blob: dfb1bdb508e5c19490a1679b2ff4fe6a58a3e9c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Interface for manipulating databases of descriptors.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/btree_map.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
// Defined in this file.
class DescriptorDatabase;
class SimpleDescriptorDatabase;
class EncodedDescriptorDatabase;
class DescriptorPoolDatabase;
class MergedDescriptorDatabase;
// Abstract interface for a database of descriptors.
// This is useful if you want to create a DescriptorPool which loads
// descriptors on-demand from some sort of large database. If the database
// is large, it may be inefficient to enumerate every .proto file inside it
// calling DescriptorPool::BuildFile() for each one. Instead, a DescriptorPool
// can be created which wraps a DescriptorDatabase and only builds particular
// descriptors when they are needed.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT DescriptorDatabase {
inline DescriptorDatabase() {}
DescriptorDatabase(const DescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
DescriptorDatabase& operator=(const DescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
virtual ~DescriptorDatabase();
// Find a file by file name. Fills in in *output and returns true if found.
// Otherwise, returns false, leaving the contents of *output undefined.
virtual bool FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) = 0;
// Find the file that declares the given fully-qualified symbol name.
// If found, fills in *output and returns true, otherwise returns false
// and leaves *output undefined.
virtual bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const std::string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output) = 0;
// Find the file which defines an extension extending the given message type
// with the given field number. If found, fills in *output and returns true,
// otherwise returns false and leaves *output undefined. containing_type
// must be a fully-qualified type name.
virtual bool FindFileContainingExtension(const std::string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) = 0;
// Finds the tag numbers used by all known extensions of
// extendee_type, and appends them to output in an undefined
// order. This method is best-effort: it's not guaranteed that the
// database will find all extensions, and it's not guaranteed that
// FindFileContainingExtension will return true on all of the found
// numbers. Returns true if the search was successful, otherwise
// returns false and leaves output unchanged.
// This method has a default implementation that always returns
// false.
virtual bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(const std::string& /* extendee_type */,
std::vector<int>* /* output */) {
return false;
// Finds the file names and appends them to the output in an
// undefined order. This method is best-effort: it's not guaranteed that the
// database will find all files. Returns true if the database supports
// searching all file names, otherwise returns false and leaves output
// unchanged.
// This method has a default implementation that always returns
// false.
virtual bool FindAllFileNames(std::vector<std::string>* /*output*/) {
return false;
// Finds the package names and appends them to the output in an
// undefined order. This method is best-effort: it's not guaranteed that the
// database will find all packages. Returns true if the database supports
// searching all package names, otherwise returns false and leaves output
// unchanged.
bool FindAllPackageNames(std::vector<std::string>* output);
// Finds the message names and appends them to the output in an
// undefined order. This method is best-effort: it's not guaranteed that the
// database will find all messages. Returns true if the database supports
// searching all message names, otherwise returns false and leaves output
// unchanged.
bool FindAllMessageNames(std::vector<std::string>* output);
// A DescriptorDatabase into which you can insert files manually.
// FindFileContainingSymbol() is fully-implemented. When you add a file, its
// symbols will be indexed for this purpose. Note that the implementation
// may return false positives, but only if it isn't possible for the symbol
// to be defined in any other file. In particular, if a file defines a symbol
// "Foo", then searching for "Foo.[anything]" will match that file. This way,
// the database does not need to aggressively index all children of a symbol.
// FindFileContainingExtension() is mostly-implemented. It works if and only
// if the original FieldDescriptorProto defining the extension has a
// fully-qualified type name in its "extendee" field (i.e. starts with a '.').
// If the extendee is a relative name, SimpleDescriptorDatabase will not
// attempt to resolve the type, so it will not know what type the extension is
// extending. Therefore, calling FindFileContainingExtension() with the
// extension's containing type will never actually find that extension. Note
// that this is an unlikely problem, as all FileDescriptorProtos created by the
// protocol compiler (as well as ones created by calling
// FileDescriptor::CopyTo()) will always use fully-qualified names for all
// types. You only need to worry if you are constructing FileDescriptorProtos
// yourself, or are calling compiler::Parser directly.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT SimpleDescriptorDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
SimpleDescriptorDatabase(const SimpleDescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
SimpleDescriptorDatabase& operator=(const SimpleDescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
~SimpleDescriptorDatabase() override;
// Adds the FileDescriptorProto to the database, making a copy. The object
// can be deleted after Add() returns. Returns false if the file conflicted
// with a file already in the database, in which case an error will have
// been written to ABSL_LOG(ERROR).
bool Add(const FileDescriptorProto& file);
// Adds the FileDescriptorProto to the database and takes ownership of it.
bool AddAndOwn(const FileDescriptorProto* file);
// Adds the FileDescriptorProto to the database and not take ownership of it.
// The owner must ensure file outlives the SimpleDescriptorDatabase.
bool AddUnowned(const FileDescriptorProto* file);
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const std::string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const std::string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(const std::string& extendee_type,
std::vector<int>* output) override;
bool FindAllFileNames(std::vector<std::string>* output) override;
// An index mapping file names, symbol names, and extension numbers to
// some sort of values.
template <typename Value>
class DescriptorIndex {
// Helpers to recursively add particular descriptors and all their contents
// to the index.
bool AddFile(const FileDescriptorProto& file, Value value);
bool AddSymbol(absl::string_view name, Value value);
bool AddNestedExtensions(const std::string& filename,
const DescriptorProto& message_type, Value value);
bool AddExtension(const std::string& filename,
const FieldDescriptorProto& field, Value value);
Value FindFile(const std::string& filename);
Value FindSymbol(const std::string& name);
Value FindExtension(const std::string& containing_type, int field_number);
bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(const std::string& containing_type,
std::vector<int>* output);
void FindAllFileNames(std::vector<std::string>* output);
absl::btree_map<std::string, Value> by_name_;
absl::btree_map<std::string, Value> by_symbol_;
absl::btree_map<std::pair<std::string, int>, Value> by_extension_;
// Invariant: The by_symbol_ map does not contain any symbols which are
// prefixes of other symbols in the map. For example, "" is a
// prefix of "" (but is not a prefix of "foo.barbaz").
// This invariant is important because it means that given a symbol name,
// we can find a key in the map which is a prefix of the symbol in O(lg n)
// time, and we know that there is at most one such key.
// The prefix lookup algorithm works like so:
// 1) Find the last key in the map which is less than or equal to the
// search key.
// 2) If the found key is a prefix of the search key, then return it.
// Otherwise, there is no match.
// I am sure this algorithm has been described elsewhere, but since I
// wasn't able to find it quickly I will instead prove that it works
// myself. The key to the algorithm is that if a match exists, step (1)
// will find it. Proof:
// 1) Define the "search key" to be the key we are looking for, the "found
// key" to be the key found in step (1), and the "match key" to be the
// key which actually matches the search key (i.e. the key we're trying
// to find).
// 2) The found key must be less than or equal to the search key by
// definition.
// 3) The match key must also be less than or equal to the search key
// (because it is a prefix).
// 4) The match key cannot be greater than the found key, because if it
// were, then step (1) of the algorithm would have returned the match
// key instead (since it finds the *greatest* key which is less than or
// equal to the search key).
// 5) Therefore, the found key must be between the match key and the search
// key, inclusive.
// 6) Since the search key must be a sub-symbol of the match key, if it is
// not equal to the match key, then search_key[match_key.size()] must
// be '.'.
// 7) Since '.' sorts before any other character that is valid in a symbol
// name, then if the found key is not equal to the match key, then
// found_key[match_key.size()] must also be '.', because any other value
// would make it sort after the search key.
// 8) Therefore, if the found key is not equal to the match key, then the
// found key must be a sub-symbol of the match key. However, this would
// contradict our map invariant which says that no symbol in the map is
// a sub-symbol of any other.
// 9) Therefore, the found key must match the match key.
// The above proof assumes the match key exists. In the case that the
// match key does not exist, then step (1) will return some other symbol.
// That symbol cannot be a super-symbol of the search key since if it were,
// then it would be a match, and we're assuming the match key doesn't exist.
// Therefore, step 2 will correctly return no match.
DescriptorIndex<const FileDescriptorProto*> index_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const FileDescriptorProto>> files_to_delete_;
// If file is non-nullptr, copy it into *output and return true, otherwise
// return false.
bool MaybeCopy(const FileDescriptorProto* file, FileDescriptorProto* output);
// Very similar to SimpleDescriptorDatabase, but stores all the descriptors
// as raw bytes and generally tries to use as little memory as possible.
// The same caveats regarding FindFileContainingExtension() apply as with
// SimpleDescriptorDatabase.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT EncodedDescriptorDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
EncodedDescriptorDatabase(const EncodedDescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
EncodedDescriptorDatabase& operator=(const EncodedDescriptorDatabase&) =
~EncodedDescriptorDatabase() override;
// Adds the FileDescriptorProto to the database. The descriptor is provided
// in encoded form. The database does not make a copy of the bytes, nor
// does it take ownership; it's up to the caller to make sure the bytes
// remain valid for the life of the database. Returns false and logs an error
// if the bytes are not a valid FileDescriptorProto or if the file conflicted
// with a file already in the database.
bool Add(const void* encoded_file_descriptor, int size);
// Like Add(), but makes a copy of the data, so that the caller does not
// need to keep it around.
bool AddCopy(const void* encoded_file_descriptor, int size);
// Like FindFileContainingSymbol but returns only the name of the file.
bool FindNameOfFileContainingSymbol(const std::string& symbol_name,
std::string* output);
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const std::string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const std::string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(const std::string& extendee_type,
std::vector<int>* output) override;
bool FindAllFileNames(std::vector<std::string>* output) override;
class DescriptorIndex;
// Keep DescriptorIndex by pointer to hide the implementation to keep a
// cleaner header.
std::unique_ptr<DescriptorIndex> index_;
std::vector<void*> files_to_delete_;
// If encoded_file.first is non-nullptr, parse the data into *output and
// return true, otherwise return false.
bool MaybeParse(std::pair<const void*, int> encoded_file,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
// A DescriptorDatabase that fetches files from a given pool.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT DescriptorPoolDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
explicit DescriptorPoolDatabase(const DescriptorPool& pool);
DescriptorPoolDatabase(const DescriptorPoolDatabase&) = delete;
DescriptorPoolDatabase& operator=(const DescriptorPoolDatabase&) = delete;
~DescriptorPoolDatabase() override;
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const std::string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const std::string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(const std::string& extendee_type,
std::vector<int>* output) override;
const DescriptorPool& pool_;
// A DescriptorDatabase that wraps two or more others. It first searches the
// first database and, if that fails, tries the second, and so on.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT MergedDescriptorDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
// Merge just two databases. The sources remain property of the caller.
MergedDescriptorDatabase(DescriptorDatabase* source1,
DescriptorDatabase* source2);
// Merge more than two databases. The sources remain property of the caller.
// The vector may be deleted after the constructor returns but the
// DescriptorDatabases need to stick around.
explicit MergedDescriptorDatabase(
const std::vector<DescriptorDatabase*>& sources);
MergedDescriptorDatabase(const MergedDescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
MergedDescriptorDatabase& operator=(const MergedDescriptorDatabase&) = delete;
~MergedDescriptorDatabase() override;
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const std::string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const std::string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const std::string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) override;
// Merges the results of calling all databases. Returns true iff any
// of the databases returned true.
bool FindAllExtensionNumbers(const std::string& extendee_type,
std::vector<int>* output) override;
// This function is best-effort. Returns true if at least one underlying
// DescriptorDatabase returns true.
bool FindAllFileNames(std::vector<std::string>* output) override;
std::vector<DescriptorDatabase*> sources_;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"