blob: fc8cef2f185ce835901cdf6fd663a91d165bd2c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/rust/oneof.h"
#include <string>
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/helpers.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/rust/accessors/accessor_case.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/rust/context.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/rust/naming.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/rust/rust_field_type.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace compiler {
namespace rust {
// For each oneof we emit two Rust enums with corresponding accessors:
// - An enum acting as a tagged union that has each case holds a View<> of
// each of the cases. Named as the one_of name in CamelCase.
// - A simple 'which oneof field is set' enum which directly maps to the
// underlying enum used for the 'cases' accessor in C++ or upb. Named as the
// one_of camelcase with "Case" appended.
// Example:
// For this oneof:
// message SomeMsg {
// oneof some_oneof {
// int32 field_a = 7;
// SomeMsg field_b = 9;
// }
// }
// This will emit as the exposed API:
// pub mod some_msg {
// pub enum SomeOneof<'msg> {
// FieldA(i32) = 7,
// FieldB(View<'msg, SomeMsg>) = 9,
// not_set(std::marker::PhantomData<&'msg ()>) = 0
// }
// #[repr(C)]
// pub enum SomeOneofCase {
// FieldA = 7,
// FieldB = 9,
// not_set = 0
// }
// }
// impl SomeMsg {
// pub fn some_oneof(&self) -> SomeOneof {...}
// pub fn some_oneof_case(&self) -> SomeOneofCase {...}
// }
// impl SomeMsgMut {
// pub fn some_oneof(&self) -> SomeOneof {...}
// pub fn some_oneof_case(&self) -> SomeOneofCase {...}
// }
// impl SomeMsgView {
// pub fn some_oneof(self) -> SomeOneof {...}
// pub fn some_oneof_case(self) -> SomeOneofCase {...}
// }
// An additional "Case" enum which just reflects the corresponding slot numbers
// is emitted for usage with the FFI (exactly matching the Case struct that both
// cpp and upb generate).
// #[repr(C)] pub(super) enum SomeOneofCase {
// FieldA = 7,
// FieldB = 9,
// not_set = 0
// }
namespace {
// A user-friendly rust type for a view of this field with lifetime 'msg.
std::string RsTypeNameView(Context& ctx, const FieldDescriptor& field) {
if (field.options().has_ctype()) {
return ""; // TODO: b/308792377 - ctype fields not supported yet.
switch (GetRustFieldType(field.type())) {
case RustFieldType::INT32:
case RustFieldType::INT64:
case RustFieldType::UINT32:
case RustFieldType::UINT64:
case RustFieldType::FLOAT:
case RustFieldType::DOUBLE:
case RustFieldType::BOOL:
return RsTypePath(ctx, field);
case RustFieldType::BYTES:
return "&'msg [u8]";
case RustFieldType::STRING:
return "&'msg ::__pb::ProtoStr";
case RustFieldType::MESSAGE:
return absl::StrCat("::__pb::View<'msg, ", RsTypePath(ctx, field), ">");
case RustFieldType::ENUM:
return absl::StrCat("::__pb::View<'msg, ", RsTypePath(ctx, field), ">");
ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected field type: " << field.type_name();
return "";
} // namespace
void GenerateOneofDefinition(Context& ctx, const OneofDescriptor& oneof) {
{"view_enum_name", OneofViewEnumRsName(oneof)},
[&] {
for (int i = 0; i < oneof.field_count(); ++i) {
auto& field = *oneof.field(i);
std::string rs_type = RsTypeNameView(ctx, field);
if (rs_type.empty()) {
ctx.Emit({{"name", OneofCaseRsName(field)},
{"type", rs_type},
{"number", std::to_string(field.number())}},
R"rs($name$($type$) = $number$,
// TODO: Revisit if isize is the optimal repr for this enum.
// TODO: not_set currently has phantom data just to avoid the
// lifetime on the enum breaking compilation if there are zero supported
// fields on it (e.g. if the oneof only has Messages inside).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum $view_enum_name$<'msg> {
not_set(std::marker::PhantomData<&'msg ()>) = 0
// Note: This enum is used as the Thunk return type for getting which case is
// used: it exactly matches the generate case enum that both cpp and upb use.
ctx.Emit({{"case_enum_name", OneofCaseEnumRsName(oneof)},
[&] {
for (int i = 0; i < oneof.field_count(); ++i) {
auto& field = *oneof.field(i);
ctx.Emit({{"name", OneofCaseRsName(field)},
{"number", std::to_string(field.number())}},
R"rs($name$ = $number$,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum $case_enum_name$ {
not_set = 0
void GenerateOneofAccessors(Context& ctx, const OneofDescriptor& oneof,
AccessorCase accessor_case) {
{"oneof_name", RsSafeName(},
{"view_lifetime", ViewLifetime(accessor_case)},
{"self", ViewReceiver(accessor_case)},
absl::StrCat("crate::", RustModuleForContainingType(
ctx, oneof.containing_type()))},
{"view_enum_name", OneofViewEnumRsName(oneof)},
{"case_enum_name", OneofCaseEnumRsName(oneof)},
[&] {
for (int i = 0; i < oneof.field_count(); ++i) {
auto& field = *oneof.field(i);
std::string rs_type = RsTypeNameView(ctx, field);
if (rs_type.empty()) {
std::string field_name = FieldNameWithCollisionAvoidance(field);
{"case", OneofCaseRsName(field)},
{"rs_getter", RsSafeName(field_name)},
{"type", rs_type},
$oneof_enum_module$$case_enum_name$::$case$ =>
{"case_thunk", ThunkName(ctx, oneof, "case")},
pub fn $oneof_name$($self$) -> $oneof_enum_module$$view_enum_name$<$view_lifetime$> {
match $self$.$oneof_name$_case() {
_ => $oneof_enum_module$$view_enum_name$::not_set(std::marker::PhantomData)
pub fn $oneof_name$_case($self$) -> $oneof_enum_module$$case_enum_name$ {
unsafe { $case_thunk$(self.raw_msg()) }
void GenerateOneofExternC(Context& ctx, const OneofDescriptor& oneof) {
absl::StrCat("crate::", RustModuleForContainingType(
ctx, oneof.containing_type()))},
{"case_enum_rs_name", OneofCaseEnumRsName(oneof)},
{"case_thunk", ThunkName(ctx, oneof, "case")},
fn $case_thunk$(raw_msg: $pbr$::RawMessage) -> $oneof_enum_module$$case_enum_rs_name$;
void GenerateOneofThunkCc(Context& ctx, const OneofDescriptor& oneof) {
{"case_enum_name", OneofCaseEnumRsName(oneof)},
{"case_thunk", ThunkName(ctx, oneof, "case")},
{"QualifiedMsg", cpp::QualifiedClassName(oneof.containing_type())},
$QualifiedMsg$::$case_enum_name$ $case_thunk$($QualifiedMsg$* msg) {
return msg->$oneof_name$_case();
} // namespace rust
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google