blob: c8ccfe24a14eeb960de4142c15d4847a1d46b8a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This file defines an Arena allocator for better allocation performance.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <new> // IWYU pragma: keep for operator new().
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_LIBCPP_STD_VER) && !_HAS_EXCEPTIONS
// Work around bugs in MSVC <typeinfo> header when _HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0.
#include <exception>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace std {
using type_info = ::type_info;
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/common.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/utility/internal/if_constexpr.h"
#include "google/protobuf/arena_align.h"
#include "google/protobuf/arena_allocation_policy.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
#include "google/protobuf/serial_arena.h"
#include "google/protobuf/thread_safe_arena.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
struct ArenaOptions; // defined below
class Arena; // defined below
class Message; // defined in message.h
class MessageLite;
template <typename Key, typename T>
class Map;
namespace internal {
struct RepeatedFieldBase;
} // namespace internal
namespace arena_metrics {
void EnableArenaMetrics(ArenaOptions* options);
} // namespace arena_metrics
namespace TestUtil {
class ReflectionTester; // defined in test_util.h
} // namespace TestUtil
namespace internal {
struct ArenaTestPeer; // defined in arena_test_util.h
class InternalMetadata; // defined in metadata_lite.h
class LazyField; // defined in lazy_field.h
class EpsCopyInputStream; // defined in parse_context.h
class UntypedMapBase; // defined in map.h
class RepeatedPtrFieldBase; // defined in repeated_ptr_field.h
class TcParser; // defined in generated_message_tctable_impl.h
template <typename Type>
class GenericTypeHandler; // defined in repeated_field.h
template <typename T>
void arena_delete_object(void* object) {
delete reinterpret_cast<T*>(object);
} // namespace internal
// ArenaOptions provides optional additional parameters to arena construction
// that control its block-allocation behavior.
struct ArenaOptions {
// This defines the size of the first block requested from the system malloc.
// Subsequent block sizes will increase in a geometric series up to a maximum.
size_t start_block_size = internal::AllocationPolicy::kDefaultStartBlockSize;
// This defines the maximum block size requested from system malloc (unless an
// individual arena allocation request occurs with a size larger than this
// maximum). Requested block sizes increase up to this value, then remain
// here.
size_t max_block_size = internal::AllocationPolicy::kDefaultMaxBlockSize;
// An initial block of memory for the arena to use, or nullptr for none. If
// provided, the block must live at least as long as the arena itself. The
// creator of the Arena retains ownership of the block after the Arena is
// destroyed.
char* initial_block = nullptr;
// The size of the initial block, if provided.
size_t initial_block_size = 0;
// A function pointer to an alloc method that returns memory blocks of size
// requested. By default, it contains a ptr to the malloc function.
// NOTE: block_alloc and dealloc functions are expected to behave like
// malloc and free, including Asan poisoning.
void* (*block_alloc)(size_t) = nullptr;
// A function pointer to a dealloc method that takes ownership of the blocks
// from the arena. By default, it contains a ptr to a wrapper function that
// calls free.
void (*block_dealloc)(void*, size_t) = nullptr;
internal::AllocationPolicy AllocationPolicy() const {
internal::AllocationPolicy res;
res.start_block_size = start_block_size;
res.max_block_size = max_block_size;
res.block_alloc = block_alloc;
res.block_dealloc = block_dealloc;
return res;
friend class Arena;
friend class ArenaOptionsTestFriend;
// Arena allocator. Arena allocation replaces ordinary (heap-based) allocation
// with new/delete, and improves performance by aggregating allocations into
// larger blocks and freeing allocations all at once. Protocol messages are
// allocated on an arena by using Arena::Create<T>(Arena*), below, and are
// automatically freed when the arena is destroyed.
// This is a thread-safe implementation: multiple threads may allocate from the
// arena concurrently. Destruction is not thread-safe and the destructing
// thread must synchronize with users of the arena first.
// Default constructor with sensible default options, tuned for average
// use-cases.
inline Arena() : impl_() {}
// Construct an arena with default options, except for the supplied
// initial block. It is more efficient to use this constructor
// instead of passing ArenaOptions if the only configuration needed
// by the caller is supplying an initial block.
inline Arena(char* initial_block, size_t initial_block_size)
: impl_(initial_block, initial_block_size) {}
// Arena constructor taking custom options. See ArenaOptions above for
// descriptions of the options available.
explicit Arena(const ArenaOptions& options)
: impl_(options.initial_block, options.initial_block_size,
options.AllocationPolicy()) {}
// Block overhead. Use this as a guide for how much to over-allocate the
// initial block if you want an allocation of size N to fit inside it.
// WARNING: if you allocate multiple objects, it is difficult to guarantee
// that a series of allocations will fit in the initial block, especially if
// Arena changes its alignment guarantees in the future!
static const size_t kBlockOverhead =
internal::ThreadSafeArena::kBlockHeaderSize +
inline ~Arena() = default;
// Deprecated. Use Create<T> instead. TODO: depreate OSS version
// once internal migration to Arena::Create is done.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static T* CreateMessage(Arena* arena, Args&&... args) {
using Type = std::remove_const_t<T>;
"CreateMessage can only construct types that are ArenaConstructable");
return Create<Type>(arena, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Allocates an object type T if the arena passed in is not nullptr;
// otherwise, returns a heap-allocated object.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static T* Create(Arena* arena, Args&&... args) {
return absl::utility_internal::IfConstexprElse<
// Arena-constructable
[arena](auto&&... args) {
using Type = std::remove_const_t<T>;
#ifdef __cpp_if_constexpr
// DefaultConstruct/CopyConstruct are optimized for messages, which
// are both arena constructible and destructor skippable and they
// assume much. Don't use these functions unless the invariants
// hold.
if constexpr (is_destructor_skippable<T>::value) {
constexpr auto construct_type = GetConstructType<T, Args&&...>();
// We delegate to DefaultConstruct/CopyConstruct where appropriate
// because protobuf generated classes have external templates for
// these functions for code size reasons. When `if constexpr` is not
// available always use the fallback.
if constexpr (construct_type == ConstructType::kDefault) {
return static_cast<Type*>(DefaultConstruct<Type>(arena));
} else if constexpr (construct_type == ConstructType::kCopy) {
return static_cast<Type*>(CopyConstruct<Type>(arena, &args...));
return CreateArenaCompatible<Type>(arena,
// Non arena-constructable
[arena](auto&&... args) {
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(arena == nullptr)) {
return new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return new (arena->AllocateInternal<T>())
// API to delete any objects not on an arena. This can be used to safely
// clean up messages or repeated fields without knowing whether or not they're
// owned by an arena. The pointer passed to this function should not be used
// again.
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE static void Destroy(T* obj) {
if (InternalGetArena(obj) == nullptr) delete obj;
// Allocates memory with the specific size and alignment.
void* AllocateAligned(size_t size, size_t align = 8) {
if (align <= internal::ArenaAlignDefault::align) {
return Allocate(internal::ArenaAlignDefault::Ceil(size));
} else {
// We are wasting space by over allocating align - 8 bytes. Compared
// to a dedicated function that takes current alignment in consideration.
// Such a scheme would only waste (align - 8)/2 bytes on average, but
// requires a dedicated function in the outline arena allocation
// functions. Possibly re-evaluate tradeoffs later.
auto align_as = internal::ArenaAlignAs(align);
return align_as.Ceil(Allocate(align_as.Padded(size)));
// Create an array of object type T on the arena *without* invoking the
// constructor of T. If `arena` is null, then the return value should be freed
// with `delete[] x;` (or `::operator delete[](x);`).
// To ensure safe uses, this function checks at compile time
// (when compiled as C++11) that T is trivially default-constructible and
// trivially destructible.
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static T* CreateArray(Arena* arena,
size_t num_elements) {
"CreateArray requires a trivially constructible type");
"CreateArray requires a trivially destructible type");
ABSL_CHECK_LE(num_elements, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / sizeof(T))
<< "Requested size is too large to fit into size_t.";
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(arena == nullptr)) {
return new T[num_elements];
} else {
// We count on compiler to realize that if sizeof(T) is a multiple of
// 8 AlignUpTo can be elided.
return static_cast<T*>(
arena->AllocateAlignedForArray(sizeof(T) * num_elements, alignof(T)));
// The following are routines are for monitoring. They will approximate the
// total sum allocated and used memory, but the exact value is an
// implementation deal. For instance allocated space depends on growth
// policies. Do not use these in unit tests.
// Returns the total space allocated by the arena, which is the sum of the
// sizes of the underlying blocks.
uint64_t SpaceAllocated() const { return impl_.SpaceAllocated(); }
// Returns the total space used by the arena. Similar to SpaceAllocated but
// does not include free space and block overhead. This is a best-effort
// estimate and may inaccurately calculate space used by other threads
// executing concurrently with the call to this method. These inaccuracies
// are due to race conditions, and are bounded but unpredictable. Stale data
// can lead to underestimates of the space used, and race conditions can lead
// to overestimates (up to the current block size).
uint64_t SpaceUsed() const { return impl_.SpaceUsed(); }
// Frees all storage allocated by this arena after calling destructors
// registered with OwnDestructor() and freeing objects registered with Own().
// Any objects allocated on this arena are unusable after this call. It also
// returns the total space used by the arena which is the sums of the sizes
// of the allocated blocks. This method is not thread-safe.
uint64_t Reset() { return impl_.Reset(); }
// Adds |object| to a list of heap-allocated objects to be freed with |delete|
// when the arena is destroyed or reset.
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE void Own(T* object) {
// Collapsing all template instantiations to one for generic Message reduces
// code size, using the virtual destructor instead.
using TypeToUse =
std::conditional_t<std::is_convertible<T*, MessageLite*>::value,
MessageLite, T>;
if (object != nullptr) {
// Adds |object| to a list of objects whose destructors will be manually
// called when the arena is destroyed or reset. This differs from Own() in
// that it does not free the underlying memory with |delete|; hence, it is
// normally only used for objects that are placement-newed into
// arena-allocated memory.
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE void OwnDestructor(T* object) {
if (object != nullptr) {
impl_.AddCleanup(object, &internal::cleanup::arena_destruct_object<T>);
// Adds a custom member function on an object to the list of destructors that
// will be manually called when the arena is destroyed or reset. This differs
// from OwnDestructor() in that any member function may be specified, not only
// the class destructor.
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE void OwnCustomDestructor(void* object,
void (*destruct)(void*)) {
impl_.AddCleanup(object, destruct);
// Retrieves the arena associated with |value| if |value| is an arena-capable
// message, or nullptr otherwise. If possible, the call resolves at compile
// time. Note that we can often devirtualize calls to `value->GetArena()` so
// usually calling this method is unnecessary.
// TODO: remove this function.
template <typename T>
"This will be removed in a future release. Call value->GetArena() "
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE static Arena* GetArena(T* value) {
return GetArenaInternal(value);
template <typename T>
class InternalHelper {
// A SFINAE friendly trait that probes for `U` but always evalues to
// `Arena*`.
template <typename U>
using EnableIfArena =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Arena*, U>::value, Arena*>::type;
// Use go/ranked-overloads for dispatching.
struct Rank0 {};
struct Rank1 : Rank0 {};
static void InternalSwap(T* a, T* b) { a->InternalSwap(b); }
static Arena* GetArena(T* p) { return GetArena(Rank1{}, p); }
template <typename U>
static auto GetArena(Rank1,
U* p) -> EnableIfArena<decltype(p->GetArena())> {
return p->GetArena();
template <typename U>
static Arena* GetArena(Rank0, U*) {
return nullptr;
// If an object type T satisfies the appropriate protocol, it is deemed
// "arena compatible" and handled more efficiently because this interface
// (i) passes the arena pointer to the created object so that its
// sub-objects and internal allocations can use the arena too, and (ii)
// elides the object's destructor call when possible; e.g. protobuf
// messages, RepeatedField, etc. Otherwise, the arena will invoke the
// object's destructor when the arena is destroyed.
// To be "arena-compatible", a type T must satisfy the following:
// - The type T must have (at least) two constructors: a constructor
// callable with `args` (without `arena`), called when a T is allocated on
// the heap; and a constructor callable with `Arena* arena, Args&&...
// args`, called when a T is allocated on an arena. If the second
// constructor is called with a null arena pointer, it must be equivalent
// to invoking the first
// (`args`-only) constructor.
// - The type T must have a particular type trait: a nested type
// |InternalArenaConstructable_|. This is usually a typedef to |void|.
// - The type T *may* have the type trait |DestructorSkippable_|. If this
// type trait is present in the type, then its destructor will not be
// called if and only if it was passed a non-null arena pointer. If this
// type trait is not present on the type, then its destructor is always
// called when the containing arena is destroyed.
// The protocol is implemented by all protobuf message classes as well as
// protobuf container types like RepeatedPtrField and Map. It is internal to
// protobuf and is not guaranteed to be stable. Non-proto types should not
// rely on this protocol.
template <typename U>
static char DestructorSkippable(const typename U::DestructorSkippable_*);
template <typename U>
static double DestructorSkippable(...);
typedef std::integral_constant<
bool, sizeof(DestructorSkippable<T>(static_cast<const T*>(0))) ==
sizeof(char) ||
template <typename U>
static char ArenaConstructable(
const typename U::InternalArenaConstructable_*);
template <typename U>
static double ArenaConstructable(...);
typedef std::integral_constant<bool, sizeof(ArenaConstructable<T>(
static_cast<const T*>(0))) ==
template <typename... Args>
static T* Construct(void* ptr, Args&&... args) {
return new (ptr) T(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
static inline PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE T* New() {
return new T(nullptr);
friend class Arena;
friend class TestUtil::ReflectionTester;
// Provides access to protected GetArena to generated messages.
// For internal use only.
template <typename T>
static Arena* InternalGetArena(T* p) {
return InternalHelper<T>::GetArena(p);
// Helper typetraits that indicates support for arenas in a type T at compile
// time. This is public only to allow construction of higher-level templated
// utilities.
// is_arena_constructable<T>::value is true if the message type T has arena
// support enabled, and false otherwise.
// is_destructor_skippable<T>::value is true if the message type T has told
// the arena that it is safe to skip the destructor, and false otherwise.
// This is inside Arena because only Arena has the friend relationships
// necessary to see the underlying generated code traits.
template <typename T>
struct is_arena_constructable : InternalHelper<T>::is_arena_constructable {};
template <typename T>
struct is_destructor_skippable : InternalHelper<T>::is_destructor_skippable {
internal::ThreadSafeArena impl_;
enum class ConstructType { kUnknown, kDefault, kCopy, kMove };
// Overload set to detect which kind of construction is going to happen for a
// specific set of input arguments. This is used to dispatch to different
// helper functions.
template <typename T>
static auto ProbeConstructType()
-> std::integral_constant<ConstructType, ConstructType::kDefault>;
template <typename T>
static auto ProbeConstructType(const T&)
-> std::integral_constant<ConstructType, ConstructType::kCopy>;
template <typename T>
static auto ProbeConstructType(T&)
-> std::integral_constant<ConstructType, ConstructType::kCopy>;
template <typename T>
static auto ProbeConstructType(const T&&)
-> std::integral_constant<ConstructType, ConstructType::kCopy>;
template <typename T>
static auto ProbeConstructType(T&&)
-> std::integral_constant<ConstructType, ConstructType::kMove>;
template <typename T, typename... U>
static auto ProbeConstructType(U&&...)
-> std::integral_constant<ConstructType, ConstructType::kUnknown>;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static constexpr auto GetConstructType() {
return std::is_base_of<MessageLite, T>::value
? decltype(ProbeConstructType<T>(std::declval<Args>()...))::value
: ConstructType::kUnknown;
void ReturnArrayMemory(void* p, size_t size) {
impl_.ReturnArrayMemory(p, size);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static T* CreateArenaCompatible(Arena* arena,
Args&&... args) {
"Can only construct types that are ArenaConstructable");
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(arena == nullptr)) {
return new T(nullptr, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
} else {
return arena->DoCreateMessage<T>(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
// This specialization for no arguments is necessary, because its behavior is
// slightly different. When the arena pointer is nullptr, it calls T()
// instead of T(nullptr).
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE static T* CreateArenaCompatible(Arena* arena) {
"Can only construct types that are ArenaConstructable");
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(arena == nullptr)) {
// Generated arena constructor T(Arena*) is protected. Call via
// InternalHelper.
return InternalHelper<T>::New();
} else {
return arena->DoCreateMessage<T>();
template <typename T, bool trivial = std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE void* AllocateInternal() {
if (trivial) {
return AllocateAligned(sizeof(T), alignof(T));
} else {
// We avoid instantiating arena_destruct_object<T> in the trivial case.
constexpr auto dtor = &internal::cleanup::arena_destruct_object<
std::conditional_t<trivial, std::string, T>>;
return AllocateAlignedWithCleanup(sizeof(T), alignof(T), dtor);
// DefaultConstruct/CopyConstruct:
// Functions with a generic signature to support taking the address in generic
// contexts, like RepeatedPtrField, etc.
// These are also used as a hook for `extern template` instantiations where
// codegen can offload the instantiations to the respective files. This
// has two benefits:
// - It reduces the library bloat as callers don't have to instantiate the
// function.
// - It allows the optimizer to see the constructors called to
// further optimize the instantiation.
template <typename T>
static void* DefaultConstruct(Arena* arena);
template <typename T>
static void* CopyConstruct(Arena* arena, const void* from);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE T* DoCreateMessage(Args&&... args) {
return InternalHelper<T>::Construct(
AllocateInternal<T, is_destructor_skippable<T>::value>(), this,
// CreateInArenaStorage is used to implement map field. Without it,
// Map need to call generated message's protected arena constructor,
// which needs to declare Map as friend of generated message.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static void CreateInArenaStorage(T* ptr, Arena* arena, Args&&... args) {
CreateInArenaStorageInternal(ptr, arena, is_arena_constructable<T>(),
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_TRUE(arena != nullptr)) {
RegisterDestructorInternal(ptr, arena, is_destructor_skippable<T>());
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static void CreateInArenaStorageInternal(T* ptr, Arena* arena,
std::true_type, Args&&... args) {
InternalHelper<T>::Construct(ptr, arena, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static void CreateInArenaStorageInternal(T* ptr, Arena* /* arena */,
std::false_type, Args&&... args) {
new (ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T>
static void RegisterDestructorInternal(T* /* ptr */, Arena* /* arena */,
std::true_type) {}
template <typename T>
static void RegisterDestructorInternal(T* ptr, Arena* arena,
std::false_type) {
// Implementation for GetArena(). Only message objects with
// InternalArenaConstructable_ tags can be associated with an arena, and such
// objects must implement a GetArena() method.
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE static Arena* GetArenaInternal(T* value) {
return InternalHelper<T>::GetArena(value);
void* AllocateAlignedForArray(size_t n, size_t align) {
if (align <= internal::ArenaAlignDefault::align) {
return AllocateForArray(internal::ArenaAlignDefault::Ceil(n));
} else {
// We are wasting space by over allocating align - 8 bytes. Compared
// to a dedicated function that takes current alignment in consideration.
// Such a scheme would only waste (align - 8)/2 bytes on average, but
// requires a dedicated function in the outline arena allocation
// functions. Possibly re-evaluate tradeoffs later.
auto align_as = internal::ArenaAlignAs(align);
return align_as.Ceil(AllocateForArray(align_as.Padded(n)));
void* Allocate(size_t n);
void* AllocateForArray(size_t n);
void* AllocateAlignedWithCleanup(size_t n, size_t align,
void (*destructor)(void*));
// Test only API.
// It returns the objects that are in the cleanup list for the current
// SerialArena. This API is meant for tests that want to see if something was
// added or not to the cleanup list. Sometimes adding something to the cleanup
// list has no visible side effect so peeking into the list is the only way to
// test.
std::vector<void*> PeekCleanupListForTesting();
template <typename Type>
friend class internal::GenericTypeHandler;
friend class internal::InternalMetadata; // For user_arena().
friend class internal::LazyField; // For DefaultConstruct.
friend class internal::EpsCopyInputStream; // For parser performance
friend class internal::TcParser; // For parser performance
friend class MessageLite;
template <typename Key, typename T>
friend class Map;
template <typename>
friend class RepeatedField; // For ReturnArrayMemory
friend class internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase; // For ReturnArrayMemory
friend class internal::UntypedMapBase; // For ReturnArenaMemory
friend struct internal::ArenaTestPeer;
// DefaultConstruct/CopyConstruct
// IMPORTANT: These have to be defined out of line and without an `inline`
// keyword to make sure the `extern template` suppresses instantiations.
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void* Arena::DefaultConstruct(Arena* arena) {
static_assert(is_destructor_skippable<T>::value, "");
void* mem = arena != nullptr ? arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(T))
: ::operator new(sizeof(T));
return new (mem) T(arena);
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void* Arena::CopyConstruct(Arena* arena, const void* from) {
static_assert(is_destructor_skippable<T>::value, "");
void* mem = arena != nullptr ? arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(T))
: ::operator new(sizeof(T));
return new (mem) T(arena, *static_cast<const T*>(from));
template <>
inline void* Arena::AllocateInternal<std::string, false>() {
return impl_.AllocateFromStringBlock();
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"