blob: 7cea41f9600da716280a250ec138260939d24b32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This file contains declarations needed in generated headers for messages
// that use tail-call table parsing. Everything in this file is for internal
// use only.
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
#include "google/protobuf/parse_context.h"
// Must come last:
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
// Additional information about this field:
struct TcFieldData {
constexpr TcFieldData() : data(0) {}
explicit constexpr TcFieldData(uint64_t data) : data(data) {}
// Fast table entry constructor:
constexpr TcFieldData(uint16_t coded_tag, uint8_t hasbit_idx, uint8_t aux_idx,
uint16_t offset)
: data(uint64_t{offset} << 48 | //
uint64_t{aux_idx} << 24 | //
uint64_t{hasbit_idx} << 16 | //
uint64_t{coded_tag}) {}
// Constructor to create an explicit 'uninitialized' instance.
// This constructor can be used to pass an uninitialized `data` value to a
// table driven parser function that does not use `data`. The purpose of this
// is that it allows the compiler to reallocate and re-purpose the register
// that is currently holding its value for other data. This reduces register
// allocations inside the highly optimized varint parsing functions.
// Applications not using `data` use the `PROTOBUF_TC_PARAM_NO_DATA_DECL`
// macro to declare the standard input arguments with no name for the `data`
// argument. Callers then use the `PROTOBUF_TC_PARAM_NO_DATA_PASS` macro.
// Example:
// if (ptr == nullptr) {
// }
struct DefaultInit {};
TcFieldData(DefaultInit) {} // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
// Fields used in fast table parsing:
// Bit:
// +-----------+-------------------+
// |63 .. 32|31 .. 0|
// +---------------+---------------+
// : . : . : . 16|=======| [16] coded_tag()
// : . : . : 24|===| . : [ 8] hasbit_idx()
// : . : . 32|===| : . : [ 8] aux_idx()
// : . 48:---.---: . : . : [16] (unused)
// |=======| . : . : . : [16] offset()
// +-----------+-------------------+
// |63 .. 32|31 .. 0|
// +---------------+---------------+
template <typename TagType = uint16_t>
TagType coded_tag() const {
return static_cast<TagType>(data);
uint8_t hasbit_idx() const { return static_cast<uint8_t>(data >> 16); }
uint8_t aux_idx() const { return static_cast<uint8_t>(data >> 24); }
uint16_t offset() const { return static_cast<uint16_t>(data >> 48); }
// Constructor for special entries that do not represent a field.
// - End group: `nonfield_info` is the decoded tag.
constexpr TcFieldData(uint16_t coded_tag, uint16_t nonfield_info)
: data(uint64_t{nonfield_info} << 16 | //
uint64_t{coded_tag}) {}
// Fields used in non-field entries
// Bit:
// +-----------+-------------------+
// |63 .. 32|31 .. 0|
// +---------------+---------------+
// : . : . : . 16|=======| [16] coded_tag()
// : . : . 32|=======| . : [16] decoded_tag()
// :---.---:---.---: . : . : [32] (unused)
// +-----------+-------------------+
// |63 .. 32|31 .. 0|
// +---------------+---------------+
uint16_t decoded_tag() const { return static_cast<uint16_t>(data >> 16); }
// Fields used in mini table parsing:
// Bit:
// +-----------+-------------------+
// |63 .. 32|31 .. 0|
// +---------------+---------------+
// : . : . |===============| [32] tag() (decoded)
// |===============| . : . : [32] entry_offset()
// +-----------+-------------------+
// |63 .. 32|31 .. 0|
// +---------------+---------------+
uint32_t tag() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(data); }
uint32_t entry_offset() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(data >> 32); }
union {
uint64_t data;
struct TcParseTableBase;
// TailCallParseFunc is the function pointer type used in the tailcall table.
typedef const char* (*TailCallParseFunc)(PROTOBUF_TC_PARAM_DECL);
namespace field_layout {
struct Offset {
uint32_t off;
} // namespace field_layout
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_WIN64)
#pragma warning(push)
// TcParseTableBase is intentionally overaligned on 32 bit targets.
#pragma warning(disable : 4324)
struct FieldAuxDefaultMessage {};
struct FieldAuxEnumData {};
// Small type card used by mini parse to handle map entries.
// Map key/values are very limited, so we can encode the whole thing in a single
// byte.
class MapTypeCard {
enum CppType { kBool, k32, k64, kString, kMessage };
MapTypeCard() = default;
constexpr MapTypeCard(WireFormatLite::WireType wiretype, CppType cpp_type,
bool is_zigzag_utf8, bool is_signed)
: data_(static_cast<uint8_t>((static_cast<uint8_t>(wiretype) << 0) |
(static_cast<uint8_t>(cpp_type) << 3) |
(static_cast<uint8_t>(is_zigzag_utf8) << 6) |
(static_cast<uint8_t>(is_signed) << 7))) {}
WireFormatLite::WireType wiretype() const {
return static_cast<WireFormatLite::WireType>((data_ >> 0) & 0x7);
CppType cpp_type() const { return static_cast<CppType>((data_ >> 3) & 0x7); }
bool is_signed() const {
ABSL_DCHECK(cpp_type() == CppType::k32 || cpp_type() == CppType::k64);
return static_cast<bool>(data_ >> 7);
bool is_zigzag() const {
ABSL_DCHECK(wiretype() == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT);
ABSL_DCHECK(cpp_type() == CppType::k32 || cpp_type() == CppType::k64);
return is_zigzag_utf8();
bool is_utf8() const {
ABSL_DCHECK(cpp_type() == CppType::kString);
return is_zigzag_utf8();
bool is_zigzag_utf8() const { return static_cast<bool>((data_ >> 6) & 0x1); }
uint8_t data_;
static_assert(sizeof(MapTypeCard) == sizeof(uint8_t), "");
// Make the map entry type card for a specified field type.
constexpr MapTypeCard MakeMapTypeCard(WireFormatLite::FieldType type) {
switch (type) {
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED32, MapTypeCard::k32, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED32, MapTypeCard::k32, false, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED32, MapTypeCard::k32, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED64, MapTypeCard::k64, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED64, MapTypeCard::k64, false, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED64, MapTypeCard::k64, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::kBool, false,
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_ENUM:
// Enum validation is handled via `value_is_validated_enum` below.
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k32, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k32, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k32, false, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT64:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k64, false, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k64, false, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k32, true, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT64:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT, MapTypeCard::k64, true, true};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_STRING:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, MapTypeCard::kString,
true, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_BYTES:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, MapTypeCard::kString,
false, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_MESSAGE:
return {WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, MapTypeCard::kMessage,
false, false};
case WireFormatLite::TYPE_GROUP:
enum class MapNodeSizeInfoT : uint32_t;
// Aux entry for map fields.
struct MapAuxInfo {
MapTypeCard key_type_card;
MapTypeCard value_type_card;
// When off, we fall back to table->fallback to handle the parse. An example
// of this is for DynamicMessage.
uint8_t is_supported : 1;
// Determines if we are using LITE or the full runtime. When using the full
// runtime we have to synchronize with reflection before accessing the map.
uint8_t use_lite : 1;
// If true UTF8 errors cause the parsing to fail.
uint8_t fail_on_utf8_failure : 1;
// If true UTF8 errors are logged, but they are accepted.
uint8_t log_debug_utf8_failure : 1;
// If true the next aux contains the enum validator.
uint8_t value_is_validated_enum : 1;
// Size information derived from the actual node type.
MapNodeSizeInfoT node_size_info;
static_assert(sizeof(MapAuxInfo) <= 8, "");
// Base class for message-level table with info for the tail-call parser.
struct alignas(uint64_t) TcParseTableBase {
// Common attributes for message layout:
uint16_t has_bits_offset;
uint16_t extension_offset;
uint32_t max_field_number;
uint8_t fast_idx_mask;
// Testing one bit is cheaper than testing whether post_loop_handler is null,
// and we expect it to be null most of the time so no reason to load the
// pointer.
uint8_t has_post_loop_handler : 1;
uint16_t lookup_table_offset;
uint32_t skipmap32;
uint32_t field_entries_offset;
uint16_t num_field_entries;
uint16_t num_aux_entries;
uint32_t aux_offset;
const MessageLite* default_instance;
using PostLoopHandler = const char* (*)(MessageLite* msg, const char* ptr,
ParseContext* ctx);
PostLoopHandler post_loop_handler;
// Handler for fields which are not handled by table dispatch.
TailCallParseFunc fallback;
// A sub message's table to be prefetched.
const TcParseTableBase* to_prefetch;
// This constructor exactly follows the field layout, so it's technically
// not necessary. However, it makes it much much easier to add or re-arrange
// fields, because it can be overloaded with an additional constructor,
// temporarily allowing both old and new protocol buffer headers to be
// compiled.
constexpr TcParseTableBase(uint16_t has_bits_offset,
uint16_t extension_offset,
uint32_t max_field_number, uint8_t fast_idx_mask,
uint16_t lookup_table_offset, uint32_t skipmap32,
uint32_t field_entries_offset,
uint16_t num_field_entries,
uint16_t num_aux_entries, uint32_t aux_offset,
const MessageLite* default_instance,
PostLoopHandler post_loop_handler,
TailCallParseFunc fallback
const TcParseTableBase* to_prefetch
: has_bits_offset(has_bits_offset),
has_post_loop_handler(post_loop_handler != nullptr),
// Table entry for fast-path tailcall dispatch handling.
struct FastFieldEntry {
// Target function for dispatch:
mutable std::atomic<TailCallParseFunc> target_atomic;
// Field data used during parse:
TcFieldData bits;
// Default initializes this instance with undefined values.
FastFieldEntry() = default;
// Constant initializes this instance
constexpr FastFieldEntry(TailCallParseFunc func, TcFieldData bits)
: target_atomic(func), bits(bits) {}
// FastFieldEntry is copy-able and assignable, which is intended
// mainly for testing and debugging purposes.
FastFieldEntry(const FastFieldEntry& rhs) noexcept
: FastFieldEntry(, rhs.bits) {}
FastFieldEntry& operator=(const FastFieldEntry& rhs) noexcept {
bits = rhs.bits;
return *this;
// Protocol buffer code should use these relaxed accessors.
TailCallParseFunc target() const {
return target_atomic.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
void SetTarget(TailCallParseFunc func) const {
return, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// There is always at least one table entry.
const FastFieldEntry* fast_entry(size_t idx) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const FastFieldEntry*>(this + 1) + idx;
FastFieldEntry* fast_entry(size_t idx) {
return reinterpret_cast<FastFieldEntry*>(this + 1) + idx;
// Returns a begin iterator (pointer) to the start of the field lookup table.
const uint16_t* field_lookup_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
uint16_t* field_lookup_begin() {
return reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
// Field entry for all fields.
struct FieldEntry {
uint32_t offset; // offset in the message object
int32_t has_idx; // has-bit index, relative to the message object
uint16_t aux_idx; // index for `field_aux`.
uint16_t type_card; // `FieldType` and `Cardinality` (see _impl.h)
static constexpr uint16_t kNoAuxIdx = 0xFFFF;
// Returns a begin iterator (pointer) to the start of the field entries array.
const FieldEntry* field_entries_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const FieldEntry*>(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + field_entries_offset);
absl::Span<const FieldEntry> field_entries() const {
return {field_entries_begin(), num_field_entries};
FieldEntry* field_entries_begin() {
return reinterpret_cast<FieldEntry*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
// Auxiliary entries for field types that need extra information.
union FieldAux {
constexpr FieldAux() : message_default_p(nullptr) {}
constexpr FieldAux(FieldAuxEnumData, const uint32_t* enum_data)
: enum_data(enum_data) {}
constexpr FieldAux(field_layout::Offset off) : offset( {}
constexpr FieldAux(int16_t range_start, uint16_t range_length)
: enum_range{range_start, range_length} {}
constexpr FieldAux(const MessageLite* msg) : message_default_p(msg) {}
constexpr FieldAux(FieldAuxDefaultMessage, const void* msg)
: message_default_p(msg) {}
constexpr FieldAux(const TcParseTableBase* table) : table(table) {}
constexpr FieldAux(MapAuxInfo map_info) : map_info(map_info) {}
constexpr FieldAux(void (*create_in_arena)(Arena*, void*))
: create_in_arena(create_in_arena) {}
constexpr FieldAux(LazyEagerVerifyFnType verify_func)
: verify_func(verify_func) {}
struct {
int16_t start; // minimum enum number (if it fits)
uint16_t length; // length of range (i.e., max = start + length - 1)
} enum_range;
uint32_t offset;
const void* message_default_p;
const uint32_t* enum_data;
const TcParseTableBase* table;
MapAuxInfo map_info;
void (*create_in_arena)(Arena*, void*);
LazyEagerVerifyFnType verify_func;
const MessageLite* message_default() const {
return static_cast<const MessageLite*>(message_default_p);
const MessageLite* message_default_weak() const {
return *static_cast<const MessageLite* const*>(message_default_p);
const FieldAux* field_aux(uint32_t idx) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const FieldAux*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
aux_offset) +
FieldAux* field_aux(uint32_t idx) {
return reinterpret_cast<FieldAux*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
aux_offset) +
const FieldAux* field_aux(const FieldEntry* entry) const {
return field_aux(entry->aux_idx);
// Field name data
const char* name_data() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
aux_offset +
num_aux_entries * sizeof(FieldAux));
char* name_data() {
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) +
aux_offset +
num_aux_entries * sizeof(FieldAux));
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_WIN64)
#pragma warning(pop)
static_assert(sizeof(TcParseTableBase::FastFieldEntry) <= 16,
"Fast field entry is too big.");
static_assert(sizeof(TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry) <= 16,
"Field entry is too big.");
template <size_t kFastTableSizeLog2, size_t kNumFieldEntries = 0,
size_t kNumFieldAux = 0, size_t kNameTableSize = 0,
size_t kFieldLookupSize = 2>
struct TcParseTable {
TcParseTableBase header;
// Entries for each field.
// Fields are indexed by the lowest bits of their field number. The field
// number is masked to fit inside the table. Note that the parsing logic
// generally calls `TailCallParseTableBase::fast_entry()` instead of accessing
// this field directly.
std::array<TcParseTableBase::FastFieldEntry, (1 << kFastTableSizeLog2)>
// Just big enough to find all the field entries.
std::array<uint16_t, kFieldLookupSize> field_lookup_table;
// Entries for all fields:
std::array<TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry, kNumFieldEntries> field_entries;
std::array<TcParseTableBase::FieldAux, kNumFieldAux> aux_entries;
std::array<char, kNameTableSize == 0 ? 1 : kNameTableSize> field_names;
// Partial specialization: if there are no aux entries, there will be no array.
// In C++, arrays cannot have length 0, but (C++11) std::array<T, 0> is valid.
// However, different implementations have different sizeof(std::array<T, 0>).
// Skipping the member makes offset computations portable.
template <size_t kFastTableSizeLog2, size_t kNumFieldEntries,
size_t kNameTableSize, size_t kFieldLookupSize>
struct TcParseTable<kFastTableSizeLog2, kNumFieldEntries, 0, kNameTableSize,
kFieldLookupSize> {
TcParseTableBase header;
std::array<TcParseTableBase::FastFieldEntry, (1 << kFastTableSizeLog2)>
std::array<uint16_t, kFieldLookupSize> field_lookup_table;
std::array<TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry, kNumFieldEntries> field_entries;
std::array<char, kNameTableSize == 0 ? 1 : kNameTableSize> field_names;
// Partial specialization: if there are no fields at all, then we can save space
// by skipping the field numbers and entries.
template <size_t kNameTableSize, size_t kFieldLookupSize>
struct TcParseTable<0, 0, 0, kNameTableSize, kFieldLookupSize> {
TcParseTableBase header;
// N.B.: the fast entries are sized by log2, so 2**0 fields = 1 entry.
// The fast parsing loop will always use this entry, so it must be present.
std::array<TcParseTableBase::FastFieldEntry, 1> fast_entries;
std::array<uint16_t, kFieldLookupSize> field_lookup_table;
std::array<char, kNameTableSize == 0 ? 1 : kNameTableSize> field_names;
"TcParseTable must be standard layout.");
static_assert(offsetof(TcParseTable<1>, fast_entries) ==
"Table entries must be laid out after TcParseTableBase.");
template <typename T, const char* (*func)(T*, const char*, ParseContext*)>
const char* StubParseImpl(PROTOBUF_TC_PARAM_DECL) {
return func(static_cast<T*>(msg), ptr, ctx);
template <typename T, const char* (*func)(T*, const char*, ParseContext*)>
constexpr TcParseTable<0> CreateStubTcParseTable(
const MessageLite* default_instance,
TcParseTableBase::PostLoopHandler post_loop_handler = nullptr) {
return {
0, // has_bits_offset
0, // extension_offset
0, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask
0, // lookup_table_offset
0, // skipmap32
0, // field_entries_offset
0, // num_field_entries
0, // num_aux_entries
0, // aux_offset
default_instance, //
post_loop_handler, //
nullptr, // fallback
nullptr, // to_prefetch
{{{StubParseImpl<T, func>, {}}}},
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"