blob: 9d6464f81bb3f839fdee09eded04c0196f16de4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor_database.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/btree_set.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_replace.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace {
void RecordMessageNames(const DescriptorProto& desc_proto,
absl::string_view prefix,
absl::btree_set<std::string>* output) {
std::string full_name = prefix.empty()
: absl::StrCat(prefix, ".",;
for (const auto& d : desc_proto.nested_type()) {
RecordMessageNames(d, full_name, output);
void RecordMessageNames(const FileDescriptorProto& file_proto,
absl::btree_set<std::string>* output) {
for (const auto& d : file_proto.message_type()) {
RecordMessageNames(d, file_proto.package(), output);
template <typename Fn>
bool ForAllFileProtos(DescriptorDatabase* db, Fn callback,
std::vector<std::string>* output) {
std::vector<std::string> file_names;
if (!db->FindAllFileNames(&file_names)) {
return false;
absl::btree_set<std::string> set;
FileDescriptorProto file_proto;
for (const auto& f : file_names) {
if (!db->FindFileByName(f, &file_proto)) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "File not found in database (unexpected): " << f;
return false;
callback(file_proto, &set);
output->insert(output->end(), set.begin(), set.end());
return true;
} // namespace
DescriptorDatabase::~DescriptorDatabase() = default;
bool DescriptorDatabase::FindAllPackageNames(std::vector<std::string>* output) {
return ForAllFileProtos(
[](const FileDescriptorProto& file_proto,
absl::btree_set<std::string>* set) {
bool DescriptorDatabase::FindAllMessageNames(std::vector<std::string>* output) {
return ForAllFileProtos(
[](const FileDescriptorProto& file_proto,
absl::btree_set<std::string>* set) {
RecordMessageNames(file_proto, set);
// ===================================================================
SimpleDescriptorDatabase::SimpleDescriptorDatabase() {}
SimpleDescriptorDatabase::~SimpleDescriptorDatabase() {}
template <typename Value>
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::AddFile(
const FileDescriptorProto& file, Value value) {
if (!by_name_.emplace(, value).second) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "File already exists in database: " <<;
return false;
// We must be careful here -- calling file.package() if file.has_package() is
// false could access an uninitialized static-storage variable if we are being
// run at startup time.
std::string path = file.has_package() ? file.package() : std::string();
if (!path.empty()) path += '.';
for (int i = 0; i < file.message_type_size(); i++) {
if (!AddSymbol(path + file.message_type(i).name(), value)) return false;
if (!AddNestedExtensions(, file.message_type(i), value))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < file.enum_type_size(); i++) {
if (!AddSymbol(path + file.enum_type(i).name(), value)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < file.extension_size(); i++) {
if (!AddSymbol(path + file.extension(i).name(), value)) return false;
if (!AddExtension(, file.extension(i), value)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < file.service_size(); i++) {
if (!AddSymbol(path + file.service(i).name(), value)) return false;
return true;
namespace {
// Returns true if and only if all characters in the name are alphanumerics,
// underscores, or periods.
bool ValidateSymbolName(absl::string_view name) {
for (char c : name) {
// I don't trust ctype.h due to locales. :(
if (c != '.' && c != '_' && (c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') &&
(c < 'a' || c > 'z')) {
return false;
return true;
// Find the last key in the container which sorts less than or equal to the
// symbol name. Since upper_bound() returns the *first* key that sorts
// *greater* than the input, we want the element immediately before that.
template <typename Container, typename Key>
typename Container::const_iterator FindLastLessOrEqual(
const Container* container, const Key& key) {
auto iter = container->upper_bound(key);
if (iter != container->begin()) --iter;
return iter;
// As above, but using std::upper_bound instead.
template <typename Container, typename Key, typename Cmp>
typename Container::const_iterator FindLastLessOrEqual(
const Container* container, const Key& key, const Cmp& cmp) {
auto iter = std::upper_bound(container->begin(), container->end(), key, cmp);
if (iter != container->begin()) --iter;
return iter;
// True if either the arguments are equal or super_symbol identifies a
// parent symbol of sub_symbol (e.g. "" is a parent of
// "", but not a parent of "foo.barbaz").
bool IsSubSymbol(absl::string_view sub_symbol, absl::string_view super_symbol) {
return sub_symbol == super_symbol ||
(absl::StartsWith(super_symbol, sub_symbol) &&
super_symbol[sub_symbol.size()] == '.');
} // namespace
template <typename Value>
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::AddSymbol(
absl::string_view name, Value value) {
// We need to make sure not to violate our map invariant.
// If the symbol name is invalid it could break our lookup algorithm (which
// relies on the fact that '.' sorts before all other characters that are
// valid in symbol names).
if (!ValidateSymbolName(name)) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid symbol name: " << name;
return false;
// Try to look up the symbol to make sure a super-symbol doesn't already
// exist.
auto iter = FindLastLessOrEqual(&by_symbol_, name);
if (iter == by_symbol_.end()) {
// Apparently the map is currently empty. Just insert and be done with it.
by_symbol_.try_emplace(name, value);
return true;
if (IsSubSymbol(iter->first, name)) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Symbol name \"" << name
<< "\" conflicts with the existing "
"symbol \""
<< iter->first << "\".";
return false;
// OK, that worked. Now we have to make sure that no symbol in the map is
// a sub-symbol of the one we are inserting. The only symbol which could
// be so is the first symbol that is greater than the new symbol. Since
// |iter| points at the last symbol that is less than or equal, we just have
// to increment it.
if (iter != by_symbol_.end() && IsSubSymbol(name, iter->first)) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Symbol name \"" << name
<< "\" conflicts with the existing "
"symbol \""
<< iter->first << "\".";
return false;
// OK, no conflicts.
// Insert the new symbol using the iterator as a hint, the new entry will
// appear immediately before the one the iterator is pointing at.
by_symbol_.insert(iter, {std::string(name), value});
return true;
template <typename Value>
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::AddNestedExtensions(
const std::string& filename, const DescriptorProto& message_type,
Value value) {
for (int i = 0; i < message_type.nested_type_size(); i++) {
if (!AddNestedExtensions(filename, message_type.nested_type(i), value))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < message_type.extension_size(); i++) {
if (!AddExtension(filename, message_type.extension(i), value)) return false;
return true;
template <typename Value>
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::AddExtension(
const std::string& filename, const FieldDescriptorProto& field,
Value value) {
if (!field.extendee().empty() && field.extendee()[0] == '.') {
// The extension is fully-qualified. We can use it as a lookup key in
// the by_symbol_ table.
if (!by_extension_
std::make_pair(field.extendee().substr(1), field.number()),
.second) {
<< "Extension conflicts with extension already in database: "
"extend "
<< field.extendee() << " { " << << " = "
<< field.number() << " } from:" << filename;
return false;
} else {
// Not fully-qualified. We can't really do anything here, unfortunately.
// We don't consider this an error, though, because the descriptor is
// valid.
return true;
template <typename Value>
Value SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::FindFile(
const std::string& filename) {
auto it = by_name_.find(filename);
if (it == by_name_.end()) return {};
return it->second;
template <typename Value>
Value SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::FindSymbol(
const std::string& name) {
auto iter = FindLastLessOrEqual(&by_symbol_, name);
return (iter != by_symbol_.end() && IsSubSymbol(iter->first, name))
? iter->second
: Value();
template <typename Value>
Value SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::FindExtension(
const std::string& containing_type, int field_number) {
auto it = by_extension_.find({containing_type, field_number});
if (it == by_extension_.end()) return {};
return it->second;
template <typename Value>
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::FindAllExtensionNumbers(
const std::string& containing_type, std::vector<int>* output) {
auto it = by_extension_.lower_bound(std::make_pair(containing_type, 0));
bool success = false;
for (; it != by_extension_.end() && it->first.first == containing_type;
++it) {
success = true;
return success;
template <typename Value>
void SimpleDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex<Value>::FindAllFileNames(
std::vector<std::string>* output) {
int i = 0;
for (const auto& kv : by_name_) {
(*output)[i] = kv.first;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::Add(const FileDescriptorProto& file) {
FileDescriptorProto* new_file = new FileDescriptorProto;
return AddAndOwn(new_file);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::AddAndOwn(const FileDescriptorProto* file) {
return index_.AddFile(*file, file);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::AddUnowned(const FileDescriptorProto* file) {
return index_.AddFile(*file, file);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
return MaybeCopy(index_.FindFile(filename), output);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::FindFileContainingSymbol(
const std::string& symbol_name, FileDescriptorProto* output) {
return MaybeCopy(index_.FindSymbol(symbol_name), output);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::FindFileContainingExtension(
const std::string& containing_type, int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
return MaybeCopy(index_.FindExtension(containing_type, field_number), output);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::FindAllExtensionNumbers(
const std::string& extendee_type, std::vector<int>* output) {
return index_.FindAllExtensionNumbers(extendee_type, output);
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::FindAllFileNames(
std::vector<std::string>* output) {
return true;
bool SimpleDescriptorDatabase::MaybeCopy(const FileDescriptorProto* file,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
if (file == nullptr) return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex {
using Value = std::pair<const void*, int>;
// Helpers to recursively add particular descriptors and all their contents
// to the index.
template <typename FileProto>
bool AddFile(const FileProto& file, Value value);
Value FindFile(absl::string_view filename);
Value FindSymbol(absl::string_view name);
Value FindSymbolOnlyFlat(absl::string_view name) const;
Value FindExtension(absl::string_view containing_type, int field_number);
bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(absl::string_view containing_type,
std::vector<int>* output);
void FindAllFileNames(std::vector<std::string>* output) const;
friend class EncodedDescriptorDatabase;
bool AddSymbol(absl::string_view symbol);
template <typename DescProto>
bool AddNestedExtensions(absl::string_view filename,
const DescProto& message_type);
template <typename FieldProto>
bool AddExtension(absl::string_view filename, const FieldProto& field);
// All the maps below have two representations:
// - a absl::btree_set<> where we insert initially.
// - a std::vector<> where we flatten the structure on demand.
// The initial tree helps avoid O(N) behavior of inserting into a sorted
// vector, while the vector reduces the heap requirements of the data
// structure.
void EnsureFlat();
using String = std::string;
String EncodeString(absl::string_view str) const { return String(str); }
absl::string_view DecodeString(const String& str, int) const { return str; }
struct EncodedEntry {
// Do not use `Value` here to avoid the padding of that object.
const void* data;
int size;
// Keep the package here instead of each SymbolEntry to save space.
String encoded_package;
Value value() const { return {data, size}; }
std::vector<EncodedEntry> all_values_;
struct FileEntry {
int data_offset;
String encoded_name;
absl::string_view name(const DescriptorIndex& index) const {
return index.DecodeString(encoded_name, data_offset);
struct FileCompare {
const DescriptorIndex& index;
bool operator()(const FileEntry& a, const FileEntry& b) const {
return <;
bool operator()(const FileEntry& a, absl::string_view b) const {
return < b;
bool operator()(absl::string_view a, const FileEntry& b) const {
return a <;
absl::btree_set<FileEntry, FileCompare> by_name_{FileCompare{*this}};
std::vector<FileEntry> by_name_flat_;
struct SymbolEntry {
int data_offset;
String encoded_symbol;
absl::string_view package(const DescriptorIndex& index) const {
return index.DecodeString(index.all_values_[data_offset].encoded_package,
absl::string_view symbol(const DescriptorIndex& index) const {
return index.DecodeString(encoded_symbol, data_offset);
std::string AsString(const DescriptorIndex& index) const {
auto p = package(index);
return absl::StrCat(p, p.empty() ? "" : ".", symbol(index));
struct SymbolCompare {
const DescriptorIndex& index;
std::string AsString(const SymbolEntry& entry) const {
return entry.AsString(index);
static absl::string_view AsString(absl::string_view str) { return str; }
std::pair<absl::string_view, absl::string_view> GetParts(
const SymbolEntry& entry) const {
auto package = entry.package(index);
if (package.empty()) return {entry.symbol(index), absl::string_view{}};
return {package, entry.symbol(index)};
std::pair<absl::string_view, absl::string_view> GetParts(
absl::string_view str) const {
return {str, {}};
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator()(const T& lhs, const U& rhs) const {
auto lhs_parts = GetParts(lhs);
auto rhs_parts = GetParts(rhs);
// Fast path to avoid making the whole string for common cases.
if (int res =
lhs_parts.first.substr(0, rhs_parts.first.size())
.compare(rhs_parts.first.substr(0, lhs_parts.first.size()))) {
// If the packages already differ, exit early.
return res < 0;
} else if (lhs_parts.first.size() == rhs_parts.first.size()) {
return lhs_parts.second < rhs_parts.second;
return AsString(lhs) < AsString(rhs);
absl::btree_set<SymbolEntry, SymbolCompare> by_symbol_{SymbolCompare{*this}};
std::vector<SymbolEntry> by_symbol_flat_;
struct ExtensionEntry {
int data_offset;
String encoded_extendee;
absl::string_view extendee(const DescriptorIndex& index) const {
return index.DecodeString(encoded_extendee, data_offset).substr(1);
int extension_number;
struct ExtensionCompare {
const DescriptorIndex& index;
bool operator()(const ExtensionEntry& a, const ExtensionEntry& b) const {
return std::make_tuple(a.extendee(index), a.extension_number) <
std::make_tuple(b.extendee(index), b.extension_number);
bool operator()(const ExtensionEntry& a,
std::tuple<absl::string_view, int> b) const {
return std::make_tuple(a.extendee(index), a.extension_number) < b;
bool operator()(std::tuple<absl::string_view, int> a,
const ExtensionEntry& b) const {
return a < std::make_tuple(b.extendee(index), b.extension_number);
absl::btree_set<ExtensionEntry, ExtensionCompare> by_extension_{
std::vector<ExtensionEntry> by_extension_flat_;
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::Add(const void* encoded_file_descriptor,
int size) {
FileDescriptorProto file;
if (file.ParseFromArray(encoded_file_descriptor, size)) {
return index_->AddFile(file, std::make_pair(encoded_file_descriptor, size));
} else {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file descriptor data passed to "
return false;
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::AddCopy(const void* encoded_file_descriptor,
int size) {
void* copy = operator new(size);
memcpy(copy, encoded_file_descriptor, size);
return Add(copy, size);
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
return MaybeParse(index_->FindFile(filename), output);
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::FindFileContainingSymbol(
const std::string& symbol_name, FileDescriptorProto* output) {
return MaybeParse(index_->FindSymbol(symbol_name), output);
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::FindNameOfFileContainingSymbol(
const std::string& symbol_name, std::string* output) {
auto encoded_file = index_->FindSymbol(symbol_name);
if (encoded_file.first == nullptr) return false;
// Optimization: The name should be the first field in the encoded message.
// Try to just read it directly.
io::CodedInputStream input(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(encoded_file.first),
const uint32_t kNameTag = internal::WireFormatLite::MakeTag(
if (input.ReadTagNoLastTag() == kNameTag) {
// Success!
return internal::WireFormatLite::ReadString(&input, output);
} else {
// Slow path. Parse whole message.
FileDescriptorProto file_proto;
if (!file_proto.ParseFromArray(encoded_file.first, encoded_file.second)) {
return false;
*output =;
return true;
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::FindFileContainingExtension(
const std::string& containing_type, int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
return MaybeParse(index_->FindExtension(containing_type, field_number),
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::FindAllExtensionNumbers(
const std::string& extendee_type, std::vector<int>* output) {
return index_->FindAllExtensionNumbers(extendee_type, output);
template <typename FileProto>
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::AddFile(const FileProto& file,
Value value) {
// We push `value` into the array first. This is important because the AddXXX
// functions below will expect it to be there.
all_values_.push_back({value.first, value.second, {}});
if (!ValidateSymbolName(file.package())) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid package name: " << file.package();
return false;
all_values_.back().encoded_package = EncodeString(file.package());
if (!by_name_
.insert({static_cast<int>(all_values_.size() - 1),
.second ||
std::binary_search(by_name_flat_.begin(), by_name_flat_.end(),, by_name_.key_comp())) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "File already exists in database: " <<;
return false;
for (const auto& message_type : file.message_type()) {
if (!AddSymbol( return false;
if (!AddNestedExtensions(, message_type)) return false;
for (const auto& enum_type : file.enum_type()) {
if (!AddSymbol( return false;
for (const auto& extension : file.extension()) {
if (!AddSymbol( return false;
if (!AddExtension(, extension)) return false;
for (const auto& service : file.service()) {
if (!AddSymbol( return false;
return true;
template <typename Iter, typename Iter2, typename Index>
static bool CheckForMutualSubsymbols(absl::string_view symbol_name, Iter* iter,
Iter2 end, const Index& index) {
if (*iter != end) {
if (IsSubSymbol((*iter)->AsString(index), symbol_name)) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Symbol name \"" << symbol_name
<< "\" conflicts with the existing symbol \""
<< (*iter)->AsString(index) << "\".";
return false;
// OK, that worked. Now we have to make sure that no symbol in the map is
// a sub-symbol of the one we are inserting. The only symbol which could
// be so is the first symbol that is greater than the new symbol. Since
// |iter| points at the last symbol that is less than or equal, we just have
// to increment it.
if (*iter != end && IsSubSymbol(symbol_name, (*iter)->AsString(index))) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Symbol name \"" << symbol_name
<< "\" conflicts with the existing symbol \""
<< (*iter)->AsString(index) << "\".";
return false;
return true;
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::AddSymbol(
absl::string_view symbol) {
SymbolEntry entry = {static_cast<int>(all_values_.size() - 1),
std::string entry_as_string = entry.AsString(*this);
// We need to make sure not to violate our map invariant.
// If the symbol name is invalid it could break our lookup algorithm (which
// relies on the fact that '.' sorts before all other characters that are
// valid in symbol names).
if (!ValidateSymbolName(symbol)) {
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid symbol name: " << entry_as_string;
return false;
auto iter = FindLastLessOrEqual(&by_symbol_, entry);
if (!CheckForMutualSubsymbols(entry_as_string, &iter, by_symbol_.end(),
*this)) {
return false;
// Same, but on by_symbol_flat_
auto flat_iter =
FindLastLessOrEqual(&by_symbol_flat_, entry, by_symbol_.key_comp());
if (!CheckForMutualSubsymbols(entry_as_string, &flat_iter,
by_symbol_flat_.end(), *this)) {
return false;
// OK, no conflicts.
// Insert the new symbol using the iterator as a hint, the new entry will
// appear immediately before the one the iterator is pointing at.
by_symbol_.insert(iter, entry);
return true;
template <typename DescProto>
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::AddNestedExtensions(
absl::string_view filename, const DescProto& message_type) {
for (const auto& nested_type : message_type.nested_type()) {
if (!AddNestedExtensions(filename, nested_type)) return false;
for (const auto& extension : message_type.extension()) {
if (!AddExtension(filename, extension)) return false;
return true;
template <typename FieldProto>
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::AddExtension(
absl::string_view filename, const FieldProto& field) {
if (!field.extendee().empty() && field.extendee()[0] == '.') {
// The extension is fully-qualified. We can use it as a lookup key in
// the by_symbol_ table.
if (!by_extension_
.insert({static_cast<int>(all_values_.size() - 1),
EncodeString(field.extendee()), field.number()})
.second ||
by_extension_flat_.begin(), by_extension_flat_.end(),
std::make_pair(field.extendee().substr(1), field.number()),
by_extension_.key_comp())) {
<< "Extension conflicts with extension already in database: "
"extend "
<< field.extendee() << " { " << << " = "
<< field.number() << " } from:" << filename;
return false;
} else {
// Not fully-qualified. We can't really do anything here, unfortunately.
// We don't consider this an error, though, because the descriptor is
// valid.
return true;
std::pair<const void*, int>
EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::FindSymbol(absl::string_view name) {
return FindSymbolOnlyFlat(name);
std::pair<const void*, int>
absl::string_view name) const {
auto iter =
FindLastLessOrEqual(&by_symbol_flat_, name, by_symbol_.key_comp());
return iter != by_symbol_flat_.end() &&
IsSubSymbol(iter->AsString(*this), name)
? all_values_[iter->data_offset].value()
: Value();
std::pair<const void*, int>
absl::string_view containing_type, int field_number) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(
by_extension_flat_.begin(), by_extension_flat_.end(),
std::make_tuple(containing_type, field_number), by_extension_.key_comp());
return it == by_extension_flat_.end() ||
it->extendee(*this) != containing_type ||
it->extension_number != field_number
? std::make_pair(nullptr, 0)
: all_values_[it->data_offset].value();
template <typename T, typename Less>
static void MergeIntoFlat(absl::btree_set<T, Less>* s, std::vector<T>* flat) {
if (s->empty()) return;
std::vector<T> new_flat(s->size() + flat->size());
std::merge(s->begin(), s->end(), flat->begin(), flat->end(), &new_flat[0],
*flat = std::move(new_flat);
void EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::EnsureFlat() {
// Merge each of the sets into their flat counterpart.
MergeIntoFlat(&by_name_, &by_name_flat_);
MergeIntoFlat(&by_symbol_, &by_symbol_flat_);
MergeIntoFlat(&by_extension_, &by_extension_flat_);
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::FindAllExtensionNumbers(
absl::string_view containing_type, std::vector<int>* output) {
bool success = false;
auto it = std::lower_bound(
by_extension_flat_.begin(), by_extension_flat_.end(),
std::make_tuple(containing_type, 0), by_extension_.key_comp());
for (;
it != by_extension_flat_.end() && it->extendee(*this) == containing_type;
++it) {
success = true;
return success;
void EncodedDescriptorDatabase::DescriptorIndex::FindAllFileNames(
std::vector<std::string>* output) const {
output->resize(by_name_.size() + by_name_flat_.size());
int i = 0;
for (const auto& entry : by_name_) {
(*output)[i] = std::string(*this));
for (const auto& entry : by_name_flat_) {
(*output)[i] = std::string(*this));
std::pair<const void*, int>
absl::string_view filename) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(by_name_flat_.begin(), by_name_flat_.end(),
filename, by_name_.key_comp());
return it == by_name_flat_.end() || it->name(*this) != filename
? std::make_pair(nullptr, 0)
: all_values_[it->data_offset].value();
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::FindAllFileNames(
std::vector<std::string>* output) {
return true;
bool EncodedDescriptorDatabase::MaybeParse(
std::pair<const void*, int> encoded_file, FileDescriptorProto* output) {
if (encoded_file.first == nullptr) return false;
absl::string_view source(static_cast<const char*>(encoded_file.first),
return internal::ParseNoReflection(source, *output);
: index_(new DescriptorIndex()) {}
EncodedDescriptorDatabase::~EncodedDescriptorDatabase() {
for (void* p : files_to_delete_) {
operator delete(p);
// ===================================================================
DescriptorPoolDatabase::DescriptorPoolDatabase(const DescriptorPool& pool)
: pool_(pool) {}
DescriptorPoolDatabase::~DescriptorPoolDatabase() {}
bool DescriptorPoolDatabase::FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
const FileDescriptor* file = pool_.FindFileByName(filename);
if (file == nullptr) return false;
return true;
bool DescriptorPoolDatabase::FindFileContainingSymbol(
const std::string& symbol_name, FileDescriptorProto* output) {
const FileDescriptor* file = pool_.FindFileContainingSymbol(symbol_name);
if (file == nullptr) return false;
return true;
bool DescriptorPoolDatabase::FindFileContainingExtension(
const std::string& containing_type, int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
const Descriptor* extendee = pool_.FindMessageTypeByName(containing_type);
if (extendee == nullptr) return false;
const FieldDescriptor* extension =
pool_.FindExtensionByNumber(extendee, field_number);
if (extension == nullptr) return false;
return true;
bool DescriptorPoolDatabase::FindAllExtensionNumbers(
const std::string& extendee_type, std::vector<int>* output) {
const Descriptor* extendee = pool_.FindMessageTypeByName(extendee_type);
if (extendee == nullptr) return false;
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> extensions;
pool_.FindAllExtensions(extendee, &extensions);
for (const FieldDescriptor* extension : extensions) {
return true;
// ===================================================================
DescriptorDatabase* source1, DescriptorDatabase* source2) {
const std::vector<DescriptorDatabase*>& sources)
: sources_(sources) {}
MergedDescriptorDatabase::~MergedDescriptorDatabase() {}
bool MergedDescriptorDatabase::FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
for (DescriptorDatabase* source : sources_) {
if (source->FindFileByName(filename, output)) {
return true;
return false;
bool MergedDescriptorDatabase::FindFileContainingSymbol(
const std::string& symbol_name, FileDescriptorProto* output) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources_.size(); i++) {
if (sources_[i]->FindFileContainingSymbol(symbol_name, output)) {
// The symbol was found in source i. However, if one of the previous
// sources defines a file with the same name (which presumably doesn't
// contain the symbol, since it wasn't found in that source), then we
// must hide it from the caller.
FileDescriptorProto temp;
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (sources_[j]->FindFileByName(output->name(), &temp)) {
// Found conflicting file in a previous source.
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool MergedDescriptorDatabase::FindFileContainingExtension(
const std::string& containing_type, int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources_.size(); i++) {
if (sources_[i]->FindFileContainingExtension(containing_type, field_number,
output)) {
// The symbol was found in source i. However, if one of the previous
// sources defines a file with the same name (which presumably doesn't
// contain the symbol, since it wasn't found in that source), then we
// must hide it from the caller.
FileDescriptorProto temp;
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (sources_[j]->FindFileByName(output->name(), &temp)) {
// Found conflicting file in a previous source.
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool MergedDescriptorDatabase::FindAllExtensionNumbers(
const std::string& extendee_type, std::vector<int>* output) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google3-runtime-rename-unnecessary-ordering)
absl::btree_set<int> merged_results;
std::vector<int> results;
bool success = false;
for (DescriptorDatabase* source : sources_) {
if (source->FindAllExtensionNumbers(extendee_type, &results)) {
for (int r : results) merged_results.insert(r);
success = true;
for (int r : merged_results) output->push_back(r);
return success;
bool MergedDescriptorDatabase::FindAllFileNames(
std::vector<std::string>* output) {
bool implemented = false;
for (DescriptorDatabase* source : sources_) {
std::vector<std::string> source_output;
if (source->FindAllFileNames(&source_output)) {
output->reserve(output->size() + source_output.size());
for (auto& source : source_output) {
implemented = true;
return implemented;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google