blob: 577c6f50cb0f4bd69d619cbab8beba2e60d24d1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_gen.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/fixed_array.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/numeric/bits.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_decl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_impl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/wire_format.h"
// Must come last:
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
namespace {
bool TreatEnumAsInt(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return cpp::HasPreservingUnknownEnumSemantics(field) ||
// For legacy reasons, MapEntry mapped_type enum fields are handled as
// open always. The validation happens elsewhere.
(field->enum_type() != nullptr &&
field->containing_type() != nullptr &&
field->containing_type()->map_value() == field);
bool SetEnumValidationRange(int start_value, int64_t size_value, int16_t& start,
uint16_t& size) {
if (static_cast<int16_t>(start_value) != start_value) {
return false;
if (static_cast<uint16_t>(size_value) != size_value) {
return false;
start = start_value;
size = size_value;
return true;
bool GetEnumValidationRangeSlow(const EnumDescriptor* enum_type, int16_t& start,
uint16_t& size) {
const auto val = [&](int index) { return enum_type->value(index)->number(); };
int min = val(0);
int max = min;
for (int i = 1, N = static_cast<int>(enum_type->value_count()); i < N; ++i) {
min = std::min(min, val(i));
max = std::max(max, val(i));
// int64 because max-min can overflow int.
int64_t range = static_cast<int64_t>(max) - static_cast<int64_t>(min) + 1;
if (enum_type->value_count() < range) {
// There are not enough values to fill the range. Exit early.
return false;
if (!SetEnumValidationRange(min, range, start, size)) {
// Don't even bother on checking for a dense range if we can't represent the
// min/max in the output.
return false;
absl::FixedArray<uint64_t> array((range + 63) / 64);
int unique_count = 0;
for (int i = 0, N = static_cast<int>(enum_type->value_count()); i < N; ++i) {
size_t index = val(i) - min;
uint64_t& v = array[index / 64];
size_t bit_pos = index % 64;
unique_count += (v & (uint64_t{1} << bit_pos)) == 0;
v |= uint64_t{1} << bit_pos;
return unique_count == range;
bool GetEnumValidationRange(const EnumDescriptor* enum_type, int16_t& start,
uint16_t& size) {
if (!IsEnumFullySequential(enum_type)) {
// Maybe the labels are not sequential in declaration order, but the values
// could still be a dense range. Try the slower approach.
return GetEnumValidationRangeSlow(enum_type, start, size);
return SetEnumValidationRange(enum_type->value(0)->number(),
enum_type->value_count(), start, size);
enum class EnumRangeInfo {
kNone, // No contiguous range
kContiguous, // Has a contiguous range
kContiguous0, // Has a small contiguous range starting at 0
kContiguous1, // Has a small contiguous range starting at 1
// Returns enum validation range info, and sets `rmax_value` iff
// the returned range is a small range. `rmax_value` is guaranteed
// to remain unchanged if the enum range is not small.
EnumRangeInfo GetEnumRangeInfo(const FieldDescriptor* field,
uint8_t& rmax_value) {
int16_t start;
uint16_t size;
if (!GetEnumValidationRange(field->enum_type(), start, size)) {
return EnumRangeInfo::kNone;
int max_value = start + size - 1;
if (max_value <= 127 && (start == 0 || start == 1)) {
rmax_value = static_cast<uint8_t>(max_value);
return start == 0 ? EnumRangeInfo::kContiguous0
: EnumRangeInfo::kContiguous1;
return EnumRangeInfo::kContiguous;
// options.lazy_opt might be on for fields that don't really support lazy, so we
// make sure we only use lazy rep for singular TYPE_MESSAGE fields.
// We can't trust the `lazy=true` annotation.
bool HasLazyRep(const FieldDescriptor* field,
const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions& options) {
return field->type() == field->TYPE_MESSAGE && !field->is_repeated() &&
options.lazy_opt != 0;
TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo::Field MakeFastFieldEntry(
const TailCallTableInfo::FieldEntryInfo& entry,
const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions& options,
const TailCallTableInfo::MessageOptions& message_options) {
TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo::Field info{};
(field->number() < 16 ? TcParseFunction::fn##1 : TcParseFunction::fn##2)
(field->is_repeated() ? PROTOBUF_PICK_FUNCTION(fn##R) \
(field->is_packed() ? PROTOBUF_PICK_FUNCTION(fn##P) \
: field->is_repeated() ? PROTOBUF_PICK_FUNCTION(fn##R) \
(field->options().ctype() == FieldOptions::CORD \
: options.is_string_inlined ? PROTOBUF_PICK_FUNCTION(fn##iS) \
const FieldDescriptor* field = entry.field;
info.aux_idx = static_cast<uint8_t>(entry.aux_idx);
if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ||
field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING) {
if (options.is_string_inlined) {
info.aux_idx = static_cast<uint8_t>(entry.inlined_string_idx);
TcParseFunction picked = TcParseFunction::kNone;
switch (field->type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
if (TreatEnumAsInt(field)) {
} else {
switch (GetEnumRangeInfo(field, info.aux_idx)) {
case EnumRangeInfo::kNone:
case EnumRangeInfo::kContiguous:
case EnumRangeInfo::kContiguous0:
case EnumRangeInfo::kContiguous1:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
switch (entry.utf8_check_mode) {
case cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kStrict:
case cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kVerify:
case cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kNone:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE:
picked =
(HasLazyRep(field, options) ? PROTOBUF_PICK_SINGLE_FUNCTION(kFastMl)
: options.use_direct_tcparser_table
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP:
picked = (options.use_direct_tcparser_table
ABSL_CHECK(picked != TcParseFunction::kNone);
info.func = picked;
info.presence_probability = options.presence_probability;
return info;
bool IsFieldEligibleForFastParsing(
const TailCallTableInfo::FieldEntryInfo& entry,
const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions& options,
const TailCallTableInfo::MessageOptions& message_options) {
const auto* field = entry.field;
// Map, oneof, weak, and split fields are not handled on the fast path.
if (field->is_map() || field->real_containing_oneof() ||
field->options().weak() || options.is_implicitly_weak ||
options.should_split) {
return false;
if (HasLazyRep(field, options) && !message_options.uses_codegen) {
// Can't use TDP on lazy fields if we can't do codegen.
return false;
if (HasLazyRep(field, options) && options.lazy_opt == field_layout::kTvLazy) {
// We only support eagerly verified lazy fields in the fast path.
return false;
// We will check for a valid auxiliary index range later. However, we might
// want to change the value we check for inlined string fields.
int aux_idx = entry.aux_idx;
switch (field->type()) {
// Some bytes fields can be handled on fast path.
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES:
if (field->options().ctype() == FieldOptions::STRING) {
// strings are fine...
} else if (field->options().ctype() == FieldOptions::CORD) {
// Cords are worth putting into the fast table, if they're not repeated
if (field->is_repeated()) return false;
} else {
return false;
if (options.is_string_inlined) {
// For inlined strings, the donation state index is stored in the
// `aux_idx` field of the fast parsing info. We need to check the range
// of that value instead of the auxiliary index.
aux_idx = entry.inlined_string_idx;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM: {
uint8_t rmax_value;
if (!message_options.uses_codegen &&
GetEnumRangeInfo(field, rmax_value) == EnumRangeInfo::kNone) {
// We can't use fast parsing for these entries because we can't specify
// the validator.
// TODO: Implement a fast parser for these enums.
return false;
// The tailcall parser can only update the first 32 hasbits. Fields with
// has-bits beyond the first 32 are handled by mini parsing/fallback.
if (entry.hasbit_idx >= 32) return false;
// If the field needs auxiliary data, then the aux index is needed. This
// must fit in a uint8_t.
if (aux_idx > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
return false;
// The largest tag that can be read by the tailcall parser is two bytes
// when varint-coded. This allows 14 bits for the numeric tag value:
// byte 0 byte 1
// 1nnnnttt 0nnnnnnn
// ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
if (field->number() >= 1 << 11) return false;
return true;
absl::optional<uint32_t> GetEndGroupTag(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
auto* parent = descriptor->containing_type();
if (parent == nullptr) return absl::nullopt;
for (int i = 0; i < parent->field_count(); ++i) {
auto* field = parent->field(i);
if (field->type() == field->TYPE_GROUP &&
field->message_type() == descriptor) {
return WireFormatLite::MakeTag(field->number(),
return absl::nullopt;
uint32_t RecodeTagForFastParsing(uint32_t tag) {
// Construct the varint-coded tag. If it is more than 7 bits, we need to
// shift the high bits and add a continue bit.
if (uint32_t hibits = tag & 0xFFFFFF80) {
// hi = tag & ~0x7F
// lo = tag & 0x7F
// This shifts hi to the left by 1 to the next byte and sets the
// continuation bit.
tag = tag + hibits + 128;
return tag;
void PopulateFastFields(
absl::optional<uint32_t> end_group_tag,
const std::vector<TailCallTableInfo::FieldEntryInfo>& field_entries,
const TailCallTableInfo::MessageOptions& message_options,
absl::Span<const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions> fields,
absl::Span<TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo> result,
uint32_t& important_fields) {
const uint32_t idx_mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(result.size() - 1);
const auto tag_to_idx = [&](uint32_t tag) {
// The field index is determined by the low bits of the field number, where
// the table size determines the width of the mask. The largest table
// supported is 32 entries. The parse loop uses these bits directly, so that
// the dispatch does not require arithmetic:
// byte 0 byte 1
// tag: 1nnnnttt 0nnnnnnn
// ^^^^^
// idx (table_size_log2=5)
// This means that any field number that does not fit in the lower 4 bits
// will always have the top bit of its table index asserted.
return (tag >> 3) & idx_mask;
if (end_group_tag.has_value() && (*end_group_tag >> 14) == 0) {
// Fits in 1 or 2 varint bytes.
const uint32_t tag = RecodeTagForFastParsing(*end_group_tag);
const uint32_t fast_idx = tag_to_idx(tag);
TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo& info = result[fast_idx]; = TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo::NonField{
*end_group_tag < 128 ? TcParseFunction::kFastEndG1
: TcParseFunction::kFastEndG2,
important_fields |= uint32_t{1} << fast_idx;
for (int i = 0; i < field_entries.size(); ++i) {
const auto& entry = field_entries[i];
const auto& options = fields[i];
if (!IsFieldEligibleForFastParsing(entry, options, message_options)) {
const auto* field = entry.field;
const uint32_t tag = RecodeTagForFastParsing(WireFormat::MakeTag(field));
const uint32_t fast_idx = tag_to_idx(tag);
TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo& info = result[fast_idx];
if (info.AsNonField() != nullptr) {
// Right now non-field means END_GROUP which is guaranteed to be present.
if (auto* as_field = info.AsField()) {
// This field entry is already filled. Skip if previous entry is more
// likely present.
if (as_field->presence_probability >= options.presence_probability) {
// We reset the entry even if it had a field already.
// Fill in this field's entry:
auto& fast_field =<TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo::Field>(
MakeFastFieldEntry(entry, options, message_options));
fast_field.field = field;
fast_field.coded_tag = tag;
// If this field does not have presence, then it can set an out-of-bounds
// bit (tailcall parsing uses a uint64_t for hasbits, but only stores 32).
fast_field.hasbit_idx = entry.hasbit_idx >= 0 ? entry.hasbit_idx : 63;
// 0.05 was selected based on load tests where 0.1 and 0.01 were also
// evaluated and worse.
constexpr float kMinPresence = 0.05f;
important_fields |= uint32_t{options.presence_probability >= kMinPresence}
<< fast_idx;
std::vector<uint8_t> GenerateFieldNames(
const Descriptor* descriptor,
const absl::Span<const TailCallTableInfo::FieldEntryInfo> entries,
const TailCallTableInfo::MessageOptions& message_options,
absl::Span<const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions> fields) {
static constexpr size_t kMaxNameLength = 255;
size_t field_name_total_size = 0;
const auto for_each_field_name = [&](auto with_name, auto no_name) {
for (const auto& entry : entries) {
// We only need field names for reporting UTF-8 parsing errors, so we only
// emit them for string fields with Utf8 transform specified.
if (entry.utf8_check_mode != cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kNone) {
} else {
for_each_field_name([&](auto name) { field_name_total_size += name.size(); },
[] {});
// No names needed. Omit the whole table.
if (field_name_total_size == 0) {
return {};
const absl::string_view message_name = descriptor->full_name();
uint8_t message_name_size =
static_cast<uint8_t>(std::min(message_name.size(), kMaxNameLength));
size_t total_byte_size =
((/* message */ 1 + /* fields */ entries.size() + /* round up */ 7) &
~7) +
message_name_size + field_name_total_size;
std::vector<uint8_t> out_vec(total_byte_size, uint8_t{0});
uint8_t* out_it =;
// First, we output the size of each string, as an unsigned byte. The first
// string is the message name.
int count = 1;
*out_it++ = message_name_size;
[&](auto name) {
*out_it++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(name.size());
[&] {
// align to an 8-byte boundary
out_it += -count & 7;
const auto append = [&](absl::string_view str) {
if (!str.empty()) {
memcpy(out_it,, str.size());
out_it += str.size();
// The message name is stored at the beginning of the string
if (message_name.size() > kMaxNameLength) {
static constexpr int kNameHalfLength = (kMaxNameLength - 3) / 2;
append(message_name.substr(0, kNameHalfLength));
append(message_name.substr(message_name.size() - kNameHalfLength));
} else {
// Then we output the actual field names
for_each_field_name([&](auto name) { append(name); }, [] {});
return out_vec;
TailCallTableInfo::NumToEntryTable MakeNumToEntryTable(
absl::Span<const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions> ordered_fields) {
TailCallTableInfo::NumToEntryTable num_to_entry_table;
num_to_entry_table.skipmap32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
// skip_entry_block is the current block of SkipEntries that we're
// appending to. cur_block_first_fnum is the number of the first
// field represented by the block.
uint16_t field_entry_index = 0;
uint16_t N = ordered_fields.size();
// First, handle field numbers 1-32, which affect only the initial
// skipmap32 and don't generate additional skip-entry blocks.
for (; field_entry_index != N; ++field_entry_index) {
auto* field_descriptor = ordered_fields[field_entry_index].field;
if (field_descriptor->number() > 32) break;
auto skipmap32_index = field_descriptor->number() - 1;
num_to_entry_table.skipmap32 -= 1 << skipmap32_index;
// If all the field numbers were less than or equal to 32, we will have
// no further entries to process, and we are already done.
if (field_entry_index == N) return num_to_entry_table;
TailCallTableInfo::SkipEntryBlock* block = nullptr;
bool start_new_block = true;
// To determine sparseness, track the field number corresponding to
// the start of the most recent skip entry.
uint32_t last_skip_entry_start = 0;
for (; field_entry_index != N; ++field_entry_index) {
auto* field_descriptor = ordered_fields[field_entry_index].field;
uint32_t fnum = static_cast<uint32_t>(field_descriptor->number());
ABSL_CHECK_GT(fnum, last_skip_entry_start);
if (start_new_block == false) {
// If the next field number is within 15 of the last_skip_entry_start, we
// continue writing just to that entry. If it's between 16 and 31 more,
// then we just extend the current block by one. If it's more than 31
// more, we have to add empty skip entries in order to continue using the
// existing block. Obviously it's just 32 more, it doesn't make sense to
// start a whole new block, since new blocks mean having to write out
// their starting field number, which is 32 bits, as well as the size of
// the additional block, which is 16... while an empty SkipEntry16 only
// costs 32 bits. So if it was 48 more, it's a slight space win; we save
// 16 bits, but probably at the cost of slower run time. We're choosing
// 96 for now.
if (fnum - last_skip_entry_start > 96) start_new_block = true;
if (start_new_block) {
block = &num_to_entry_table.blocks.back();
start_new_block = false;
auto skip_entry_num = (fnum - block->first_fnum) / 16;
auto skip_entry_index = (fnum - block->first_fnum) % 16;
while (skip_entry_num >= block->entries.size())
block->entries.push_back({0xFFFF, field_entry_index});
block->entries[skip_entry_num].skipmap -= 1 << (skip_entry_index);
last_skip_entry_start = fnum - skip_entry_index;
return num_to_entry_table;
uint16_t MakeTypeCardForField(
const FieldDescriptor* field, bool has_hasbit,
const TailCallTableInfo::MessageOptions& message_options,
const TailCallTableInfo::FieldOptions& options,
cpp::Utf8CheckMode utf8_check_mode) {
uint16_t type_card;
namespace fl = internal::field_layout;
if (has_hasbit) {
type_card = fl::kFcOptional;
} else if (field->is_repeated()) {
type_card = fl::kFcRepeated;
} else if (field->real_containing_oneof()) {
type_card = fl::kFcOneof;
} else {
type_card = fl::kFcSingular;
// The rest of the type uses convenience aliases:
switch (field->type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedDouble
: fl::kDouble;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed() ? fl::kPackedFloat
: fl::kFloat;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedFixed32
: fl::kFixed32;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedSFixed32
: fl::kSFixed32;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedFixed64
: fl::kFixed64;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedSFixed64
: fl::kSFixed64;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed() ? fl::kPackedBool
: fl::kBool;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
if (TreatEnumAsInt(field)) {
// No validation is required.
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedOpenEnum
: fl::kOpenEnum;
} else {
int16_t start;
uint16_t size;
if (GetEnumValidationRange(field->enum_type(), start, size)) {
// Validation is done by range check (start/length in FieldAux).
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedEnumRange
: fl::kEnumRange;
} else {
// Validation uses the generated _IsValid function.
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedEnum
: fl::kEnum;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedUInt32
: fl::kUInt32;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedSInt32
: fl::kSInt32;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed() ? fl::kPackedInt32
: fl::kInt32;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedUInt64
: fl::kUInt64;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed()
? fl::kPackedSInt64
: fl::kSInt64;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
type_card |= field->is_repeated() && field->is_packed() ? fl::kPackedInt64
: fl::kInt64;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES:
type_card |= fl::kBytes;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING: {
switch (utf8_check_mode) {
case cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kStrict:
type_card |= fl::kUtf8String;
case cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kVerify:
type_card |= fl::kRawString;
case cpp::Utf8CheckMode::kNone:
type_card |= fl::kBytes;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP:
type_card |= 0 | fl::kMessage | fl::kRepGroup;
if (options.is_implicitly_weak) {
type_card |= fl::kTvWeakPtr;
} else if (options.use_direct_tcparser_table) {
type_card |= fl::kTvTable;
} else {
type_card |= fl::kTvDefault;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE:
if (field->is_map()) {
type_card |= fl::kMap;
} else {
type_card |= fl::kMessage;
if (HasLazyRep(field, options)) {
ABSL_CHECK(options.lazy_opt == field_layout::kTvEager ||
options.lazy_opt == field_layout::kTvLazy);
type_card |= +fl::kRepLazy | options.lazy_opt;
} else {
if (options.is_implicitly_weak) {
type_card |= fl::kTvWeakPtr;
} else if (options.use_direct_tcparser_table) {
type_card |= fl::kTvTable;
} else {
type_card |= fl::kTvDefault;
// Fill in extra information about string and bytes field representations.
if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ||
field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING) {
switch (internal::cpp::EffectiveStringCType(field)) {
case FieldOptions::CORD:
// `Cord` is always used, even for repeated fields.
type_card |= fl::kRepCord;
case FieldOptions::STRING:
if (field->is_repeated()) {
// A repeated string field uses RepeatedPtrField<std::string>
// (unless it has a ctype option; see above).
type_card |= fl::kRepSString;
} else {
// Otherwise, non-repeated string fields use ArenaStringPtr.
type_card |= fl::kRepAString;
if (options.should_split) {
type_card |= fl::kSplitTrue;
return type_card;
bool HasWeakFields(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
if (descriptor->field(i)->options().weak()) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
const Descriptor* descriptor, const MessageOptions& message_options,
absl::Span<const FieldOptions> ordered_fields) {
fallback_function =
// Map entries discard unknown data
? TcParseFunction::kDiscardEverythingFallback
// Reflection and weak messages have the reflection fallback
: !message_options.uses_codegen || HasWeakFields(descriptor)
? TcParseFunction::kReflectionFallback
// Codegen messages have lite and non-lite version
: message_options.is_lite ? TcParseFunction::kGenericFallbackLite
: TcParseFunction::kGenericFallback;
if (descriptor->options().message_set_wire_format()) {
if (message_options.uses_codegen) {
fast_path_fields = {{TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo::NonField{
? TcParseFunction::kMessageSetWireFormatParseLoopLite
: TcParseFunction::kMessageSetWireFormatParseLoop,
0, 0}}};
aux_entries = {{kSelfVerifyFunc}};
} else {
// The message set parser loop only handles codegen because it hardcodes
// the generated extension registry. For reflection, use the reflection
// loop which can handle arbitrary message factories.
fast_path_fields = {{TailCallTableInfo::FastFieldInfo::NonField{
TcParseFunction::kReflectionParseLoop, 0, 0}}};
table_size_log2 = 0;
num_to_entry_table = MakeNumToEntryTable(ordered_fields);
field_name_data = GenerateFieldNames(descriptor, field_entries,
message_options, ordered_fields);
ABSL_DCHECK(std::is_sorted(ordered_fields.begin(), ordered_fields.end(),
[](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) {
return lhs.field->number() < rhs.field->number();
// If this message has any inlined string fields, store the donation state
// offset in the first auxiliary entry, which is kInlinedStringAuxIdx.
if (std::any_of(ordered_fields.begin(), ordered_fields.end(),
[](auto& f) { return f.is_string_inlined; })) {
aux_entries.resize(kInlinedStringAuxIdx + 1); // Allocate our slot
aux_entries[kInlinedStringAuxIdx] = {kInlinedStringDonatedOffset};
// If this message is split, store the split pointer offset in the second
// and third auxiliary entries, which are kSplitOffsetAuxIdx and
// kSplitSizeAuxIdx.
if (std::any_of(ordered_fields.begin(), ordered_fields.end(),
[](auto& f) { return f.should_split; })) {
static_assert(kSplitOffsetAuxIdx + 1 == kSplitSizeAuxIdx, "");
aux_entries.resize(kSplitSizeAuxIdx + 1); // Allocate our 2 slots
aux_entries[kSplitOffsetAuxIdx] = {kSplitOffset};
aux_entries[kSplitSizeAuxIdx] = {kSplitSizeof};
const auto is_non_cold = [](const FieldOptions& options) {
return options.presence_probability >= 0.005;
size_t num_non_cold_subtables = 0;
if (message_options.should_profile_driven_cluster_aux_subtable) {
// We found that clustering non-cold subtables to the top of aux_entries
// achieves the best load tests results than other strategies (e.g.,
// clustering all non-cold entries).
const auto is_non_cold_subtable = [&](const FieldOptions& options) {
auto* field = options.field;
// In the following code where we assign kSubTable to aux entries, only
// the following typed fields are supported.
return (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE ||
field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) &&
!field->is_map() && !field->options().weak() &&
!HasLazyRep(field, options) && !options.is_implicitly_weak &&
options.use_direct_tcparser_table && is_non_cold(options);
for (const FieldOptions& options : ordered_fields) {
if (is_non_cold_subtable(options)) {
size_t subtable_aux_idx_begin = aux_entries.size();
size_t subtable_aux_idx = aux_entries.size();
aux_entries.resize(aux_entries.size() + num_non_cold_subtables);
// Fill in mini table entries.
for (const auto& options : ordered_fields) {
auto* field = options.field;
field_entries.push_back({field, options.has_bit_index});
auto& entry = field_entries.back();
entry.utf8_check_mode =
cpp::GetUtf8CheckMode(field, message_options.is_lite);
entry.type_card =
MakeTypeCardForField(field, entry.hasbit_idx >= 0, message_options,
options, entry.utf8_check_mode);
if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE ||
field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) {
// Message-typed fields have a FieldAux with the default instance pointer.
if (field->is_map()) {
entry.aux_idx = aux_entries.size();
aux_entries.push_back({kMapAuxInfo, {field}});
if (message_options.uses_codegen) {
// If we don't use codegen we can't add these.
auto* map_value = field->message_type()->map_value();
if (auto* sub = map_value->message_type()) {
aux_entries.back().desc = sub;
} else if (map_value->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM &&
!cpp::HasPreservingUnknownEnumSemantics(map_value)) {
aux_entries.push_back({kEnumValidator, {map_value}});
} else if (field->options().weak()) {
// Disable the type card for this entry to force the fallback.
entry.type_card = 0;
} else if (HasLazyRep(field, options)) {
if (message_options.uses_codegen) {
entry.aux_idx = aux_entries.size();
aux_entries.push_back({kSubMessage, {field}});
if (options.lazy_opt == field_layout::kTvEager) {
aux_entries.push_back({kMessageVerifyFunc, {field}});
} else {
} else {
entry.aux_idx = TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry::kNoAuxIdx;
} else {
AuxType type = options.is_implicitly_weak ? kSubMessageWeak
: options.use_direct_tcparser_table ? kSubTable
: kSubMessage;
if (message_options.should_profile_driven_cluster_aux_subtable &&
type == kSubTable && is_non_cold(options)) {
aux_entries[subtable_aux_idx] = {type, {field}};
entry.aux_idx = subtable_aux_idx;
} else {
entry.aux_idx = aux_entries.size();
aux_entries.push_back({type, {field}});
} else if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM &&
!TreatEnumAsInt(field)) {
// Enum fields which preserve unknown values (proto3 behavior) are
// effectively int32 fields with respect to parsing -- i.e., the value
// does not need to be validated at parse time.
// Enum fields which do not preserve unknown values (proto2 behavior) use
// a FieldAux to store validation information. If the enum values are
// sequential (and within a range we can represent), then the FieldAux
// entry represents the range using the minimum value (which must fit in
// an int16_t) and count (a uint16_t). Otherwise, the entry holds a
// pointer to the generated Name_IsValid function.
entry.aux_idx = aux_entries.size();
auto& aux_entry = aux_entries.back();
if (GetEnumValidationRange(field->enum_type(), aux_entry.enum_range.start,
aux_entry.enum_range.size)) {
aux_entry.type = kEnumRange;
} else {
aux_entry.type = kEnumValidator;
aux_entry.field = field;
} else if ((field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING ||
field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES) &&
options.is_string_inlined) {
// Inlined strings have an extra marker to represent their donation state.
int idx = options.inlined_string_index;
// For mini parsing, the donation state index is stored as an `offset`
// auxiliary entry.
entry.aux_idx = aux_entries.size();
aux_entries.back().offset = idx;
// For fast table parsing, the donation state index is stored instead of
// the aux_idx (this will limit the range to 8 bits).
entry.inlined_string_idx = idx;
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(subtable_aux_idx - subtable_aux_idx_begin,
auto end_group_tag = GetEndGroupTag(descriptor);
constexpr size_t kMaxFastFields = 32;
FastFieldInfo fast_fields[kMaxFastFields];
// Bit mask for the fields that are "important". Unimportant fields might be
// set but it's ok if we lose them from the fast table. For example, cold
// fields.
uint32_t important_fields = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(important_fields) * 8 >= kMaxFastFields, "");
// The largest table we allow has the same number of entries as the
// message has fields, rounded up to the next power of 2 (e.g., a message
// with 5 fields can have a fast table of size 8). A larger table *might*
// cover more fields in certain cases, but a larger table in that case
// would have mostly empty entries; so, we cap the size to avoid
// pathologically sparse tables.
// However, if this message uses group encoding, the tables are sometimes very
// sparse because the fields in the group avoid using the same field
// numbering as the parent message (even though currently, the proto
// compiler allows the overlap, and there is no possible conflict.)
// NOTE: The +1 is to maintain the existing behavior that does not match the
// documented one. When the number of fields is exactly a power of two we
// allow double that.
size_t num_fast_fields =
? kMaxFastFields
: std::max(size_t{1},
absl::bit_ceil(ordered_fields.size() + 1)));
end_group_tag, field_entries, message_options, ordered_fields,
absl::MakeSpan(fast_fields, num_fast_fields), important_fields);
// If we can halve the table without dropping important fields, do it.
while (num_fast_fields > 1 &&
(important_fields & (important_fields >> num_fast_fields / 2)) == 0) {
// Half the table by merging fields.
num_fast_fields /= 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fast_fields; ++i) {
if ((important_fields >> i) & 1) continue;
fast_fields[i] = fast_fields[i + num_fast_fields];
important_fields |= important_fields >> num_fast_fields;
fast_path_fields.assign(fast_fields, fast_fields + num_fast_fields);
table_size_log2 = absl::bit_width(num_fast_fields) - 1;
num_to_entry_table = MakeNumToEntryTable(ordered_fields);
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(field_entries.size(), ordered_fields.size());
field_name_data = GenerateFieldNames(descriptor, field_entries,
message_options, ordered_fields);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"