blob: cabad0c4d18252c1078e514660b90f74c616464e [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Defines the abstract interface implemented by each of the language-specific
// code generators.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
class ZeroCopyOutputStream;
class FileDescriptor;
class GeneratedCodeInfo;
namespace compiler {
class AccessInfoMap;
class Version;
// Defined in this file.
class CodeGenerator;
class GeneratorContext;
// The abstract interface to a class which generates code implementing a
// particular proto file in a particular language. A number of these may
// be registered with CommandLineInterface to support various languages.
class PROTOC_EXPORT CodeGenerator {
CodeGenerator() = default;
CodeGenerator(const CodeGenerator&) = delete;
CodeGenerator& operator=(const CodeGenerator&) = delete;
virtual ~CodeGenerator();
// Generates code for the given proto file, generating one or more files in
// the given output directory.
// A parameter to be passed to the generator can be specified on the command
// line. This is intended to be used to pass generator specific parameters.
// It is empty if no parameter was given. ParseGeneratorParameter (below),
// can be used to accept multiple parameters within the single parameter
// command line flag.
// Returns true if successful. Otherwise, sets *error to a description of
// the problem (e.g. "invalid parameter") and returns false.
virtual bool Generate(const FileDescriptor* file,
const std::string& parameter,
GeneratorContext* generator_context,
std::string* error) const = 0;
// Generates code for all given proto files.
// WARNING: The canonical code generator design produces one or two output
// files per input .proto file, and we do not wish to encourage alternate
// designs.
// A parameter is given as passed on the command line, as in |Generate()|
// above.
// Returns true if successful. Otherwise, sets *error to a description of
// the problem (e.g. "invalid parameter") and returns false.
virtual bool GenerateAll(const std::vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
const std::string& parameter,
GeneratorContext* generator_context,
std::string* error) const;
// This must be kept in sync with plugin.proto. See that file for
// documentation on each value.
// TODO Use CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature here.
enum Feature {
// Implement this to indicate what features this code generator supports.
// This must be a bitwise OR of values from the Feature enum above (or zero).
virtual uint64_t GetSupportedFeatures() const { return 0; }
// This is no longer used, but this class is part of the opensource protobuf
// library, so it has to remain to keep vtables the same for the current
// version of the library. When protobufs does a api breaking change, the
// method can be removed.
virtual bool HasGenerateAll() const { return true; }
// Returns all the feature extensions used by this generator. This must be in
// the generated pool, meaning that the extensions should be linked into this
// binary. Any generator features not included here will not get properly
// resolved and GetResolvedSourceFeatures will not provide useful values.
virtual std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> GetFeatureExtensions() const {
return {};
// Returns the minimum edition (inclusive) supported by this generator. Any
// proto files with an edition before this will result in an error.
virtual Edition GetMinimumEdition() const { return Edition::EDITION_UNKNOWN; }
// Returns the maximum edition (inclusive) supported by this generator. Any
// proto files with an edition after this will result in an error.
virtual Edition GetMaximumEdition() const { return Edition::EDITION_UNKNOWN; }
// Builds a default feature set mapping for this generator.
// This will use the extensions specified by GetFeatureExtensions(), with the
// supported edition range [GetMinimumEdition(), GetMaximumEdition]. It has
// no side-effects, and code generators only need to call this if they want to
// embed the defaults into the generated code.
absl::StatusOr<FeatureSetDefaults> BuildFeatureSetDefaults() const;
// Retrieves the resolved source features for a given descriptor. All the
// global features and language features returned by GetFeatureExtensions will
// be fully resolved. These should be used to make any feature-based decisions
// during code generation.
template <typename DescriptorT>
static const FeatureSet& GetResolvedSourceFeatures(const DescriptorT& desc) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::InternalFeatureHelper::GetFeatures(desc);
// Retrieves the unresolved source features for a given descriptor. These
// should be used to validate the original .proto file. These represent the
// original proto files from generated code, but should be stripped of
// source-retention features before sending to a runtime.
template <typename DescriptorT, typename TypeTraitsT, uint8_t field_type,
bool is_packed>
static typename TypeTraitsT::ConstType GetUnresolvedSourceFeatures(
const DescriptorT& descriptor,
const google::protobuf::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<
FeatureSet, TypeTraitsT, field_type, is_packed>& extension) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::InternalFeatureHelper::GetUnresolvedFeatures(
descriptor, extension);
// Retrieves the edition of a built file descriptor.
static Edition GetEdition(const FileDescriptor& file) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::InternalFeatureHelper::GetEdition(file);
// CodeGenerators generate one or more files in a given directory. This
// abstract interface represents the directory to which the CodeGenerator is
// to write and other information about the context in which the Generator
// runs.
class PROTOC_EXPORT GeneratorContext {
GeneratorContext() {
GeneratorContext(const GeneratorContext&) = delete;
GeneratorContext& operator=(const GeneratorContext&) = delete;
virtual ~GeneratorContext();
// Opens the given file, truncating it if it exists, and returns a
// ZeroCopyOutputStream that writes to the file. The caller takes ownership
// of the returned object. This method never fails (a dummy stream will be
// returned instead).
// The filename given should be relative to the root of the source tree.
// E.g. the C++ generator, when generating code for "foo/bar.proto", will
// generate the files "foo/bar.pb.h" and "foo/"; note that
// "foo/" is included in these filenames. The filename is not allowed to
// contain "." or ".." components.
virtual io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* Open(const std::string& filename) = 0;
// Similar to Open() but the output will be appended to the file if exists
virtual io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* OpenForAppend(const std::string& filename);
// Creates a ZeroCopyOutputStream which will insert code into the given file
// at the given insertion point. See plugin.proto (plugin.pb.h) for more
// information on insertion points. The default implementation
// assert-fails -- it exists only for backwards-compatibility.
// WARNING: This feature is currently EXPERIMENTAL and is subject to change.
virtual io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* OpenForInsert(
const std::string& filename, const std::string& insertion_point);
// Similar to OpenForInsert, but if `info` is non-empty, will open (or create)
// filename.pb.meta and insert info at the appropriate place with the
// necessary shifts. The default implementation ignores `info`.
// WARNING: This feature will be REMOVED in the near future.
virtual io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* OpenForInsertWithGeneratedCodeInfo(
const std::string& filename, const std::string& insertion_point,
const google::protobuf::GeneratedCodeInfo& info);
// Returns a vector of FileDescriptors for all the files being compiled
// in this run. Useful for languages, such as Go, that treat files
// differently when compiled as a set rather than individually.
virtual void ListParsedFiles(std::vector<const FileDescriptor*>* output);
// Retrieves the version number of the protocol compiler associated with
// this GeneratorContext.
virtual void GetCompilerVersion(Version* version) const;
// The type GeneratorContext was once called OutputDirectory. This typedef
// provides backward compatibility.
typedef GeneratorContext OutputDirectory;
// Several code generators treat the parameter argument as holding a
// list of options separated by commas. This helper function parses
// a set of comma-delimited name/value pairs: e.g.,
// "foo=bar,baz,moo=corge"
// parses to the pairs:
// ("foo", "bar"), ("baz", ""), ("moo", "corge")
PROTOC_EXPORT void ParseGeneratorParameter(
absl::string_view, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >*);
// Strips ".proto" or ".protodevel" from the end of a filename.
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string StripProto(absl::string_view filename);
// Returns true if the proto path corresponds to a known feature file.
PROTOC_EXPORT bool IsKnownFeatureProto(absl::string_view filename);
// Returns true if the proto path can skip edition check.
PROTOC_EXPORT bool CanSkipEditionCheck(absl::string_view filename);
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"