blob: 6ebcf5b4d99da85221fec47c025c1616638efe99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Descriptor;
class EnumDescriptor;
class EnumValueDescriptor;
class FieldDescriptor;
class FileDescriptor;
namespace compiler {
namespace cpp {
// Returns the fully qualified C++ namespace.
// For example, if you had:
// package;
// message Baz { message Moo {} }
// Then the qualified namespace for Moo would be:
// ::foo::bar
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string Namespace(const FileDescriptor* d);
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string Namespace(const Descriptor* d);
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string Namespace(const FieldDescriptor* d);
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string Namespace(const EnumDescriptor* d);
// Returns the unqualified C++ name.
// For example, if you had:
// package;
// message Baz { message Moo {} }
// Then the non-qualified version would be:
// Baz_Moo
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string ClassName(const Descriptor* descriptor);
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string ClassName(const EnumDescriptor* enum_descriptor);
// Returns the fully qualified C++ name.
// For example, if you had:
// package;
// message Baz { message Moo {} }
// Then the qualified ClassName for Moo would be:
// ::foo::bar::Baz_Moo
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string QualifiedClassName(const Descriptor* d);
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string QualifiedClassName(const EnumDescriptor* d);
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string QualifiedExtensionName(const FieldDescriptor* d);
// Get the (unqualified) name that should be used for this field in C++ code.
// The name is coerced to lower-case to emulate proto1 behavior. People
// should be using lowercase-with-underscores style for proto field names
// anyway, so normally this just returns field->name().
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string FieldName(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Requires that this field is in a oneof. Returns the (unqualified) case
// constant for this field.
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string OneofCaseConstantName(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Returns the quafilied case constant for this field.
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string QualifiedOneofCaseConstantName(
const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Get the (unqualified) name that should be used for this enum value in C++
// code.
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string EnumValueName(const EnumValueDescriptor* enum_value);
// Strips ".proto" or ".protodevel" from the end of a filename.
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string StripProto(absl::string_view filename);
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"