blob: e776599cf82908cc6b3b5eb682b16665a4657517 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "google/protobuf/map.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/functional/overload.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
#include "rust/cpp_kernel/strings.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace rust {
namespace {
using MapValueTag = internal::UntypedMapBase::TypeKind;
// LINT.IfChange(map_ffi)
struct MapValue {
MapValueTag tag;
union {
bool b;
uint32_t u32;
uint64_t u64;
float f32;
double f64;
std::string* s;
google::protobuf::MessageLite* message;
// LINT.ThenChange(//depot/google3/third_party/protobuf/rust/
template <typename T>
struct FromViewType {
using type = T;
template <>
struct FromViewType<PtrAndLen> {
using type = std::string;
template <typename Key>
using KeyMap = internal::KeyMapBase<
internal::KeyForBase<typename FromViewType<Key>::type>>;
void InitializeMessageValue(void* raw_ptr, MessageLite* msg) {
MessageLite* new_msg = internal::RustMapHelper::PlacementNew(msg, raw_ptr);
auto* full_msg = DynamicCastMessage<Message>(new_msg);
// If we are working with a full (non-lite) proto, we reflectively swap the
// value into place. Otherwise, we have to perform a copy.
if (full_msg != nullptr) {
full_msg->GetReflection()->Swap(full_msg, DynamicCastMessage<Message>(msg));
} else {
delete msg;
template <typename Key>
bool Insert(internal::UntypedMapBase* m, Key key, MapValue value) {
internal::NodeBase* node = internal::RustMapHelper::AllocNode(m);
if constexpr (std::is_same<Key, PtrAndLen>::value) {
new (node->GetVoidKey()) std::string(key.ptr, key.len);
} else {
*static_cast<Key*>(node->GetVoidKey()) = key;
m->VisitValue(node, absl::Overload{
[&](bool* v) { *v = value.b; },
[&](uint32_t* v) { *v = value.u32; },
[&](uint64_t* v) { *v = value.u64; },
[&](float* v) { *v = value.f32; },
[&](double* v) { *v = value.f64; },
[&](std::string* str) {
new (str) std::string(std::move(*value.s));
delete value.s;
[&](MessageLite* msg) {
InitializeMessageValue(msg, value.message);
node = internal::RustMapHelper::InsertOrReplaceNode(
static_cast<KeyMap<Key>*>(m), node);
if (node == nullptr) {
return true;
internal::RustMapHelper::DeleteNode(m, node);
return false;
template <typename Map, typename Key,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<Key, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen>::value>::type>
internal::RustMapHelper::NodeAndBucket FindHelper(Map* m, Key key) {
return internal::RustMapHelper::FindHelper(
m, static_cast<internal::KeyForBase<Key>>(key));
template <typename Map>
internal::RustMapHelper::NodeAndBucket FindHelper(Map* m,
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen key) {
return internal::RustMapHelper::FindHelper(
m, absl::string_view(key.ptr, key.len));
void PopulateMapValue(const internal::UntypedMapBase& map,
internal::NodeBase* node, MapValue& output) {
map.VisitValue(node, absl::Overload{
[&](const bool* v) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kBool;
output.b = *v;
[&](const uint32_t* v) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kU32;
output.u32 = *v;
[&](const uint64_t* v) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kU64;
output.u64 = *v;
[&](const float* v) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kFloat;
output.f32 = *v;
[&](const double* v) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kDouble;
output.f64 = *v;
[&](std::string* str) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kString;
output.s = str;
[&](MessageLite* msg) {
output.tag = MapValueTag::kMessage;
output.message = msg;
template <typename Key>
bool Get(internal::UntypedMapBase* m, Key key, MapValue* value) {
auto* map_base = static_cast<KeyMap<Key>*>(m);
internal::RustMapHelper::NodeAndBucket result = FindHelper(map_base, key);
if (result.node == nullptr) {
return false;
PopulateMapValue(*m, result.node, *value);
return true;
template <typename Key>
bool Remove(internal::UntypedMapBase* m, Key key) {
auto* map_base = static_cast<KeyMap<Key>*>(m);
internal::RustMapHelper::NodeAndBucket result = FindHelper(map_base, key);
if (result.node == nullptr) {
return false;
internal::RustMapHelper::EraseNoDestroy(map_base, result.bucket, result.node);
internal::RustMapHelper::DeleteNode(m, result.node);
return true;
template <typename Key>
void IterGet(const internal::UntypedMapIterator* iter, Key* key,
MapValue* value) {
internal::NodeBase* node = iter->node_;
if constexpr (std::is_same<Key, PtrAndLen>::value) {
const std::string* s = iter->m_->GetKey<std::string>(node);
*key = PtrAndLen{s->data(), s->size()};
} else {
*key = *iter->m_->GetKey<Key>(node);
PopulateMapValue(*iter->m_, node, *value);
} // namespace
} // namespace rust
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
extern "C" {
void proto2_rust_thunk_UntypedMapIterator_increment(
google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator* iter) {
google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* proto2_rust_map_new(
google::protobuf::rust::MapValue key_prototype,
google::protobuf::rust::MapValue value_prototype) {
return new google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase(
/* arena = */ nullptr,
key_prototype.tag, value_prototype.tag,
value_prototype.tag == google::protobuf::rust::MapValueTag::kMessage
? value_prototype.message
: nullptr));
size_t proto2_rust_map_size(google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m) {
return m->size();
google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator proto2_rust_map_iter(
google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m) {
return m->begin();
void proto2_rust_map_free(google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m) {
m->ClearTable(false, nullptr);
delete m;
void proto2_rust_map_clear(google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m) {
m->ClearTable(true, nullptr);
#define DEFINE_KEY_SPECIFIC_MAP_OPERATIONS(cpp_type, suffix) \
bool proto2_rust_map_insert_##suffix(google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m, \
cpp_type key, \
google::protobuf::rust::MapValue value) { \
return google::protobuf::rust::Insert(m, key, value); \
} \
bool proto2_rust_map_get_##suffix(google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m, \
cpp_type key, \
google::protobuf::rust::MapValue* value) { \
return google::protobuf::rust::Get(m, key, value); \
} \
bool proto2_rust_map_remove_##suffix(google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapBase* m, \
cpp_type key) { \
return google::protobuf::rust::Remove(m, key); \
} \
void proto2_rust_map_iter_get_##suffix( \
const google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator* iter, cpp_type* key, \
google::protobuf::rust::MapValue* value) { \
return google::protobuf::rust::IterGet(iter, key, value); \
DEFINE_KEY_SPECIFIC_MAP_OPERATIONS(google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen, ProtoString)
} // extern "C"