blob: 7c8c53990c7d91d7a868f4bbe78002c8b410ccad [file] [log] [blame]
# Build file to set up and run tests using bazel-build dist archive
# Note that the builds use WORKSPACE to fetch external sources, not
# git submodules.
set -eu 5.0.0 || true
bazel version
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
# Get kokoro scripts from repo root by default.
: ${SCRIPT_ROOT:=$(pwd)}
source ${SCRIPT_ROOT}/kokoro/common/
# Build distribution archive
echo "============================================================"
echo -e "[[ $(date) ]] Building distribution archive...\n"
${SCRIPT_ROOT}/kokoro/common/ build //pkg:dist_all_tar
DIST_ARCHIVE=$(readlink $(bazel info bazel-bin)/pkg/dist_all_tar.tar.gz)
bazel shutdown
# Extract the dist archive.
echo "============================================================"
echo -e "[[ $(date) ]] Extracting distribution archive...\n"
# Construct temp directory for running the dist build.
# If you want to run locally and keep the build dir, create a directory
# and pass it in the DIST_WORK_ROOT env var.
if [[ -z ${DIST_WORK_ROOT:-} ]]; then
: ${DIST_WORK_ROOT:=$(mktemp -d)}
function dist_cleanup() {
(( $BASH_SUBSHELL == 0 )) && rm -rf ${DIST_WORK_ROOT}
trap dist_cleanup EXIT
mkdir -p ${DIST_WORKSPACE}
tar -C ${DIST_WORKSPACE} --strip-components=1 -axf bazel-bin/pkg/dist_all_tar.tar.gz
echo "============================================================"
echo -e "[[ $(date) ]] Building extracted archive...\n"
-//objectivec/... # only works on macOS
${SCRIPT_ROOT}/kokoro/common/ "${bazel_args[@]}"