blob: a153e36667f65ecc772fcf11ced1560b7bd26042 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/prefetch.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
class SerialArena;
namespace cleanup {
// Helper function invoking the destructor of `object`
template <typename T>
void arena_destruct_object(void* object) {
// CleanupNode contains the object (`elem`) that needs to be
// destroyed, and the function to destroy it (`destructor`)
// elem must be aligned at minimum on a 4 byte boundary.
struct CleanupNode {
// Optimization: performs a prefetch on the elem for the cleanup node. We
// explicitly use NTA prefetch here to avoid polluting remote caches: we are
// destroying these instances, there is no purpose for these cache lines to
// linger around in remote caches.
// TODO: we should also prefetch the destructor code once
// processors support code prefetching.
// Destroys the object referenced by the cleanup node.
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void Destroy() { destructor(elem); }
void* elem;
void (*destructor)(void*);
// Manages the list of cleanup nodes in a chunked linked list. Chunks grow by
// factors of two up to a limit. Trivially destructible, but Cleanup() must be
// called before destruction.
class ChunkList {
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE void Add(void* elem, void (*destructor)(void*),
SerialArena& arena) {
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_TRUE(next_ < limit_)) {
AddFromExisting(elem, destructor);
AddFallback(elem, destructor, arena);
// Runs all inserted cleanups and frees allocated chunks. Must be called
// before destruction.
void Cleanup(const SerialArena& arena);
struct Chunk;
friend class internal::SerialArena;
void AddFallback(void* elem, void (*destructor)(void*), SerialArena& arena);
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void AddFromExisting(void* elem,
void (*destructor)(void*)) {
*next_++ = CleanupNode{elem, destructor};
// Returns the pointers to the to-be-cleaned objects.
std::vector<void*> PeekForTesting();
Chunk* head_ = nullptr;
CleanupNode* next_ = nullptr;
CleanupNode* limit_ = nullptr;
// Current prefetch position. Data from `next_` up to but not including
// `prefetch_ptr_` is software prefetched. Used in SerialArena prefetching.
const char* prefetch_ptr_ = nullptr;
} // namespace cleanup
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"