blob: ba4139f8b7e88a0b2ee6e536bfd43eac4423c749 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/strtod.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_sink.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/status_macros.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace json_internal {
struct WriterOptions {
// Whether to add spaces, line breaks and indentation to make the JSON output
// easy to read.
bool add_whitespace = false;
// Whether to always print fields which do not support presence if they would
// otherwise be omitted, namely:
// - Implicit presence fields set to their 0 value
// - Empty lists and maps
bool always_print_fields_with_no_presence = false;
// Whether to always print enums as ints. By default they are rendered as
// strings.
bool always_print_enums_as_ints = false;
// Whether to preserve proto field names
bool preserve_proto_field_names = false;
// If set, int64 values that can be represented exactly as a double are
// printed without quotes.
bool unquote_int64_if_possible = false;
// The original parser used by json_util2 accepted a number of non-standard
// options. Setting this flag enables them.
// What those extensions were is explicitly not documented, beyond what exists
// in the unit tests; we intend to remove this setting eventually. See
// b/234868512.
bool allow_legacy_syntax = false;
template <typename Tuple, typename F, size_t... i>
void EachInner(const Tuple& value, F f, std::index_sequence<i...>) {
int ignored[] = {
(f(std::get<i>(value)), 0)...}; // NOLINT(readability/braces)
// Executes f on each element of value.
template <typename Tuple, typename F>
void Each(const Tuple& value, F f) {
EachInner(value, f,
// See JsonWriter::Write().
template <typename... T>
struct Quoted {
std::tuple<T...> value;
// Because this is not C++17 yet, we cannot add a deduction guide.
template <typename... T>
static Quoted<T...> MakeQuoted(T... t) {
return Quoted<T...>{std::make_tuple(t...)};
class JsonWriter {
JsonWriter(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* out, WriterOptions options)
: sink_(out), options_(options) {}
const WriterOptions& options() const { return options_; }
void Push() { ++indent_; }
void Pop() { --indent_; }
// The many overloads of Write() will write a value to the underlying stream.
// Some values may want to be quoted; the Quoted<> type will automatically add
// quotes and escape sequences.
// Note that Write() is not implemented for 64-bit integers, since they
// cannot be crisply represented without quotes; use MakeQuoted for that.
void Write(absl::string_view str) { sink_.Append(, str.size()); }
void Write(char c) { sink_.Append(&c, 1); }
// The precision on this and the following function are completely made-up,
// in an attempt to match the behavior of the ESF parser.
void Write(double val) {
if (!MaybeWriteSpecialFp(val)) {
void Write(float val) {
if (!MaybeWriteSpecialFp(val)) {
void Write(int32_t val) {
char buf[22];
int len = absl::SNPrintF(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val);
absl::string_view view(buf, static_cast<size_t>(len));
void Write(uint32_t val) {
char buf[22];
int len = absl::SNPrintF(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val);
absl::string_view view(buf, static_cast<size_t>(len));
void Write(int64_t val) {
char buf[22];
int len = absl::SNPrintF(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val);
absl::string_view view(buf, static_cast<size_t>(len));
void Write(uint64_t val) {
char buf[22];
int len = absl::SNPrintF(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val);
absl::string_view view(buf, static_cast<size_t>(len));
template <typename... Ts>
void Write(Quoted<Ts...> val) {
Each(val.value, [this](auto x) { this->WriteQuoted(x); });
template <typename... Ts>
auto Write(Ts... args) ->
// This bit of SFINAE avoids this function being called with one argument,
// so the other overloads of Write() can be picked up instead.
typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Ts) != 1, void>::type {
Each(std::make_tuple(args...), [this](auto x) { this->Write(x); });
void Whitespace(absl::string_view ws) {
if (options_.add_whitespace) {
void NewLine() {
for (int i = 0; i < indent_; ++i) {
Whitespace(" ");
void WriteComma(bool& is_first) {
if (is_first) {
is_first = false;
void WriteBase64(absl::string_view str);
// Returns a buffer that can be re-used throughout a writing session as
// variable-length scratch space.
std::string& ScratchBuf() { return scratch_buf_; }
template <typename T>
void WriteQuoted(T val) {
void WriteQuoted(absl::string_view val) { WriteEscapedUtf8(val); }
// Tries to write a non-finite double if necessary; returns false if
// nothing was written.
bool MaybeWriteSpecialFp(double val);
void WriteEscapedUtf8(absl::string_view str);
void WriteUEscape(uint16_t val);
io::zc_sink_internal::ZeroCopyStreamByteSink sink_;
WriterOptions options_;
int indent_ = 0;
std::string scratch_buf_;
} // namespace json_internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"