blob: f7c45f950087158297d60caf99c253ef17a78112 [file] [log] [blame]
# Builds protobuf C++ with aarch64 crosscompiler and runs a basic set of tests under an emulator.
# NOTE: This script is expected to run under the dockcross/linux-arm64 docker image.
set -ex
# the build commands are expected to run under dockcross docker image
# where the CC, CXX and other toolchain variables already point to the crosscompiler
cmake .
make -j8
# check that the resulting test binary is indeed an aarch64 ELF
(file ./tests | grep -q "ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64") || (echo "Test binary in not an aarch64 binary"; exit 1)
# run the basic set of C++ tests under QEMU
# there are other tests we could run (e.g. ./lite-test), but this is sufficient as a smoketest
qemu-aarch64 ./tests