blob: 88330fcf242274552213a9e9bd91aee81ddc2891 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <string>
#include "google/protobuf/arena.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
#include "google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
// This file is logically internal-only and should only be used by protobuf
// generated code.
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
// An implementation of MessageLite that treats all data as unknown. This type
// acts as a placeholder for an implicit weak field in the case where the true
// message type does not get linked into the binary.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT ImplicitWeakMessage : public MessageLite {
ImplicitWeakMessage() : ImplicitWeakMessage(nullptr) {}
explicit constexpr ImplicitWeakMessage(ConstantInitialized)
: data_(nullptr) {}
ImplicitWeakMessage(const ImplicitWeakMessage&) = delete;
ImplicitWeakMessage& operator=(const ImplicitWeakMessage&) = delete;
// Arena enabled constructors: for internal use only.
ImplicitWeakMessage(internal::InternalVisibility, Arena* arena)
: ImplicitWeakMessage(arena) {}
// TODO: make this constructor private
explicit ImplicitWeakMessage(Arena* arena)
: MessageLite(arena), data_(new std::string) {}
~ImplicitWeakMessage() override {
// data_ will be null in the default instance, but we can safely call delete
// here because the default instance will never be destroyed.
delete data_;
static const ImplicitWeakMessage* default_instance();
const ClassData* GetClassData() const final;
MessageLite* New(Arena* arena) const override {
return Arena::Create<ImplicitWeakMessage>(arena);
void Clear() override { data_->clear(); }
size_t ByteSizeLong() const override {
size_t size = data_ == nullptr ? 0 : data_->size();
return size;
uint8_t* _InternalSerialize(uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream) const final {
if (data_ == nullptr) {
return target;
return stream->WriteRaw(data_->data(), static_cast<int>(data_->size()),
typedef void InternalArenaConstructable_;
static const char* ParseImpl(ImplicitWeakMessage* msg, const char* ptr,
ParseContext* ctx);
static void MergeImpl(MessageLite&, const MessageLite&);
// This std::string is allocated on the heap, but we use a raw pointer so that
// the default instance can be constant-initialized. In the const methods, we
// have to handle the possibility of data_ being null.
std::string* data_;
mutable google::protobuf::internal::CachedSize cached_size_{};
struct ImplicitWeakMessageDefaultType;
extern ImplicitWeakMessageDefaultType implicit_weak_message_default_instance;
// A type handler for use with implicit weak repeated message fields.
template <typename ImplicitWeakType>
class ImplicitWeakTypeHandler {
typedef MessageLite Type;
static constexpr bool Moveable = false;
static inline MessageLite* NewFromPrototype(const MessageLite* prototype,
Arena* arena = nullptr) {
return prototype->New(arena);
static inline void Delete(MessageLite* value, Arena* arena) {
if (arena == nullptr) {
delete value;
static inline Arena* GetArena(MessageLite* value) {
return value->GetArena();
static inline void Clear(MessageLite* value) { value->Clear(); }
static void Merge(const MessageLite& from, MessageLite* to) {
} // namespace internal
template <typename T>
struct WeakRepeatedPtrField {
using InternalArenaConstructable_ = void;
using DestructorSkippable_ = void;
using TypeHandler = internal::ImplicitWeakTypeHandler<T>;
constexpr WeakRepeatedPtrField() : weak() {}
WeakRepeatedPtrField(const WeakRepeatedPtrField& rhs)
: WeakRepeatedPtrField(nullptr, rhs) {}
// Arena enabled constructors: for internal use only.
WeakRepeatedPtrField(internal::InternalVisibility, Arena* arena)
: WeakRepeatedPtrField(arena) {}
WeakRepeatedPtrField(internal::InternalVisibility, Arena* arena,
const WeakRepeatedPtrField& rhs)
: WeakRepeatedPtrField(arena, rhs) {}
// TODO: make this constructor private
explicit WeakRepeatedPtrField(Arena* arena) : weak(arena) {}
~WeakRepeatedPtrField() {
if (weak.NeedsDestroy()) {
typedef internal::RepeatedPtrIterator<MessageLite> iterator;
typedef internal::RepeatedPtrIterator<const MessageLite> const_iterator;
typedef internal::RepeatedPtrOverPtrsIterator<MessageLite*, void*>
typedef internal::RepeatedPtrOverPtrsIterator<const MessageLite* const,
const void* const>
bool empty() const { return base().empty(); }
iterator begin() { return iterator(base().raw_data()); }
const_iterator begin() const { return iterator(base().raw_data()); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
iterator end() { return begin() + base().size(); }
const_iterator end() const { return begin() + base().size(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }
pointer_iterator pointer_begin() {
return pointer_iterator(base().raw_mutable_data());
const_pointer_iterator pointer_begin() const {
return const_pointer_iterator(base().raw_data());
pointer_iterator pointer_end() {
return pointer_iterator(base().raw_mutable_data() + base().size());
const_pointer_iterator pointer_end() const {
return const_pointer_iterator(base().raw_data() + base().size());
T* Add() { return weak.Add(); }
void Clear() { base().template Clear<TypeHandler>(); }
void MergeFrom(const WeakRepeatedPtrField& other) {
if (other.empty()) return;
base().template MergeFrom<MessageLite>(other.base());
void InternalSwap(WeakRepeatedPtrField* PROTOBUF_RESTRICT other) {
const internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase& base() const { return weak; }
internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase& base() { return weak; }
// Union disables running the destructor. Which would create a strong link.
// Instead we explicitly destroy the underlying base through the virtual
// destructor.
union {
RepeatedPtrField<T> weak;
WeakRepeatedPtrField(Arena* arena, const WeakRepeatedPtrField& rhs)
: WeakRepeatedPtrField(arena) {
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"