blob: 9f1599b648a2fc0dbe5ffa1328bb06d4cb665979 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Here we have a hand-written lexer. At first you might ask yourself,
// "Hand-written text processing? Is Kenton crazy?!" Well, first of all,
// yes I am crazy, but that's beside the point. There are actually reasons
// why I ended up writing this this way.
// The traditional approach to lexing is to use lex to generate a lexer for
// you. Unfortunately, lex's output is ridiculously ugly and difficult to
// integrate cleanly with C++ code, especially abstract code or code meant
// as a library. Better parser-generators exist but would add dependencies
// which most users won't already have, which we'd like to avoid. (GNU flex
// has a C++ output option, but it's still ridiculously ugly, non-abstract,
// and not library-friendly.)
// The next approach that any good software engineer should look at is to
// use regular expressions. And, indeed, I did. I have code which
// implements this same class using regular expressions. It's about 200
// lines shorter. However:
// - Rather than error messages telling you "This string has an invalid
// escape sequence at line 5, column 45", you get error messages like
// "Parse error on line 5". Giving more precise errors requires adding
// a lot of code that ends up basically as complex as the hand-coded
// version anyway.
// - The regular expression to match a string literal looks like this:
// kString = new RE("(\"([^\"\\\\]|" // non-escaped
// "\\\\[abfnrtv?\"'\\\\0-7]|" // normal escape
// "\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F])*\"|" // hex escape
// "\'([^\'\\\\]|" // Also support single-quotes.
// "\\\\[abfnrtv?\"'\\\\0-7]|"
// "\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F])*\')");
// Verifying the correctness of this line noise is actually harder than
// verifying the correctness of ConsumeString(), defined below. I'm not
// even confident that the above is correct, after staring at it for some
// time.
// - PCRE is fast, but there's still more overhead involved than the code
// below.
// - Sadly, regular expressions are not part of the C standard library, so
// using them would require depending on some other library. For the
// open source release, this could be really annoying. Nobody likes
// downloading one piece of software just to find that they need to
// download something else to make it work, and in all likelihood
// people downloading Protocol Buffers will already be doing so just
// to make something else work. We could include a copy of PCRE with
// our code, but that obligates us to keep it up-to-date and just seems
// like a big waste just to save 200 lines of code.
// On a similar but unrelated note, I'm even scared to use ctype.h.
// Apparently functions like isalpha() are locale-dependent. So, if we used
// that, then if this code is being called from some program that doesn't
// have its locale set to "C", it would behave strangely. We can't just set
// the locale to "C" ourselves since we might break the calling program that
// way, particularly if it is multi-threaded. WTF? Someone please let me
// (Kenton) know if I'm missing something here...
// I'd love to hear about other alternatives, though, as this code isn't
// exactly pretty.
#include "google/protobuf/io/tokenizer.h"
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/common.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/strtod.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
namespace {
// As mentioned above, I don't trust ctype.h due to the presence of "locales".
// So, I have written replacement functions here. Someone please smack me if
// this is a bad idea or if there is some way around this.
// These "character classes" are designed to be used in template methods.
// For instance, Tokenizer::ConsumeZeroOrMore<Whitespace>() will eat
// whitespace.
// Note: No class is allowed to contain '\0', since this is used to mark end-
// of-input and is handled specially.
class NAME { \
public: \
static inline bool InClass(char c) { return EXPRESSION; } \
CHARACTER_CLASS(Whitespace, c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' ||
c == '\v' || c == '\f');
c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\v' || c == '\f');
CHARACTER_CLASS(Unprintable, c<' ' && c> '\0');
CHARACTER_CLASS(Digit, '0' <= c && c <= '9');
CHARACTER_CLASS(OctalDigit, '0' <= c && c <= '7');
CHARACTER_CLASS(HexDigit, ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') ||
('A' <= c && c <= 'F'));
('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || (c == '_'));
CHARACTER_CLASS(Alphanumeric, ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
('0' <= c && c <= '9') || (c == '_'));
CHARACTER_CLASS(Escape, c == 'a' || c == 'b' || c == 'f' || c == 'n' ||
c == 'r' || c == 't' || c == 'v' || c == '\\' ||
c == '?' || c == '\'' || c == '\"');
// Given a char, interpret it as a numeric digit and return its value.
// This supports any number base up to 36.
// Represents integer values of digits.
// Uses 36 to indicate an invalid character since we support
// bases up to 36.
static const int8_t kAsciiToInt[256] = {
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // 00-0F
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // 10-1F
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // ' '-'/'
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, // '0'-'9'
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // ':'-'@'
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, // 'A'-'P'
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, // 'Q'-'Z'
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // '['-'`'
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, // 'a'-'p'
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, // 'q'-'z'
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // '{'-DEL
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // 80-8F
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // 90-9F
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // A0-AF
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // B0-BF
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // C0-CF
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // D0-DF
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // E0-EF
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, // F0-FF
inline int DigitValue(char digit) { return kAsciiToInt[digit & 0xFF]; }
// Inline because it's only used in one place.
inline char TranslateEscape(char c) {
switch (c) {
case 'a':
return '\a';
case 'b':
return '\b';
case 'f':
return '\f';
case 'n':
return '\n';
case 'r':
return '\r';
case 't':
return '\t';
case 'v':
return '\v';
case '\\':
return '\\';
case '?':
return '\?'; // Trigraphs = :(
case '\'':
return '\'';
case '"':
return '\"';
// We expect escape sequences to have been validated separately.
return '?';
} // anonymous namespace
ErrorCollector::~ErrorCollector() {}
// ===================================================================
Tokenizer::Tokenizer(ZeroCopyInputStream* input,
ErrorCollector* error_collector)
: input_(input),
allow_multiline_strings_(false) {
current_.line = 0;
current_.column = 0;
current_.end_column = 0;
current_.type = TYPE_START;
previous_ = current_;
Tokenizer::~Tokenizer() {
// If we had any buffer left unread, return it to the underlying stream
// so that someone else can read it.
if (buffer_size_ > buffer_pos_) {
input_->BackUp(buffer_size_ - buffer_pos_);
bool Tokenizer::report_whitespace() const { return report_whitespace_; }
// Note: `set_report_whitespace(false)` implies `set_report_newlines(false)`.
void Tokenizer::set_report_whitespace(bool report) {
report_whitespace_ = report;
report_newlines_ &= report;
// If true, newline tokens are reported by Next().
bool Tokenizer::report_newlines() const { return report_newlines_; }
// Note: `set_report_newlines(true)` implies `set_report_whitespace(true)`.
void Tokenizer::set_report_newlines(bool report) {
report_newlines_ = report;
report_whitespace_ |= report; // enable report_whitespace if necessary
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal helpers.
void Tokenizer::NextChar() {
// Update our line and column counters based on the character being
// consumed.
if (current_char_ == '\n') {
column_ = 0;
} else if (current_char_ == '\t') {
column_ += kTabWidth - column_ % kTabWidth;
} else {
// Advance to the next character.
if (buffer_pos_ < buffer_size_) {
current_char_ = buffer_[buffer_pos_];
} else {
void Tokenizer::Refresh() {
if (read_error_) {
current_char_ = '\0';
// If we're in a token, append the rest of the buffer to it.
if (record_target_ != nullptr && record_start_ < buffer_size_) {
record_target_->append(buffer_ + record_start_,
buffer_size_ - record_start_);
record_start_ = 0;
const void* data = NULL;
buffer_ = NULL;
buffer_pos_ = 0;
do {
if (!input_->Next(&data, &buffer_size_)) {
// end of stream (or read error)
buffer_size_ = 0;
read_error_ = true;
current_char_ = '\0';
} while (buffer_size_ == 0);
buffer_ = static_cast<const char*>(data);
current_char_ = buffer_[0];
inline void Tokenizer::RecordTo(std::string* target) {
record_target_ = target;
record_start_ = buffer_pos_;
inline void Tokenizer::StopRecording() {
// Note: The if() is necessary because some STL implementations crash when
// you call string::append(NULL, 0), presumably because they are trying to
// be helpful by detecting the NULL pointer, even though there's nothing
// wrong with reading zero bytes from NULL.
if (buffer_pos_ != record_start_) {
record_target_->append(buffer_ + record_start_,
buffer_pos_ - record_start_);
record_target_ = NULL;
record_start_ = -1;
inline void Tokenizer::StartToken() {
current_.type = TYPE_START; // Just for the sake of initializing it.
current_.line = line_;
current_.column = column_;
inline void Tokenizer::EndToken() {
current_.end_column = column_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods that consume characters.
template <typename CharacterClass>
inline bool Tokenizer::LookingAt() {
return CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_);
template <typename CharacterClass>
inline bool Tokenizer::TryConsumeOne() {
if (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
inline bool Tokenizer::TryConsume(char c) {
if (current_char_ == c) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
template <typename CharacterClass>
inline void Tokenizer::ConsumeZeroOrMore() {
while (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
template <typename CharacterClass>
inline void Tokenizer::ConsumeOneOrMore(const char* error) {
if (!CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
} else {
do {
} while (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that read whole patterns matching certain kinds of tokens
// or comments.
void Tokenizer::ConsumeString(char delimiter) {
while (true) {
switch (current_char_) {
case '\0':
AddError("Unexpected end of string.");
case '\n': {
if (!allow_multiline_strings_) {
AddError("Multiline strings are not allowed. Did you miss a \"?.");
case '\\': {
// An escape sequence.
if (TryConsumeOne<Escape>()) {
// Valid escape sequence.
} else if (TryConsumeOne<OctalDigit>()) {
// Possibly followed by two more octal digits, but these will
// just be consumed by the main loop anyway so we don't need
// to do so explicitly here.
} else if (TryConsume('x') || TryConsume('X')) {
if (!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
AddError("Expected hex digits for escape sequence.");
// Possibly followed by another hex digit, but again we don't care.
} else if (TryConsume('u')) {
if (!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() || !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() || !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
AddError("Expected four hex digits for \\u escape sequence.");
} else if (TryConsume('U')) {
// We expect 8 hex digits; but only the range up to 0x10ffff is
// legal.
if (!TryConsume('0') || !TryConsume('0') ||
!(TryConsume('0') || TryConsume('1')) ||
!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() || !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() || !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
"Expected eight hex digits up to 10ffff for \\U escape "
} else {
AddError("Invalid escape sequence in string literal.");
default: {
if (current_char_ == delimiter) {
Tokenizer::TokenType Tokenizer::ConsumeNumber(bool started_with_zero,
bool started_with_dot) {
bool is_float = false;
if (started_with_zero && (TryConsume('x') || TryConsume('X'))) {
// A hex number (started with "0x").
ConsumeOneOrMore<HexDigit>("\"0x\" must be followed by hex digits.");
} else if (started_with_zero && LookingAt<Digit>()) {
// An octal number (had a leading zero).
if (LookingAt<Digit>()) {
AddError("Numbers starting with leading zero must be in octal.");
} else {
// A decimal number.
if (started_with_dot) {
is_float = true;
} else {
if (TryConsume('.')) {
is_float = true;
if (TryConsume('e') || TryConsume('E')) {
is_float = true;
TryConsume('-') || TryConsume('+');
ConsumeOneOrMore<Digit>("\"e\" must be followed by exponent.");
if (allow_f_after_float_ && (TryConsume('f') || TryConsume('F'))) {
is_float = true;
if (LookingAt<Letter>() && require_space_after_number_) {
AddError("Need space between number and identifier.");
} else if (current_char_ == '.') {
if (is_float) {
"Already saw decimal point or exponent; can't have another one.");
} else {
AddError("Hex and octal numbers must be integers.");
return is_float ? TYPE_FLOAT : TYPE_INTEGER;
void Tokenizer::ConsumeLineComment(std::string* content) {
if (content != NULL) RecordTo(content);
while (current_char_ != '\0' && current_char_ != '\n') {
if (content != NULL) StopRecording();
void Tokenizer::ConsumeBlockComment(std::string* content) {
int start_line = line_;
int start_column = column_ - 2;
if (content != NULL) RecordTo(content);
while (true) {
while (current_char_ != '\0' && current_char_ != '*' &&
current_char_ != '/' && current_char_ != '\n') {
if (TryConsume('\n')) {
if (content != NULL) StopRecording();
// Consume leading whitespace and asterisk;
if (TryConsume('*')) {
if (TryConsume('/')) {
// End of comment.
if (content != NULL) RecordTo(content);
} else if (TryConsume('*') && TryConsume('/')) {
// End of comment.
if (content != NULL) {
// Strip trailing "*/".
content->erase(content->size() - 2);
} else if (TryConsume('/') && current_char_ == '*') {
// Note: We didn't consume the '*' because if there is a '/' after it
// we want to interpret that as the end of the comment.
"\"/*\" inside block comment. Block comments cannot be nested.");
} else if (current_char_ == '\0') {
AddError("End-of-file inside block comment.");
error_collector_->RecordError(start_line, start_column,
" Comment started here.");
if (content != NULL) StopRecording();
Tokenizer::NextCommentStatus Tokenizer::TryConsumeCommentStart() {
if (comment_style_ == CPP_COMMENT_STYLE && TryConsume('/')) {
if (TryConsume('/')) {
} else if (TryConsume('*')) {
} else {
// Oops, it was just a slash. Return it.
current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
current_.text = "/";
current_.line = line_;
current_.column = column_ - 1;
current_.end_column = column_;
} else if (comment_style_ == SH_COMMENT_STYLE && TryConsume('#')) {
} else {
return NO_COMMENT;
bool Tokenizer::TryConsumeWhitespace() {
if (report_newlines_) {
if (TryConsumeOne<WhitespaceNoNewline>()) {
current_.type = TYPE_WHITESPACE;
return true;
return false;
if (TryConsumeOne<Whitespace>()) {
current_.type = TYPE_WHITESPACE;
return report_whitespace_;
return false;
bool Tokenizer::TryConsumeNewline() {
if (!report_whitespace_ || !report_newlines_) {
return false;
if (TryConsume('\n')) {
current_.type = TYPE_NEWLINE;
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Tokenizer::Next() {
previous_ = current_;
while (!read_error_) {
bool report_token = TryConsumeWhitespace() || TryConsumeNewline();
if (report_token) {
return true;
switch (TryConsumeCommentStart()) {
return true;
// Check for EOF before continuing.
if (read_error_) break;
if (LookingAt<Unprintable>() || current_char_ == '\0') {
AddError("Invalid control characters encountered in text.");
// Skip more unprintable characters, too. But, remember that '\0' is
// also what current_char_ is set to after EOF / read error. We have
// to be careful not to go into an infinite loop of trying to consume
// it, so make sure to check read_error_ explicitly before consuming
// '\0'.
while (TryConsumeOne<Unprintable>() ||
(!read_error_ && TryConsume('\0'))) {
// Ignore.
} else {
// Reading some sort of token.
if (TryConsumeOne<Letter>()) {
current_.type = TYPE_IDENTIFIER;
} else if (TryConsume('0')) {
current_.type = ConsumeNumber(true, false);
} else if (TryConsume('.')) {
// This could be the beginning of a floating-point number, or it could
// just be a '.' symbol.
if (TryConsumeOne<Digit>()) {
// It's a floating-point number.
if (previous_.type == TYPE_IDENTIFIER &&
current_.line == previous_.line &&
current_.column == previous_.end_column) {
// We don't accept syntax like "blah.123".
line_, column_ - 2,
"Need space between identifier and decimal point.");
current_.type = ConsumeNumber(false, true);
} else {
current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
} else if (TryConsumeOne<Digit>()) {
current_.type = ConsumeNumber(false, false);
} else if (TryConsume('\"')) {
current_.type = TYPE_STRING;
} else if (TryConsume('\'')) {
current_.type = TYPE_STRING;
} else {
// Check if the high order bit is set.
if (current_char_ & 0x80) {
line_, column_,
absl::StrFormat("Interpreting non ascii codepoint %d.",
static_cast<unsigned char>(current_char_)));
current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
return true;
// EOF
current_.type = TYPE_END;
current_.line = line_;
current_.column = column_;
current_.end_column = column_;
return false;
namespace {
// Helper class for collecting comments and putting them in the right places.
// This basically just buffers the most recent comment until it can be decided
// exactly where that comment should be placed. When Flush() is called, the
// current comment goes into either prev_trailing_comments or detached_comments.
// When the CommentCollector is destroyed, the last buffered comment goes into
// next_leading_comments.
class CommentCollector {
CommentCollector(std::string* prev_trailing_comments,
std::vector<std::string>* detached_comments,
std::string* next_leading_comments)
: prev_trailing_comments_(prev_trailing_comments),
can_attach_to_prev_(true) {
if (prev_trailing_comments != NULL) prev_trailing_comments->clear();
if (detached_comments != NULL) detached_comments->clear();
if (next_leading_comments != NULL) next_leading_comments->clear();
~CommentCollector() {
// Whatever is in the buffer is a leading comment.
if (next_leading_comments_ != NULL && has_comment_) {
// About to read a line comment. Get the comment buffer pointer in order to
// read into it.
std::string* GetBufferForLineComment() {
// We want to combine with previous line comments, but not block comments.
if (has_comment_ && !is_line_comment_) {
has_comment_ = true;
is_line_comment_ = true;
return &comment_buffer_;
// About to read a block comment. Get the comment buffer pointer in order to
// read into it.
std::string* GetBufferForBlockComment() {
if (has_comment_) {
has_comment_ = true;
is_line_comment_ = false;
return &comment_buffer_;
void ClearBuffer() {
has_comment_ = false;
// Called once we know that the comment buffer is complete and is *not*
// connected to the next token.
void Flush() {
if (has_comment_) {
if (can_attach_to_prev_) {
if (prev_trailing_comments_ != NULL) {
has_trailing_comment_ = true;
can_attach_to_prev_ = false;
} else {
if (detached_comments_ != NULL) {
void DetachFromPrev() { can_attach_to_prev_ = false; }
void MaybeDetachComment() {
int count = num_comments_;
if (has_comment_) count++;
// If there's one comment, make sure it is detached.
if (count == 1) {
if (has_trailing_comment_ && prev_trailing_comments_ != NULL) {
std::string trail = *prev_trailing_comments_;
if (detached_comments_ != NULL) {
// push trailing comment to front of detached
detached_comments_->insert(detached_comments_->begin(), 1, trail);
// flush pending comment so it's detached instead of leading
std::string* prev_trailing_comments_;
std::vector<std::string>* detached_comments_;
std::string* next_leading_comments_;
std::string comment_buffer_;
int num_comments_;
bool has_trailing_comment_;
// True if any comments were read into comment_buffer_. This can be true even
// if comment_buffer_ is empty, namely if the comment was "/**/".
bool has_comment_;
// Is the comment in the comment buffer a line comment?
bool is_line_comment_;
// Is it still possible that we could be reading a comment attached to the
// previous token?
bool can_attach_to_prev_;
} // namespace
bool Tokenizer::NextWithComments(std::string* prev_trailing_comments,
std::vector<std::string>* detached_comments,
std::string* next_leading_comments) {
CommentCollector collector(prev_trailing_comments, detached_comments,
int prev_line = line_;
int trailing_comment_end_line = -1;
if (current_.type == TYPE_START) {
// Ignore unicode byte order mark(BOM) if it appears at the file
// beginning. Only UTF-8 BOM (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF) is accepted.
if (TryConsume(static_cast<char>(0xEF))) {
if (!TryConsume(static_cast<char>(0xBB)) ||
!TryConsume(static_cast<char>(0xBF))) {
"Proto file starts with 0xEF but not UTF-8 BOM. "
"Only UTF-8 is accepted for proto file.");
return false;
prev_line = -1;
} else {
// A comment appearing on the same line must be attached to the previous
// declaration.
switch (TryConsumeCommentStart()) {
trailing_comment_end_line = line_;
// Don't allow comments on subsequent lines to be attached to a trailing
// comment.
trailing_comment_end_line = line_;
// Don't allow comments on subsequent lines to be attached to a trailing
// comment.
return true;
if (!TryConsume('\n')) {
// The next token is on the same line. There are no comments.
return Next();
// OK, we are now on the line *after* the previous token.
while (true) {
switch (TryConsumeCommentStart()) {
// Consume the rest of the line so that we don't interpret it as a
// blank line the next time around the loop.
return true;
if (TryConsume('\n')) {
// Completely blank line.
} else {
bool result = Next();
if (!result || current_.text == "}" || current_.text == "]" ||
current_.text == ")") {
// It looks like we're at the end of a scope. In this case it
// makes no sense to attach a comment to the following token.
if (result &&
(prev_line == line_ || trailing_comment_end_line == line_)) {
// When previous token and this one are on the same line, or
// even if a multi-line trailing comment ends on the same line
// as this token, it's unclear to what token the comment
// should be attached. So we detach it.
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Token-parsing helpers. Remember that these don't need to report
// errors since any errors should already have been reported while
// tokenizing. Also, these can assume that whatever text they
// are given is text that the tokenizer actually parsed as a token
// of the given type.
bool Tokenizer::ParseInteger(const std::string& text, uint64_t max_value,
uint64_t* output) {
// We can't just use strtoull() because (a) it accepts negative numbers,
// (b) We want additional range checks, (c) it reports overflows via errno.
#if 0
const char *str_begin = text.c_str();
if (*str_begin == '-') return false;
char *str_end = nullptr;
errno = 0;
*output = std::strtoull(str_begin, &str_end, 0);
return (errno == 0 && str_end && *str_end == '\0' && *output <= max_value);
const char* ptr = text.c_str();
int base = 10;
uint64_t overflow_if_mul_base = (kuint64max / 10) + 1;
if (ptr[0] == '0') {
if (ptr[1] == 'x' || ptr[1] == 'X') {
// This is hex.
base = 16;
overflow_if_mul_base = (kuint64max / 16) + 1;
ptr += 2;
} else {
// This is octal.
base = 8;
overflow_if_mul_base = (kuint64max / 8) + 1;
uint64_t result = 0;
// For all the leading '0's, and also the first non-zero character, we
// don't need to multiply.
while (*ptr != '\0') {
int digit = DigitValue(*ptr++);
if (digit >= base) {
// The token provided by Tokenizer is invalid. i.e., 099 is an invalid
// token, but Tokenizer still think it's integer.
return false;
if (digit != 0) {
result = digit;
for (; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
int digit = DigitValue(*ptr);
if (digit < 0 || digit >= base) {
// The token provided by Tokenizer is invalid. i.e., 099 is an invalid
// token, but Tokenizer still think it's integer.
return false;
if (result >= overflow_if_mul_base) {
// We know the multiply we're about to do will overflow, so exit now.
return false;
// We know that result * base won't overflow, but adding digit might...
result = result * base + digit;
// C++ guarantees defined "wrap" semantics when unsigned integer
// operations overflow, making this a fast way to check if adding
// digit made result overflow, and thus, wrap around.
if (result < static_cast<uint64_t>(base)) return false;
if (result > max_value) return false;
*output = result;
return true;
double Tokenizer::ParseFloat(const std::string& text) {
double result = 0;
if (!TryParseFloat(text, &result)) {
<< " Tokenizer::ParseFloat() passed text that could not have been"
" tokenized as a float: "
<< absl::CEscape(text);
return result;
bool Tokenizer::TryParseFloat(const std::string& text, double* result) {
const char* start = text.c_str();
char* end;
*result = NoLocaleStrtod(start, &end);
// "1e" is not a valid float, but if the tokenizer reads it, it will
// report an error but still return it as a valid token. We need to
// accept anything the tokenizer could possibly return, error or not.
if (*end == 'e' || *end == 'E') {
if (*end == '-' || *end == '+') ++end;
// If the Tokenizer had allow_f_after_float_ enabled, the float may be
// suffixed with the letter 'f'.
if (*end == 'f' || *end == 'F') {
return static_cast<size_t>(end - start) == text.size() && *start != '-';
// Helper to append a Unicode code point to a string as UTF8, without bringing
// in any external dependencies.
static void AppendUTF8(uint32_t code_point, std::string* output) {
uint32_t tmp = 0;
int len = 0;
if (code_point <= 0x7f) {
tmp = code_point;
len = 1;
} else if (code_point <= 0x07ff) {
tmp = 0x0000c080 | ((code_point & 0x07c0) << 2) | (code_point & 0x003f);
len = 2;
} else if (code_point <= 0xffff) {
tmp = 0x00e08080 | ((code_point & 0xf000) << 4) |
((code_point & 0x0fc0) << 2) | (code_point & 0x003f);
len = 3;
} else if (code_point <= 0x10ffff) {
tmp = 0xf0808080 | ((code_point & 0x1c0000) << 6) |
((code_point & 0x03f000) << 4) | ((code_point & 0x000fc0) << 2) |
(code_point & 0x003f);
len = 4;
} else {
// Unicode code points end at 0x10FFFF, so this is out-of-range.
// ConsumeString permits hex values up to 0x1FFFFF, and FetchUnicodePoint
// doesn't perform a range check.
absl::StrAppendFormat(output, "\\U%08x", code_point);
tmp = ghtonl(tmp);
output->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&tmp) + sizeof(tmp) - len, len);
// Try to read <len> hex digits from ptr, and stuff the numeric result into
// *result. Returns true if that many digits were successfully consumed.
static bool ReadHexDigits(const char* ptr, int len, uint32_t* result) {
*result = 0;
if (len == 0) return false;
for (const char* end = ptr + len; ptr < end; ++ptr) {
if (*ptr == '\0') return false;
*result = (*result << 4) + DigitValue(*ptr);
return true;
// Handling UTF-16 surrogate pairs. UTF-16 encodes code points in the range
// 0x10000...0x10ffff as a pair of numbers, a head surrogate followed by a trail
// surrogate. These numbers are in a reserved range of Unicode code points, so
// if we encounter such a pair we know how to parse it and convert it into a
// single code point.
static const uint32_t kMinHeadSurrogate = 0xd800;
static const uint32_t kMaxHeadSurrogate = 0xdc00;
static const uint32_t kMinTrailSurrogate = 0xdc00;
static const uint32_t kMaxTrailSurrogate = 0xe000;
static inline bool IsHeadSurrogate(uint32_t code_point) {
return (code_point >= kMinHeadSurrogate) && (code_point < kMaxHeadSurrogate);
static inline bool IsTrailSurrogate(uint32_t code_point) {
return (code_point >= kMinTrailSurrogate) &&
(code_point < kMaxTrailSurrogate);
// Combine a head and trail surrogate into a single Unicode code point.
static uint32_t AssembleUTF16(uint32_t head_surrogate,
uint32_t trail_surrogate) {
return 0x10000 + (((head_surrogate - kMinHeadSurrogate) << 10) |
(trail_surrogate - kMinTrailSurrogate));
// Convert the escape sequence parameter to a number of expected hex digits.
static inline int UnicodeLength(char key) {
if (key == 'u') return 4;
if (key == 'U') return 8;
return 0;
// Given a pointer to the 'u' or 'U' starting a Unicode escape sequence, attempt
// to parse that sequence. On success, returns a pointer to the first char
// beyond that sequence, and fills in *code_point. On failure, returns ptr
// itself.
static const char* FetchUnicodePoint(const char* ptr, uint32_t* code_point) {
const char* p = ptr;
// Fetch the code point.
const int len = UnicodeLength(*p++);
if (!ReadHexDigits(p, len, code_point)) return ptr;
p += len;
// Check if the code point we read is a "head surrogate." If so, then we
// expect it to be immediately followed by another code point which is a valid
// "trail surrogate," and together they form a UTF-16 pair which decodes into
// a single Unicode point. Trail surrogates may only use \u, not \U.
if (IsHeadSurrogate(*code_point) && *p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == 'u') {
uint32_t trail_surrogate;
if (ReadHexDigits(p + 2, 4, &trail_surrogate) &&
IsTrailSurrogate(trail_surrogate)) {
*code_point = AssembleUTF16(*code_point, trail_surrogate);
p += 6;
// If this failed, then we just emit the head surrogate as a code point.
// It's bogus, but so is the string.
return p;
// The text string must begin and end with single or double quote
// characters.
void Tokenizer::ParseStringAppend(const std::string& text,
std::string* output) {
// Reminder: text[0] is always a quote character. (If text is
// empty, it's invalid, so we'll just return).
const size_t text_size = text.size();
if (text_size == 0) {
<< " Tokenizer::ParseStringAppend() passed text that could not"
" have been tokenized as a string: "
<< absl::CEscape(text);
// Reserve room for new string. The branch is necessary because if
// there is already space available the reserve() call might
// downsize the output.
const size_t new_len = text_size + output->size();
if (new_len > output->capacity()) {
// Loop through the string copying characters to "output" and
// interpreting escape sequences. Note that any invalid escape
// sequences or other errors were already reported while tokenizing.
// In this case we do not need to produce valid results.
for (const char* ptr = text.c_str() + 1; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1] != '\0') {
// An escape sequence.
if (OctalDigit::InClass(*ptr)) {
// An octal escape. May one, two, or three digits.
int code = DigitValue(*ptr);
if (OctalDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = code * 8 + DigitValue(*ptr);
if (OctalDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = code * 8 + DigitValue(*ptr);
} else if (*ptr == 'x' || *ptr == 'X') {
// A hex escape. May zero, one, or two digits. (The zero case
// will have been caught as an error earlier.)
int code = 0;
if (HexDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = DigitValue(*ptr);
if (HexDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = code * 16 + DigitValue(*ptr);
} else if (*ptr == 'u' || *ptr == 'U') {
uint32_t unicode;
const char* end = FetchUnicodePoint(ptr, &unicode);
if (end == ptr) {
// Failure: Just dump out what we saw, don't try to parse it.
} else {
AppendUTF8(unicode, output);
ptr = end - 1; // Because we're about to ++ptr.
} else {
// Some other escape code.
} else if (*ptr == text[0] && ptr[1] == '\0') {
// Ignore final quote matching the starting quote.
} else {
template <typename CharacterClass>
static bool AllInClass(const std::string& s) {
for (const char character : s) {
if (!CharacterClass::InClass(character)) return false;
return true;
bool Tokenizer::IsIdentifier(const std::string& text) {
// Mirrors IDENTIFIER definition in Tokenizer::Next() above.
if (text.size() == 0) return false;
if (!Letter::InClass( return false;
if (!AllInClass<Alphanumeric>(text.substr(1))) return false;
return true;
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"