blob: df1abb3a04b7150426aab1aced1fd4bc23f1ddf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/helpers.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/options.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/printer.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace compiler {
namespace cpp {
// Customization points for each field codegen type. See FieldGenerator to
// see how each of these functions is used.
// TODO: Make every function except the dtor in this generator
// non-pure-virtual. A generator with no implementation should be able to
// automatically not contribute any code to the message it is part of, as a
// matter of clean composability.
class FieldGeneratorBase {
// `GeneratorFunction` defines a subset of generator functions that may have
// additional optimizations or requirements such as 'uses a local `arena`
// variable instead of calling GetArena()'
enum class GeneratorFunction { kMergeFrom };
FieldGeneratorBase(const FieldDescriptor* field, const Options& options,
MessageSCCAnalyzer* scc_analyzer);
FieldGeneratorBase(const FieldGeneratorBase&) = delete;
FieldGeneratorBase& operator=(const FieldGeneratorBase&) = delete;
virtual ~FieldGeneratorBase() = 0;
// Returns true if this field should be placed in the cold 'Split' section.
bool should_split() const { return should_split_; }
// Returns true if this field is trivial. (int, float, double, enum, bool)
bool is_trivial() const { return is_trivial_; }
// Returns true if the field value itself is trivial, i.e., the field is
// trivial, or a (raw) pointer value to a singular, non lazy message.
bool has_trivial_value() const { return has_trivial_value_; }
// Returns true if the provided field has a trivial zero default.
// I.e., the field can be initialized with `memset(&field, 0, sizeof(field))`
bool has_trivial_zero_default() const { return has_trivial_zero_default_; }
// Returns true if the provided field can be initialized with `= {}`.
bool has_brace_default_assign() const { return has_brace_default_assign_; }
// Returns true if the field is a singular or repeated message.
// This includes group message types. To explicitly check if a message
// type is a group type, use the `is_group()` function,
bool is_message() const { return is_message_; }
// Returns true if the field is a group message field (TYPE_GROUP).
bool is_group() const { return is_group_; }
// Returns true if the field is a weak message
bool is_weak() const { return is_weak_; }
// Returns true if the field is a lazy message.
bool is_lazy() const { return is_lazy_; }
// Returns true if the field is a foreign message field.
bool is_foreign() const { return is_foreign_; }
// Returns true if the field is a string field.
bool is_string() const { return is_string_; }
// Returns true if the field API uses bytes (void) instead of chars.
bool is_bytes() const { return is_bytes_; }
// Returns the public API string type for string fields.
FieldOptions::CType string_type() const { return string_type_; }
// Returns true if this field is part of a oneof field.
bool is_oneof() const { return is_oneof_; }
// Returns true if the field should be inlined instead of dynamically
// allocated. Applies to string and message value.
bool is_inlined() const { return is_inlined_; }
// Returns true if this field has an appropriate default constexpr
// constructor. i.e., there is no need for an explicit initializer.
bool has_default_constexpr_constructor() const {
return has_default_constexpr_constructor_;
// Returns true if this generator requires an 'arena' parameter on the
// given generator function.
virtual bool RequiresArena(GeneratorFunction) const { return false; }
virtual std::vector<io::Printer::Sub> MakeVars() const { return {}; }
virtual void GeneratePrivateMembers(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateStaticMembers(io::Printer* p) const {}
virtual void GenerateAccessorDeclarations(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateInlineAccessorDefinitions(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateNonInlineAccessorDefinitions(io::Printer* p) const {}
virtual void GenerateClearingCode(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateMessageClearingCode(io::Printer* p) const {
virtual void GenerateMergingCode(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateCopyConstructorCode(io::Printer* p) const;
virtual void GenerateSwappingCode(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateConstructorCode(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateDestructorCode(io::Printer* p) const {}
virtual void GenerateArenaDestructorCode(io::Printer* p) const {
ABSL_CHECK(NeedsArenaDestructor() == ArenaDtorNeeds::kNone)
<< field_->cpp_type_name();
// Generates constexpr member initialization code, e.g.: `foo_{5}`.
// The default implementation generates the following code:
// - repeated fields and maps: `field_{}`
// - all other fields: `field_{<default value>}`
virtual void GenerateMemberConstexprConstructor(io::Printer* p) const;
// Generates member initialization code, e.g.: `foo_(5)`.
// The default implementation generates the following code:
// - repeated fields and maps: `field_{visibility, arena}`
// - split repeated fields (RawPtr): `field_{}`
// - all other fields: `field_{<default value>}`
virtual void GenerateMemberConstructor(io::Printer* p) const;
// Generates member copy initialization code, e.g.: `foo_(5)`.
// The default implementation generates the following code:
// - repeated fields and maps: `field_{visibility, arena, from.field_}`
// - all other fields: `field_{from.field_}`
virtual void GenerateMemberCopyConstructor(io::Printer* p) const;
// Generates 'placement new' copy construction code used to
// explicitly copy initialize oneof field values.
// The default implementation checks the current field to not be repeated,
// an extension or a map, and generates the following code:
// - `field_ = from.field_`
virtual void GenerateOneofCopyConstruct(io::Printer* p) const;
virtual void GenerateAggregateInitializer(io::Printer* p) const;
virtual void GenerateConstexprAggregateInitializer(io::Printer* p) const;
virtual void GenerateCopyAggregateInitializer(io::Printer* p) const;
virtual void GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateByteSize(io::Printer* p) const = 0;
virtual void GenerateIsInitialized(io::Printer* p) const {
virtual bool NeedsIsInitialized() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsInlined() const { return false; }
virtual ArenaDtorNeeds NeedsArenaDestructor() const {
return ArenaDtorNeeds::kNone;
const FieldDescriptor* field_;
const Options& options_;
MessageSCCAnalyzer* scc_;
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, std::string> variables_;
bool should_split_ = false;
bool is_trivial_ = false;
bool has_trivial_value_ = false;
bool has_trivial_zero_default_ = false;
bool has_brace_default_assign_ = false;
bool is_message_ = false;
bool is_group_ = false;
bool is_string_ = false;
bool is_bytes_ = false;
bool is_inlined_ = false;
bool is_foreign_ = false;
bool is_lazy_ = false;
bool is_weak_ = false;
bool is_oneof_ = false;
FieldOptions::CType string_type_ = FieldOptions::STRING;
bool has_default_constexpr_constructor_ = false;
inline FieldGeneratorBase::~FieldGeneratorBase() = default;
class FieldGenerator {
// This function must be defined here so that the inline definitions below
// can see it, which is required because it has deduced return type.
auto PushVarsForCall(io::Printer* p) const {
// NOTE: we use a struct here because:
// * We want to ensure that order of evaluation below is well-defined,
// which {...} guarantees but (...) does not.
// * We do not require C++17 as of writing and therefore cannot use
// std::tuple with CTAD.
// * std::make_tuple uses (...), not {...}.
struct Vars {
decltype(p->WithVars(field_vars_)) cleanup1;
decltype(p->WithVars(tracker_vars_)) cleanup2;
decltype(p->WithVars(per_generator_vars_)) cleanup3;
return Vars{p->WithVars(field_vars_), p->WithVars(tracker_vars_),
using GeneratorFunction = FieldGeneratorBase::GeneratorFunction;
FieldGenerator(const FieldGenerator&) = delete;
FieldGenerator& operator=(const FieldGenerator&) = delete;
FieldGenerator(FieldGenerator&&) = default;
FieldGenerator& operator=(FieldGenerator&&) = default;
// Properties: see FieldGeneratorBase for documentation
bool should_split() const { return impl_->should_split(); }
bool is_trivial() const { return impl_->is_trivial(); }
bool has_trivial_value() const { return impl_->has_trivial_value(); }
bool has_trivial_zero_default() const {
return impl_->has_trivial_zero_default();
bool has_brace_default_assign() const {
return impl_->has_brace_default_assign();
bool is_message() const { return impl_->is_message(); }
bool is_group() const { return impl_->is_group(); }
bool is_weak() const { return impl_->is_weak(); }
bool is_lazy() const { return impl_->is_lazy(); }
bool is_foreign() const { return impl_->is_foreign(); }
bool is_string() const { return impl_->is_string(); }
bool is_bytes() const { return impl_->is_bytes(); }
FieldOptions::CType string_type() const { return impl_->string_type(); }
bool is_oneof() const { return impl_->is_oneof(); }
bool is_inlined() const { return impl_->is_inlined(); }
bool has_default_constexpr_constructor() const {
return impl_->has_default_constexpr_constructor();
// Requirements: see FieldGeneratorBase for documentation
bool RequiresArena(GeneratorFunction function) const {
return impl_->RequiresArena(function);
// Prints private members needed to represent this field.
// These are placed inside the class definition.
void GeneratePrivateMembers(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Prints static members needed to represent this field.
// These are placed inside the class definition.
void GenerateStaticMembers(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
void GenerateMemberConstructor(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
void GenerateMemberCopyConstructor(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
void GenerateOneofCopyConstruct(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
void GenerateMemberConstexprConstructor(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates declarations for all of the accessor functions related to this
// field.
// These are placed inside the class definition.
void GenerateAccessorDeclarations(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates inline definitions of accessor functions for this field.
// These are placed in namespace scope in the header after all class
// definitions.
void GenerateInlineAccessorDefinitions(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates definitions of accessors that aren't inlined.
// These are placed in namespace scope in the .cc file.
void GenerateNonInlineAccessorDefinitions(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates statements which clear the field.
// This is used to define the clear_$name$() method.
void GenerateClearingCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates statements which clear the field as part of the Clear() method
// for the whole message.
// For message types which have field presence bits,
// MessageGenerator::GenerateClear will have already checked the presence
// bits.
void GenerateMessageClearingCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates statements which merge the contents of the field from the current
// message to the target message, which is stored in the generated code
// variable `from`.
// This is used to fill in the MergeFrom method for the whole message.
// Details of this usage can be found in under the
// GenerateMergeFrom method.
void GenerateMergingCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates a copy constructor
// TODO: Document this properly.
void GenerateCopyConstructorCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates statements which swap this field and the corresponding field of
// another message, which is stored in the generated code variable `other`.
// This is used to define the Swap method. Details of usage can be found in
// under the GenerateSwap method.
void GenerateSwappingCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates initialization code for private members declared by
// GeneratePrivateMembers().
// These go into the message class's SharedCtor() method, invoked by each of
// the generated constructors.
void GenerateConstructorCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates any code that needs to go in the class's SharedDtor() method,
// invoked by the destructor.
void GenerateDestructorCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates a manual destructor invocation for use when the message is on an
// arena.
// The code that this method generates will be executed inside a
// shared-for-the-whole-message-class method registered with OwnDestructor().
void GenerateArenaDestructorCode(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates initialization code for private members declared by
// GeneratePrivateMembers().
// These go into the SharedCtor's aggregate initialization of the _impl_
// struct and must follow the syntax `decltype($field$){$default$}`.
// Does not include `:` or `,` separators. Default values should be specified
// here when possible.
// NOTE: We use `decltype($field$)` for both explicit construction and the
// fact that it's self-documenting. Pre-C++17, copy elision isn't guaranteed
// in aggregate initialization so a valid copy/move constructor must exist
// (even though it's not used). Because of this, we need to comment out the
// decltype and fallback to implicit construction.
void GenerateAggregateInitializer(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates constinit initialization code for private members declared by
// GeneratePrivateMembers().
// These go into the constexpr constructor's aggregate initialization of the
// _impl_ struct and must follow the syntax `/*decltype($field$)*/{}` (see
// above). Does not include `:` or `,` separators.
void GenerateConstexprAggregateInitializer(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates copy initialization code for private members declared by
// GeneratePrivateMembers().
// These go into the copy constructor's aggregate initialization of the _impl_
// struct and must follow the syntax `decltype($field$){from.$field$}` (see
// above). Does not include `:` or `,` separators.
void GenerateCopyAggregateInitializer(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates statements to serialize this field directly to the array
// `target`, which are placed within the message's
// SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray() method.
// This must also advance `target` past the written bytes.
void GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates statements to compute the serialized size of this field, which
// are placed in the message's ByteSize() method.
void GenerateByteSize(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
// Generates lines to call IsInitialized() for eligible message fields. Non
// message fields won't need to override this function.
void GenerateIsInitialized(io::Printer* p) const {
auto vars = PushVarsForCall(p);
bool NeedsIsInitialized() const { return impl_->NeedsIsInitialized(); }
// TODO: Document this properly.
bool IsInlined() const { return impl_->IsInlined(); }
// TODO: Document this properly.
ArenaDtorNeeds NeedsArenaDestructor() const {
return impl_->NeedsArenaDestructor();
friend class FieldGeneratorTable;
FieldGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field, const Options& options,
MessageSCCAnalyzer* scc_analyzer,
absl::optional<uint32_t> hasbit_index,
absl::optional<uint32_t> inlined_string_index);
std::unique_ptr<FieldGeneratorBase> impl_;
std::vector<io::Printer::Sub> field_vars_;
std::vector<io::Printer::Sub> tracker_vars_;
std::vector<io::Printer::Sub> per_generator_vars_;
// Convenience class which constructs FieldGeneratorBases for a Descriptor.
class FieldGeneratorTable {
explicit FieldGeneratorTable(const Descriptor* descriptor)
: descriptor_(descriptor) {}
FieldGeneratorTable(const FieldGeneratorTable&) = delete;
FieldGeneratorTable& operator=(const FieldGeneratorTable&) = delete;
void Build(const Options& options, MessageSCCAnalyzer* scc_analyzer,
absl::Span<const int32_t> has_bit_indices,
absl::Span<const int32_t> inlined_string_indices);
const FieldGenerator& get(const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(field->containing_type(), descriptor_);
ABSL_DCHECK_GE(field->index(), 0);
return fields_[static_cast<size_t>(field->index())];
const Descriptor* descriptor_;
std::vector<FieldGenerator> fields_;
// Returns variables common to all fields.
// TODO: Make this function .cc-private.
std::vector<io::Printer::Sub> FieldVars(const FieldDescriptor* field,
const Options& opts);
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google