blob: 7677e9dbb9e0c4359ce02994fdc4ab5a72a04d04 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Utility class for writing text to a ZeroCopyOutputStream.
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/cleanup/cleanup.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/functional/any_invocable.h"
#include "absl/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_sink.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
// Records annotations about a Printer's output.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT AnnotationCollector {
// Annotation is a offset range and a payload pair. This payload's layout is
// specific to derived types of AnnotationCollector.
using Annotation = std::pair<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, std::string>;
// The semantic meaning of an annotation. This enum mirrors
// google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.Semantic, and the enumerator values
// should match it.
enum Semantic {
kNone = 0,
kSet = 1,
kAlias = 2,
virtual ~AnnotationCollector() = default;
// Records that the bytes in file_path beginning with begin_offset and ending
// before end_offset are associated with the SourceCodeInfo-style path.
virtual void AddAnnotation(size_t begin_offset, size_t end_offset,
const std::string& file_path,
const std::vector<int>& path) = 0;
virtual void AddAnnotation(size_t begin_offset, size_t end_offset,
const std::string& file_path,
const std::vector<int>& path,
absl::optional<Semantic> semantic) {
AddAnnotation(begin_offset, end_offset, file_path, path);
// TODO I don't see why we need virtuals here. Just a vector of
// range, payload pairs stored in a context should suffice.
virtual void AddAnnotationNew(Annotation&) {}
// Records annotations about a Printer's output to a Protobuf message,
// assuming that it has a repeated submessage field named `annotation` with
// fields matching
// message ??? {
// repeated int32 path = 1;
// optional string source_file = 2;
// optional int32 begin = 3;
// optional int32 end = 4;
// optional int32 semantic = 5;
// }
template <typename AnnotationProto>
class AnnotationProtoCollector : public AnnotationCollector {
// Some users of this type use it with a proto that does not have a
// "semantic" field. Therefore, we need to detect it with SFINAE.
// go/ranked-overloads
struct Rank0 {};
struct Rank1 : Rank0 {};
template <typename Proto>
static auto SetSemantic(Proto* p, int semantic, Rank1)
-> decltype(p->set_semantic(
static_cast<typename Proto::Semantic>(semantic))) {
return p->set_semantic(static_cast<typename Proto::Semantic>(semantic));
template <typename Proto>
static void SetSemantic(Proto*, int, Rank0) {}
explicit AnnotationProtoCollector(AnnotationProto* annotation_proto)
: annotation_proto_(annotation_proto) {}
void AddAnnotation(size_t begin_offset, size_t end_offset,
const std::string& file_path,
const std::vector<int>& path) override {
AddAnnotation(begin_offset, end_offset, file_path, path, absl::nullopt);
void AddAnnotation(size_t begin_offset, size_t end_offset,
const std::string& file_path, const std::vector<int>& path,
absl::optional<Semantic> semantic) override {
auto* annotation = annotation_proto_->add_annotation();
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
if (semantic.has_value()) {
SetSemantic(annotation, *semantic, Rank1{});
void AddAnnotationNew(Annotation& a) override {
auto* annotation = annotation_proto_->add_annotation();
AnnotationProto* annotation_proto_;
// A source code printer for assisting in code generation.
// This type implements a simple templating language for substituting variables
// into static, user-provided strings, and also tracks indentation
// automatically.
// The main entry-point for this type is the Emit function, which can be used
// as thus:
// Printer p(output);
// p.Emit({{"class", my_class_name}}, R"cc(
// class $class$ {
// public:
// $class$(int x) : x_(x) {}
// private:
// int x_;
// };
// )cc");
// Substitutions are of the form $var$, which is looked up in the map passed in
// as the first argument. The variable delimiter character, $, can be chosen to
// be something convenient for the target language. For example, in PHP, which
// makes heavy use of $, it can be made into something like # instead.
// A literal $ can be emitted by writing $$.
// Substitutions may contain spaces around the name of the variable, which will
// be ignored for the purposes of looking up the variable to substitute in, but
// which will be reproduced in the output:
// p.Emit({{"foo", "bar"}}, "$ foo $");
// emits the string " bar ". If the substituted-in variable is the empty string,
// then the surrounding spaces are *not* printed:
// p.Emit({{"xyz", xyz}}, "$xyz $Thing");
// If xyz is "Foo", this will become "Foo Thing", but if it is "", this becomes
// "Thing", rather than " Thing". This helps minimize awkward whitespace in the
// output.
// The value may be any type that can be stringified with `absl::StrCat`:
// p.Emit({{"num", 5}}, "x = $num$;");
// If a variable that is referenced in the format string is missing, the program
// will crash. Callers must statically know that every variable reference is
// valid, and MUST NOT pass user-provided strings directly into Emit().
// In practice, this means the first member of io::Printer::Sub here:
// p.Emit({{"num", 5}}, "x = $num$;");
// ^
// must always be a string literal.
// Substitutions can be configured to "chomp" a single character after them, to
// help make indentation work out. This can be configured by passing a
// io::Printer::Sub().WithSuffix() into Emit's substitution map:
// p.Emit({io::Printer::Sub("var", var_decl).WithSuffix(";")}, R"cc(
// class $class$ {
// public:
// $var$;
// };
// )cc");
// This will delete the ; after $var$, regardless of whether it was an empty
// declaration or not. It will also intelligently attempt to clean up
// empty lines that follow, if it was on an empty line; this promotes cleaner
// formatting of the output.
// You can configure a large set of skippable characters, but when chomping,
// only one character will actually be skipped at a time. For example, callback
// substitutions (see below) use ";," by default as their "chomping set".
// p.Emit({io::Printer::Sub("var", 123).WithSuffix(";,")}, R"cc(
// $var$,;
// )cc");
// will produce "123,".
// # Callback Substitution
// Instead of passing a string into Emit(), it is possible to pass in a callback
// as a variable mapping. This will take indentation into account, which allows
// factoring out parts of a formatting string while ensuring braces are
// balanced:
// p.Emit(
// {{"methods", [&] {
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// int Bar() {
// return 42;
// }
// )cc");
// }}},
// R"cc(
// class Foo {
// public:
// $methods$;
// };
// )cc"
// );
// This emits
// class Foo {
// public:
// int Bar() {
// return 42;
// }
// };
// # Comments
// It may be desirable to place comments in a raw string that are stripped out
// before printing. The prefix for Printer-ignored comments can be configured
// in Options. By default, this is `//~`.
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// // Will be printed in the output.
// //~ Won't be.
// )cc");
// # Lookup Frames
// If many calls to Emit() use the same set of variables, they can be stored
// in a *variable lookup frame*, like so:
// auto vars = p.WithVars({{"class_name", my_class_name}});
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// class $class_name$ {
// public:
// $class_name$(int x);
// // Etc.
// };
// )cc");
// WithVars() returns an RAII object that will "pop" the lookup frame on scope
// exit, ensuring that the variables remain local. There are a few different
// overloads of WithVars(); it accepts a map type, like absl::flat_hash_map,
// either by-value (which will cause the Printer to store a copy), or by
// pointer (which will cause the Printer to store a pointer, potentially
// avoiding a copy.)
// p.Emit(vars, "..."); is effectively syntax sugar for
// { auto v = p.WithVars(vars); p.Emit("..."); }
// NOTE: callbacks are *not* allowed with WithVars; callbacks should be local
// to a specific Emit() call.
// # Annotations
// If Printer is given an AnnotationCollector, it will use it to record which
// spans of generated code correspond to user-indicated descriptors. There are
// a few different ways of indicating when to emit annotations.
// The WithAnnotations() function is like WithVars(), but accepts maps with
// string keys and descriptor values. It adds an annotation variable frame and
// returns an RAII object that pops the frame.
// There are two different ways to annotate code. In the first, when
// substituting a variable, if there is an annotation with the same name, then
// the resulting expanded value's span will be annotated with that annotation.
// For example:
// auto v = p.WithVars({{"class_name", my_class_name}});
// auto a = p.WithAnnotations({{"class_name", message_descriptor}});
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// class $class_name$ {
// public:
// $class_name$(int x);
// // Etc.
// };
// )cc");
// The span corresponding to whatever $class_name$ expands to will be annotated
// as having come from message_descriptor.
// For convenience, this can be done with a single WithVars(), using the special
// three-argument form:
// auto v = p.WithVars({{"class_name", my_class_name, message_descriptor}});
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// class $class_name$ {
// public:
// $class_name$(int x);
// // Etc.
// };
// )cc");
// Alternatively, a range may be given explicitly:
// auto a = p.WithAnnotations({{"my_desc", message_descriptor}});
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// $_start$my_desc$
// class Foo {
// // Etc.
// };
// $_end$my_desc$
// )cc");
// The special $_start$ and $_end$ variables indicate the start and end of an
// annotated span, which is annotated with the variable that follows. This
// form can produce somewhat unreadable format strings and is not recommended.
// Note that whitespace after a $_start$ and before an $_end$ is not printed.
// # Indentation
// Printer tracks an indentation amount to add to each new line, independent
// from indentation in an Emit() call's literal. The amount of indentation to
// add is controlled by the WithIndent() function:
// p.Emit("class $class_name$ {");
// {
// auto indent = p.WithIndent();
// p.Emit(R"cc(
// public:
// $class_name$(int x);
// )cc");
// }
// p.Emit("};");
// This will automatically add one level of indentation to all code in scope of
// `indent`, which is an RAII object much like the return value of `WithVars()`.
// # Old API
// TODO: Delete this documentation.
// Printer supports an older-style API that is in the process of being
// re-written. The old documentation is reproduced here until all use-cases are
// handled.
// This simple utility class assists in code generation. It basically
// allows the caller to define a set of variables and then output some
// text with variable substitutions. Example usage:
// Printer printer(output, '$');
// map<string, string> vars;
// vars["name"] = "Bob";
// printer.Print(vars, "My name is $name$.");
// The above writes "My name is Bob." to the output stream.
// Printer aggressively enforces correct usage, crashing (with assert failures)
// in the case of undefined variables in debug builds. This helps greatly in
// debugging code which uses it.
// If a Printer is constructed with an AnnotationCollector, it will provide it
// with annotations that connect the Printer's output to paths that can identify
// various descriptors. In the above example, if person_ is a descriptor that
// identifies Bob, we can associate the output string "My name is Bob." with
// a source path pointing to that descriptor with:
// printer.Annotate("name", person_);
// The AnnotationCollector will be sent an annotation linking the output range
// covering "Bob" to the logical path provided by person_. Tools may use
// this association to (for example) link "Bob" in the output back to the
// source file that defined the person_ descriptor identifying Bob.
// Annotate can only examine variables substituted during the last call to
// Print. It is invalid to refer to a variable that was used multiple times
// in a single Print call.
// In full generality, one may specify a range of output text using a beginning
// substitution variable and an ending variable. The resulting annotation will
// span from the first character of the substituted value for the beginning
// variable to the last character of the substituted value for the ending
// variable. For example, the Annotate call above is equivalent to this one:
// printer.Annotate("name", "name", person_);
// This is useful if multiple variables combine to form a single span of output
// that should be annotated with the same source path. For example:
// Printer printer(output, '$');
// map<string, string> vars;
// vars["first"] = "Alice";
// vars["last"] = "Smith";
// printer.Print(vars, "My name is $first$ $last$.");
// printer.Annotate("first", "last", person_);
// This code would associate the span covering "Alice Smith" in the output with
// the person_ descriptor.
// Note that the beginning variable must come before (or overlap with, in the
// case of zero-sized substitution values) the ending variable.
// It is also sometimes useful to use variables with zero-sized values as
// markers. This avoids issues with multiple references to the same variable
// and also allows annotation ranges to span literal text from the Print
// templates:
// Printer printer(output, '$');
// map<string, string> vars;
// vars["foo"] = "bar";
// vars["function"] = "call";
// vars["mark"] = "";
// printer.Print(vars, "$function$($foo$,$foo$)$mark$");
// printer.Annotate("function", "mark", call_);
// This code associates the span covering "call(bar,bar)" in the output with the
// call_ descriptor.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT Printer {
struct AnnotationRecord;
// This type exists to work around an absl type that has not yet been
// released.
struct SourceLocation {
static SourceLocation current() { return {}; }
absl::string_view file_name() const { return "<unknown>"; }
int line() const { return 0; }
static constexpr char kDefaultVariableDelimiter = '$';
static constexpr absl::string_view kProtocCodegenTrace =
// Sink type for constructing substitutions to pass to WithVars() and Emit().
class Sub;
// Options for controlling how the output of a Printer is formatted.
struct Options {
Options() = default;
Options(const Options&) = default;
Options(Options&&) = default;
Options(char variable_delimiter, AnnotationCollector* annotation_collector)
: variable_delimiter(variable_delimiter),
annotation_collector(annotation_collector) {}
// The delimiter for variable substitutions, e.g. $foo$.
char variable_delimiter = kDefaultVariableDelimiter;
// An optional listener the Printer calls whenever it emits a source
// annotation; may be null.
AnnotationCollector* annotation_collector = nullptr;
// The "comment start" token for the language being generated. This is used
// to allow the Printer to emit debugging annotations in the source code
// output.
absl::string_view comment_start = "//";
// The token for beginning comments that are discarded by Printer's internal
// formatter.
absl::string_view ignored_comment_start = "//~";
// The number of spaces that a single level of indentation adds by default;
// this is the amount that WithIndent() increases indentation by.
size_t spaces_per_indent = 2;
// Whether to emit a "codegen trace" for calls to Emit(). If true, each call
// to Emit() will print a comment indicating where in the source of the
// compiler the Emit() call occurred.
// If disengaged, defaults to whether or not the environment variable
absl::optional<bool> enable_codegen_trace = absl::nullopt;
// Constructs a new Printer with the default options to output to
// `output`.
explicit Printer(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output);
// Constructs a new printer with the given set of options to output to
// `output`.
Printer(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, Options options);
// Old-style constructor. Avoid in preference to the two constructors above.
// Will eventually be marked as deprecated.
Printer(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, char variable_delimiter,
AnnotationCollector* annotation_collector = nullptr);
Printer(const Printer&) = delete;
Printer& operator=(const Printer&) = delete;
// Pushes a new variable lookup frame that stores `vars` by reference.
// Returns an RAII object that pops the lookup frame.
template <typename Map>
auto WithVars(const Map* vars);
// Pushes a new variable lookup frame that stores `vars` by value.
// Returns an RAII object that pops the lookup frame.
template <
typename Map = absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_pointer<Map>::value>,
// Prefer the more specific span impl if this could be turned into
// a span.
typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_convertible<Map, absl::Span<const Sub>>::value>>
auto WithVars(Map&& vars);
// Pushes a new variable lookup frame that stores `vars` by value.
// Returns an RAII object that pops the lookup frame.
auto WithVars(absl::Span<const Sub> vars);
// Looks up a variable set with WithVars().
// Will crash if:
// - `var` is not present in the lookup frame table.
// - `var` is a callback, rather than a string.
absl::string_view LookupVar(absl::string_view var);
// Pushes a new annotation lookup frame that stores `vars` by reference.
// Returns an RAII object that pops the lookup frame.
template <typename Map>
auto WithAnnotations(const Map* vars);
// Pushes a new variable lookup frame that stores `vars` by value.
// When writing `WithAnnotations({...})`, this is the overload that will be
// called, and it will synthesize an `absl::flat_hash_map`.
// Returns an RAII object that pops the lookup frame.
template <typename Map = absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, AnnotationRecord>>
auto WithAnnotations(Map&& vars);
// Increases the indentation by `indent` spaces; when nullopt, increments
// indentation by the configured default spaces_per_indent.
// Returns an RAII object that removes this indentation.
auto WithIndent(absl::optional<size_t> indent = absl::nullopt) {
size_t delta = indent.value_or(options_.spaces_per_indent);
indent_ += delta;
return absl::MakeCleanup([this, delta] { indent_ -= delta; });
// Emits formatted source code to the underlying output. See the class
// documentation for more details.
// `format` MUST be a string constant.
void Emit(absl::string_view format,
SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation::current());
// Emits formatted source code to the underlying output, injecting
// additional variables as a lookup frame for just this call. See the class
// documentation for more details.
// `format` MUST be a string constant.
void Emit(absl::Span<const Sub> vars, absl::string_view format,
SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation::current());
// Write a string directly to the underlying output, performing no formatting
// of any sort.
void PrintRaw(absl::string_view data) { WriteRaw(, data.size()); }
// Write a string directly to the underlying output, performing no formatting
// of any sort.
void WriteRaw(const char* data, size_t size);
// True if any write to the underlying stream failed. (We don't just
// crash in this case because this is an I/O failure, not a programming
// error.)
bool failed() const { return failed_; }
// -- Old-style API below; to be deprecated and removed. --
// TODO: Deprecate these APIs.
template <
typename Map = absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>
void Print(const Map& vars, absl::string_view text);
template <typename... Args>
void Print(absl::string_view text, const Args&... args);
// Link a substitution variable emitted by the last call to Print to the
// object described by descriptor.
template <typename SomeDescriptor>
void Annotate(
absl::string_view varname, const SomeDescriptor* descriptor,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic = absl::nullopt) {
Annotate(varname, varname, descriptor, semantic);
// Link the output range defined by the substitution variables as emitted by
// the last call to Print to the object described by descriptor. The range
// begins at begin_varname's value and ends after the last character of the
// value substituted for end_varname.
template <typename Desc>
void Annotate(
absl::string_view begin_varname, absl::string_view end_varname,
const Desc* descriptor,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic = absl::nullopt);
// Link a substitution variable emitted by the last call to Print to the file
// with path file_name.
void Annotate(
absl::string_view varname, absl::string_view file_name,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic = absl::nullopt) {
Annotate(varname, varname, file_name, semantic);
// Link the output range defined by the substitution variables as emitted by
// the last call to Print to the file with path file_name. The range begins
// at begin_varname's value and ends after the last character of the value
// substituted for end_varname.
void Annotate(
absl::string_view begin_varname, absl::string_view end_varname,
absl::string_view file_name,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic = absl::nullopt) {
if (options_.annotation_collector == nullptr) {
Annotate(begin_varname, end_varname, file_name, {}, semantic);
// Indent text by `options.spaces_per_indent`; undone by Outdent().
void Indent() { indent_ += options_.spaces_per_indent; }
// Undoes a call to Indent().
void Outdent();
// FormatInternal is a helper function not meant to use directly, use
// compiler::cpp::Formatter instead.
template <typename Map = absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::string>>
void FormatInternal(absl::Span<const std::string> args, const Map& vars,
absl::string_view format);
// Injects a substitution listener for the lifetime of the RAII object
// returned.
// While the listener is active it will receive a callback on each
// substitution label found.
// This can be used to add basic verification on top of emit routines.
auto WithSubstitutionListener(
absl::AnyInvocable<void(absl::string_view, SourceLocation)> listener) {
ABSL_CHECK(substitution_listener_ == nullptr);
substitution_listener_ = std::move(listener);
return absl::MakeCleanup([this] { substitution_listener_ = nullptr; });
struct PrintOptions;
struct Format;
// Helper type for wrapping a variable substitution expansion result.
template <bool owned>
struct ValueImpl;
using ValueView = ValueImpl</*owned=*/false>;
using Value = ValueImpl</*owned=*/true>;
// Provide a helper to use heterogeneous lookup when it's available.
template <typename...>
using Void = void;
template <typename Map, typename = void>
struct HasHeteroLookup : std::false_type {};
template <typename Map>
struct HasHeteroLookup<Map, Void<decltype(std::declval<Map>().find(
: std::true_type {};
template <typename Map,
typename = std::enable_if_t<HasHeteroLookup<Map>::value>>
static absl::string_view ToStringKey(absl::string_view x) {
return x;
template <typename Map,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!HasHeteroLookup<Map>::value>>
static std::string ToStringKey(absl::string_view x) {
return std::string(x);
Format TokenizeFormat(absl::string_view format_string,
const PrintOptions& options);
// Emit an annotation for the range defined by the given substitution
// variables, as set by the most recent call to PrintImpl() that set
// `use_substitution_map` to true.
// The range begins at the start of `begin_varname`'s value and ends after the
// last byte of `end_varname`'s value.
// `begin_varname` and `end_varname may` refer to the same variable.
void Annotate(absl::string_view begin_varname, absl::string_view end_varname,
absl::string_view file_path, const std::vector<int>& path,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic);
// The core printing implementation. There are three public entry points,
// which enable different slices of functionality that are controlled by the
// `opts` argument.
void PrintImpl(absl::string_view format, absl::Span<const std::string> args,
PrintOptions opts);
// This is a private function only so that it can see PrintOptions.
static bool Validate(bool cond, PrintOptions opts,
absl::FunctionRef<std::string()> message);
static bool Validate(bool cond, PrintOptions opts, absl::string_view message);
// Performs calls to `Validate()` to check that `index < current_arg_index`
// and `index < args_len`, producing appropriate log lines if the checks fail,
// and crashing if necessary.
bool ValidateIndexLookupInBounds(size_t index, size_t current_arg_index,
size_t args_len, PrintOptions opts);
// Prints indentation if `at_start_of_line_` is true.
void IndentIfAtStart();
// Prints a codegen trace, for the given location in the compiler's source.
void PrintCodegenTrace(absl::optional<SourceLocation> loc);
// The core implementation for "fully-elaborated" variable definitions.
auto WithDefs(absl::Span<const Sub> vars, bool allow_callbacks);
// Returns the start and end of the value that was substituted in place of
// the variable `varname` in the last call to PrintImpl() (with
// `use_substitution_map` set), if such a variable was substituted exactly
// once.
absl::optional<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> GetSubstitutionRange(
absl::string_view varname, PrintOptions opts);
google::protobuf::io::zc_sink_internal::ZeroCopyStreamByteSink sink_;
Options options_;
size_t indent_ = 0;
bool at_start_of_line_ = true;
bool failed_ = false;
size_t paren_depth_ = 0;
std::vector<size_t> paren_depth_to_omit_;
// If set, we invoke this when we do a label substitution. This can be used to
// verify consistency of the generated code while we generate it.
absl::AnyInvocable<void(absl::string_view, SourceLocation)>
// A map from variable name to [start, end) offsets in the output buffer.
// This stores the data looked up by GetSubstitutionRange().
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> substitutions_;
// Keeps track of the keys in `substitutions_` that need to be updated when
// indents are inserted. These are keys that refer to the beginning of the
// current line.
std::vector<std::string> line_start_variables_;
// Options for PrintImpl().
struct Printer::PrintOptions {
// The callsite of the public entry-point. Only Emit() sets this.
absl::optional<SourceLocation> loc;
// If set, Validate() calls will not crash the program.
bool checks_are_debug_only = false;
// If set, the `substitutions_` map will be populated as variables are
// substituted.
bool use_substitution_map = false;
// If set, the ${1$ and $}$ forms will be substituted. These are used for
// a slightly janky annotation-insertion mechanism in FormatInternal, that
// requires that passed-in substitution variables be serialized protos.
bool use_curly_brace_substitutions = false;
// If set, the $n$ forms will be substituted, pulling from the `args`
// argument to PrintImpl().
bool allow_digit_substitutions = true;
// If set, when a variable substitution with spaces in it, such as $ var$,
// is encountered, the spaces are stripped, so that it is as if it was
// $var$. If $var$ substitutes to a non-empty string, the removed spaces are
// printed around the substituted value.
// See the class documentation for more information on this behavior.
bool strip_spaces_around_vars = true;
// If set, leading whitespace will be stripped from the format string to
// determine the "extraneous indentation" that is produced when the format
// string is a C++ raw string. This is used to remove leading spaces from
// a raw string that would otherwise result in erratic indentation in the
// output.
bool strip_raw_string_indentation = false;
// If set, the annotation lookup frames are searched, per the annotation
// semantics of Emit() described in the class documentation.
bool use_annotation_frames = true;
// Helper type for wrapping a variable substitution expansion result.
template <bool owned>
struct Printer::ValueImpl {
template <typename T>
struct IsSubImpl : std::false_type {};
template <bool a>
struct IsSubImpl<ValueImpl<a>> : std::true_type {};
using StringType = std::conditional_t<owned, std::string, absl::string_view>;
// These callbacks return false if this is a recursive call.
using Callback = std::function<bool()>;
using StringOrCallback = absl::variant<StringType, Callback>;
ValueImpl() = default;
// This is a template to avoid colliding with the copy constructor below.
template <typename Value,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
ValueImpl(Value&& value) // NOLINT
: value(ToStringOrCallback(std::forward<Value>(value), Rank2{})) {
if (absl::holds_alternative<Callback>(this->value)) {
consume_after = ";,";
// Copy ctor/assign allow interconversion of the two template parameters.
template <bool that_owned>
ValueImpl(const ValueImpl<that_owned>& that) { // NOLINT
*this = that;
template <bool that_owned>
ValueImpl& operator=(const ValueImpl<that_owned>& that);
const StringType* AsString() const {
return absl::get_if<StringType>(&value);
const Callback* AsCallback() const { return absl::get_if<Callback>(&value); }
StringOrCallback value;
std::string consume_after;
bool consume_parens_if_empty = false;
// go/ranked-overloads
struct Rank0 {};
struct Rank1 : Rank0 {};
struct Rank2 : Rank1 {};
// Dummy template for delayed instantiation, which is required for the
// static assert below to kick in only when this function is called when it
// shouldn't.
// This is done to produce a better error message than the "candidate does
// not match" SFINAE errors.
template <typename Cb, typename = decltype(std::declval<Cb&&>()())>
StringOrCallback ToStringOrCallback(Cb&& cb, Rank2);
// Separate from the AlphaNum overload to avoid copies when taking strings
// by value when in `owned` mode.
StringOrCallback ToStringOrCallback(StringType s, Rank1) { return s; }
StringOrCallback ToStringOrCallback(const absl::AlphaNum& s, Rank0) {
return StringType(s.Piece());
template <bool owned>
template <bool that_owned>
Printer::ValueImpl<owned>& Printer::ValueImpl<owned>::operator=(
const ValueImpl<that_owned>& that) {
// Cast to void* is required, since this and that may potentially be of
// different types (due to the `that_owned` parameter).
if (static_cast<const void*>(this) == static_cast<const void*>(&that)) {
return *this;
using ThatStringType = typename ValueImpl<that_owned>::StringType;
if (auto* str = absl::get_if<ThatStringType>(&that.value)) {
value = StringType(*str);
} else {
value = absl::get<Callback>(that.value);
consume_after = that.consume_after;
consume_parens_if_empty = that.consume_parens_if_empty;
return *this;
template <bool owned>
template <typename Cb, typename /*Sfinae*/>
auto Printer::ValueImpl<owned>::ToStringOrCallback(Cb&& cb, Rank2)
-> StringOrCallback {
return Callback(
[cb = std::forward<Cb>(cb), is_called = false]() mutable -> bool {
if (is_called) {
// Catch whether or not this function is being called recursively.
return false;
is_called = true;
is_called = false;
return true;
struct Printer::AnnotationRecord {
std::vector<int> path;
std::string file_path;
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic;
// AnnotationRecord's constructors are *not* marked as explicit,
// specifically so that it is possible to construct a
// map<string, AnnotationRecord> by writing
// {{"foo", my_cool_descriptor}, {"bar", "file.proto"}}
template <
typename String,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<const String&, std::string>::value,
int> = 0>
AnnotationRecord( // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
const String& file_path,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic = absl::nullopt)
: file_path(file_path), semantic(semantic) {}
template <typename Desc,
// This SFINAE clause excludes char* from matching this
// constructor.
std::enable_if_t<std::is_class<Desc>::value, int> = 0>
AnnotationRecord( // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
const Desc* desc,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic = absl::nullopt)
: file_path(desc->file()->name()), semantic(semantic) {
class Printer::Sub {
template <typename Value>
Sub(std::string key, Value&& value)
: key_(std::move(key)),
annotation_(absl::nullopt) {}
Sub AnnotatedAs(AnnotationRecord annotation) && {
annotation_ = std::move(annotation);
return std::move(*this);
Sub WithSuffix(std::string sub_suffix) && {
value_.consume_after = std::move(sub_suffix);
return std::move(*this);
Sub ConditionalFunctionCall() && {
value_.consume_parens_if_empty = true;
return std::move(*this);
absl::string_view key() const { return key_; }
absl::string_view value() const {
const auto* str = value_.AsString();
ABSL_CHECK(str != nullptr)
<< "could not find " << key() << "; found callback instead";
return *str;
friend class Printer;
std::string key_;
Value value_;
absl::optional<AnnotationRecord> annotation_;
template <typename Map>
auto Printer::WithVars(const Map* vars) {
[vars](absl::string_view var) -> absl::optional<ValueView> {
auto it = vars->find(ToStringKey<Map>(var));
if (it == vars->end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return ValueView(it->second);
return absl::MakeCleanup([this] { var_lookups_.pop_back(); });
template <typename Map, typename, typename /*Sfinae*/>
auto Printer::WithVars(Map&& vars) {
[vars = std::forward<Map>(vars)](
absl::string_view var) -> absl::optional<ValueView> {
auto it = vars.find(ToStringKey<Map>(var));
if (it == vars.end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return ValueView(it->second);
return absl::MakeCleanup([this] { var_lookups_.pop_back(); });
template <typename Map>
auto Printer::WithAnnotations(const Map* vars) {
[vars](absl::string_view var) -> absl::optional<AnnotationRecord> {
auto it = vars->find(ToStringKey<Map>(var));
if (it == vars->end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return AnnotationRecord(it->second);
return absl::MakeCleanup([this] { annotation_lookups_.pop_back(); });
template <typename Map>
auto Printer::WithAnnotations(Map&& vars) {
[vars = std::forward<Map>(vars)](
absl::string_view var) -> absl::optional<AnnotationRecord> {
auto it = vars.find(ToStringKey<Map>(var));
if (it == vars.end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return AnnotationRecord(it->second);
return absl::MakeCleanup([this] { annotation_lookups_.pop_back(); });
inline void Printer::Emit(absl::string_view format, SourceLocation loc) {
Emit({}, format, loc);
template <typename Map>
void Printer::Print(const Map& vars, absl::string_view text) {
PrintOptions opts;
opts.checks_are_debug_only = true;
opts.use_substitution_map = true;
opts.allow_digit_substitutions = false;
auto pop = WithVars(&vars);
PrintImpl(text, {}, opts);
template <typename... Args>
void Printer::Print(absl::string_view text, const Args&... args) {
static_assert(sizeof...(args) % 2 == 0, "");
// Include an extra arg, since a zero-length array is ill-formed, and
// MSVC complains.
absl::string_view vars[] = {args..., ""};
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view> map;
map.reserve(sizeof...(args) / 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(args); i += 2) {
map.emplace(vars[i], vars[i + 1]);
Print(map, text);
template <typename Desc>
void Printer::Annotate(absl::string_view begin_varname,
absl::string_view end_varname, const Desc* descriptor,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic) {
if (options_.annotation_collector == nullptr) {
std::vector<int> path;
Annotate(begin_varname, end_varname, descriptor->file()->name(), path,
template <typename Map>
void Printer::FormatInternal(absl::Span<const std::string> args,
const Map& vars, absl::string_view format) {
PrintOptions opts;
opts.use_curly_brace_substitutions = true;
opts.strip_spaces_around_vars = true;
auto pop = WithVars(&vars);
PrintImpl(format, args, opts);
inline auto Printer::WithDefs(absl::Span<const Sub> vars,
bool allow_callbacks) {
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, Value> var_map;
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, AnnotationRecord> annotation_map;
for (const auto& var : vars) {
ABSL_CHECK(allow_callbacks || var.value_.AsCallback() == nullptr)
<< "callback arguments are not permitted in this position";
auto result = var_map.insert({var.key_, var.value_});
<< "repeated variable in Emit() or WithVars() call: \"" << var.key_
<< "\"";
if (var.annotation_.has_value()) {
annotation_map.insert({var.key_, *var.annotation_});
var_lookups_.emplace_back([map = std::move(var_map)](absl::string_view var)
-> absl::optional<ValueView> {
auto it = map.find(var);
if (it == map.end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return ValueView(it->second);
bool has_annotations = !annotation_map.empty();
if (has_annotations) {
[map = std::move(annotation_map)](
absl::string_view var) -> absl::optional<AnnotationRecord> {
auto it = map.find(var);
if (it == map.end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return it->second;
return absl::MakeCleanup([this, has_annotations] {
if (has_annotations) {
inline auto Printer::WithVars(absl::Span<const Sub> vars) {
return WithDefs(vars, /*allow_callbacks=*/false);
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"