blob: 3b21d7ff92831365b72a46ea33a8fe4ef14ec855 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
import java.util.Map;
abstract class ExtensionSchema<T extends FieldSet.FieldDescriptorLite<T>> {
/** Returns true for messages that support extensions. */
abstract boolean hasExtensions(MessageLite prototype);
/** Returns the extension {@link FieldSet} for the message instance. */
abstract FieldSet<T> getExtensions(Object message);
/** Replaces the extension {@link FieldSet} for the message instance. */
abstract void setExtensions(Object message, FieldSet<T> extensions);
/** Returns the extension {@link FieldSet} and ensures it's mutable. */
abstract FieldSet<T> getMutableExtensions(Object message);
/** Marks the extension {@link FieldSet} as immutable. */
abstract void makeImmutable(Object message);
* Parses an extension. Returns the passed-in unknownFields parameter if no unknown enum value is
* found or a modified unknownFields (a new instance if the passed-in unknownFields is null)
* containing unknown enum values found while parsing.
* @param <UT> The type used to store unknown fields. It's either UnknownFieldSet in full runtime
* or UnknownFieldSetLite in lite runtime.
abstract <UT, UB> UB parseExtension(
Object containerMessage,
Reader reader,
Object extension,
ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
FieldSet<T> extensions,
UB unknownFields,
UnknownFieldSchema<UT, UB> unknownFieldSchema)
throws IOException;
/** Gets the field number of an extension entry. */
abstract int extensionNumber(Map.Entry<?, ?> extension);
/** Serializes one extension entry. */
abstract void serializeExtension(Writer writer, Map.Entry<?, ?> extension) throws IOException;
/** Finds an extension by field number. */
abstract Object findExtensionByNumber(
ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry, MessageLite defaultInstance, int number);
/** Parses a length-prefixed MessageSet item from the reader. */
abstract void parseLengthPrefixedMessageSetItem(
Reader reader,
Object extension,
ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
FieldSet<T> extensions)
throws IOException;
* Parses the entire content of a {@link ByteString} as one MessageSet item. Unlike {@link
* #parseLengthPrefixedMessageSetItem}, there isn't a length-prefix.
abstract void parseMessageSetItem(
ByteString data,
Object extension,
ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
FieldSet<T> extensions)
throws IOException;