {new_controller_name} connects over CASE and sends the commissioning complete command')
def open_commissioning_window(controller: str = 'TH') -> str:
return f'{controller} opens a commissioning window on the DUT'
def remove_fabric(index_var: str, controller: str):
return f'{controller} sends the RemoveFabric command to the Node Operational Credentials cluster with the FabricIndex set to {index_var}.'
def verify_commissioning_successful() -> str:
return 'Verify the commissioning is successful.'