blob: adfc3b6a2a9237a96879c07d63ae46e6a4fc0063 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <cstddef>
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
// A default/no-op implementation of message hooks.
// See go/statically-dispatched-message-hooks for details.
template <typename Proto>
struct NoOpAccessListener {
// Number of fields are provided at compile time for the trackers to be able
// to have stack allocated bitmaps for the fields. This is useful for
// performance critical trackers. This is also to avoid cyclic dependencies
// if the number of fields is needed.
static constexpr int kFields = Proto::_kInternalFieldNumber;
// Default constructor is called during the static global initialization of
// the program.
// We provide a pointer to extract the name of the proto not to get cyclic
// dependencies on GetDescriptor() and OnGetMetadata() calls. If you want
// to differentiate the protos during the runtime before the start of the
// program, use this functor to get its name. We either way need it for
// LITE_RUNTIME protos as they don't have descriptors at all.
explicit NoOpAccessListener(absl::string_view (* /*name_extractor*/)()) {}
// called repeatedly during serialization/deserialization/ByteSize of
// Reflection as:
// AccessListener<MessageT>::OnSerialize(this);
static void OnSerialize(const MessageLite* /*msg*/) {}
static void OnDeserialize(const MessageLite* /*msg*/) {}
static void OnByteSize(const MessageLite* /*msg*/) {}
static void OnMergeFrom(const MessageLite* /*to*/,
const MessageLite* /*from*/) {}
// NOTE: This function can be called pre-main. Make sure it does not make
// the state of the listener invalid.
static void OnGetMetadata() {}
// called from accessors as:
// AccessListener<MessageT>::On$operation(this, &field_storage_);
// If you need to override this with type, in your hook implementation
// introduce
// template <int kFieldNum, typename T>
// static void On$operation(const MessageLite* msg,
// const T* field) {}
// And overloads for std::nullptr_t for incomplete types such as Messages,
// Maps. Extract them using reflection if you need. Consequently, second
// argument can be null pointer.
// For an example, see proto_hooks/testing/memory_test_field_listener.h
// And argument template deduction will deduce the type itself without
// changing the generated code.
// add_<field>(f)
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnAdd(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// add_<field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnAddMutable(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// <field>() and <repeated_field>(i)
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnGet(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// clear_<field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnClear(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// has_<field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnHas(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// <repeated_field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnList(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// mutable_<field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnMutable(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// mutable_<repeated_field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnMutableList(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {
// release_<field>()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnRelease(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// set_<field>() and set_<repeated_field>(i)
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnSet(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// <repeated_field>_size()
template <int kFieldNum>
static void OnSize(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
// unknown_fields()
static void OnUnknownFields(const MessageLite* /*msg*/) {}
// mutable_unknown_fields()
static void OnMutableUnknownFields(const MessageLite* /*msg*/) {}
static void OnHasExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
// TODO: Support clear in the proto compiler.
static void OnClearExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/,
int /*extension_tag*/, const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnExtensionSize(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnGetExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnMutableExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/,
int /*extension_tag*/, const void* /*field*/) {
static void OnSetExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnReleaseExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/,
int /*extension_tag*/, const void* /*field*/) {
static void OnAddExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnAddMutableExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/,
int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnListExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/, int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
static void OnMutableListExtension(const MessageLite* /*msg*/,
int /*extension_tag*/,
const void* /*field*/) {}
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
template <class T>
using AccessListener = NoOpAccessListener<T>;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
// You can put your implementations of hooks/listeners here.
// All hooks are subject to approval by protobuf-team@.