blob: 21ffd16ad36584ba055adb4a945337f33a008e00 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Testing strategy: For each type of I/O (array, string, file, etc.) we
// create an output stream and write some data to it, then create a
// corresponding input stream to read the same data back and expect it to
// match. When the data is written, it is written in several small chunks
// of varying sizes, with a BackUp() after each chunk. It is read back
// similarly, but with chunks separated at different points. The whole
// process is run with a variety of block sizes for both the input and
// the output.
// TODO: Rewrite this test to bring it up to the standards of all
// the other proto2 tests. May want to wait for gTest to implement
// "parametized tests" so that one set of tests can be used on all the
// implementations.
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/common.h"
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h"
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord_buffer.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/io_win32.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/test_util2.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/gzip_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/test_util.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
namespace {
#ifdef _WIN32
#define pipe(fds) _pipe(fds, 4096, O_BINARY)
// DO NOT include <io.h>, instead create functions in io_win32.{h,cc} and import
// them like we do below.
using google::protobuf::io::win32::access;
using google::protobuf::io::win32::close;
using google::protobuf::io::win32::mkdir;
using google::protobuf::io::win32::open;
#ifndef O_BINARY
#ifdef _O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0 // If this isn't defined, the platform doesn't need it.
class IoTest : public testing::Test {
// Test helpers.
// Helper to write an array of data to an output stream.
bool WriteToOutput(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, const void* data, int size);
// Helper to read a fixed-length array of data from an input stream.
int ReadFromInput(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, void* data, int size);
// Write a string to the output stream.
void WriteString(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, const std::string& str);
// Read a number of bytes equal to the size of the given string and checks
// that it matches the string.
void ReadString(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, const std::string& str);
// Writes some text to the output stream in a particular order. Returns
// the number of bytes written, in case the caller needs that to set up an
// input stream.
int WriteStuff(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output);
// Reads text from an input stream and expects it to match what
// WriteStuff() writes.
void ReadStuff(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, bool read_eof = true);
// Similar to WriteStuff, but performs more sophisticated testing.
int WriteStuffLarge(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output);
// Reads and tests a stream that should have been written to
// via WriteStuffLarge().
void ReadStuffLarge(ZeroCopyInputStream* input);
std::string Compress(const std::string& data,
const GzipOutputStream::Options& options);
std::string Uncompress(const std::string& data);
static const int kBlockSizes[];
static const int kBlockSizeCount;
const int IoTest::kBlockSizes[] = {-1, 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 23, 64};
const int IoTest::kBlockSizeCount = ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(IoTest::kBlockSizes);
bool IoTest::WriteToOutput(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, const void* data,
int size) {
const uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
int in_size = size;
void* out;
int out_size;
while (true) {
if (!output->Next(&out, &out_size)) {
return false;
EXPECT_GT(out_size, 0);
if (in_size <= out_size) {
memcpy(out, in, in_size);
output->BackUp(out_size - in_size);
return true;
memcpy(out, in, out_size);
in += out_size;
in_size -= out_size;
int IoTest::ReadFromInput(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, void* data, int size) {
uint8_t* out = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data);
int out_size = size;
const void* in;
int in_size = 0;
int repeated_zeros = 0;
while (true) {
if (!input->Next(&in, &in_size)) {
return size - out_size;
EXPECT_GT(in_size, -1);
if (in_size == 0) {
} else {
repeated_zeros = 0;
if (out_size <= in_size) {
memcpy(out, in, out_size);
if (in_size > out_size) {
input->BackUp(in_size - out_size);
return size; // Copied all of it.
memcpy(out, in, in_size);
out += in_size;
out_size -= in_size;
void IoTest::WriteString(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, const std::string& str) {
EXPECT_TRUE(WriteToOutput(output, str.c_str(), str.size()));
void IoTest::ReadString(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, const std::string& str) {
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[str.size() + 1]);
buffer[str.size()] = '\0';
EXPECT_EQ(ReadFromInput(input, buffer.get(), str.size()), str.size());
EXPECT_STREQ(str.c_str(), buffer.get());
int IoTest::WriteStuff(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) {
WriteString(output, "Hello world!\n");
WriteString(output, "Some te");
WriteString(output, "xt. Blah blah.");
WriteString(output, "abcdefg");
WriteString(output, "01234567890123456789");
WriteString(output, "foobar");
EXPECT_EQ(output->ByteCount(), 68);
int result = output->ByteCount();
return result;
// Reads text from an input stream and expects it to match what WriteStuff()
// writes.
void IoTest::ReadStuff(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, bool read_eof) {
ReadString(input, "Hello world!\n");
ReadString(input, "Some text. ");
ReadString(input, "Blah ");
ReadString(input, "blah.");
ReadString(input, "abcdefg");
ReadString(input, "foo");
ReadString(input, "bar");
EXPECT_EQ(input->ByteCount(), 68);
if (read_eof) {
uint8_t byte;
EXPECT_EQ(ReadFromInput(input, &byte, 1), 0);
int IoTest::WriteStuffLarge(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) {
WriteString(output, "Hello world!\n");
WriteString(output, "Some te");
WriteString(output, "xt. Blah blah.");
WriteString(output, std::string(100000, 'x')); // A very long string
WriteString(output, std::string(100000, 'y')); // A very long string
WriteString(output, "01234567890123456789");
EXPECT_EQ(output->ByteCount(), 200055);
int result = output->ByteCount();
return result;
// Reads text from an input stream and expects it to match what WriteStuff()
// writes.
void IoTest::ReadStuffLarge(ZeroCopyInputStream* input) {
ReadString(input, "Hello world!\nSome text. ");
ReadString(input, "blah.");
EXPECT_TRUE(input->Skip(100000 - 10));
ReadString(input, std::string(10, 'x') + std::string(100000 - 20000, 'y'));
EXPECT_TRUE(input->Skip(20000 - 10));
ReadString(input, "yyyyyyyyyy01234567890123456789");
EXPECT_EQ(input->ByteCount(), 200055);
uint8_t byte;
EXPECT_EQ(ReadFromInput(input, &byte, 1), 0);
// ===================================================================
TEST_F(IoTest, ArrayIo) {
const int kBufferSize = 256;
uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize, kBlockSizes[i]);
size = WriteStuff(&output);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size, kBlockSizes[j]);
TEST_F(IoTest, TwoSessionWrite) {
// Test that two concatenated write sessions read correctly
static const char* strA = "0123456789";
static const char* strB = "WhirledPeas";
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[kBufferSize];
char* temp_buffer = new char[40];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
ArrayOutputStream* output =
new ArrayOutputStream(buffer, kBufferSize, kBlockSizes[i]);
CodedOutputStream* coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(output);
coded_output->WriteRaw(strA, strlen(strA));
delete coded_output; // flush
int64_t pos = output->ByteCount();
delete output;
output = new ArrayOutputStream(buffer + pos, kBufferSize - pos,
coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(output);
coded_output->WriteRaw(strB, strlen(strB));
delete coded_output; // flush
int64_t size = pos + output->ByteCount();
delete output;
ArrayInputStream* input =
new ArrayInputStream(buffer, size, kBlockSizes[j]);
CodedInputStream* coded_input = new CodedInputStream(input);
uint32_t insize;
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(strA), insize);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input->ReadRaw(temp_buffer, insize));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(temp_buffer, strA, insize));
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(strB), insize);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input->ReadRaw(temp_buffer, insize));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(temp_buffer, strB, insize));
delete coded_input;
delete input;
delete[] temp_buffer;
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipIo) {
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
for (int z = 0; z < kBlockSizeCount; z++) {
int gzip_buffer_size = kBlockSizes[z];
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize, kBlockSizes[i]);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::GZIP;
if (gzip_buffer_size != -1) {
options.buffer_size = gzip_buffer_size;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size, kBlockSizes[j]);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::GZIP, gzip_buffer_size);
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipIoWithFlush) {
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
// We start with i = 4 as we want a block size > 6. With block size <= 6
// Flush() fills up the entire 2K buffer with flush markers and the test
// fails. See documentation for Flush() for more detail.
for (int i = 4; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
for (int z = 0; z < kBlockSizeCount; z++) {
int gzip_buffer_size = kBlockSizes[z];
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize, kBlockSizes[i]);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::GZIP;
if (gzip_buffer_size != -1) {
options.buffer_size = gzip_buffer_size;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size, kBlockSizes[j]);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::GZIP, gzip_buffer_size);
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipIoContiguousFlushes) {
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
int block_size = kBlockSizes[4];
int gzip_buffer_size = block_size;
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize, block_size);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::GZIP;
if (gzip_buffer_size != -1) {
options.buffer_size = gzip_buffer_size;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size, block_size);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::GZIP, gzip_buffer_size);
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipIoReadAfterFlush) {
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
int block_size = kBlockSizes[4];
int gzip_buffer_size = block_size;
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize, block_size);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::GZIP;
if (gzip_buffer_size != -1) {
options.buffer_size = gzip_buffer_size;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size, block_size);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::GZIP, gzip_buffer_size);
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, ZlibIo) {
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
for (int z = 0; z < kBlockSizeCount; z++) {
int gzip_buffer_size = kBlockSizes[z];
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize, kBlockSizes[i]);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::ZLIB;
if (gzip_buffer_size != -1) {
options.buffer_size = gzip_buffer_size;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size, kBlockSizes[j]);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::ZLIB, gzip_buffer_size);
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, ZlibIoInputAutodetect) {
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
int size;
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::ZLIB;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::AUTO);
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::GZIP;
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
size = output.ByteCount();
ArrayInputStream input(buffer, size);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input, GzipInputStream::AUTO);
delete[] buffer;
std::string IoTest::Compress(const std::string& data,
const GzipOutputStream::Options& options) {
std::string result;
StringOutputStream output(&result);
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output, options);
WriteToOutput(&gzout,, data.size());
return result;
std::string IoTest::Uncompress(const std::string& data) {
std::string result;
ArrayInputStream input(, data.size());
GzipInputStream gzin(&input);
const void* buffer;
int size;
while (gzin.Next(&buffer, &size)) {
result.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), size);
return result;
TEST_F(IoTest, CompressionOptions) {
// Some ad-hoc testing of compression options.
protobuf_unittest::TestAllTypes message;
std::string golden = message.SerializeAsString();
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
std::string gzip_compressed = Compress(golden, options);
options.compression_level = 0;
std::string not_compressed = Compress(golden, options);
// Try zlib compression for fun.
options = GzipOutputStream::Options();
options.format = GzipOutputStream::ZLIB;
std::string zlib_compressed = Compress(golden, options);
// Uncompressed should be bigger than the original since it should have some
// sort of header.
EXPECT_GT(not_compressed.size(), golden.size());
// Higher compression levels should result in smaller sizes.
EXPECT_LT(zlib_compressed.size(), not_compressed.size());
// ZLIB format should differ from GZIP format.
EXPECT_TRUE(zlib_compressed != gzip_compressed);
// Everything should decompress correctly.
EXPECT_TRUE(Uncompress(not_compressed) == golden);
EXPECT_TRUE(Uncompress(gzip_compressed) == golden);
EXPECT_TRUE(Uncompress(zlib_compressed) == golden);
TEST_F(IoTest, TwoSessionWriteGzip) {
// Test that two concatenated gzip streams can be read correctly
static const char* strA = "0123456789";
static const char* strB = "QuickBrownFox";
const int kBufferSize = 2 * 1024;
uint8* buffer = new uint8[kBufferSize];
char* temp_buffer = new char[40];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
ArrayOutputStream* output =
new ArrayOutputStream(buffer, kBufferSize, kBlockSizes[i]);
GzipOutputStream* gzout = new GzipOutputStream(output);
CodedOutputStream* coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(gzout);
int32 outlen = strlen(strA) + 1;
coded_output->WriteRaw(strA, outlen);
delete coded_output; // flush
delete gzout; // flush
int64 pos = output->ByteCount();
delete output;
output = new ArrayOutputStream(buffer + pos, kBufferSize - pos,
gzout = new GzipOutputStream(output);
coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(gzout);
outlen = strlen(strB) + 1;
coded_output->WriteRaw(strB, outlen);
delete coded_output; // flush
delete gzout; // flush
int64 size = pos + output->ByteCount();
delete output;
ArrayInputStream* input =
new ArrayInputStream(buffer, size, kBlockSizes[j]);
GzipInputStream* gzin = new GzipInputStream(input);
CodedInputStream* coded_input = new CodedInputStream(gzin);
uint32 insize;
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(strA) + 1, insize);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input->ReadRaw(temp_buffer, insize));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(temp_buffer, strA, insize))
<< "strA=" << strA << " in=" << temp_buffer;
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(strB) + 1, insize);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input->ReadRaw(temp_buffer, insize));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(temp_buffer, strB, insize))
<< " out_block_size=" << kBlockSizes[i]
<< " in_block_size=" << kBlockSizes[j] << " pos=" << pos
<< " size=" << size << " strB=" << strB << " in=" << temp_buffer;
delete coded_input;
delete gzin;
delete input;
delete[] temp_buffer;
delete[] buffer;
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipInputByteCountAfterClosed) {
std::string golden = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
std::string compressed = Compress(golden, GzipOutputStream::Options());
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
ArrayInputStream arr_input(, compressed.size(),
GzipInputStream gz_input(&arr_input);
const void* buffer;
int size;
while (gz_input.Next(&buffer, &size)) {
EXPECT_LE(gz_input.ByteCount(), golden.size());
EXPECT_EQ(golden.size(), gz_input.ByteCount());
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipInputByteCountAfterClosedConcatenatedStreams) {
std::string golden1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
std::string golden2 = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
const size_t total_size = golden1.size() + golden2.size();
std::string compressed = Compress(golden1, GzipOutputStream::Options()) +
Compress(golden2, GzipOutputStream::Options());
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
ArrayInputStream arr_input(, compressed.size(),
GzipInputStream gz_input(&arr_input);
const void* buffer;
int size;
while (gz_input.Next(&buffer, &size)) {
EXPECT_LE(gz_input.ByteCount(), total_size);
EXPECT_EQ(total_size, gz_input.ByteCount());
// There is no string input, only string output. Also, it doesn't support
// explicit block sizes. So, we'll only run one test and we'll use
// ArrayInput to read back the results.
TEST_F(IoTest, StringIo) {
std::string str;
StringOutputStream output(&str);
ArrayInputStream input(, str.size());
TEST(DefaultReadCordTest, ReadSmallCord) {
std::string source = "abcdefghijk";
ArrayInputStream input(, source.size());
absl::Cord dest;
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
EXPECT_EQ(dest, "bcdefghij");
TEST(DefaultReadCordTest, ReadSmallCordAfterBackUp) {
std::string source = "abcdefghijk";
ArrayInputStream input(, source.size());
absl::Cord dest;
const void* buffer;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
input.BackUp(size - 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
EXPECT_EQ(dest, "bcdefghij");
TEST(DefaultReadCordTest, ReadLargeCord) {
std::string source = "abcdefghijk";
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
absl::Cord dest;
ArrayInputStream input(, source.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
absl::Cord expected(source);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest);
TEST(DefaultReadCordTest, ReadLargeCordAfterBackup) {
std::string source = "abcdefghijk";
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
absl::Cord dest;
ArrayInputStream input(, source.size());
const void* buffer;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
input.BackUp(size - 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
absl::Cord expected(source);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
EXPECT_EQ("k", std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), size));
TEST(DefaultReadCordTest, ReadCordEof) {
std::string source = "abcdefghijk";
absl::Cord dest;
ArrayInputStream input(, source.size());
EXPECT_FALSE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size()));
absl::Cord expected(source);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest);
TEST(DefaultWriteCordTest, WriteEmptyCordToArray) {
absl::Cord source;
std::string buffer = "abc";
ArrayOutputStream output(&buffer[0], static_cast<int>(buffer.length()));
EXPECT_EQ(output.ByteCount(), source.size());
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, "abc");
TEST(DefaultWriteCordTest, WriteSmallCord) {
absl::Cord source("foo bar");
std::string buffer(source.size(), 'z');
ArrayOutputStream output(&buffer[0], static_cast<int>(buffer.length()));
EXPECT_EQ(output.ByteCount(), source.size());
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, source);
TEST(DefaultWriteCordTest, WriteLargeCord) {
absl::Cord source;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
source.Append("foo bar");
// Verify that we created a fragmented cord.
ASSERT_GT(std::distance(source.chunk_begin(), source.chunk_end()), 1);
std::string buffer(source.size(), 'z');
ArrayOutputStream output(&buffer[0], static_cast<int>(buffer.length()));
EXPECT_EQ(output.ByteCount(), source.size());
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, source);
TEST(DefaultWriteCordTest, WriteTooLargeCord) {
absl::Cord source;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
source.Append("foo bar");
std::string buffer(source.size() - 1, 'z');
ArrayOutputStream output(&buffer[0], static_cast<int>(buffer.length()));
EXPECT_EQ(output.ByteCount(), buffer.size());
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, source.Subcord(0, output.ByteCount()));
TEST(CordInputStreamTest, SkipToEnd) {
absl::Cord source(std::string(10000, 'z'));
CordInputStream stream(&source);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.ByteCount(), 10000);
TEST_F(IoTest, CordIo) {
CordOutputStream output;
int size = WriteStuff(&output);
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(size, cord.size());
CordInputStream input(&cord);
template <typename Container>
absl::Cord MakeFragmentedCord(const Container& c) {
absl::Cord result;
for (const auto& s : c) {
absl::string_view sv(s);
auto buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(sv.size());
absl::Span<char> out = buffer.available_up_to(sv.size());
memcpy(,, out.size());
return result;
// Test that we can read correctly from a fragmented Cord.
TEST_F(IoTest, FragmentedCordInput) {
std::string str;
StringOutputStream output(&str);
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
int block_size = kBlockSizes[i];
if (block_size < 0) {
// Skip the -1 case.
absl::string_view str_piece = str;
// Create a fragmented cord by splitting the input into many cord
// functions.
std::vector<absl::string_view> fragments;
while (!str_piece.empty()) {
size_t n = std::min<size_t>(str_piece.size(), block_size);
fragments.push_back(str_piece.substr(0, n));
absl::Cord fragmented_cord = MakeFragmentedCord(fragments);
CordInputStream input(&fragmented_cord);
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadSmallCord) {
absl::Cord source;
source.Append("foo bar");
absl::Cord dest;
CordInputStream input(&source);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Cord("oo ba"), dest);
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadSmallCordAfterBackUp) {
absl::Cord source;
source.Append("foo bar");
absl::Cord dest;
CordInputStream input(&source);
const void* buffer;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
input.BackUp(size - 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Cord("oo ba"), dest);
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadLargeCord) {
absl::Cord source;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
source.Append("foo bar");
absl::Cord dest;
CordInputStream input(&source);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
absl::Cord expected = source;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest);
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadLargeCordAfterBackUp) {
absl::Cord source;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
source.Append("foo bar");
absl::Cord dest;
CordInputStream input(&source);
const void* buffer;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
input.BackUp(size - 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2));
absl::Cord expected = source;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest);
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
EXPECT_EQ("r", std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), size));
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadCordEof) {
absl::Cord source;
source.Append("foo bar");
absl::Cord dest;
CordInputStream input(&source);
EXPECT_FALSE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size()));
absl::Cord expected = source;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest);
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, Empty) {
CordOutputStream output;
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, ConsumesCordClearingState) {
CordOutputStream output(absl::Cord("abcdef"));
EXPECT_EQ(output.Consume(), "abcdef");
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateEmptyCordBuffer) {
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
void* available_data =;
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(data, available_data);
EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int>(available.size()));
memset(data, 'a', static_cast<size_t>(size));
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'a'));
EXPECT_EQ(, available_data);
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonatePartialCordBuffer) {
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'a', 100);
void* available_data =;
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer));
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(100, 'a'));
EXPECT_EQ(, available_data);
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonatePartialCordBufferAndUseExtraCapacity) {
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'a', 100);
void* available_data =;
void* next_available_data = + 100;
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data);
EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int>(available.size() - 100));
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size));
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(100, 'a') +
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'b'));
EXPECT_EQ(, available_data);
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateCordAndPartialCordBufferAndUseExtraCapacity) {
absl::Cord cord(std::string(400, 'a'));
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'b', 100);
void* next_available_data = + 100;
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data);
EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int>(available.size() - 100));
memset(data, 'c', static_cast<size_t>(size));
cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(400, 'a') + std::string(100, 'b') +
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'c'));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateFullCordBuffer) {
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'a', available.size());
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size));
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(available.size(), 'a') +
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'b'));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateFullCordBufferAndCord) {
absl::Cord cord(std::string(400, 'a'));
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'b', available.size());
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
memset(data, 'c', static_cast<size_t>(size));
cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(400, 'a') +
std::string(available.size(), 'b') +
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'c'));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateFullCordBufferAndBackup) {
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'a', available.size());
// We back up by 100 before calling Next()
void* available_data =;
void* next_available_data = + available.size() - 100;
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data);
EXPECT_EQ(size, 100);
memset(data, 'b', 100);
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
std::string(available.size() - 100, 'a') + std::string(100, 'b'));
EXPECT_EQ(, available_data);
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateCordAndFullCordBufferAndBackup) {
absl::Cord cord(std::string(400, 'a'));
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500);
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available();
memset(, 'b', available.size());
// We back up by 100 before calling Next()
void* next_available_data = + available.size() - 100;
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), std::move(buffer));
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data);
EXPECT_EQ(size, 100);
memset(data, 'c', 100);
cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(400, 'a') +
std::string(available.size() - 100, 'b') +
std::string(100, 'c'));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, ProperHintCreatesSingleFlatCord) {
CordOutputStream output(2000);
void* data;
int size;
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 2000);
memset(data, 'a', 2000);
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(2000, 'a'));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, SizeHintDicatesTotalSize) {
absl::Cord cord(std::string(500, 'a'));
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), 2000);
void* data;
int size;
int remaining = 1500;
while (remaining > 0) {
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_LE(size, remaining);
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size));
remaining -= size;
ASSERT_EQ(remaining, 0);
cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(cord, absl::StrCat(std::string(500, 'a'), std::string(1500, 'b')));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, BackUpReusesPartialBuffer) {
CordOutputStream output(2000);
void* data;
int size;
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 2000);
memset(data, '1', 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1900);
memset(data, '2', 200);
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1700);
memset(data, '3', 400);
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1300);
memset(data, '4', 1300);
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(100, '1'), std::string(200, '2'),
std::string(400, '3'), std::string(1300, '4')));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, UsesPrivateCapacityInDonatedCord) {
absl::Cord cord;
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(2000);
memset(, 'a', 500);
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), 2000);
void* data;
int size;
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1500);
memset(data, 'b', 1500);
cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(500, 'a'), std::string(1500, 'b')));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, UsesPrivateCapacityInAppendedCord) {
absl::Cord cord;
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(2000);
memset(, 'a', 500);
CordOutputStream output(2000);
void* data;
int size;
// Add cord. Clearing it makes it privately owned by 'output' as it's non
// trivial size guarantees it is ref counted, not deep copied.
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1500);
memset(data, 'b', 1500);
cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(500, 'a'), std::string(1500, 'b')));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, CapsSizeAtHintButUsesCapacityBeyondHint) {
// This tests verifies that when we provide a hint of 'x' bytes, that the
// returned size from Next() will be capped at 'size_hint', but that if we
// exceed size_hint, it will use the capacity in any internal buffer beyond
// the size hint. We test this by providing a hint that is too large to be
// inlined, but so small that we have a guarantee it's smaller than the
// minimum flat size so we will have a 'capped' larger buffer as state.
size_t size_hint = sizeof(absl::Cord) + 1;
CordOutputStream output(size_hint);
void* data;
int size;
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
ASSERT_EQ(size, size_hint);
memset(data, 'a', static_cast<size_t>(size));
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size));
// We should have received the same buffer on each Next() call
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat();
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(size_hint, 'a'),
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'b')));
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, SizeDoublesWithoutHint) {
CordOutputStream output;
void* data;
int size;
// Whitebox: we are guaranteed at least 128 bytes initially. We also assume
// that the maximum size is roughly 4KiB - overhead without being precise.
int min_size = 128;
const int max_size = 4000;
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
memset(data, 0, static_cast<size_t>(size));
ASSERT_GE(size, min_size);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
memset(data, 0, static_cast<size_t>(size));
ASSERT_GE(size, min_size);
min_size = (std::min)(min_size * 2, max_size);
TEST_F(IoTest, WriteSmallCord) {
absl::Cord source;
source.Append("foo bar");
CordOutputStream output(absl::Cord("existing:"));
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Cord("existing:foo bar"), cord);
TEST_F(IoTest, WriteLargeCord) {
absl::Cord source;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
source.Append("foo bar");
CordOutputStream output(absl::Cord("existing:"));
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume();
absl::Cord expected = source;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, cord);
// Test that large size hints lead to large block sizes.
TEST_F(IoTest, CordOutputSizeHint) {
CordOutputStream output1;
CordOutputStream output2(12345);
void* data1;
void* data2;
int size1, size2;
ASSERT_TRUE(output1.Next(&data1, &size1));
ASSERT_TRUE(output2.Next(&data2, &size2));
// Prevent 'unflushed output' debug checks and warnings
EXPECT_GT(size2, size1);
// Prevent any warnings on unused or unflushed data
// Test that when we use a size hint, we get a buffer boundary exactly on that
// byte.
TEST_F(IoTest, CordOutputBufferEndsAtSizeHint) {
static const int kSizeHint = 12345;
CordOutputStream output(kSizeHint);
void* data;
int size;
int total_read = 0;
while (total_read < kSizeHint) {
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
memset(data, 0, static_cast<size_t>(size)); // Avoid uninitialized data UB
total_read += size;
EXPECT_EQ(kSizeHint, total_read);
// We should be able to keep going past the size hint.
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_GT(size, 0);
// Prevent any warnings on unused or unflushed data
// To test files, we create a temporary file, write, read, truncate, repeat.
TEST_F(IoTest, FileIo) {
std::string filename =
absl::StrCat(::testing::TempDir(), "/zero_copy_stream_test_file");
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
// Make a temporary file.
int file =
open(filename.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0777);
ASSERT_GE(file, 0);
FileOutputStream output(file, kBlockSizes[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, output.GetErrno());
// Rewind.
ASSERT_NE(lseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET), (off_t)-1);
FileInputStream input(file, kBlockSizes[j]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, input.GetErrno());
#ifndef _WIN32
// This tests the FileInputStream with a non blocking file. It opens a pipe in
// non blocking mode, then starts reading it. The writing thread starts writing
// 100ms after that.
TEST_F(IoTest, NonBlockingFileIo) {
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
int fd[2];
// On Linux we could use pipe2 to make the pipe non-blocking in one step,
// but we instead use pipe and fcntl because pipe2 is not available on
// Mac OS.
ASSERT_EQ(pipe(fd), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(fcntl(fd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(fcntl(fd[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK), 0);
std::mutex go_write;
bool done_reading = false;
std::thread write_thread([this, fd, &go_write, i]() {
FileOutputStream output(fd[1], kBlockSizes[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, output.GetErrno());
std::thread read_thread([this, fd, &done_reading, j]() {
FileInputStream input(fd[0], kBlockSizes[j]);
ReadStuff(&input, false /* read_eof */);
done_reading = true;
EXPECT_EQ(0, input.GetErrno());
// Sleeping is not necessary but makes the next expectation relevant: the
// reading thread waits for the data to be available before returning.
TEST_F(IoTest, BlockingFileIoWithTimeout) {
int fd[2];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd), 0);
struct timeval tv {
.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 5000
ASSERT_EQ(setsockopt(fd[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv)), 0);
FileInputStream input(fd[0], kBlockSizes[i]);
uint8_t byte;
EXPECT_EQ(ReadFromInput(&input, &byte, 1), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(EAGAIN, input.GetErrno());
TEST_F(IoTest, GzipFileIo) {
std::string filename =
absl::StrCat(::testing::TempDir(), "/zero_copy_stream_test_file");
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
// Make a temporary file.
int file =
open(filename.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0777);
ASSERT_GE(file, 0);
FileOutputStream output(file, kBlockSizes[i]);
GzipOutputStream gzout(&output);
EXPECT_EQ(0, output.GetErrno());
// Rewind.
ASSERT_NE(lseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET), (off_t)-1);
FileInputStream input(file, kBlockSizes[j]);
GzipInputStream gzin(&input);
EXPECT_EQ(0, input.GetErrno());
// MSVC raises various debugging exceptions if we try to use a file
// descriptor of -1, defeating our tests below. This class will disable
// these debug assertions while in scope.
class MsvcDebugDisabler {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
MsvcDebugDisabler() {
old_handler_ = _set_invalid_parameter_handler(MyHandler);
old_mode_ = _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, 0);
~MsvcDebugDisabler() {
old_handler_ = _set_invalid_parameter_handler(old_handler_);
old_mode_ = _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, old_mode_);
static void MyHandler(const wchar_t* expr, const wchar_t* func,
const wchar_t* file, unsigned int line,
uintptr_t pReserved) {
// do nothing
_invalid_parameter_handler old_handler_;
int old_mode_;
// Dummy constructor and destructor to ensure that GCC doesn't complain
// that debug_disabler is an unused variable.
MsvcDebugDisabler() {}
~MsvcDebugDisabler() {}
// Test that FileInputStreams report errors correctly.
TEST_F(IoTest, FileReadError) {
MsvcDebugDisabler debug_disabler;
// -1 = invalid file descriptor.
FileInputStream input(-1);
const void* buffer;
int size;
EXPECT_FALSE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, input.GetErrno());
// Test that FileOutputStreams report errors correctly.
TEST_F(IoTest, FileWriteError) {
MsvcDebugDisabler debug_disabler;
// -1 = invalid file descriptor.
FileOutputStream input(-1);
void* buffer;
int size;
// The first call to Next() succeeds because it doesn't have anything to
// write yet.
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
// Second call fails.
EXPECT_FALSE(input.Next(&buffer, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, input.GetErrno());
// Pipes are not seekable, so File{Input,Output}Stream ends up doing some
// different things to handle them. We'll test by writing to a pipe and
// reading back from it.
TEST_F(IoTest, PipeIo) {
int files[2];
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
// Need to create a new pipe each time because ReadStuff() expects
// to see EOF at the end.
ASSERT_EQ(pipe(files), 0);
FileOutputStream output(files[1], kBlockSizes[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, output.GetErrno());
close(files[1]); // Send EOF.
FileInputStream input(files[0], kBlockSizes[j]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, input.GetErrno());
// Test using C++ iostreams.
TEST_F(IoTest, IostreamIo) {
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kBlockSizeCount; j++) {
std::stringstream stream;
OstreamOutputStream output(&stream, kBlockSizes[i]);
IstreamInputStream input(&stream, kBlockSizes[j]);
std::stringstream stream;
OstreamOutputStream output(&stream, kBlockSizes[i]);
IstreamInputStream input(&stream, kBlockSizes[j]);
// To test ConcatenatingInputStream, we create several ArrayInputStreams
// covering a buffer and then concatenate them.
TEST_F(IoTest, ConcatenatingInputStream) {
const int kBufferSize = 256;
uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize];
// Fill the buffer.
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize);
// Now split it up into multiple streams of varying sizes.
ASSERT_EQ(68, output.ByteCount()); // Test depends on this.
ArrayInputStream input1(buffer, 12);
ArrayInputStream input2(buffer + 12, 7);
ArrayInputStream input3(buffer + 19, 6);
ArrayInputStream input4(buffer + 25, 15);
ArrayInputStream input5(buffer + 40, 0);
// Note: We want to make sure we have a stream boundary somewhere between
// bytes 42 and 62, which is the range that it Skip()ed by ReadStuff(). This
// tests that a bug that existed in the original code for Skip() is fixed.
ArrayInputStream input6(buffer + 40, 10);
ArrayInputStream input7(buffer + 50, 18); // Total = 68 bytes.
ZeroCopyInputStream* streams[] = {&input1, &input2, &input3, &input4,
&input5, &input6, &input7};
// Create the concatenating stream and read.
ConcatenatingInputStream input(streams, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(streams));
// To test LimitingInputStream, we write our golden text to a buffer, then
// create an ArrayInputStream that contains the whole buffer (not just the
// bytes written), then use a LimitingInputStream to limit it just to the
// bytes written.
TEST_F(IoTest, LimitingInputStream) {
const int kBufferSize = 256;
uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize];
// Fill the buffer.
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer, kBufferSize);
// Set up input.
ArrayInputStream array_input(buffer, kBufferSize);
LimitingInputStream input(&array_input, output.ByteCount());
// Checks that ByteCount works correctly for LimitingInputStreams where the
// underlying stream has already been read.
TEST_F(IoTest, LimitingInputStreamByteCount) {
const int kHalfBufferSize = 128;
const int kBufferSize = kHalfBufferSize * 2;
uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize] = {};
// Set up input. Only allow half to be read at once.
ArrayInputStream array_input(buffer, kBufferSize, kHalfBufferSize);
const void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_TRUE(array_input.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(kHalfBufferSize, array_input.ByteCount());
// kHalfBufferSize - 1 to test limiting logic as well.
LimitingInputStream input(&array_input, kHalfBufferSize - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(0, input.ByteCount());
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&data, &size));
EXPECT_EQ(kHalfBufferSize - 1, input.ByteCount());
// Check that a zero-size array doesn't confuse the code.
TEST(ZeroSizeArray, Input) {
ArrayInputStream input(nullptr, 0);
const void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_FALSE(input.Next(&data, &size));
TEST(ZeroSizeArray, Output) {
ArrayOutputStream output(nullptr, 0);
void* data;
int size;
EXPECT_FALSE(output.Next(&data, &size));
} // namespace
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"