blob: 3869da8c87129f08d31d45852a6ac3646d618c95 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// This file contains common implementations of the interfaces defined in
// zero_copy_stream.h which are only included in the full (non-lite)
// protobuf library. These implementations include Unix file descriptors
// and C++ iostreams. See also: zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/common.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
// ===================================================================
// A ZeroCopyInputStream which reads from a file descriptor.
// FileInputStream is preferred over using an ifstream with IstreamInputStream.
// The latter will introduce an extra layer of buffering, harming performance.
// Also, it's conceivable that FileInputStream could someday be enhanced
// to use zero-copy file descriptors on OSs which support them.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT FileInputStream final : public ZeroCopyInputStream {
// Creates a stream that reads from the given Unix file descriptor.
// If a block_size is given, it specifies the number of bytes that
// should be read and returned with each call to Next(). Otherwise,
// a reasonable default is used.
explicit FileInputStream(int file_descriptor, int block_size = -1);
FileInputStream(const FileInputStream&) = delete;
FileInputStream& operator=(const FileInputStream&) = delete;
// Flushes any buffers and closes the underlying file. Returns false if
// an error occurs during the process; use GetErrno() to examine the error.
// Even if an error occurs, the file descriptor is closed when this returns.
bool Close();
// By default, the file descriptor is not closed when the stream is
// destroyed. Call SetCloseOnDelete(true) to change that. WARNING:
// This leaves no way for the caller to detect if close() fails. If
// detecting close() errors is important to you, you should arrange
// to close the descriptor yourself.
void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { copying_input_.SetCloseOnDelete(value); }
// If an I/O error has occurred on this file descriptor, this is the
// errno from that error. Otherwise, this is zero. Once an error
// occurs, the stream is broken and all subsequent operations will
// fail.
int GetErrno() const { return copying_input_.GetErrno(); }
// implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
void BackUp(int count) override;
bool Skip(int count) override;
int64_t ByteCount() const override;
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingFileInputStream final
: public CopyingInputStream {
CopyingFileInputStream(int file_descriptor);
CopyingFileInputStream(const CopyingFileInputStream&) = delete;
CopyingFileInputStream& operator=(const CopyingFileInputStream&) = delete;
~CopyingFileInputStream() override;
bool Close();
void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { close_on_delete_ = value; }
int GetErrno() const { return errno_; }
// implements CopyingInputStream ---------------------------------
int Read(void* buffer, int size) override;
int Skip(int count) override;
// The file descriptor.
const int file_;
bool close_on_delete_;
bool is_closed_;
// The errno of the I/O error, if one has occurred. Otherwise, zero.
int errno_;
// Did we try to seek once and fail? If so, we assume this file descriptor
// doesn't support seeking and won't try again.
bool previous_seek_failed_;
CopyingFileInputStream copying_input_;
CopyingInputStreamAdaptor impl_;
// ===================================================================
// A ZeroCopyOutputStream which writes to a file descriptor.
// FileOutputStream is preferred over using an ofstream with
// OstreamOutputStream. The latter will introduce an extra layer of buffering,
// harming performance. Also, it's conceivable that FileOutputStream could
// someday be enhanced to use zero-copy file descriptors on OSs which
// support them.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT FileOutputStream final
: public CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor {
// Creates a stream that writes to the given Unix file descriptor.
// If a block_size is given, it specifies the size of the buffers
// that should be returned by Next(). Otherwise, a reasonable default
// is used.
explicit FileOutputStream(int file_descriptor, int block_size = -1);
FileOutputStream(const FileOutputStream&) = delete;
FileOutputStream& operator=(const FileOutputStream&) = delete;
~FileOutputStream() override;
// Flushes any buffers and closes the underlying file. Returns false if
// an error occurs during the process; use GetErrno() to examine the error.
// Even if an error occurs, the file descriptor is closed when this returns.
bool Close();
// By default, the file descriptor is not closed when the stream is
// destroyed. Call SetCloseOnDelete(true) to change that. WARNING:
// This leaves no way for the caller to detect if close() fails. If
// detecting close() errors is important to you, you should arrange
// to close the descriptor yourself.
void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { copying_output_.SetCloseOnDelete(value); }
// If an I/O error has occurred on this file descriptor, this is the
// errno from that error. Otherwise, this is zero. Once an error
// occurs, the stream is broken and all subsequent operations will
// fail.
int GetErrno() const { return copying_output_.GetErrno(); }
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingFileOutputStream final
: public CopyingOutputStream {
CopyingFileOutputStream(int file_descriptor);
CopyingFileOutputStream(const CopyingFileOutputStream&) = delete;
CopyingFileOutputStream& operator=(const CopyingFileOutputStream&) = delete;
~CopyingFileOutputStream() override;
bool Close();
void SetCloseOnDelete(bool value) { close_on_delete_ = value; }
int GetErrno() const { return errno_; }
// implements CopyingOutputStream --------------------------------
bool Write(const void* buffer, int size) override;
// The file descriptor.
const int file_;
bool close_on_delete_;
bool is_closed_;
// The errno of the I/O error, if one has occurred. Otherwise, zero.
int errno_;
CopyingFileOutputStream copying_output_;
// ===================================================================
// A ZeroCopyInputStream which reads from a C++ istream.
// Note that for reading files (or anything represented by a file descriptor),
// FileInputStream is more efficient.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT IstreamInputStream final : public ZeroCopyInputStream {
// Creates a stream that reads from the given C++ istream.
// If a block_size is given, it specifies the number of bytes that
// should be read and returned with each call to Next(). Otherwise,
// a reasonable default is used.
explicit IstreamInputStream(std::istream* stream, int block_size = -1);
IstreamInputStream(const IstreamInputStream&) = delete;
IstreamInputStream& operator=(const IstreamInputStream&) = delete;
// implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
void BackUp(int count) override;
bool Skip(int count) override;
int64_t ByteCount() const override;
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingIstreamInputStream final
: public CopyingInputStream {
CopyingIstreamInputStream(std::istream* input);
CopyingIstreamInputStream(const CopyingIstreamInputStream&) = delete;
CopyingIstreamInputStream& operator=(const CopyingIstreamInputStream&) =
~CopyingIstreamInputStream() override;
// implements CopyingInputStream ---------------------------------
int Read(void* buffer, int size) override;
// (We use the default implementation of Skip().)
// The stream.
std::istream* input_;
CopyingIstreamInputStream copying_input_;
CopyingInputStreamAdaptor impl_;
// ===================================================================
// A ZeroCopyOutputStream which writes to a C++ ostream.
// Note that for writing files (or anything represented by a file descriptor),
// FileOutputStream is more efficient.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT OstreamOutputStream final : public ZeroCopyOutputStream {
// Creates a stream that writes to the given C++ ostream.
// If a block_size is given, it specifies the size of the buffers
// that should be returned by Next(). Otherwise, a reasonable default
// is used.
explicit OstreamOutputStream(std::ostream* stream, int block_size = -1);
OstreamOutputStream(const OstreamOutputStream&) = delete;
OstreamOutputStream& operator=(const OstreamOutputStream&) = delete;
~OstreamOutputStream() override;
// implements ZeroCopyOutputStream ---------------------------------
bool Next(void** data, int* size) override;
void BackUp(int count) override;
int64_t ByteCount() const override;
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT CopyingOstreamOutputStream final
: public CopyingOutputStream {
CopyingOstreamOutputStream(std::ostream* output);
CopyingOstreamOutputStream(const CopyingOstreamOutputStream&) = delete;
CopyingOstreamOutputStream& operator=(const CopyingOstreamOutputStream&) =
~CopyingOstreamOutputStream() override;
// implements CopyingOutputStream --------------------------------
bool Write(const void* buffer, int size) override;
// The stream.
std::ostream* output_;
CopyingOstreamOutputStream copying_output_;
CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor impl_;
// ===================================================================
// A ZeroCopyInputStream which reads from several other streams in sequence.
// ConcatenatingInputStream is unable to distinguish between end-of-stream
// and read errors in the underlying streams, so it assumes any errors mean
// end-of-stream. So, if the underlying streams fail for any other reason,
// ConcatenatingInputStream may do odd things. It is suggested that you do
// not use ConcatenatingInputStream on streams that might produce read errors
// other than end-of-stream.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT ConcatenatingInputStream final
: public ZeroCopyInputStream {
// All streams passed in as well as the array itself must remain valid
// until the ConcatenatingInputStream is destroyed.
ConcatenatingInputStream(ZeroCopyInputStream* const streams[], int count);
ConcatenatingInputStream(const ConcatenatingInputStream&) = delete;
ConcatenatingInputStream& operator=(const ConcatenatingInputStream&) = delete;
~ConcatenatingInputStream() override = default;
// implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
void BackUp(int count) override;
bool Skip(int count) override;
int64_t ByteCount() const override;
// As streams are retired, streams_ is incremented and count_ is
// decremented.
ZeroCopyInputStream* const* streams_;
int stream_count_;
int64_t bytes_retired_; // Bytes read from previous streams.
// ===================================================================
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"