blob: c025a2a5a836d9d72cc83f081ca4dee99fe9f172 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Utility functions to convert between protobuf binary format and proto3 JSON
// format.
#include <string>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/util/type_resolver.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace json {
struct ParseOptions {
// Whether to ignore unknown JSON fields during parsing
bool ignore_unknown_fields = false;
// If true, when a lowercase enum value fails to parse, try convert it to
// UPPER_CASE and see if it matches a valid enum.
// WARNING: This option exists only to preserve legacy behavior. Avoid using
// this option. If your enum needs to support different casing, consider using
// allow_alias instead.
bool case_insensitive_enum_parsing = false;
struct PrintOptions {
// Whether to add spaces, line breaks and indentation to make the JSON output
// easy to read.
bool add_whitespace = false;
// Whether to always print fields which do not support presence if they would
// otherwise be omitted, namely:
// - Implicit presence fields set to their 0 value
// - Empty lists and maps
bool always_print_fields_with_no_presence = false;
// Whether to always print enums as ints. By default they are rendered as
// strings.
bool always_print_enums_as_ints = false;
// Whether to preserve proto field names
bool preserve_proto_field_names = false;
// If set, int64 values that can be represented exactly as a double are
// printed without quotes.
bool unquote_int64_if_possible = false;
// Converts from protobuf message to JSON and appends it to |output|. This is a
// simple wrapper of BinaryToJsonString(). It will use the DescriptorPool of the
// passed-in message to resolve Any types.
// Please note that non-OK statuses are not a stable output of this API and
// subject to change without notice.
PROTOBUF_EXPORT absl::Status MessageToJsonString(const Message& message,
std::string* output,
const PrintOptions& options);
inline absl::Status MessageToJsonString(const Message& message,
std::string* output) {
return MessageToJsonString(message, output, PrintOptions());
// Converts from JSON to protobuf message. This works equivalently to
// JsonToBinaryStream(). It will use the DescriptorPool of the passed-in
// message to resolve Any types.
// Please note that non-OK statuses are not a stable output of this API and
// subject to change without notice.
PROTOBUF_EXPORT absl::Status JsonStringToMessage(absl::string_view input,
Message* message,
const ParseOptions& options);
inline absl::Status JsonStringToMessage(absl::string_view input,
Message* message) {
return JsonStringToMessage(input, message, ParseOptions());
// Converts protobuf binary data to JSON.
// The conversion will fail if:
// 1. TypeResolver fails to resolve a type.
// 2. input is not valid protobuf wire format, or conflicts with the type
// information returned by TypeResolver.
// Note that unknown fields will be discarded silently.
// Please note that non-OK statuses are not a stable output of this API and
// subject to change without notice.
PROTOBUF_EXPORT absl::Status BinaryToJsonStream(
google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver, const std::string& type_url,
io::ZeroCopyInputStream* binary_input,
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* json_output, const PrintOptions& options);
inline absl::Status BinaryToJsonStream(google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver,
const std::string& type_url,
io::ZeroCopyInputStream* binary_input,
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* json_output) {
return BinaryToJsonStream(resolver, type_url, binary_input, json_output,
PROTOBUF_EXPORT absl::Status BinaryToJsonString(
google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver, const std::string& type_url,
const std::string& binary_input, std::string* json_output,
const PrintOptions& options);
inline absl::Status BinaryToJsonString(google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver,
const std::string& type_url,
const std::string& binary_input,
std::string* json_output) {
return BinaryToJsonString(resolver, type_url, binary_input, json_output,
// Converts JSON data to protobuf binary format.
// The conversion will fail if:
// 1. TypeResolver fails to resolve a type.
// 2. input is not valid JSON format, or conflicts with the type
// information returned by TypeResolver.
// Please note that non-OK statuses are not a stable output of this API and
// subject to change without notice.
PROTOBUF_EXPORT absl::Status JsonToBinaryStream(
google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver, const std::string& type_url,
io::ZeroCopyInputStream* json_input,
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* binary_output, const ParseOptions& options);
inline absl::Status JsonToBinaryStream(
google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver, const std::string& type_url,
io::ZeroCopyInputStream* json_input,
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* binary_output) {
return JsonToBinaryStream(resolver, type_url, json_input, binary_output,
PROTOBUF_EXPORT absl::Status JsonToBinaryString(
google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver, const std::string& type_url,
absl::string_view json_input, std::string* binary_output,
const ParseOptions& options);
inline absl::Status JsonToBinaryString(google::protobuf::util::TypeResolver* resolver,
const std::string& type_url,
absl::string_view json_input,
std::string* binary_output) {
return JsonToBinaryString(resolver, type_url, json_input, binary_output,
} // namespace json
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"