blob: 516955db69a3a236e7f42b2096330b4682bc33da [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Utility helper functions to work with {@link}.
public final class FieldMaskUtil {
private static final String FIELD_PATH_SEPARATOR = ",";
private static final String FIELD_PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX = ",";
private static final String FIELD_SEPARATOR_REGEX = "\\.";
private FieldMaskUtil() {}
* Converts a FieldMask to a string.
public static String toString(FieldMask fieldMask) {
// TODO: Consider using here instead.
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String value : fieldMask.getPathsList()) {
if (value.isEmpty()) {
// Ignore empty paths.
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
return result.toString();
* Parses from a string to a FieldMask.
public static FieldMask fromString(String value) {
// TODO: Consider using here instead.
return fromStringList(Arrays.asList(value.split(FIELD_PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX)));
* Parses from a string to a FieldMask and validates all field paths.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the field path is invalid.
public static FieldMask fromString(Class<? extends Message> type, String value) {
// TODO: Consider using here instead.
return fromStringList(type, Arrays.asList(value.split(FIELD_PATH_SEPARATOR_REGEX)));
* Constructs a FieldMask for a list of field paths in a certain type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the field path is not valid
public static FieldMask fromStringList(Class<? extends Message> type, Iterable<String> paths) {
return fromStringList(Internal.getDefaultInstance(type).getDescriptorForType(), paths);
* Constructs a FieldMask for a list of field paths in a certain type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the field path is not valid.
public static FieldMask fromStringList(Descriptor descriptor, Iterable<String> paths) {
return fromStringList(Optional.of(descriptor), paths);
* Constructs a FieldMask for a list of field paths in a certain type. Does not validate the given
* paths.
public static FieldMask fromStringList(Iterable<String> paths) {
return fromStringList(Optional.<Descriptor>absent(), paths);
private static FieldMask fromStringList(Optional<Descriptor> descriptor, Iterable<String> paths) {
FieldMask.Builder builder = FieldMask.newBuilder();
for (String path : paths) {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
// Ignore empty field paths.
if (descriptor.isPresent() && !isValid(descriptor.get(), path)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
path + " is not a valid path for " + descriptor.get().getFullName());
* Constructs a FieldMask from the passed field numbers.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the fields are invalid for the message.
public static FieldMask fromFieldNumbers(Class<? extends Message> type, int... fieldNumbers) {
return fromFieldNumbers(type, Ints.asList(fieldNumbers));
* Constructs a FieldMask from the passed field numbers.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the fields are invalid for the message.
public static FieldMask fromFieldNumbers(
Class<? extends Message> type, Iterable<Integer> fieldNumbers) {
Descriptor descriptor = Internal.getDefaultInstance(type).getDescriptorForType();
FieldMask.Builder builder = FieldMask.newBuilder();
for (Integer fieldNumber : fieldNumbers) {
FieldDescriptor field = descriptor.findFieldByNumber(fieldNumber);
field != null,
String.format("%s is not a valid field number for %s.", fieldNumber, type));
* Converts a field mask to a Proto3 JSON string, that is converting from snake case to camel
* case and joining all paths into one string with commas.
public static String toJsonString(FieldMask fieldMask) {
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(fieldMask.getPathsCount());
for (String path : fieldMask.getPathsList()) {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
paths.add(, path));
return Joiner.on(FIELD_PATH_SEPARATOR).join(paths);
* Converts a field mask from a Proto3 JSON string, that is splitting the paths along commas and
* converting from camel case to snake case.
public static FieldMask fromJsonString(String value) {
Iterable<String> paths = Splitter.on(FIELD_PATH_SEPARATOR).split(value);
FieldMask.Builder builder = FieldMask.newBuilder();
for (String path : paths) {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
builder.addPaths(, path));
* Checks whether paths in a given fields mask are valid.
public static boolean isValid(Class<? extends Message> type, FieldMask fieldMask) {
Descriptor descriptor = Internal.getDefaultInstance(type).getDescriptorForType();
return isValid(descriptor, fieldMask);
* Checks whether paths in a given fields mask are valid.
public static boolean isValid(Descriptor descriptor, FieldMask fieldMask) {
for (String path : fieldMask.getPathsList()) {
if (!isValid(descriptor, path)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether a given field path is valid.
public static boolean isValid(Class<? extends Message> type, String path) {
Descriptor descriptor = Internal.getDefaultInstance(type).getDescriptorForType();
return isValid(descriptor, path);
/** Checks whether paths in a given fields mask are valid. */
public static boolean isValid(@Nullable Descriptor descriptor, String path) {
String[] parts = path.split(FIELD_SEPARATOR_REGEX);
if (parts.length == 0) {
return false;
for (String name : parts) {
if (descriptor == null) {
return false;
FieldDescriptor field = descriptor.findFieldByName(name);
if (field == null) {
return false;
if (!field.isRepeated() && field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) {
descriptor = field.getMessageType();
} else {
descriptor = null;
return true;
* Converts a FieldMask to its canonical form. In the canonical form of a
* FieldMask, all field paths are sorted alphabetically and redundant field
* paths are removed.
public static FieldMask normalize(FieldMask mask) {
return new FieldMaskTree(mask).toFieldMask();
* Creates a union of two or more FieldMasks.
public static FieldMask union(
FieldMask firstMask, FieldMask secondMask, FieldMask... otherMasks) {
FieldMaskTree maskTree = new FieldMaskTree(firstMask).mergeFromFieldMask(secondMask);
for (FieldMask mask : otherMasks) {
return maskTree.toFieldMask();
* Subtracts {@code secondMask} and {@code otherMasks} from {@code firstMask}.
* <p>This method disregards proto structure. That is, if {@code firstMask} is "foo" and {@code
* secondMask} is "", the response will always be "foo" without considering the internal
* proto structure of message "foo".
public static FieldMask subtract(
FieldMask firstMask, FieldMask secondMask, FieldMask... otherMasks) {
FieldMaskTree maskTree = new FieldMaskTree(firstMask).removeFromFieldMask(secondMask);
for (FieldMask mask : otherMasks) {
return maskTree.toFieldMask();
* Calculates the intersection of two FieldMasks.
public static FieldMask intersection(FieldMask mask1, FieldMask mask2) {
FieldMaskTree tree = new FieldMaskTree(mask1);
FieldMaskTree result = new FieldMaskTree();
for (String path : mask2.getPathsList()) {
tree.intersectFieldPath(path, result);
return result.toFieldMask();
* Options to customize merging behavior.
public static final class MergeOptions {
private boolean replaceMessageFields = false;
private boolean replaceRepeatedFields = false;
// TODO: change the default behavior to always replace primitive fields after
// fixing all failing TAP tests.
private boolean replacePrimitiveFields = false;
* Whether to replace message fields (i.e., discard existing content in
* destination message fields).
public boolean replaceMessageFields() {
return replaceMessageFields;
* Whether to replace repeated fields (i.e., discard existing content in
* destination repeated fields).
public boolean replaceRepeatedFields() {
return replaceRepeatedFields;
* Whether to replace primitive (non-repeated and non-message) fields in
* destination message fields with the source primitive fields (i.e., clear
* destination field if source field is not set).
public boolean replacePrimitiveFields() {
return replacePrimitiveFields;
* Specify whether to replace message fields. Defaults to false.
* <p>If true, discard existing content in destination message fields when merging.
* <p>If false, merge the source message field into the destination message field.
public MergeOptions setReplaceMessageFields(boolean value) {
replaceMessageFields = value;
return this;
* Specify whether to replace repeated fields. Defaults to false.
* <p>If true, discard existing content in destination repeated fields) when merging.
* <p>If false, append elements from source repeated field to the destination repeated field.
public MergeOptions setReplaceRepeatedFields(boolean value) {
replaceRepeatedFields = value;
return this;
* Specify whether to replace primitive (non-repeated and non-message) fields in destination
* message fields with the source primitive fields. Defaults to false.
* <p>If true, set the value of the destination primitive field to the source primitive field if
* the source field is set, but clear the destination field otherwise.
* <p>If false, always set the value of the destination primitive field to the source primitive
* field, and if the source field is unset, the default value of the source field is copied to
* the destination.
public MergeOptions setReplacePrimitiveFields(boolean value) {
replacePrimitiveFields = value;
return this;
* Merges fields specified by a FieldMask from one message to another with the specified merge
* options. The destination will remain unchanged if an empty FieldMask is provided.
public static void merge(
FieldMask mask, Message source, Message.Builder destination, MergeOptions options) {
new FieldMaskTree(mask).merge(source, destination, options);
* Merges fields specified by a FieldMask from one message to another.
public static void merge(FieldMask mask, Message source, Message.Builder destination) {
merge(mask, source, destination, new MergeOptions());
* Returns the result of keeping only the masked fields of the given proto.
public static <P extends Message> P trim(FieldMask mask, P source) {
Message.Builder destination = source.newBuilderForType();
merge(mask, source, destination);
return (P);