blob: d99e085a650cc410af0276c97bd13ad2da333f0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/java/names.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/java/options.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/printer.h"
// Must be last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace compiler {
namespace java {
// Commonly-used separator comments. Thick is a line of '=', thin is a line
// of '-'.
extern const char kThickSeparator[];
extern const char kThinSeparator[];
bool IsForbiddenKotlin(absl::string_view field_name);
// If annotation_file is non-empty, prints a javax.annotation.Generated
// annotation to the given Printer. annotation_file will be referenced in the
// annotation's comments field. delimiter should be the Printer's delimiter
// character. annotation_file will be included verbatim into a Java literal
// string, so it should not contain quotes or invalid Java escape sequences;
// however, these are unlikely to appear in practice, as the value of
// annotation_file should be generated from the filename of the source file
// being annotated (which in turn must be a Java identifier plus ".java").
void PrintGeneratedAnnotation(io::Printer* printer, char delimiter = '$',
absl::string_view annotation_file = "",
Options options = {});
// If a GeneratedMessageLite contains non-lite enums, then its verifier
// must be instantiated inline, rather than retrieved from the enum class.
void PrintEnumVerifierLogic(
io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* descriptor,
const absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, std::string>& variables,
absl::string_view var_name, absl::string_view terminating_string,
bool enforce_lite);
// Prints the Protobuf Java Version validator checking that the runtime and
// gencode versions are compatible.
void PrintGencodeVersionValidator(io::Printer* printer, bool oss_runtime,
absl::string_view java_class_name);
// Converts a name to camel-case. If cap_first_letter is true, capitalize the
// first letter.
std::string ToCamelCase(absl::string_view input, bool lower_first);
// Similar to UnderscoresToCamelCase, but guarantees that the result is a
// complete Java identifier by adding a _ if needed.
std::string CamelCaseFieldName(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Get an identifier that uniquely identifies this type within the file.
// This is used to declare static variables related to this type at the
// outermost file scope.
std::string UniqueFileScopeIdentifier(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// Gets the unqualified class name for the file. For each .proto file, there
// will be one Java class containing all the immutable messages and another
// Java class containing all the mutable messages.
std::string FileClassName(const FileDescriptor* file, bool immutable);
// Returns the file's Java package name.
std::string FileJavaPackage(const FileDescriptor* file, bool immutable,
Options options = {});
// Returns output directory for the given package name.
std::string JavaPackageToDir(std::string package_name);
// Returns the name with Kotlin keywords enclosed in backticks
std::string EscapeKotlinKeywords(std::string name);
// Comma-separate list of option-specified interfaces implemented by the
// Message, to follow the "implements" declaration of the Message definition.
std::string ExtraMessageInterfaces(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// Comma-separate list of option-specified interfaces implemented by the
// MutableMessage, to follow the "implements" declaration of the MutableMessage
// definition.
std::string ExtraMutableMessageInterfaces(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// Comma-separate list of option-specified interfaces implemented by the
// Builder, to follow the "implements" declaration of the Builder definition.
std::string ExtraBuilderInterfaces(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// Comma-separate list of option-specified interfaces extended by the
// MessageOrBuilder, to follow the "extends" declaration of the
// MessageOrBuilder definition.
std::string ExtraMessageOrBuilderInterfaces(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// Get the unqualified Java class name for mutable messages. i.e. without
// package or outer classnames.
inline std::string ShortMutableJavaClassName(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->name();
// Whether the given descriptor is for one of the core descriptor protos. We
// cannot currently use the new runtime with core protos since there is a
// bootstrapping problem with obtaining their descriptors.
inline bool IsDescriptorProto(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->file()->name() == "net/proto2/proto/descriptor.proto" ||
descriptor->file()->name() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
// Returns the stored type string used by the experimental runtime for oneof
// fields.
std::string GetOneofStoredType(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// We use either the proto1 enums if the enum is generated, otherwise fall back
// to use integers.
enum class Proto1EnumRepresentation {
// Returns which representation we should use.
inline Proto1EnumRepresentation GetProto1EnumRepresentation(
const EnumDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (descriptor->containing_type() != nullptr) {
return Proto1EnumRepresentation::kEnum;
return Proto1EnumRepresentation::kInteger;
// Whether we should generate multiple java files for messages.
inline bool MultipleJavaFiles(const FileDescriptor* descriptor,
bool immutable) {
return descriptor->options().java_multiple_files();
// Returns true if `descriptor` will be written to its own .java file.
// `immutable` should be set to true if we're generating for the immutable API.
template <typename Descriptor>
bool IsOwnFile(const Descriptor* descriptor, bool immutable) {
return descriptor->containing_type() == nullptr &&
MultipleJavaFiles(descriptor->file(), immutable);
template <>
inline bool IsOwnFile(const ServiceDescriptor* descriptor, bool immutable) {
return MultipleJavaFiles(descriptor->file(), immutable);
// If `descriptor` describes an object with its own .java file,
// returns the name (relative to that .java file) of the file that stores
// annotation data for that descriptor. `suffix` is usually empty, but may
// (e.g.) be "OrBuilder" for some generated interfaces.
template <typename Descriptor>
std::string AnnotationFileName(const Descriptor* descriptor,
absl::string_view suffix) {
return absl::StrCat(descriptor->name(), suffix, ".java.pb.meta");
// Get the unqualified name that should be used for a field's field
// number constant.
std::string FieldConstantName(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Returns the type of the FieldDescriptor.
// This does nothing interesting for the open source release, but is used for
// hacks that improve compatibility with version 1 protocol buffers at Google.
FieldDescriptor::Type GetType(const FieldDescriptor* field);
enum JavaType {
JavaType GetJavaType(const FieldDescriptor* field);
absl::string_view PrimitiveTypeName(JavaType type);
// Get the fully-qualified class name for a boxed primitive type, e.g.
// "java.lang.Integer" for JAVATYPE_INT. Returns NULL for enum and message
// types.
absl::string_view BoxedPrimitiveTypeName(JavaType type);
// Kotlin source does not distinguish between primitives and non-primitives,
// but does use Kotlin-specific qualified types for them.
absl::string_view KotlinTypeName(JavaType type);
// Get the name of the java enum constant representing this type. E.g.,
// "INT32" for FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32. The enum constant's full
// name is "".
absl::string_view FieldTypeName(const FieldDescriptor::Type field_type);
class ClassNameResolver;
std::string DefaultValue(const FieldDescriptor* field, bool immutable,
ClassNameResolver* name_resolver,
Options options = {});
inline std::string ImmutableDefaultValue(const FieldDescriptor* field,
ClassNameResolver* name_resolver,
Options options = {}) {
return DefaultValue(field, true, name_resolver, options);
bool IsDefaultValueJavaDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field);
bool IsByteStringWithCustomDefaultValue(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Does this message class have descriptor and reflection methods?
inline bool HasDescriptorMethods(const Descriptor* /* descriptor */,
bool enforce_lite) {
return !enforce_lite;
inline bool HasDescriptorMethods(const EnumDescriptor* /* descriptor */,
bool enforce_lite) {
return !enforce_lite;
inline bool HasDescriptorMethods(const FileDescriptor* /* descriptor */,
bool enforce_lite) {
return !enforce_lite;
// Should we generate generic services for this file?
inline bool HasGenericServices(const FileDescriptor* file, bool enforce_lite) {
return file->service_count() > 0 &&
HasDescriptorMethods(file, enforce_lite) &&
// Methods for shared bitfields.
// Gets the name of the shared bitfield for the given index.
std::string GetBitFieldName(int index);
// Gets the name of the shared bitfield for the given bit index.
// Effectively, GetBitFieldName(bitIndex / 32)
std::string GetBitFieldNameForBit(int bitIndex);
// Generates the java code for the expression that returns the boolean value
// of the bit of the shared bitfields for the given bit index.
// Example: "((bitField1_ & 0x04) == 0x04)"
std::string GenerateGetBit(int bitIndex);
// Generates the java code for the expression that sets the bit of the shared
// bitfields for the given bit index.
// Example: "bitField1_ = (bitField1_ | 0x04)"
std::string GenerateSetBit(int bitIndex);
// Generates the java code for the expression that clears the bit of the shared
// bitfields for the given bit index.
// Example: "bitField1_ = (bitField1_ & ~0x04)"
std::string GenerateClearBit(int bitIndex);
// Does the same as GenerateGetBit but operates on the bit field on a local
// variable. This is used by the builder to copy the value in the builder to
// the message.
// Example: "((from_bitField1_ & 0x04) == 0x04)"
std::string GenerateGetBitFromLocal(int bitIndex);
// Does the same as GenerateSetBit but operates on the bit field on a local
// variable. This is used by the builder to copy the value in the builder to
// the message.
// Example: "to_bitField1_ = (to_bitField1_ | 0x04)"
std::string GenerateSetBitToLocal(int bitIndex);
// Does the same as GenerateGetBit but operates on the bit field on a local
// variable. This is used by the parsing constructor to record if a repeated
// field is mutable.
// Example: "((mutable_bitField1_ & 0x04) == 0x04)"
std::string GenerateGetBitMutableLocal(int bitIndex);
// Does the same as GenerateSetBit but operates on the bit field on a local
// variable. This is used by the parsing constructor to record if a repeated
// field is mutable.
// Example: "mutable_bitField1_ = (mutable_bitField1_ | 0x04)"
std::string GenerateSetBitMutableLocal(int bitIndex);
// Returns whether the JavaType is a reference type.
bool IsReferenceType(JavaType type);
// Returns the capitalized name for calling relative functions in
// CodedInputStream
absl::string_view GetCapitalizedType(const FieldDescriptor* field,
bool immutable, Options options);
// For encodings with fixed sizes, returns that size in bytes. Otherwise
// returns -1.
int FixedSize(FieldDescriptor::Type type);
// Comparators used to sort fields in MessageGenerator
struct FieldOrderingByNumber {
inline bool operator()(const FieldDescriptor* a,
const FieldDescriptor* b) const {
return a->number() < b->number();
struct ExtensionRangeOrdering {
bool operator()(const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* a,
const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* b) const {
return a->start_number() < b->start_number();
// Sort the fields of the given Descriptor by number into a new[]'d array
// and return it. The caller should delete the returned array.
const FieldDescriptor** SortFieldsByNumber(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// Does this message class have any packed fields?
inline bool HasPackedFields(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
if (descriptor->field(i)->is_packed()) {
return true;
return false;
// Check a message type and its sub-message types recursively to see if any of
// them has a required field. Return true if a required field is found.
bool HasRequiredFields(const Descriptor* descriptor);
bool IsRealOneof(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor);
inline bool HasHasbit(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor) {
return internal::cpp::HasHasbit(descriptor);
// Check whether a message has repeated fields.
bool HasRepeatedFields(const Descriptor* descriptor);
inline bool IsMapEntry(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->options().map_entry();
inline bool IsMapField(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->is_map();
inline bool IsAnyMessage(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->full_name() == "google.protobuf.Any";
inline bool IsWrappersProtoFile(const FileDescriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->name() == "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
void WriteUInt32ToUtf16CharSequence(uint32_t number,
std::vector<uint16_t>* output);
inline void WriteIntToUtf16CharSequence(int value,
std::vector<uint16_t>* output) {
WriteUInt32ToUtf16CharSequence(static_cast<uint32_t>(value), output);
// Escape a UTF-16 character so it can be embedded in a Java string literal.
void EscapeUtf16ToString(uint16_t code, std::string* output);
// To get the total number of entries need to be built for experimental runtime
// and the first field number that are not in the table part
std::pair<int, int> GetTableDrivenNumberOfEntriesAndLookUpStartFieldNumber(
const FieldDescriptor** fields, int count);
const FieldDescriptor* MapKeyField(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor);
const FieldDescriptor* MapValueField(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor);
} // namespace java
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"