blob: 67a11c5939abbfdbfa3c728e9c73cc6c706f0756 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/importer.h"
#include <memory>
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h"
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h"
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h"
#include "google/protobuf/testing/googletest.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace compiler {
namespace {
bool FileExists(const std::string& path) {
return File::Exists(path);
#define EXPECT_SUBSTRING(needle, haystack) \
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(testing::IsSubstring, (needle), (haystack))
class MockErrorCollector : public MultiFileErrorCollector {
MockErrorCollector() {}
~MockErrorCollector() override {}
std::string text_;
std::string warning_text_;
// implements ErrorCollector ---------------------------------------
void RecordError(absl::string_view filename, int line, int column,
absl::string_view message) override {
absl::SubstituteAndAppend(&text_, "$0:$1:$2: $3\n", filename, line, column,
void RecordWarning(absl::string_view filename, int line, int column,
absl::string_view message) override {
absl::SubstituteAndAppend(&warning_text_, "$0:$1:$2: $3\n", filename, line,
column, message);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// A dummy implementation of SourceTree backed by a simple map.
class MockSourceTree : public SourceTree {
MockSourceTree() {}
~MockSourceTree() override {}
void AddFile(absl::string_view name, const char* contents) {
files_[name] = contents;
// implements SourceTree -------------------------------------------
io::ZeroCopyInputStream* Open(absl::string_view filename) override {
auto it = files_.find(filename);
if (it == files_.end()) return nullptr;
return new io::ArrayInputStream(it->second,
std::string GetLastErrorMessage() override { return "File not found."; }
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, const char*> files_;
// ===================================================================
class ImporterTest : public testing::Test {
ImporterTest() : importer_(&source_tree_, &error_collector_) {}
void AddFile(const std::string& filename, const char* text) {
source_tree_.AddFile(filename, text);
// Return the collected error text
std::string warning() const { return error_collector_.warning_text_; }
MockErrorCollector error_collector_;
MockSourceTree source_tree_;
Importer importer_;
TEST_F(ImporterTest, Import) {
// Test normal importing.
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"message Foo {}\n");
const FileDescriptor* file = importer_.Import("foo.proto");
EXPECT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
ASSERT_TRUE(file != nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(1, file->message_type_count());
EXPECT_EQ("Foo", file->message_type(0)->name());
// Importing again should return same object.
EXPECT_EQ(file, importer_.Import("foo.proto"));
TEST_F(ImporterTest, ImportNested) {
// Test that importing a file which imports another file works.
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"import \"bar.proto\";\n"
"message Foo {\n"
" optional Bar bar = 1;\n"
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"message Bar {}\n");
// Note that both files are actually parsed by the first call to Import()
// here, since foo.proto imports bar.proto. The second call just returns
// the same ProtoFile for bar.proto which was constructed while importing
// foo.proto. We test that this is the case below by checking that bar
// is among foo's dependencies (by pointer).
const FileDescriptor* foo = importer_.Import("foo.proto");
const FileDescriptor* bar = importer_.Import("bar.proto");
EXPECT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
ASSERT_TRUE(foo != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(bar != nullptr);
// Check that foo's dependency is the same object as bar.
ASSERT_EQ(1, foo->dependency_count());
EXPECT_EQ(bar, foo->dependency(0));
// Check that foo properly cross-links bar.
ASSERT_EQ(1, foo->message_type_count());
ASSERT_EQ(1, bar->message_type_count());
ASSERT_EQ(1, foo->message_type(0)->field_count());
TEST_F(ImporterTest, FileNotFound) {
// Error: Parsing a file that doesn't exist.
EXPECT_TRUE(importer_.Import("foo.proto") == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("foo.proto:-1:0: File not found.\n", error_collector_.text_);
TEST_F(ImporterTest, ImportNotFound) {
// Error: Importing a file that doesn't exist.
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"import \"bar.proto\";\n");
EXPECT_TRUE(importer_.Import("foo.proto") == nullptr);
"bar.proto:-1:0: File not found.\n"
"foo.proto:1:0: Import \"bar.proto\" was not found or had errors.\n",
TEST_F(ImporterTest, RecursiveImport) {
// Error: Recursive import.
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"import \"recursive2.proto\";\n");
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"import \"recursive1.proto\";\n");
EXPECT_TRUE(importer_.Import("recursive1.proto") == nullptr);
"recursive1.proto:2:0: File recursively imports itself: "
"recursive1.proto "
"-> recursive2.proto -> recursive1.proto\n"
"recursive2.proto:1:0: Import \"recursive1.proto\" was not found "
"or had errors.\n"
"recursive1.proto:2:0: Import \"recursive2.proto\" was not found "
"or had errors.\n",
TEST_F(ImporterTest, RecursiveImportSelf) {
// Error: Recursive import.
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"import \"recursive.proto\";\n");
EXPECT_TRUE(importer_.Import("recursive.proto") == nullptr);
"recursive.proto:2:0: File recursively imports itself: "
"recursive.proto -> recursive.proto\n",
TEST_F(ImporterTest, LiteRuntimeImport) {
// Error: Recursive import.
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;\n");
"syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
"import \"bar.proto\";\n");
EXPECT_TRUE(importer_.Import("foo.proto") == nullptr);
"foo.proto:1:0: Files that do not use optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME "
"cannot import files which do use this option. This file is not "
"lite, but it imports \"bar.proto\" which is.\n",
// ===================================================================
class DiskSourceTreeTest : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
absl::StrCat(TestTempDir(), "/test_proto2_import_path_1"));
absl::StrCat(TestTempDir(), "/test_proto2_import_path_2"));
for (int i = 0; i < dirnames_.size(); i++) {
if (FileExists(dirnames_[i])) {
File::DeleteRecursively(dirnames_[i], NULL, NULL);
ABSL_CHECK_OK(File::CreateDir(dirnames_[i], 0777));
void TearDown() override {
for (int i = 0; i < dirnames_.size(); i++) {
if (FileExists(dirnames_[i])) {
File::DeleteRecursively(dirnames_[i], NULL, NULL);
void AddFile(const std::string& filename, const char* contents) {
ABSL_CHECK_OK(File::SetContents(filename, contents, true));
void AddSubdir(const std::string& dirname) {
ABSL_CHECK_OK(File::CreateDir(dirname, 0777));
void ExpectFileContents(const std::string& filename,
const char* expected_contents) {
std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyInputStream> input(source_tree_.Open(filename));
ASSERT_FALSE(input == nullptr);
// Read all the data from the file.
std::string file_contents;
const void* data;
int size;
while (input->Next(&data, &size)) {
file_contents.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_contents, file_contents);
void ExpectCannotOpenFile(const std::string& filename,
const std::string& error_message) {
std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyInputStream> input(source_tree_.Open(filename));
EXPECT_TRUE(input == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(error_message, source_tree_.GetLastErrorMessage());
DiskSourceTree source_tree_;
// Paths of two on-disk directories to use during the test.
std::vector<std::string> dirnames_;
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, MapRoot) {
// Test opening a file in a directory that is mapped to the root of the
// source tree.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
source_tree_.MapPath("", dirnames_[0]);
ExpectFileContents("foo", "Hello World!");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("bar", "File not found.");
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, MapDirectory) {
// Test opening a file in a directory that is mapped to somewhere other
// than the root of the source tree.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
source_tree_.MapPath("baz", dirnames_[0]);
ExpectFileContents("baz/foo", "Hello World!");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("baz/bar", "File not found.");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("foo", "File not found.");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("bar", "File not found.");
// Non-canonical file names should not work.
"Backslashes, consecutive slashes, \".\", or \"..\" are "
"not allowed in the virtual path");
"Backslashes, consecutive slashes, \".\", or \"..\" are "
"not allowed in the virtual path");
"Backslashes, consecutive slashes, \".\", or \"..\" are "
"not allowed in the virtual path");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("baz/foo/", "File not found.");
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, NoParent) {
// Test that we cannot open files in a parent of a mapped directory.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
AddSubdir(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/bar"));
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/bar/baz"), "Blah.");
source_tree_.MapPath("", absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/bar"));
ExpectFileContents("baz", "Blah.");
"Backslashes, consecutive slashes, \".\", or \"..\" are "
"not allowed in the virtual path");
"Backslashes, consecutive slashes, \".\", or \"..\" are "
"not allowed in the virtual path");
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, MapFile) {
// Test opening a file that is mapped directly into the source tree.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
source_tree_.MapPath("foo", absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"));
ExpectFileContents("foo", "Hello World!");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("bar", "File not found.");
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, SearchMultipleDirectories) {
// Test mapping and searching multiple directories.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/foo"), "This file should be hidden.");
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/bar"), "Goodbye World!");
source_tree_.MapPath("", dirnames_[0]);
source_tree_.MapPath("", dirnames_[1]);
ExpectFileContents("foo", "Hello World!");
ExpectFileContents("bar", "Goodbye World!");
ExpectCannotOpenFile("baz", "File not found.");
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, OrderingTrumpsSpecificity) {
// Test that directories are always searched in order, even when a latter
// directory is more-specific than a former one.
// Create the "bar" directory so we can put a file in it.
ABSL_CHECK_OK(File::CreateDir(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/bar"),
// Add files and map paths.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/bar/foo"), "Hello World!");
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/foo"), "This file should be hidden.");
source_tree_.MapPath("", dirnames_[0]);
source_tree_.MapPath("bar", dirnames_[1]);
// Check.
ExpectFileContents("bar/foo", "Hello World!");
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, DiskFileToVirtualFile) {
// Test DiskFileToVirtualFile.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/foo"), "This file should be hidden.");
source_tree_.MapPath("bar", dirnames_[0]);
source_tree_.MapPath("bar", dirnames_[1]);
std::string virtual_file;
std::string shadowing_disk_file;
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("/foo", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ(DiskSourceTree::SHADOWED, source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile(
absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/foo"),
&virtual_file, &shadowing_disk_file));
EXPECT_EQ("bar/foo", virtual_file);
EXPECT_EQ(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), shadowing_disk_file);
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/baz"),
&virtual_file, &shadowing_disk_file));
EXPECT_EQ("bar/baz", virtual_file);
EXPECT_EQ(DiskSourceTree::SUCCESS, source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile(
absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"),
&virtual_file, &shadowing_disk_file));
EXPECT_EQ("bar/foo", virtual_file);
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, DiskFileToVirtualFileCanonicalization) {
// Test handling of "..", ".", etc. in DiskFileToVirtualFile().
source_tree_.MapPath("dir1", "..");
source_tree_.MapPath("dir2", "../../foo");
source_tree_.MapPath("dir3", "./foo/bar/.");
source_tree_.MapPath("dir4", ".");
source_tree_.MapPath("", "/qux");
source_tree_.MapPath("dir5", "/quux/");
std::string virtual_file;
std::string shadowing_disk_file;
// "../.." should not be considered to be under "..".
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("../../baz", &virtual_file,
// "/foo" is not mapped (it should not be misinterpreted as being under ".").
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("/foo", &virtual_file,
#ifdef WIN32
// "C:\foo" is not mapped (it should not be misinterpreted as being under
// ".").
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("C:\\foo", &virtual_file,
#endif // WIN32
// But "../baz" should be.
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("../baz", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ("dir1/baz", virtual_file);
// "../../foo/baz" is under "../../foo".
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("../../foo/baz", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ("dir2/baz", virtual_file);
// "foo/./bar/baz" is under "./foo/bar/.".
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("foo/bar/baz", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ("dir3/baz", virtual_file);
// "bar" is under ".".
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("bar", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ("dir4/bar", virtual_file);
// "/qux/baz" is under "/qux".
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("/qux/baz", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ("baz", virtual_file);
// "/quux/bar" is under "/quux".
source_tree_.DiskFileToVirtualFile("/quux/bar", &virtual_file,
EXPECT_EQ("dir5/bar", virtual_file);
TEST_F(DiskSourceTreeTest, VirtualFileToDiskFile) {
// Test VirtualFileToDiskFile.
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), "Hello World!");
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/foo"), "This file should be hidden.");
AddFile(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/quux"),
"This file should not be hidden.");
source_tree_.MapPath("bar", dirnames_[0]);
source_tree_.MapPath("bar", dirnames_[1]);
// Existent files, shadowed and non-shadowed case.
std::string disk_file;
EXPECT_TRUE(source_tree_.VirtualFileToDiskFile("bar/foo", &disk_file));
EXPECT_EQ(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[0], "/foo"), disk_file);
EXPECT_TRUE(source_tree_.VirtualFileToDiskFile("bar/quux", &disk_file));
EXPECT_EQ(absl::StrCat(dirnames_[1], "/quux"), disk_file);
// Nonexistent file in existent directory and vice versa.
std::string not_touched = "not touched";
EXPECT_FALSE(source_tree_.VirtualFileToDiskFile("bar/baz", &not_touched));
EXPECT_EQ("not touched", not_touched);
EXPECT_FALSE(source_tree_.VirtualFileToDiskFile("baz/foo", &not_touched));
EXPECT_EQ("not touched", not_touched);
// Accept NULL as output parameter.
EXPECT_TRUE(source_tree_.VirtualFileToDiskFile("bar/foo", nullptr));
EXPECT_FALSE(source_tree_.VirtualFileToDiskFile("baz/foo", nullptr));
} // namespace
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google